Chapter 230 Dutian Case Comparison ([-])

Hundreds of Wuhuan cavalry entered a gentry manor, and more than 100 poor gentry servants were struggling to resist.

The gentry in this era does not distinguish between civil and military. The gentry must not only learn etiquette knowledge, but also learn various combat knowledge and exercise their bodies.

More than a dozen gentry children wearing armor and riding horses rushed towards the Wuhuan cavalry fearlessly.


These dozen or so gentry disciples were surrounded by the Wuhuan cavalry in an instant like a mantis holding a chariot.

"Liu Xiu! Liu Xiu!!!"

The owner of the manor looked angrily and desperately at the tragic situation in his manor, watched his family members being slaughtered, and watched several Wuhuan people grabbing his own granddaughter and tearing her silk clothes to humiliate her .

He raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, then drew his sword and killed himself!
laugh! ——

Boiling blood spurted out, warming the icy air.

Wang Bian rode his horse into the manor with the posture of a conqueror, and looked at the tragedy in the manor indifferently. The hooves of his horse trampled on the back of a son of a noble family who had just been killed.

This son of a gentry family had just been prosecuted for Xiaolian not long ago, and was about to take up the post of county magistrate, but because his family participated in the rebellion, he ended his brilliant life that he might have in the future.

Wang Bian is not interested in the wealth and population of the manor, but the ancestral books in the manor that she is most interested in.

"Search! Every corner must be searched carefully, no one can be left alive, and everyone in the manor will be killed!"

In order to prevent revenge plots such as "Zhao's Orphan", Wang Bian wanted to kill the manor so that not even a fly was left.

The daughters in the manor were rewarded by Wang Bian as toys for the Han riders, and the maids were rewarded by Wang Bian as toys for the Wuhuan soldiers to encourage them to make persistent efforts and increase their loyalty to the Wang family.

Yes, loyalty to the royal family, not to the court.

The soldiers found hundreds of books in the manor, but most of the books overlapped with the Wang family, that is, the Wang family had these books for a long time, and they copied these books by hand, but there were also [-] books that belonged to the Wang family. Never collected it before.

To her surprise, among the fifteen books that she had never seen before, only four were Confucian classics, and there were actually nine medical classics and two agricultural classics.

Undoubtedly, the Wang family's favorite book is the classics of doctors, as can be seen from the fact that the Wang family purchased doctors at a high price and arranged for them to go overseas to conduct human experiments on Japanese people.

A large number of living Japanese people were dissected by the team of doctors of the Wang family. The doctors studied the internal organs of the Japanese people and observed the reactions of the Japanese people, and thus obtained a series of experimental data. According to these experimental data, the medical level of the Wang family has been continuously improved. The level of medical care is higher.

In order to understand the principle and dosage of poisonous wine poisoning people, the team of Wang family doctors conducted a controlled experiment, feeding poisonous wine mixed with water to dozens of Japanese people to drink.

Observe how long the Japanese people can last before they die after drinking different doses of poisonous wine.

In order to understand the specific process of food turning into feces, the team of Wang family doctors dissected the living Japanese people, cut open their stomachs, stomachs and intestines, and then fed them food to observe how the food was digested in the stomach.

In order to reduce the probability of dystocia and death of Wang's women during childbirth, the team of Wang's doctors specially captured hundreds of Japanese girls, then made them pregnant, and finally dissected these Japanese pregnant women to observe the specific process of their childbirth and the formation of baby embryos , so as to collect corresponding data. Through these data, doctors of the Wang family can learn more about women's pregnancy, and can better understand how to reduce the probability of dystocia.

In order to better understand what the plague is, the Wang family specially bought more than a dozen plague-infected patients from the Central Plains, and then locked these plague-infected Han people on an uninhabited desert island, and captured hundreds of people who were not infected with the plague. Let them live on the same deserted island, and observe the time, symptoms, and reactions of their infection with the plague, so as to obtain many important medical data.

In order to understand the differences in physical fitness between different races, the Wang family deliberately arrested hundreds of Han people, Sanhan people, Wuhuan people, Xiongnu people, Japanese people, Xianbei people, Yue people, etc., and put them in different areas. , Including forests, deserts, plains, and snowy areas, let them fend for themselves, so as to observe the endurance, physical fitness, resistance, etc. of different races in different regions.

All of the above are manifestations of the Wang family's emphasis on medicine.

Therefore, sending troops to the Central Plains this time is not only as simple as standing in line with the emperor Liu Xiu, but also robbing the precious ancestral books of the gentry, thereby increasing the cultural knowledge reserve of the royal family.

"Don't kill me, woo-woo--" a ragged lady from the noble family was crying, she was insulted by the soldiers just now.

"Can't you hear me?" Seeing that there were still people alive in the manor, Wang Bian coldly reprimanded the soldiers who were stroking the girl.

"General, can you keep her? I don't have a daughter-in-law, I want to take her home...ah!——"

The soldier reminisced about the comfort just now, and was reluctant to kill the lady of the noble family. He was stabbed to death by Wang Jian's sword just halfway through his speech.

"Remember! You are soldiers, as long as you follow my military orders, you will do what I say, don't make excuses for me! Soldiers, you must obey orders!" Wang Bian didn't care about these soldiers burning, killing and looting, but very Care about them not obeying their military orders.

When you are told to rob, you must rob, and when you are told to stop, you must stop. To comply with orders and prohibitions, you must not take the orders of your superiors seriously.

Such an unorganized and undisciplined army can easily become a mob and collapse if it fights a tough battle.

"I said, no one is left alive in the manor, but how do you do it? You want to take it home when you're done having fun? Isn't the captain's military order a joke in your eyes?"

"The captain of the school has clear rewards and punishments. If you have meritorious service, you must be rewarded, and if you have done something wrong, you must be punished!"

"As long as you obey my military orders, fight hard and make military achievements, I will naturally make you rich and prosperous."

"But if someone wants to steal and play tricks, thinking that they can get promoted and make a fortune with me through the back door, then I will make you a hard worker for the rest of your life!"

Among these soldiers, some officers are related households stuffed in by the tyrants, and they come here to fool around.

But Wang Bian would not give other tyrants any face, so he came to me through the back door, ha ha!

Wang Bian wanted to train this army to be an army with extremely strong combat effectiveness that was only loyal to her Wang Bian and not to the imperial court.

The soldiers did not expect their female general to be so strict and ruthless, she did not hesitate to kill the soldiers who disobeyed the military order.

But Wang Bian has clear rewards and punishments. As long as the soldiers who fight for her seriously can get rewards, they can even achieve class leapfrogging. Therefore, although Wang Bian has strict military laws, the soldiers have no complaints.

When Wang Bian wiped out the powerful nobles who participated in the rebellion here.

Wars broke out everywhere in the whole world. Many tyrants who had remained neutral and waited on the sidelines, under the imperial court's conspiracy of "fighting the tyrants with the tyrants", raised their troops to wipe out the nearby tyrants who participated in the rebellion.

The mighty and powerful rebel army, which was originally powerful, was killed and defeated in an instant a few months after the court announced the new policy.

The imperial court didn't even dispatch a large army to quell the rebellion, but simply issued a new policy announcement to the counties and counties, which easily quelled the huge rebellion.

Although Queen Guo Shengtong's family did not directly participate in the rebellion, they secretly provided weapons and information to those powerful families that participated in the rebellion. Therefore, Queen Guo Shengtong was deposed as queen, and Yin Lihua, the representative of Nanyang Haoqiang, was canonized as queen. Liu Xiulai single-handedly used Nanyang The tyrants restrained the Hebei tyrants, making them fight each other, unable to unite against the imperial power.

This time the Central Plains tyrants rebelled, and the imperial power won, because the imperial power successfully suppressed the most powerful Central Plains tyrants, especially the Hebei tyrants, and counted more than half of the population of the Central Plains tyrants to the imperial court, making the imperial court's statistical population from 1000 million in an instant increased to twenty-one million.

But the tyrants also won, because except for the rebellious Hebei tyrants and the other Central Plains tyrants who cooperated with the Hebei tyrants, the rest of the tyrants were behind to "set things right" and stood in line with the imperial power in time, so that they didn't have to be tracked down. Continue to hide the population of his fields openly and become the emperor of the land.

This is a win-win situation!
The imperial power won, and so did the powerful!


There are endless debates in the historian circles about whether Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty compromised in the Dutian incident.

A group of historians who hold the view that Liu Xiu did not compromise with the powerful believe that Liu Xiu killed many prefects and county magistrates who colluded with the powerful, killed some heroes who participated in the rebellion, and moved the Guo family of Queen Guo Shengtong who indirectly participated in the rebellion to Yangzhou Tuntian Land reclamation, Guo Shengtong's queen position was also deposed, and even Da Situ, one of the three princes, was killed, and many big families were also relocated to open up wasteland. If this is a compromise, then our standard for "non-compromise" is too high Bar.

The faction that held the view that Liu Xiu compromised with the tyrants believed that Liu Xiu only killed the officials who colluded with the tyrants, and for the tyrants who directly participated in the rebellion, only their patriarchs were killed, and only Julu County was really wiped out. Just a few of them.Moreover, although Liu Xiu deposed the Queen Guo Shengtong, represented by the Hebei tycoons, he conferred the title of Queen Yin Lihua, represented by the Nanyang tyrants.The most frightening thing is that Liu Xiu let go of those powerful families who took the initiative to stand in line with the imperial power, and did not go to investigate the population of those powerful families who stood in line with the imperial power. Isn't this considered Liu Xiu's compromise with the powerful?

————— "Development and Evolution of Aristocratic Families Eastern Han Dynasty" Author: Wang Mu
(End of this chapter)

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