Father Mavie

Chapter 781 Trap

Chapter 781 Trap (two in one, please subscribe!!!)
"God will protect us!"

Believers were kneeling in front of a church, and the road was blocked by them. They wore melon caps and white clothes, prostrated devoutly, and loudly recited the name of God called Allah.

"What kind of church is this?" Ma Wei asked.

"It is the Quran of Jerusalem, which believes in the true God Allah." Alberts said: "Quran is also the state religion of the Alawi Kingdom and the Qajar Kingdom. Most people living in this land believe in the Quran, not the For foreign sects like the Church of the Three Destinies, they are a bit xenophobic.”

True God Allah, Ma Wei has heard of this god’s name, but he is not sure whether the so-called true God Allah is a god of faith or an ancient god.

The Quran Religion is a bit strange. It is obviously an old sect like the Witch God Religion, but it is not prominent and has no leaks. It is located in a corner and is only spread in the Eastern Continent.

"This is a new sect that has emerged in the past 2000 years. Like the Vedic religion in the Kingdom of Mysore, it both appeared at the end of the Odin era." Bagji's voice sounded deep in his soul: "They follow Nelei, the god of revelation. Ida defeated the Odin pantheon and achieved the status of master.”

Under Badji's narration, Mavey thoroughly understood the relationship between Shamanism, Quranism, Vedaism and the Apocalypse God System.

The pantheon is very large, and the saying "unity is strength" applies not only to humans, but also to gods.

The church is not only the Church of the Three Goddess of Destiny, the Church of Wisdom and Judgment, and the Church of Abundance. The gods of these churches are all gods of faith who have completed three awakenings. They have the greatest credit and are also the first gods to follow Neleida, the God of Apocalypse. , belongs to the first-line gods.

As for Dambala of Shamanism, the true god Allah of Quranism, and the three-phase god of Veda, they are all second-tier gods.

The most obvious difference between the second-tier gods and the first-tier gods is their strength.

Second-tier gods are often gods of faith who have not completed three awakenings. Dambala was an accident. He lost his body and his strength fell from the first-tier to the second-tier.

Under the second-tier gods there are third-tier gods. Third-tier gods often exist in primitive tribes and are products of backward civilization, but it is undeniable that they are also members of the Apocalypse God System.

Ma Wei has been to Odin's divine kingdom Asgard and knows what a powerful world it is. Odin's divine system created original rune characters, broke away from the shackles of the magic circle, and became its own school.

There are also countless gods in the Odin pantheon.

The Apocalypse pantheon that can defeat the Odin pantheon will naturally have many gods.

Ma Wei is unfamiliar with these second-tier and third-tier gods because his starting point is too high, and his starting enemies are powerful opponents like first-tier gods and ancient gods.

It's like a child running into a wolf's den and pulling out a beard while the wolf was sleeping. When the wolf opened its eyes, the child had already escaped.

Except for the original members of the Apocalypse Theology, the other churches are all cults.

"The God of the Quran is in Jerusalem. I can feel His breath." Bagji's voice came: "He is in the old city. Be careful. Next time you call me, remember to expand the Mithril Realm and the Golden Gods." There are still good things.”

To be representative of each pantheon, the Golden Age must be alchemical technology.

The Odin pantheon is rune text.

The Apocalypse God System is astrological magic.

After much thinking about the real era, Ma Wei could only regard the crystal tree core as a representative of the real era.

This is not a mockery. Ma Wei feels that the Church of Truth has no right to mock the real pantheon. After all, they have not even found the crystal tree core, and they have not found any great inventions like rune writing, astrological magic or alchemical technology.

The change of times is a long process. The Golden Gods have been dormant for hundreds of years before they dared to compete with the real Gods. The Odin Gods have waited for a long time and finally ushered in the withering of the Golden Gods.

The war between the Apocalypse God System and the Odin God System was also long, taking a full 200 years.

The lifespan of human beings is only a hundred years, but the battle between the gods lasts for hundreds of years. I really feel a sense of powerlessness.

Fortunately, Ma Wei is only 28 years old. As long as nothing happens, he still has decades to live.

The early days of starting a business are the most difficult, but so far everything is going smoothly.

Allah is in Jerusalem, and Budge has already given the answer. In order not to be discovered, Budge temporarily fell asleep. Both Yunia and Edward wore mithril tags - one of which was obtained from Muir. As long as you wear it, Mithril tags can block the prying eyes of gods.

Back then, the Golden Gods invented Mithril, and then secretly concealed it under Bagji's nose.

"No wonder Dambala, the god of voodoo, has never succeeded."

Daniel murmured in a low voice: "There are gods sitting in the Jerusalem of feelings!"

"Who says it's not?" Levin took a sip of his wine and said, "It's no one's fault. He brought it upon himself."

"That woman has entered the city." Edward discovered the traces of the Templars and said to Mavi.

Although Jerusalem is not as crowded as Baghdad, it can still be considered a sea of ​​​​people. With the help of the crowd, the Mawei people quickly moved towards the old city, not forgetting to avoid the church of the Witch God.

No one knows what orders Dambala gave to the believers. The God of Voodoo is still somewhat evil. To be on the safe side, Ma Wei even gave the bottle containing the witch spirit puppet to Yunia and asked her to use mithril. The tag blocks the scent.

The old town is very dilapidated, the houses are low, scattered with a layer of yellow sand, and even the walls have signs of cracks.

Walking on the narrow streets, Ma Wei found that the people around him looked at them in a strange way, and they were strange and surprised.

“There are no believers in the old city,” Alberts said. “There are no churches of the Koran or the Shaman religion here. Believers will not come here to worship. Those who live here are pure Jerusalem residents.”

When they arrived at the old city, Mawei didn't know where Buggy asked them to go. They all looked the same, except that there was an open space in the center. There was a well in the center of the open space, and many residents gathered there to draw water under the scorching sun.

The well water is clear, sweet, and completely cold, like ice water running through the heart. A bowl of it on a hot day is simply not too refreshing.

After drinking the free well water, Ma Wei and the others squatted down in a shady corner, expanded the Mithril Domain, and asked Buggy about his next move.

"You are already here." Baji said: "That well is the entrance to the ancient holy land. There are many people during the day, so come back at night."

There were many people fetching water. Ma Wei suspected that residents from the entire old city came here to fetch water. There was an endless stream.

Under the eyes of so many people, it is certainly impossible for Ma Wei and the others to dive into the well. Instead, they can use the Siren's Tears to turn into bugs and crawl in silently.
This idea was dismissed as soon as it arose. No matter how you looked at it, it would be safer to come back at night, so there was no need to rush.

After finding a hotel to stay at and asking for hot water from the boss, Ma Wei took a long-awaited hot bath. During the three days of crawling around in the desert, his body looked like it had been painted, turning an earthy yellow color. It was a layer of fine sand clinging to the surface of his skin.

After taking a bath, Ma Wei took a nap. When he woke up, it was already midnight. The surroundings were quiet and there was not even a barking dog.

Go to the next door and call Levin and others, activate the mud shadow magic, and come to the area around the open space. I wanted to enter the well like this, but I didn't expect to be stopped by Edward suddenly:


Edward looked around and said solemnly: "There's more than one, they are all staring at that well!" Marvey suddenly felt bad, no one would monitor a well unless there was something fishy about it.

Who will monitor the well?
The Witch God Cult is the most likely!
Dambala does not want the secrets of the ancient holy land to be exposed, and will definitely send people to watch the entrance. Once someone enters, measures will be taken immediately.

Or maybe it's the Apocalypse God System. They have long known that there are ruins from the real era under this well, but they don't know how to open it, so they sent people to keep an eye on it, waiting for the 'destined person'.

The third possibility is the ancient god forces. They are eyeing the ancient holy land. They want to enter but have no way. They can only wait for the opportunity like the Apocalypse God System.

No matter which one it is, the deep well is targeted and cannot be entered directly.

With the true God Allah sitting in charge, Ma Wei did not dare to make too much noise. It would not work to force his way in, he had to outsmart him.

After thinking about it, Ma Wei suddenly found that he had fallen into a misunderstanding.

Just because the true God Allah is sitting in Jerusalem does not mean there are no loopholes!
The spying of the gods is limited by distance, and it will be ineffective beyond a certain range, just like the three goddesses of fate do not know about the Londinium buried under London.

Does Allah, the true God, know the holy places buried underground?

Mavi was skeptical.

Even the three goddesses of destiny were unable to spy on the ruins of the Golden Age. How could Allah, a second-tier god of faith, be able to detect the ruins of the real era?

The real age is older than the golden age!
The ruins are also buried deeper!
In addition, this is a desert terrain. It has been exposed to wind and sun for tens of thousands of years, and there are black sand storms once a week. The terrain has changed so much that it becomes more and more difficult to spy.
If the true God Allah cannot detect the ancient Holy Land underground, can he use the Siren's Tears to dig a passage directly from outside the city to the underground of Jerusalem?
With Siren's Tears here, it's not difficult to do this!
Mawei thought he could try, and immediately withdrew from Jerusalem with Yunia and others, and appeared behind an uninhabited hillside outside the city.

Before starting, he must know where the passage ends, which requires asking Buggy.

Knowing that someone was staring at the entrance to the deep well and Ma Wei was planning to dig it underground, Badji was silent for a while before saying: "There are countless defensive circles around the holy land. I'm not sure if digging from the ground will trigger it."

"If it's triggered, can you fix it?"


"Then it's fine!"

With Buggy's guarantee, the last worries disappeared. After determining the route, Ma Wei activated the Siren's Tears.

Under the cover of night, blue fluorescent lights lit up, and the sand beneath their feet surged and receded to the surroundings. In the blink of an eye, a tunnel leading to the underground appeared. As Ma Wei and the others went deeper, the front was constantly opening up.

The closer they got to Jerusalem, the more serious the interference became. The compass was completely out of order, and there were no stars underground, making it difficult to determine the direction. Fortunately, Edward could guide them.

The vampire's ability came in handy at this moment. Edward sensed the blood of the residents of Jerusalem, and at the same time released the clone bat to further determine the direction. With his help, the tunnel was dug deeper and deeper.

Gradually, the surrounding soil was no longer khaki, but gray-green, very viscous, like plasticine.

"We are close to the Holy Land."

Bagji appeared as a phantom, and apparently he also found that the true god Allah above his head could not sense him: "Further forward is the outermost defensive magic of the Holy Land, which should be slower."

Ma Wei and others slowed down their progress, and suddenly Badji asked them to stop and walked forward to the left. After walking a few steps, a stone pillar was exposed in the soil, with patterns carved on it, like some kind of sacrificial instrument.

Touching the patterned stone pillar, there was a trace of nostalgia in Baji's eyes.

He pressed the top of the stone pillar and exerted slight pressure, and the stone pillar sank an inch downwards. Then, as if something was activated, the surrounding gray-green soil began to seep red liquid.
"What did you do?"

"Don't be nervous, this is a normal phenomenon." Buggy said calmly: "For tens of thousands of years, the magic circle has been running without maintenance. It has already reached the edge of collapse. I forced it to stop, and it collapsed naturally."

According to Buggy, the red liquid oozing out of the gray-blue soil is a magic medium and is poisonous, but it will be fine as long as you don't touch it and it will dissipate after a while.

Continuing forward, Ma Wei and the others encountered another transparent crystal wall. Buggy stretched out his hand and clicked on it a few times. The crystal wall suddenly shattered, opening up a passage again.

This rough method also aroused Levin's doubts: "You first destroyed the outermost magic circle and then shattered the second layer of crystal walls. Isn't there a more peaceful way?"

"I have already told you the way to peace."

Badji turned around and said: "The ancient holy land has been closed. There is only one entrance left, and it can only be opened in a specific way. In addition, the only way is to use violent means to destroy the defense system layer by layer."

"Wait a minute!" Ma Wei frowned and said, "If this continues, wouldn't all the defense structures have to be destroyed before we can enter the Holy Land?"


"If all the defense structures are destroyed, can others come in?"

"of course."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't even ask me." Baji looked innocent: "You were the one who said you wanted to dig a tunnel. If digging a tunnel had no cost, I would have recommended you to dig a tunnel a long time ago. Why bother going to the city? "

The development of the situation was beyond Ma Wei's expectation.

It's true that he wants to enter the Holy Land, but that doesn't mean he wants to destroy all defensive structures.

The defensive magic that protects the ancient holy land should be their weapon, how can they give it up so easily?
"How many layers of defensive magic are there?"

"The last layer." Buggy said: "Destroy it, and the Holy Land will be completely open. Do you want to do it?"

"No! Of course not!"

Ma Wei almost cursed. He felt that he had made a mistake, but when he calmed down, he suddenly felt that things were not that simple.

Buggy, why didn't you remind him of the consequences of destroying defensive magic?
Didn't you expect that?
Do not!
Buggy definitely knew the seriousness of the consequences, but he still didn’t remind him!

Is this proven?
Buggy also wants to enter the Holy Land?

What did He do when He entered the Holy Land?
Ma Wei narrowed his eyes, and a terrible thought came to his mind.

Dambala, the god of voodoo who lost his body, needed the crystal tree core from the ancient holy land to rebuild his body.

If Dambala is the state of the soul, then Baji at this moment
What is it?

(End of this chapter)

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