Father Mavie

Chapter 386 Ruolukin, Goffman

Chapter 386 Ruolukin, Goffman (please subscribe!!!)

At 7 o'clock in the morning, when the sun shone into the room, Ruolujin opened his eyes. He didn't feel drowsy after a deep sleep at all. He turned over and jumped out of the bed, and began to put on his military uniform.

Ruolukin's sleep is very shallow, and the slightest sound will wake him up. He has received military academy training, and he must not sleep like a dead pig, especially on the front line where battles may break out at any time, and he must be responsive Quick and clear-headed.

Putting on the military uniform and inserting the revolver into the holster around his waist, Ruolukin walked out of the room, took a few breaths of fresh morning air, and led his adjutant to inspect the artillery position as usual.

While checking the artillery fuze and maintenance status, Ruolukin greeted the soldiers of the Artillery Corps. During the counterattack against the Kingdom of Windsor, he was ordered by the king to bring 5 soldiers with Goffman and other children of military nobles. The infantry supported Katerina, and after repelling the Kingdom of Windsor, they stayed behind, and the Kingdom had no intention of recalling them.

Others may not be clear, but Ruolujin understands in his heart that he has a mission.

It was a helpless move for the Kingdom to hand over 5 troops to Katerina. The Romanov Kingdom, which has a large north-south span, wanted to recover lost ground and needed to adopt a two-line attack strategy. Katerina, as the commander of the southern front, experienced After the battle of Chelyabinsk, one-third of the elite was lost. If the troops are not replenished in time, they are likely to be eaten up by the second army led by James Marquis.

Once the southern front collapses, it will be a devastating disaster for the Romanov Kingdom. Duke Ivanovic and others who are in charge of attacking the north are likely to be flanked by front and rear attacks. Even if the enemy does not attack them, they can go straight to where Paul I is. Tyumen city.

Both consequences were unbearable for the Romanov Kingdom.

So Zorukin, Goffman and other military aristocrats who graduated from the Petersburg Military Academy brought 5 troops to support Katerina. Before departure, Paul I and Archbishop Henry met them in person and asked them to superficially obey. Katerina's command, try to gain Katerina's trust, and wait for news at any time.

On the other hand, Katerina had already regarded Ruolukin, Goffman and others as companions, and only they knew about the secret surrender of military nobles.

On the eve of the coup, Ruolukin, Goffman and others took their families to Mosk. This move may have exposed their intention to completely fall for Katerina, but Ruolukin didn't care.

Paul I is dead.

The person who forced the king to death was the Sect of Wisdom, and the Sect of Wisdom.
From the Kingdom of Popang.

Decades ago, Emperor Bonaparte attacked the Romanov Kingdom. Many military nobles rose from that period. They defeated Emperor Bonaparte and the Kingdom of Popon. If wisdom The Cult of God just wants to form an alliance with the Kingdom of Romanov, so they can tolerate it, but if the Cult of Wisdom wants the Popang Royal Family to take charge of the Kingdom of Romanov.
They will never agree!

The nature of internal strife and treason is completely different.

They were born on this land, fought for the motherland, even if they died, they would die under the flag of the motherland!

This is also the reason why the military nobles turned their backs as soon as the news of Paul I's death came.

They didn't know the specific situation in the capital, but King Paul I did not show up for a long time.

And when they saw the abdication edict written by Paul I himself, they became even more firm in their choice.

"Colonel Jorus"

While inspecting the artillery position, Jorus' adjutant suddenly stepped forward and said in a low voice, "This morning, a letter was delivered outside your barracks. In order not to disturb your rest, I didn't let the guards report it."

"What letter? Who sent it?"

"I don't know, there is no signature on it. The person who delivered the letter was a resident. He dropped the letter and left in a hurry. I asked the guards to arrest him and wait for his release."

The adjutant took out a letter and handed it to Jorus. The letter was unopened, the seal was intact, and the envelope was unsigned and completely blank.

Joluston stopped, stood behind a cannon, tore off the wax, took out the letter paper inside, and read it carefully.
His brows were gradually furrowed, and his eyes were full of surprise. This turned out to be a letter written by the king himself!

Isn't Paul I dead?

The edict of abdication that he personally wrote was still affixed with the king's seal!
Is His Majesty the King alive?

The edict of abdication was forged by Her Highness Katerina?

Jorus was a little puzzled, he didn't know the situation on Paul I's side, and the content of the letter was very simple, asking him to create chaos when the war started and attack Katerina from behind.
"Colonel, would you like to see the messenger?"

".No, I won't see you for a while."

Jorus put away the letter paper, thought for a moment, returned to the city, and rang Goffman's barracks.

dong dong!

dong dong!

The door opened, and the sleepy Goffman yawned, his hair was messed up, he was wearing a white shirt, and he looked like he hadn't woken up.

Seeing his appearance, Jorus was a little angry, the battle was imminent, as a general, he slept like a dead pig, how decent?

"Goffman! Have you forgotten the instructor's instructions?!"

"No no"

Goffman was obviously a little scared of Ruolukin. He shrank his head, patted his cheek, and quickly woke up: "What happened?"

If possible, Ruolukin never wanted to discuss with Goffman, but he had no other better choice.

After entering the room and closing the door, Ruolujin threw the secret letter on the table, "You can read it yourself."

Goffman picked up the letter paper, glanced at it casually, and said with a sneer, "This is fake."

"Fake? How are you sure?"

"Because Her Majesty Katerina will not deceive us!" Goffman spread his hands and said confidently: "I absolutely trust her! Loyal!"

"Can you put away your dirty thoughts?" Ruolujin poked the table angrily: "What's the situation now? Are you still thinking with your lower body?!"

"Who uses the lower body to think about problems?!"

Goffman's cheeks flushed, and he said anxiously: "I do love Her Highness Katerina, but feelings will not affect my judgment!"

"In that case, what is your reason for judging that this letter is a forgery?"

"It's very simple. Why does Her Royal Highness Katerina forge the abdication edict to deceive the world? Even if there is no abdication edict, she can still win the support of the people! What is the point of forging the abdication edict? If the king is not dead, the forged abdication edict will Does it work?"

Goffman said emotionally: "Since ancient times, which rebel who launched a coup would forge the king's abdication letter? Would the abdication letter be useful if the king was still alive? Isn't this a fool?!"


Although Goffman's wording was a bit rude and lacked any aristocratic restraint, Ruo Lukin still admitted that
He was right.

"Proving that the king is alive is of little benefit to Her Majesty Katerina. At most, the support rate will increase. But for the Wisdom God Cult, if the king really dies, they will immediately lose their hearts!" Goffman Said: "The God of Wisdom will never admit the fact that the king is dead! They need the king to maintain their legitimacy! Ruolukin, how could you make such a stupid mistake?"

"But this letter is indeed in His Majesty's handwriting."

"For things like handwriting, just find someone to imitate it! There are so many top painters in the Winter Palace, is it difficult to imitate handwriting?"

Ruolujin nodded and said, "So you think that this letter was forged by the Wisdom God Sect to confuse us?"

"Do you think we have other options now?" Goffman looked at Ruolukin and said quietly: "Our family members are all in Moscow, and we have already gained the trust of Her Highness Katerina, and the entire Romano The people of the Husband Kingdom are against each other, just as Father Mawei said, the stock of the Church of Truth will be listed soon, who will sell their shares on the eve of the listing?"

"But the Church of Truth may not be able to win the final victory, for the sake of the family."

"For the sake of the family, you should support Her Royal Highness Katerina!" Goffman slapped the table and stood up suddenly: "Her Royal Highness Katerina wants to create an unprecedented Romanov Kingdom! The kingdom is strong, and our family You can be strong! The weak have no right to speak! I believe Her Royal Highness Katerina can revitalize the Kingdom of Romanov! I absolutely support her!"

Jorus' mind was a little confused, hesitant: "What do you think we should do now?"

"Immediately, immediately deliver this letter to Her Majesty Katerina! Express your loyalty!"


"Also." Goffman suddenly lowered his voice: "The person who sent this letter, including your adjutant, should be vigilant. This is an extraordinary period, and no one knows the other side of the wall or our side. There are not many people we can trust whether there is an enemy eyeliner."

"Well, just in case, you take the adjutant to meet the civilian who delivered the letter. I will take the letter and go to Her Highness Katerina and Father Mawei. Let's split up."

"Okay." Jorus nodded, making up his mind.

Just when Goffman and Ruolukin finalized the action plan, Xiao Hei, who was hiding on the roof of the barracks, stood up, shook his hair, and ran towards the barracks where Mavi lived, muttering in a low voice:
"Scared to death, I thought I was exposed, meow, cats scare cats, cats scare cats to death."

(End of this chapter)

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