Father Mavie

Chapter 780 Jerusalem

Chapter 780 Jerusalem (two in one, please subscribe!!!)
It is certain that the Templars have the trump card.

Those bandits who dared to follow must have their reasons.

When dealing with this kind of person who seems to have problems at first sight, caution is the first element.

Without taking Edward's advice, Ma Wei and others rested in place, survived the cold night, and set foot on the road deep into the desert at sunrise the next day.

Before setting off, Mawei refilled the water bag, let the camel drink enough water, and picked up a few stones from the river.

"What are you doing picking up rocks?" Levin asked confused.

"Identify the direction."

"Can you tell the direction even with a few stones?"


The camels advanced slowly in the desert, the camel bells hanging around their necks jingled as they swayed, and the scorching sun stretched their figures elongated.

As you go deeper into the desert, the compass you carry with you becomes difficult to use. This is because there are many minerals in the desert, which will affect the positioning of the compass.

"It will come in handy now."

Ma Wei took out the stone, borrowed Levin's cane, and stuck it in the sun. The sunlight illuminated the cane, leaving a straight shadow. He placed a stone on top of the shadow and waited for ten minutes. The shadow shifted. Put another stone on top.
"The straight line formed by two stones is the north-south direction."

Ma Wei stepped on the first stone with his left foot, and the second stone with his right foot, and looked forward: "This is north, and behind me is south."

"How is this determined?" Levin looked surprised.

"Because we are in the northern hemisphere, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. East and west can be determined by its trajectory. At the same time, because the sunlight does not shine from directly above, a shadow will appear, and the shadow and the light move in the opposite direction. When the sun moves to the west, the shadow will move toward the west. East, that is to say, the landing point of the first stone is west, and the landing point of the second stone is east. If you step on it, you can find the north. If it is the southern hemisphere, it is just the opposite."


Levin exclaimed in disbelief: "Brother, you know so much!"

"This is all basic geography knowledge. You didn't go to school well, did you?"

"I went to public school for a few years." Levin said, spreading his hands, "They didn't teach me how to identify directions in the desert."

"Now you've learned."

Picking up the stones and walking sticks on the ground, the Maweijians embarked on their journey again, following the directions on the map and heading towards Jerusalem.

The closer we got to Jerusalem, the less useful the compass became. In the end, it simply spun in circles and became completely useless.

The occurrence of this situation means that the compass has been seriously disturbed, and it may be inseparable from Jerusalem.

As evening approached, Ma Wei and the others discovered a caravan ahead. At first they thought it was a mirage, but when they got closer they realized it was a living person.

This caravan is not Semitic, but speaks Frederick. They are a caravan coming to the Kingdom of Alawi to purchase goods, and they are engaged in the business of reselling potion raw materials.

The Kingdom of Alawi is located in the middle of the desert and produces a special medicinal material called sand fruit. If you take a few bags of sand fruit from Baghdad to Jerusalem to sell them, you can make extremely considerable profits. This makes many magic medicine material dealers take risks and go deep into the country. desert
The caravan that Ma Wei met came from Hesse, the kingdom of Frederick. After hearing that reselling potion raw materials was profitable, they hired a local guide to lead the way. However, just one day after setting off, the guide fell seriously ill and passed out. Unconscious.

Without the guide and the compass unable to be used, the caravan was stranded in the desert. Fortunately, their captain Hans was a smart man. After the guide fell ill, he ordered the team to rest where they were and wait for others to pass this route. A caravan passed by on the road, asking for help.

If you walk around without knowing the direction, you may really get lost.

After checking the guide and finding that the other person's forehead was indeed burning and he was talking nonsense, Ma Wei decided to go with the caravan.

Killing requires a reason, saving others does not.

When Hans heard that Ma Wei was willing to take them on the road together and that he could also speak Friedrichian, Hans was so excited that he was incoherent. He immediately offered to give Ma Wei [-]% of the profit from the transaction as a reward.

Of course Ma Wei would not ask for his money. The profit from Hans Caravan's trip was only a dozen gold pounds, so what's the point of sharing it?

It's as if the help is just for his little money!
With the addition of Hans's caravan, the team suddenly grew larger, with dozens of camels walking in the desert, like a giant winding snake.

At night, the sun completely set, and Ma Wei and others set up tents again. Their camp was close to the camp of Hans's caravan, but they did not live together.

During dinner time, Hans came to Mawei with a bottle of wine and said he wanted to have a drink with him. Mawei was using a sextant to measure the stars and identify the direction. Hearing Hans's treat, he readily agreed.

Although he accepted the invitation, Ma Wei did not drink, but made tea, which made Hans marvel: "Mr. March's living habits are somewhat similar to those of Windsor people."

March is Mavi's pseudonym, and he certainly cannot communicate with Hans using his real name.

"It's just a habit formed in the early years."

Glancing at Edward who was patrolling nearby, Ma Wei asked: "Why did you go to the Alavi Kingdom to start a potion business?"

"The potion business is the hottest." Hans said with a smile: "Although it is dangerous, the recycling price offered by Manstein's potion company is high. It only takes half a month to travel back and forth from Baghdad to Jerusalem. In just a short time, I can earn more than ten gold dinars, which is more than what I earned in Frederick’s Kingdom.”

"Isn't there no risk?"

"Of course there are risks. For example, they will update the price of potion materials in real time. It is possible that the potion that was valuable one day will drop in price the next day. If this happens, you can only consider yourself unlucky. The price of something like potion It just changes every day.”

Looking at the stars above his head, Hans couldn't help but sigh: "If I work like this for a few years, I will save enough money. I plan to go home and open a factory to revitalize the town's economy."

"Wishes are ineffective when they are spoken."

"Now that I'm back in Jerusalem, I have to find a church to relieve my troubles. I've been so unlucky on this journey. If I hadn't met you, Mr. March, I don't know if I would have been able to go back."

"Even without me, you will encounter other caravans."

After drinking the tea in the cup, Ma Wei stood up and said: "Go to rest early. We will set off early tomorrow morning and get to Jerusalem as soon as possible. The guide's situation is not good."

"Okay." Before dawn the next day, Ma Wei and others set out on their journey. According to the speed, they would reach Jerusalem this evening at the latest. There was only one day left, so they might as well speed up without further delay.

The Templar Knights and Sand Bandits were still following behind. They had not shown up or launched an attack for two days, which further proved Mavey's suspicion.

They are following you, not for money!
At this time, there were two roads before Ma Wei.

First, if the other party has not determined their identity and purpose, they can completely detour to Jerusalem, wait until they get rid of the pursuer, and then turn back. This has the least risk, but it takes the most time. I am afraid it will take more than half a month as planned. It has been extended to one month.

The second way is simpler and more crude. Ignore the pursuers behind you, go straight to Jerusalem, and then get rid of them after entering the city. This is very risky, but it takes the least time.

After much deliberation, Mawei chose the second path, ignoring the stalker and heading straight to Jerusalem.

London is their top priority. If it takes too long and Gawain, who is pretending to be himself, is exposed, all their efforts in the past year will be in vain!

In addition, Baki said that the true Holy Land can only be opened using a specific method, and only he and Dambala know this method - the rest of the true pantheon members have been exiled.

In this case, they can enter the Holy Land, get their things, and leave. Before leaving, they can close the Holy Land. No matter how hard the Templars try, they will not be able to open it unless they ask Dambala for help.

What is Dambala?
A god of faith who has survived for tens of thousands of years!
It is definitely not a kind thing for Him to survive to this day!

Once he seizes the opportunity and uses the crystal tree core in the holy land to condense his true body, he doesn't know what will happen.

In the absence of a main god, Ma Wei does not think that the Apocalypse pantheon will take such a risk.

Of course, the premise is that the Apocalypse Divine System can see through Danbala's intentions.

After all, the information that Dambala lost his body and that only the crystal tree core could save him was provided by Bagji, and the God of Faith in the Apocalypse God System may not necessarily know it.

If Dambala took advantage of the loophole,
Just leave a message before you leave.

Since they don't know, then remind them yourself.

Driven by Ma Wei and others, the camel began to run in small steps, twice as fast as before, and its bells jingled non-stop.

In the afternoon, the desert turned into a steamer, the heat wave continued to rise, and everything in front of them became hazy and distorted. Just when everyone couldn't stand it anymore and was about to find a shady slope to rest, a black building suddenly appeared on the skyline.

Mawei was startled and took out his binoculars to look. At that time, there was a circular temple located at the highest point in Jerusalem, surrounded by several equally tall buildings with flags of different colors flying.
"Jerusalem is now jointly ruled by the Apocalypse God System. It is a neutral city that accepts worship from believers from all sides." Alberts said: "Those temples correspond to the Church of the Three Goddess of Destiny, the Judgment God Cult and the God of Wisdom respectively. Religion, the Cult of Abundance."

"But there are five temples there." Ma Wei pointed to the extra temples without flags and asked, "Does that belong to the Apocalypse Cult?"

"Yes, it should be dedicated to Nereida, the God of Apocalypse, in theory." Alberts said: "When my father brought me here ten years ago, the temple belonging to the Apocalypse Cult was already empty and completely deserted. "

The Apocalypse Cult was overthrown by Peter the Great more than 20 years ago, and its inheritance has been discontinued since then. It is normal that no one is taking care of the remaining temples.

Unless Nereida returns, this situation will probably continue.

Glancing at the calm-looking Levin next to him, Mawei said hello behind him, speeded up again, and rushed towards Jerusalem.

The outline of Jerusalem gradually emerges. It is also a huge city, even grander than Baghdad. It is located on the top of the Judean Mountains. From a distance, it looks like a palace rising in the middle of the plain, which is fascinating.

Whether it’s a curse or a rule, every pantheon that controls the world order will come here to build churches. In the eyes of the world, Jerusalem is a holy place that cannot be lost.

Also called the City of the Gods.

It may not be the most prosperous at the same time, but it is definitely the one with the strongest religious significance.

Jerusalem does not reject any caravans or believers. It is a completely open city. Although there is only one city, it is an independent country. The king is Abraham VIII.

A city alone cannot protect its own safety. I am afraid this is also the reason why Jerusalem is completely open to the outside world. If you can't resist, then accept it, everyone will come, and order will naturally form.

After entering the city, Mawei and others deeply felt the atmosphere of Jerusalem as a religious holy place, with churches, temples, and temples everywhere.
Most of them are abandoned.

The Apocalypse Theology does not care whether you are a holy land or not. Since small churches may give birth to gods, they must be resolutely eliminated. Two years ago, many countries jointly promulgated the "Religious Reform" bill, forcing many small churches to have no choice. Some came to Jerusalem to pray. Avoid disaster, but what awaits them in the end
It is a ruthless judgment.

Without exception, small churches were labeled as cults, and some survived by luck, but they also sacrificed their godhead like the hidden god Geer.

The remaining churches are all second- and third-rate churches such as the Wushen Cult. They have been approved to establish churches in the city and welcome believers to worship.

Top churches like the Church of the Three Destinies disdain to build churches in the city. Their churches are on the Temple Mount, the highest place in Jerusalem.

Where in the world is there any pure land of religion?

Ma Wei couldn't help but wonder, if they didn't seize the opportunity and gain a foothold in the Romanov Kingdom, would they also become members of a 'cult'?
If you think about it carefully, the Church of the Three Goddess of Destiny has actually regarded the Church of Truth as a cult. It's a good thing they ran fast, otherwise.
"Brother March!"

After entering the city, Hans ran over and said, "We are going to find the rescue guide of the Church of Destiny. Will you come with us?"

Since drinking last night, Hans has changed his name and wants to make a friend like Ma Wei.

"We still have things to do, so let's say goodbye here."

Ma Wei and Hans shook hands: "I wish you a safe journey."

"Brother March, see you tomorrow!"

The situation of the guide was not optimistic, and Hans did not exchange too many greetings. He led the people and ran towards the Temple Mount in a hurry. After watching them leave, Ma Wei asked Badji in his mind about his next plan.

"When you go to the old city, remember to avoid the Church of the Witch God."

Bajji gave instructions. Jerusalem has developed for thousands of years after its reconstruction. It is no longer what it was when it was first rebuilt. It has expanded countless times. Even the Temple Mount that was originally outside the city has been turned into a building inside the city.
The so-called Old City refers to the most central area of ​​Jerusalem. Not surprisingly, that is where the real Holy Land is located.

(End of this chapter)

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