Father Mavie

Chapter 312 The Dead Man

Chapter 312 The Dead Man (Please Subscribe!!!)
In the long and narrow line, Ma Wei and Levin walked in front. At this moment, he had already put on a priest's robe and held the "Book of Truth" on his chest. In front of them were the coffins of Baron Vorras and Bishop Hans , carried by several serfs and priests of the Honest Church, walked slowly towards the cemetery.


"What's wrong Boss?"

"After the funeral, as hosts, Mrs. Shevna and Baron Staley will entertain guests from afar. When the time comes, you will be like this."


Levin nodded while listening to the plan, and asked after listening, "Is this possible?"

"Whether you can do it or not depends on your acting skills. Proceed with caution, Baron Staley may be able to use magic."

Mavi's gaze was always on Baron Staley's fat finger, where there were traces of wearing a ring. Before coming to the manor, Baron Staley must have taken off the ring and put it away.

If it was an ordinary ring, Baron Staley obviously didn't need to hide it from others, but for Mavi who was very sensitive to magic rings, these small details could just arouse his vigilance.

In the living room before, Mavi concluded that Baron Staley was a member of the Freedom Association, so he asked about the real pocket watch, but the answer given by the pocket watch was wrong.

Not only that, but Baron Staley has nothing to do with the forces that awakened Edward, killed Jinna, and Baron Vorras.

This is simply not possible.

Ma Wei believes that there are two reasons why the real pocket watch judges that Baron Staley is neither a member of the Freedom Association nor a behind-the-scenes force:

1. Baron Staley used some special means to confuse the judgment of the real pocket watch.

2. The Baron Staley who appeared in front of them was not Baron Staley himself, but someone else pretending to be him.

Given that the statue of the Black Madonna did not change due to the appearance of Baron Staley, the possibility of the former is higher, unless
The movement of the black Madonna can be actively controlled by the behind-the-scenes forces. If they want the black Madonna to change, they will make a change, and if they want the black Madonna to calm down, they will calm down, so that Maweiji people realize that the black Madonna is related to the behind-the-scenes forces. See The seemingly accidental third change was also intentional.

Under the premise that the real pocket watch may be confused, the conclusions given by the pocket watch are not credible. If you want to know the truth of the matter, you must either investigate and speculate by yourself, or.
Call the name of Baji, the god of truth, and go to his kingdom of God, where it should not be affected.

But then again, how could Mavi ask the God of Reality Baji about these things?

Baji, the god of truth, is not necessarily a good thing. His degree of danger is no less than that of the Freedom Association and the behind-the-scenes forces.

Surrounded by tigers and wolves, no one can trust him except his own people.

Click. Click.
Over the hillside, the funeral procession came to the cemetery behind the manor. This is the cemetery dedicated to the Baron Vorras family. The ancestors have been buried here for generations. They are regularly cleaned and maintained. It is much cleaner and more spacious than ordinary suburban cemeteries.

As a believer of the Honest Church, Baron Vorras should have been buried in the churchyard, but due to the disbandment of the Honest Church and the fact that the graves of his ancestors are right behind the manor, Mrs. Shevner decided to bury him in the family cemetery .

As for Bishop Hans' coffin, it has been sent to the Honest Church.

A snow squirrel jumped onto the pine tree, holding a red berry in its arms, and stared motionlessly at the crowd standing in front of the grave below.

"Today a God gained His most devout believer and a wife lost her loving husband"

Ma Wei held the open "Book of Truth" and recited prayers aloud. Relatives stood on both sides of the grave, dressed in black, and women wore black gauze skirts and black gauze on their heads. Weeping one after another, especially It was Shevna, whose painful crying added a touch of sadness to the cold and lonely winter.

"May the soul of the deceased rest in peace, may he live a prosperous life in the kingdom of God, may the God he believes in give generous gifts, may all pain be far away, and may joy and happiness surround him"

People attending the funeral put white bouquets in their hands on the coffin, walked around the grave, expressing their memory of the dead one by one.

After solemnly saying the prayer, Ma Wei took out his pocket watch and glanced at it: "5:15 pm, Mrs. Shevna, remember this time."


"Fill in the soil."

The serfs belonging to the Baron Wallas family brandished shovels and sprinkled a pile of soil into the grave to cover the coffin. At the same time, the tombstones that the stonemasons rushed to make were also erected.

The funeral was over, and the relatives turned around and left, preparing to return to the manor and take care of the dinner.

"Another funeral"

Ma Wei stood in front of the tombstone, and did not leave immediately, but fell into a long silence as he looked at the name of Baron Wolas and the date of birth-death on the tombstone.

In the three years since he founded the Church of Truth, he has sent away too many people, so many that he can’t even count them. Some nights, he would dream that he was lying in the cemetery in a trance, the sky was gray, and it was raining. It was cold and rainy, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

"Teacher, what are you thinking?" Daniel asked.

"I'm thinking about the meaning of life, but it's pessimistic nihilism."

Ma Wei looked at the tombstone, pressed his palms on his chest, and after silently mourning, he patted Daniel on the shoulder, held up Junia's little hand and said, "Let's go, those who stand still will be abandoned by the times, and we still have to go." There's a lot to do."

After Mavi walked away, Daniel, with a white flower pinned to his chest, faced the tombstone, as if talking to himself, as if he was asking the dead Baron Wolas, and said softly: "The age of nobility is really over. Yet?"

"Yes." A voice came from behind the tombstone.


Daniel walked behind the tombstone, looked at Fat Ju, who was squatting there and licked his claws, and said, "What are you doing? Overhearing?"

"You were the one talking at the place where I was licking my paws. How did it turn out that I was eavesdropping?" Fat Orange took graceful catwalks, with his tail raised high, and walked towards the manor without looking back: "Hurry up, here is In Siberia, there are black bears in winter."

Daniel looked back at the empty coniferous forest, trotted and said, "Don't black bears want to hibernate?"

"There will always be hungry people who come out to look for food. Last time, a cat saw one."

"Will you protect me?"

"Who knows."

At night, the manor was brightly lit, and in the restaurant, people in black ate in silence. There was no laughter during the banquet, only the tinkling of knives and forks touching the porcelain plates.

"Ma'am, I am a serf merchant from Tevriz. Are your serfs willing to sell?"

"Ma'am, I am the manager of the Lvovka Wood Processing Factory. There is a forest on your territory. We are willing to buy it at a very suitable price."

Shevna was surrounded by businessmen, and they talked about how to divide the property of Baron Vorras's family. Shevna was absent-minded and had no intention of answering them.

On the other side, people raised their glasses to Baron Staley one after another. Everyone knows that from today onwards, the property of Baron Wallace's family will become the property of Baron Staley. As long as the news of Baron Wallace's death is reported to The Senate, then there will be one more noble title for Baron Staley.

But it was a funeral, so everyone didn't congratulate him, they just celebrated tacitly, with a sad look on the surface, and congratulated Baron Staley with the excuse of comforting Baron Staley not to be too sad.

Compared with Shevna and Baron Staley, Mavey's surroundings are a bit deserted, and not many people look for him. After all, he can't provide benefits to merchants or nobles. If you can't provide value, others will neglect you. This is Reality.

The butler standing behind the dining table serving the guests had an ugly face, glaring at these malicious guests, how much he hoped that Mrs. Shevna would drive them all out, but it was impossible.

"I'm leaving for a while."

Baron Starley, who had drunk too much wine, wiped the corners of his mouth, put down his glass, stood up, and walked towards the door.

Seeing Baron Staley leave the table, Ma Wei winked at Levin. Levin, who understood, picked up the fat orange, pretended to drop the spoon on the ground, and bent over to pick it up at the same time.
Launch the Siren's Tears, transform Fat Orange into his own appearance, and he
Then, with a slight snap of fingers, it disappeared instantly.


Ma Wei put down the knife and fork, pulled Junia up, and left the restaurant quietly.

"Teacher, what are they doing?" Daniel asked curiously, who was cutting the steak.

"Do business."


Clap la la.
Amidst the sound of running water, Baron Staley picked up a puddle of clear water and splashed it on his face, reeking of alcohol all over his body.

After washing his face, he took off the towel hanging beside him, and while wiping the water droplets, he raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror, to see if there was any disrespect in his appearance and hairstyle, while he was staring at the mirror and looking at himself.
In the mirror, behind him, an illusory cheek slowly rose.

Baron Staley's pupils shrank suddenly, and he cried out:


(End of this chapter)

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