Father Mavie

Chapter 387 One Punch

Chapter 387 One Punch (Subscribe!!!)
When Goffman arrived at Katerina's barracks, he found it empty.

"His Highness has gone to the command post." The guard at the gate said.


Reminded by Kovalev, Goffman turned to the temporary command post. After knocking on the door, Mavi responded from inside: "Please come in."

Goffman pushed open the door and saw Mavi sitting at the table, stroking a black cat, smiling, Katerina, Junia, Levin, Daniel and others were also beside them, seeming to be having a A private meeting.

"Goffman, what do you want from us?" Katerina asked after glancing at Xiao Hei.

"It's like this, Your Highness, Ruolukin just received a letter from the king. We feel that this matter is of great importance, so we present it to you."

Goffman quickly walked up to Katerina, knelt down on one knee, and handed over the letter in his hand like an elegant knight, with a trembling tone mixed with some sincerity.

After reading the contents of the letter, Katerina found that it was exactly the same as what Xiao Hei said, and handed it to Ma Wei, smiling at Goffman: "What do you and Ruolukin want to do?"

"Your Highness, Your Highness, of course we will not betray you!" Goffman said loudly, "We will never be fooled by the enemy!"

"I have felt the loyalty of you and Ruolukin." Katerina nodded slowly: "I am very relieved to have you here."

"It's our honor!" Goffman said, standing at attention.

"Retire first, and I will tell you how to act later."


Goffman left the command post happily, feeling that he must have left a deep impression on Katerina.

The fact is indeed true. Katerina had faintly felt that Goffman's gaze on her was not quite right a long time ago. Not only him, but many nobles had expressed their admiration for her in secret.

Katerina knew many things in her heart, but she just didn't tell the truth.

Watching Goffman leave, Ma Wei shook his head and said with a smile, "Your Highness, your charm is really great."

"The unobtainable fruit is always sweeter than the eaten one." Katerina narrowed her eyes: "Am I right? Father?"

"That's right."

"Archbishop Henry probably wants to launch a decisive battle. He wants to disrupt our formation and help the Royal Army win. His idea is beautiful, but it's just an imagination."

If Ruolukin and Goffman really betrayed and launched a sneak attack after the decisive battle, it would indeed cause Katerina a lot of trouble, but before that, Archbishop Henry missed one thing.

With Katerina's wisdom, how could she allow a distrustful general to assume such an important position as the commander of the Artillery Corps?
Whether it is cavalry, infantry or artillery, the supreme commander of each regiment is personally arranged by Katerina, and Onufri, Makarov and others are absolutely trustworthy.

Archbishop Henry's plan was destined to fail, and it was impossible to realize it from the beginning.

"Wait a minute, teacher!" Daniel's eyes lit up when he got the letter, and he said hastily, "This letter reveals a lot of important information!"

Ma Wei and Katerina looked at each other, and asked with a smile, "What information?"

"Look, the letter said that King Paul I asked Ruolukin and Goffman to sneak attack on the back of our army and create chaos after the decisive battle. Why did they create chaos? This decisive battle was apparently between the Royal Army and the rebel army. The battle is actually a battle between the Church of Truth and the Church of Wisdom!"

Daniel opened his eyes wide, and said in a firm tone: "Even if the rebel army is defeated, so what? As long as the Church of Truth is still there, the Church of Wisdom will not be able to make a comeback! So there is absolutely no need to create chaos for our army! Unless"

"Unless what?" Levine looked curious.

"Unless Archbishop Henry wants to use the appearance of chaos to do something else." Mavi's smile did not diminish at all, but became stronger.


Daniel nodded heavily: "The chaos is just an appearance! The real purpose of Archbishop Henry is definitely not the rebel army led by Katerina! It is the Church of Truth!"

"This letter can be delivered to Ruolukin, which proves that there is an undercover agent installed by the God of Wisdom in Tver City! The undercover agent plus the chaos Archbishop Henry wants to carry out an assassination! That's right! It must be an assassination!"

Daniel turned his head to look at Ma Wei, his face became more serious: "Teacher, I suspect that Archbishop Henry is here for you. He wants Ruolukin to create chaos and then take advantage of the chaos to assassinate you."

"That's very good." Ma Wei nodded: "You can deduce so much information from a letter, Daniel, you are amazing."

"Dealing with those old foxes in the palace, if you don't pay attention, you will be eaten long ago." Daniel said in a deep voice: "Teacher, we must guard against assassins who may attack at any time. Archbishop Henry has bared his fangs. You are the most important thing in the Church of Truth." If something happens to your character, no one can take your place."

"If I die, Junia can continue to lead the church, she is a goddess."

Ma Wei touched his daughter's head and said, "But I can't die yet. The church has just started, and there are still many things to do."

"Teacher, you underestimate yourself." Daniel shook his head: "The fact that the Church of Truth has come to this day is directly related to you, Edward, Her Highness Katerina, Baji, Sarina, Alan, Geer... They are all contracts with you, your life and death are related to the survival of the church."

"Is it so exaggerated?" Levin asked blankly, "Why didn't I feel it?"

"Because you follow the teacher all day, you can't see many things clearly!" Daniel glared at him: "The teacher is like a chain, binding these people, supernatural beings, and gods together tightly. , the Church of Truth has its current strength, and most of the monks in the church were trained by the teacher! Without the teacher, will Dino stay? Will Edward stay? Even you, Levin , you touch your chest and think about it, if the teacher leaves us one day, what will you do?"

"Of course I am."

Levin opened his mouth, just about to firmly express that he would continue to stay in the Church of Truth, but then he thought about it.
If Ma Wei is gone, can he carry the banner of the Church of Truth?
If Dino, Edward, Fat Ju, and Xiao Hei all leave
Is it necessary for him to stay?

Perhaps, as Daniel said, it was Mawei who linked them together. At least so far, they have not established an absolute alliance with each other.

Archbishop Henry's idea of ​​assassinating Mavi was right. As the founder, Mavi's significance to the Church of Truth is extraordinary. The church can lack anyone, but Mavi cannot be lacking!
Having figured this out, Levin swallowed his saliva: "Boss, why don't you go hide and don't participate in the decisive battle."

"What are you afraid of?"

Ma Wei picked up the teacup, took a sip of the cold black tea, and said lightly: "If you want to succeed, you must take risks. I have served in privateers for many years, and I have experienced life and death crises countless times. Could it be that I am afraid of the God of Wisdom?" Assassin?"

"Ko Ke is an assassin of the Wisdom God Cult who knows magic! It's different from the days of privateers!"

"You don't know magic?"

Levin choked suddenly, not knowing what to say.

"The decisive battle is just around the corner, and the warriors of truth are bravely leading the way. How can I shrink back and hide in a safe place to watch the battle?"

Putting down the teacup, Ma Wei said blankly:
"If the enemy comes, let them come. I hid today because I was afraid of assassins. What should I do tomorrow? Should I continue to hide?"

"Remember, one punch is enough to avoid a hundred punches. When facing the sword edge of the enemy, you must not be afraid, because once you are afraid, even if you survive by chance, there will be more sword edges in the future. Your head!"

"A real swordsman will never be angry because of the hidden weapon thrown by the enemy. They will be excited and excited, because it is a symbol of the enemy's recognition of your strength. If the enemy fears your strength, victory will not be far away!"

(End of this chapter)

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