Chapter 548 Centennial Shandong (XIV)
half year later

Autumn of the second year of Yan State 340 (552)
Leling County

Leling County

After half a year of preparation, Yan's army landed in Shandong again.

Hundreds of ships were moored on the sea, and a large amount of weapons and equipment were unloaded on the shore, especially the gunpowder used to blow open the city gate, and a large amount was prepared.

Since Yan State has a large number of volcanoes overseas, there is no shortage of raw materials for gunpowder, and the cost of making gunpowder is much lower than that in the Central Plains.

Another important reason for specially choosing to land in autumn is to harvest grain by the way and rob the grain that has just been stored in the granary.

Selling only luxury goods and non-essential daily necessities has been the trade strategy of Yan State for hundreds of years. Except for some special circumstances where money is very scarce, Yan State hardly sells food to the outside world.

Even if the excess grain is used to feed livestock, it will not be sold to the Central Plains where there is a shortage of grain. This is the consensus of all the nobles of the Yan Kingdom.

Even the merchants of Yan State, who have a bit of conscience, will not sell grain to the Central Plains for the sake of Yan State's grand strategy. Only some unscrupulous Yan State merchants will take the risk of beheading and smuggle grain to the Central Plains.

The country of Yan is reluctant to sell even grain, and those technologies are even more impossible to sell. In the past, when the Wang family first started to develop, they lacked start-up funds and were willing to sell some technologies in exchange for funds.

Now?Don't even think about it!
Just an iron pot technology has been stuck in the neck of the Central Plains for 400 years.

When Yan State wanted to sell it, the rulers of the Central Plains refused to buy it. When they want to buy it now, Yan State no longer lacks money and does not want to sell it anymore.

The technology of iron pot seems simple, isn't it just to make an iron pot for cooking, but in fact it has a lot of technical content.

Behind this represents the iron smelting technology, which indicates that the iron smelting in Yan State is more mature than that in the Central Plains.

As soon as they landed, a local gentry in Shandong sent their family children to lead the way.

"My father has prepared food, wine and beauties for the generals, please come with me." The gentry boy who led the way was very enthusiastic. It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with Qi Guo's recent anti-corruption actions.

In recent years, Gao Yang has vigorously punished corruption and rectified the administration of officials in the state of Qi, making it difficult for officials to live. Therefore, more and more officials of the state of Qi, after they made a lot of money, went to the state of Yan with the money they earned, and made indelible contributions to the growth of the wealth of the state of Yan.

The more Gao Yang fights against corruption, the more economically prosperous the country of Yan will be.

These corrupt officials of the Qi State also brought all kinds of concubines they raised to the State of Yan when they ran away, so as to increase the population resources of the State of Yan.

In addition, they also brought all kinds of information from Qi to Yan, which made Yan understand the Central Plains better.

By providing political asylum to noble families and corrupt officials in the Central Plains, Yan State made a lot of money.

There is even a very popular saying in the official circles of Qi State: Be greedy hard, don't show mercy, catch the model, and enjoy the blessings!

Gao Yang and Xiao Yan's dissatisfaction was naturally aroused by Yan's behavior of hiding filth, but it was obvious that Yan State didn't care about their dissatisfaction, but blatantly regarded hiding filth as an important way to increase fiscal revenue.

"It's work."

The commander of the Yan Army personally returned the gift to the son of the Shandong gentry, and then led the soldiers of the Yan Army towards Leling City.

The prefect of Leling City had been killed by the Leling gentry, and the county magistrate stood at the gate of the city with a group of officials, respectfully welcoming the army of Yan State into the city.

The officials of Leling City are capturing commoner women in the city, and they are going to give these women to the Yan army as gifts.

This is an order from the nobles and county magistrates of Leling. They are well-dressed and well-dressed men who understand etiquette. Now that the friendly army is going ashore, it is natural to have hospitality.


At the beginning, Jiehu Shile defeated the Jin Dynasty's tens of thousands of troops with only 300 people, and Xuchang gave up without a fight.

Therefore, Yan Ji believed that 6000 people would be enough to recover Shandong Road, and let his eldest son Yan Xu be the coach.

Yan Xu has just turned 20 years old and is in the prime of youth.

The people in the city were driven to sleep on the street, and the houses were occupied by soldiers of the army of Yan.

The granary was opened and became the food and grass for the Yan army.

More than 100 young and beautiful girls specially selected were imprisoned in the inn and allowed to be enjoyed by officers and soldiers.

The vast majority of women, together with the men, will be loaded onto ships, transported to Yandu, sold to various nobles and guilds, and finally transported to overseas plantations to open up wasteland.

Yan Xu is from aristocratic background, so naturally he doesn't like women in the city, even if they are the top brothels, they are too low-level for him.

If he had fun with such a woman, it would really tarnish his noble status, so he was only discussing interesting things about the Central Plains with other generals and the Leling nobles in the noble manor, and had no idea of ​​enjoying the women in the city.

"The State of Qi persecutes Zhongliang in the opposite direction. Naturally, the State of Yan cannot just sit idly by. The purpose of coming here this time is to save the Central Plains!"

Yan Xu called those corrupt officials in the Central Plains attacked by Gao Yang "Zhongliang", and those Shandong gentry at both ends of the head rat called "Strength of Strength", and claimed to provide them with asylum and eradicate the perverse tyrant Gao Yang for them.

"The world is chaotic, and the virtuous live here. I watch the sky at night, and when there is purple air coming from the east, I know that there are saints coming from the east." The Patriarch of the Leling noble family praised Yan Xu: "After seeing the general, I will know what a virtuous person is. It is in line with the astronomical phenomenon that the purple air came from the east last night."

Leling scholars respected Yan Xu as a saint, and sent him various praises.

"Qi's false emperor, Gao Yang, is now personally conquering Luoyang and fighting Liang. Why doesn't the general take this opportunity to take control of the Central Plains? If your country is willing to take control of the Central Plains, we are all willing to eat pots of milk to welcome the king's teacher!" Some scholars began to persuade Yan Xu to plan the entire Central Plains, so that they could play the role of a dragon.

Naturally, Yan Xu saw through the thoughts of these gentry. If the Yan State really went all out to attack the Central Plains, if they succeeded, they would be heroes from the dragon.

So he just smiled: "The time has not come, gentlemen, don't be impatient."

Our country of Yan came here to take advantage of the turmoil in the Central Plains. We want to let us fight Gao Yang to the death, and then let you fisherman benefit and become a hero?Think beautifully!

We are here to make money, not to work hard, how can we make money by working hard?are you crazy?

Chatting and chatting, Yan Xu discussed the recent major events in the world with a group of generals.

For example, the Central Plains War was devastated, with massacres, famines, and plagues everywhere.

The Turkic people in the grassland asked Rouran for the princess, but Rouran refused. The Turkic Khan was furious and declared war on Rouran.

The Khitan united with Kumoxi, and once again went south to plunder the counties and counties of Youzhou in the Qi State, and most of the people they plundered were sold to the State of Yan.

The king of Goguryeo died of illness not long ago, and passed the throne to his young son, so his younger brother took the opportunity to launch a rebellion and seized the throne. Now Goguryeo is also in civil strife, and Goguryeo nobles also choose sides.

(End of this chapter)

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