Father Mavie

Chapter 313 See Through

Chapter 313 See Through (Please Subscribe!!!)

Baron Staley looked at the illusory spirit rising from the mirror, his face was pale, and he recognized the other person at a glance, with thin cheeks, a stubbled jaw, and messy hair.
It was Baron Wallas who died yesterday!

"Why are you here?"

Baron Staley didn't dare to move, he looked at the mirror stiffly, and said in a trembling voice, "You're already dead."

As soon as the words fell, another woman's cheek rose next to Jayne's spiritual body.


Two heads, floating in the air, one on the left and one on the right, stared coldly at Baron Staley from the mirror, with a gloomy and depressed expression, like some kind of innocent soul who came to seek his life.
Cold sweat oozes from his forehead, and Baron Staley's right hand is quietly inserted into his arms. Suddenly, his body shakes, and he thinks of something. He pulls out his right hand, turns around, and the frightened expression on his face turns into joy. He said excitedly: " Jayne! Jayne! You don't know how much I miss you! And Miss Jinna, what's wrong with you? Don't you remember me?"

The two heads suspended in the air looked at him indifferently, their eyes full of resentment, the kerosene lamp hanging inside the bathroom began to flicker, the light flickered on and off, and finally went out with a hiss.

But this didn't scare Baron Staley, he still kept smiling, as if standing in front of him was not a spirit body, but Jayne and Jinna themselves.

Looking at the two heads close at hand, Baron Staley was not afraid at all, and asked with a smile, "Why don't you talk?"


The wall of the bathroom suddenly shattered, and a lightning spear with a flickering arc flew past Baron Staley's nose, smashed through the wall, and rushed into the night.

Baron Starly turned his head slowly, and Ma Wei's figure was revealed at the hole in the wall.

"Father? What are you doing?"

Baron Staley was puzzled.

The ring worn on the index finger lighted up faintly, and a huge area covered the entire manor. The blue mist lingered and rose, and the two heads suspended in the air twisted for a while, and they forcibly changed back to Levin's appearance.

"That's what I should ask you."

Ma Wei stared at Baron Staley, the lightning flashed in his hand, and a thunder spear slowly emerged. As long as Baron Staley moved slightly, the thunder spear would penetrate his body.

"You put my name on the membership list of the Freedom Association, secretly follow, wake up Edward, destroy the history of the world... What exactly do you want to do?"

"I don't understand what you're saying," said Baron Staley.

"Although I don't know exactly how you deceived the real pocket watch, your actions just now have exposed your identity."

Seeing that he was obsessed and wanted to pretend, Ma Wei planned to expose his lies: "You can use magic, but you didn't attack Levin because you saw through his disguise magic and knew the existence of the Siren's Tears Except for the core members of the Church of Truth, there are only behind-the-scenes forces who follow us all the way."

"As for you, Baron Staley, we are meeting for the first time today, but you know the existence of the Siren's Tears. This alone is enough to confirm your identity, not to mention the fact that you saw Jayne just now. , Miss Jinna's unnatural reaction when she was in a spirit body."

"If I'm not mistaken, those red-eyed crows are also your family members."

The doubts and bewilderment on his face disappeared little by little. Baron Staley stroked his beard, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, listening to Mavi's deduction, he kept nodding.

"Actually, I don't want to pretend to be anything. It's just that Father, you have such a bad impression of the Freedom Association that we have to resort to such shady methods."

"You admit it?"

"You have already suspected. No, you have confirmed my identity. No matter what I say or do, you will never believe it, so what's the point of continuing to hide it? It's just a waste of time." Baron Staley said with a smile : "Time is very precious, especially now that there is not much left, every minute and every second is very important."

"So, what are you trying to do after me?"

"Help, provide us with the help we can!" Baron Staley said loudly: "We are doing our best to support you, don't you realize that?"

"If you tried your best to help me, why did you kill Miss Jinna and Baron Wallas?"


Baron Staley's expression was suddenly indifferent, and he twisted his beard and said, "The reason why Baron Wallas was killed was because he planned to leak information that shouldn't be leaked. As for Miss Jinna, it was an accident."


"Yes, it was a pure accident. It woke up at an inopportune time, broke free from the chains of the seal, stole the scale of evil, the white candle of psychic power, and fled all the way to the Kingdom of Romanov, which indirectly caused you to come into contact with the lost god in advance. China, not only that, but it leaked information about Nereida, which we will not tolerate."

Baron Staley sighed: "You shouldn't have seen it, it's all because of the real pocket watch, Jinna got it from nowhere, and with the power of the pocket watch, she escaped our investigation, but, since It was you who got the real pocket watch, and we have no intention of taking it back, there are some things, there is no harm if you know in advance."

Ma Wei sneered and said, "Your eloquence is really good for describing your mistakes in such a high-sounding manner."

"Mistakes can also be turned into motivation, all you need is a small change in one part of the plan." Baron Staley said with a smile: "That's why I came to see you."

"Originally, I wanted to remind you of this incident quietly, but you used the real pocket watch to know too much, and you listed us as imaginary enemies from the very beginning, so I had to reveal my identity, please don't look at the real Pocket watch, it cannot observe the reality that belongs to us, after all"

"The true god has fallen to where he is today because of us, a poor and humble god of faith. His power is far less powerful than ours."

Ma Wei frowned, put away his pocket watch, and asked, "Helping the Church of Truth, what good will it do you?"

"I'm sorry I can't answer this matter, I don't have enough authority."

Baron Staley folded his arms in front of him, bowed deeply, and performed an extremely standard aristocratic etiquette: "The only thing I can tell you is that you don't need to worry about us, we will guide you and the Church of Truth to the highest Altar, on that day, the world will welcome their true creator again."

His body gradually turned silvery white. Starting from his feet, Baron Staley's entire body turned into a mercury-like liquid. He slowly sank to the ground, maintaining a bowed posture: "My task is to remind you, don't forget the disaster. The calamity stele, which can interpret the existence of the content above, has appeared in Ulan-Ude. The name of the calamity stele is really full of malice, and they are clearly the calamity."

Baron Staley disappeared, he merged into the floor and disappeared completely, but where he disappeared, a man with a livid face appeared.

The appearance of the man was exactly the same as that of the disappeared Baron Starley. His limbs were stiff and still warm, and he was only wearing pajamas. Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, Levin stepped forward and swung his arms round.

The man suddenly opened his eyes, opened his mouth, and breathed in the air greedily, his livid face quickly returned to normal.

"Where is this here?" He looked around, looking at the unfamiliar environment with a blank face.

The mist and thunder spear disappeared, and Mavi stopped his magic. His previous guess was correct. The other party could not only confuse the judgment of the real pocket watch, but also used some kind of weird parasitic magic to occupy Baron Starley's body.

"Hey! Are you dumb?!"

The real Baron Staley got up from the ground and said proudly: "Answer my question!"

"To shut up!"

Mavi, who was thinking about the conversation just now, gave the real Baron Starley a cold look, picked up Junia, and walked towards the living room.

He needs an absolutely quiet environment to think.

(End of this chapter)

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