Chapter 229 Dutian Case Comparison ([-])

Three months later

"Good news, everyone, good news!"

Zhang Yuliang handed over the latest official documents released by the imperial court to the other three people to read, and laughed loudly: "The latest policy of the imperial court, as long as the rebel tyrants are wiped out, you don't have to check the population per mu of land, and pay taxes directly according to the population per mu of land during the Ping Emperor period. .”

The other three people also looked at the official document one after another, and then all showed relaxed smiles.

"Fortunately, we didn't have any impulsiveness. Look, isn't the turning point here?" Wang Yan smiled and said, "It can keep the population of the fields without being wiped out by the court. It's the best of both worlds!"

"But if we do this, what will other tyrants think?" Li Chengyou was a little worried.

"Those who don't do this must have gone to Huangquan to discuss the scriptures with the two sages of Confucius and Mencius. Those who can survive must have done this. Since everyone has done this, who will say that we are not in Liaodong alone? What about it?" Wang Bian analyzed.

"But in case the other tyrants unite and really overthrow the imperial court, if we stand in line with the imperial court, wouldn't it be settled by the Hebei tyrants?" Li Chengyou worried that the Hebei tyrants would be able to defeat the imperial court.

"Unity? Hehe... Will your tenant farmers unite to overthrow you?" Wang Bian retorted with a sneer.

She doesn't want to believe that the human species can understand unity.

Unity is the most difficult thing. Conquering the world is easy, but uniting others is difficult.

The same species is divided into different national civilizations, the same civilization is divided into different nations, the same nation is divided into different classes, and the same class is divided into different regions. They are also divided into different families. The same family is divided into direct lineage and collateral lineage. The same direct lineage is divided into direct lineage and concubine lineage. Seniors and juniors are superior and inferior, and the same age has to be divided into who is more virtuous, infinite dolls, and infinite divisions.

If human beings could really unite, there would be no Han-Hungarian wars.

Different civilizations fight each other, different countries and nationalities within the same civilization also fight, different regional factions within the same nation also fight, and so on.

Unity is easy to say, but harder in practice than the Datong society of the two sages of Confucius and Mencius.

"I've only seen tyrants one by one, but I haven't seen a monolithic group of tyrants. I've only seen individual people, and I haven't seen any united masses of people." Wang Bian analyzed the other three.

The four ethnic groups in Liaodong are also united because they have common interests and have been married for hundreds of years.

Moreover, there are only four families in the Liaodong four families, and the difficulty of unity is relatively low.

The more forces there are, and the more goals to unite with, the more difficult it will be to unite.

It's easy to unite a person, just convince him.

But to unite ten people, the difficulty is greatly increased, and it needs to be eloquent.

If it is to unite 1 people, then it cannot be persuaded by lip service, it needs to be seduced by interests.

And if it is to unite hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, it must be people with extraordinary abilities and the right timing.

If it is to unite tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people?Hehe... Sorry, I have never seen Wang Bian. There are still people who can do this in today's world. Even the two saints of Confucius and Mencius, who are praised by scholars all over the world, can't do it?

Even the two sages of Confucius and Mencius were often rejected by other schools of thought in their own time, and Confucius was also driven away by others like a bereaved dog.

Uniting all kinds of intricate people together is something that even the sages of Confucius and Mencius could not do. Wang Bian did not believe that anyone in this world could do it.

"There is a saying in "Han Feizi Five Beetles", and the people are obedient to the power, and few are capable of righteousness... Duke Ai of Lu, the next lord, is a monarchy in the south, and the people within the territory dare not be subject, and the people are firmly obedient to the power Sincerely, sincerity is easy to convince others, so Zhong Ni is a minister and mourns the Duke and Gu is the king." Wang Jian used the classics of the school to persuade the three people not to stand in the wrong team.

The Wang family snatched and bought all kinds of books, so the books collected in the family were from hundreds of classics, not just Confucian classics like the gentry in the Central Plains.

The meaning of this sentence is that people are born to submit to power. It is human nature to be greedy for life and fear death, and to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. A fool like Lu Aigong is obviously hated by the people, but he can be superior because he has power. However, a benevolent and righteous saint like Confucius is like a bereaved dog. This is because he has no power.

Therefore, since the tyrants are temporarily united because of the loss of interests, they will also hate each other because they can obtain new interests, just like a mess of tenants.

"Mingyu's words are justified." Lu Yiran echoed from the side.

Everyone felt that what Wang Bian said was reasonable, and immediately decided to stand on the side of Emperor Liu Xiu and help Emperor Liu Xiu suppress the rebellious tyrants.

There are only individuals who betray the class, there are no classes who betray the class.

Wang Bian decided to be a traitor to her class for the time being. As a powerful gentry, she was going to backstab other powerful gentry.


Luo Yang
"Your Majesty, the captain of the Wuhuan school, Wang Jian, requested to lead the Wuhuan servant army into the Central Plains to assist the court in suppressing the rebels."

An eunuch sent the latest local intelligence.

"Wang Mingyu is really loyal to the emperor and patriotic." Liu Xiu did not expect that the first person to respond to the new policy of the imperial court would be Wang Bian from Liaodong, so she felt even more fond of this strange woman who loved me wholeheartedly.

"Since she wants to share the court's worries so much, then yes, but remind her to pay attention to the military discipline of Wuhuan's servant army. Along the way, only manors of rebel tyrants are allowed to be robbed, and ordinary people are not allowed to be robbed." The world is regarded as one's own private property, so it is not allowed to be destroyed by soldiers without military discipline.

Although he brought his private soldiers to rob the people, burned, killed and looted some county towns when he first rebelled, but at that time, the world was still Wang Mang's.

Robbing the people is also destroying Wang Mang's world, so I don't feel bad about it.

Now the world belongs to him, Liu Xiu, if this kind of thing happens again at this time, it is tantamount to cutting his flesh.

This is the same mentality as Wang Mang.

Before usurping the throne, the world still belonged to Liu Han. At that time, Wang Mang connived at the powerful gentry to annex the land. Anyway, it was Liu Han’s country that was corrupted. I don’t feel bad, but when the usurpation succeeded, the world became his own. He began to suppress the powerful gentry who originally supported him, and did not allow the powerful gentry to corrupt his new empire.


Two months later
Julu County


Wang Bian personally led a thousand cavalry to attack the bandits who were rebelling.

Although these bandits are called bandits, they are actually powerful private soldiers.

One thousand cavalry consists of [-] Wuhuan cavalry mixed with [-] Han cavalry.

Although the combat effectiveness of these Wuhuan cavalry is very weak, when facing the same number of other cavalry, their combat effectiveness is very high, but the cavalry is still cavalry, and some of them do not even have armor when they attack, and they have not formed an army formation. When the bandits were temporarily recruited by the tyrants, it was basically a one-sided massacre.

Thousands of bandits in Julu County died or fled under the slaughter of Wang Bian Wuhuan cavalry.

"Take the manors of these tyrants, and all the wealth and women in them will belong to you. Our captain only needs books!" Wang Bian ordered indifferently to a group of Wuhuan cavalry.

Robbing the powerful manor was allowed by the imperial court, so she didn't have any worries.

(End of this chapter)

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