Father Mavie

Chapter 210 A Good Game of Chess

Chapter 210 A Good Game of Chess (Please Subscribe!!!)

The combat meeting lasted for a full hour and a half, from the initial peace discussion to the back-to-back slapping the table.

The nobles were divided into two factions. One faction supported an immediate counter-offensive, with the whole army attacking. Headed by Duke Ivanovich, the other suggested a frontal feint attack, taking advantage of the enemy's main force to deploy cavalry in Tyumen City to attack the enemy's rear and cut off the supply lines. Use the great cold wave to drag down the enemy, led by Gregory, the Grand Duke of Livonia.

I have to say that the decision to eat first and then hold a meeting is somewhat reasonable. If they don't eat, how can these nobles have the strength to fight against each other?
In the end, Katerina couldn't take it anymore, she slapped the table, forced everyone to be quiet, and told her battle plan.

Her plan was inclined towards Duke Ivanovic, advocating a frontal counterattack. After all, blindly shrinking the city, not only the enemy, but also them were dragged down.

Nearly 2000 million refugees need an astronomical amount of food every day. The Romanov Kingdom does not have enough capital to compete with the Windsor Kingdom.

If you don't fight head-on, you may end up stealing chickens and losing money. If the Romanov Kingdom can't stand it, then the situation will be bad.

It was Paul I who determined the final plan. He did not take personal grievances into account. After a few private conversations with Archbishop Henry, he expressed his support for Duke Ivanovic and Katerina and launched a major counterattack.

Duke Ivanovich was ordered to take the position of commander-in-chief when he was in danger, and immediately began to dispatch troops and issued orders to direct the five army groups stationed around Tyumen City to prepare for war.

Two thousand artillery pieces were dragged by the poor horses to the open area outside the city of Tyumen. They formed an artillery position, located in the center, advancing continuously under the cover of infantry regiments, tens of thousands of cavalry deployed on the flanks, and non-commissioned officers supervised the battle.

At the same time, several other front armies were also deployed around the city of Tyumen, facing the second army occupying a favorable terrain. The atmosphere was tense, and commanders continued to ride through the phalanx to boost morale and form troops. .

Through the binoculars, Ma Wei saw the densely packed soldiers outside the city and Duke Ivanovich hiding in the center of the position, his brows were furrowed, and he felt a little worried.

The tactics used by Duke Ivanovic belong to the classic hollow infantry formation, the cavalry surprise attack and outflank, the artillery is centered and dragged behind, and can retreat at any time. There is no problem in the era of no high-precision and high-fire weapons. From the perspective of formation interval, personnel In terms of deployment, it is not difficult to see that Duke Ivanovic has received professional military training, but...
The problem is that most of the soldiers in the Romanov Kingdom are still equipped with old-fashioned flintlock muskets, and the artillery is also front-loading. or loading speed
Both sides have more than double the gap.

In terms of geographical conditions, the Second Army of the Kingdom of Windsor occupied the hillside, condescending, and the Romanov Kingdom is a plain with dense soldiers, and it is really fighting.
It is not certain who wins and who loses.

"The key is the priests of the Church of Wisdom. If they can't crack the magic of the Church of the Three Goddesses of Destiny, the Romanov Kingdom will undoubtedly be defeated." Katerina said in a deep voice: "If this battle fails, Qiumen City will be in danger."

"I can see Archbishop Henry's clothes are full of confidence." Ma Wei said, "I must have found a way."

Ma Wei and Katerina did not participate in this big counterattack. Their mission has been completed. Although they failed to capture Marquis James, they destroyed the command post of the Second Army and cut off the railway of the First Army. Get time off.

No one expected that they would sneak attack on Harsha Village at 5:[-] in the morning. Paul I didn't know it at all. Originally, he wanted to let Katerina take the lead before the big counterattack, but now this plan has also failed.

Just as the two armies were confronting each other and the atmosphere was tense, an old man in a blue robe suddenly walked out of the Romanov Kingdom's position. Holding a scepter in his hand, he walked to the front of the formation under the gaze of countless people. In the open area, the long white beard flutters in the wind, and the robe flutters.

Archbishop Henry!
He glanced at where Mavi and Katerina were standing, looked away, his lips twitched, as if he was chanting something under his breath.

A huge and incomparable magic circle suddenly appeared under his feet. During the rotation, the light green light passed through rapidly. Afterwards, he raised the scepter and pointed it at the sky.
A beam of light pierced straight into the sky, tore through the clouds and went straight.

"What is he doing?" Katerina frowned.

Edward's eyes flashed, he stared at the beam of light rushing into the sky, and said with a serious expression: "Astrology magic."

As soon as he finished speaking, in the pale, starless sky, stars suddenly lit up one after another, they were connected to each other, and under the stimulation of the beam of light, an image was outlined, followed by
Dropped the projection.

The stars were shining, scorpions as tall as farmhouses fell from the sky, and fell straight into the position of the Second Army. As soon as they landed, they started killing, wielding their huge scorpion pincers, and pinched a soldier by the middle , Rampage, for a while, the Second Army's position was turned upside down, screaming incessantly.

The priests of the Church of the Three Goddesses of Destiny immediately launched the field of eternal life. The commanders shouted to calm down the retreating soldiers and let them shoot. Amid the dense gunfire, the bullets shattered the hard shell of the scorpion, and the bullets burst out from the hard shell. What came out was not thick fishy blood, but smaller scorpions.

Soldiers stung by scorpions would twitch and fall to the ground in a few seconds, with bruises all over their skin. The domain of immortality relieved them of the toxin, but at this time the endless tide of scorpions had already covered their bodies. Biting their newborn flesh, the painful wailing of their companions almost caused other soldiers to collapse, and only then did they realize.
Death is sometimes a kindness.

"Father! Father!!!"

The commander found the priest accompanying the army with a livid face, and roared: "Don't you have anything to do with these scorpions? My soldiers are suffering!!!"

The priest in charge of launching the field of immortality looked gloomy, and looked at another group of priests behind him, "It's your turn."

The group of priests nodded, walked forward, raised their palms, and did not use the death domain, but used another ring.

"Ancient magic, black mist."

The golden ring was shining brightly, and under the joint urging of more than a dozen priests accompanying the army, a majestic black fog gushed out, covering the starlight falling from the sky, and the Scorpio, which lost its source of power, suddenly collapsed.

The black mist did not dissipate just then, but floated into the sky, forming a large black cloud, covering the sun and stars.


Seeing this scene, Ma Wei was shocked: "Why did the Church of the Three Goddesses of Fate prepare a ring to deal with astrology magic? Did they already know that Archbishop Henry would use astrology magic?"

All kinds of doubts came to my mind. Ma Wei had always felt that something was wrong. Why did Archbishop Henry, who can use astrology magic, implement a policy of non-resistance for a month when the war broke out?

Does Archbishop Henry know that the Church of the Three Goddesses of Fate has prepared magic to deal with astrological magic?

Did I predict the opponent's prediction?
Reminiscent of the Kingdom of Windsor attacking the Romanov Kingdom with all its forces, without any worry about being backstabbed by other kingdoms.
Ma Wei suddenly felt that this war seemed to have been planned from the very beginning.

Just like a group of greedy diners, they have negotiated how to share the food long before the food is served.

The current chaotic situation.
I am afraid it is caused by the uneven distribution of spoils!
If so, Mavi shuddered.

The New Law of Religion, War, Early Wisdom
His previous guess came true.

This is indeed a round, a round planned by the group of old immortals hiding behind the scenes!

According to their plan, I am afraid that the small church will not have any room to stand up, and can only become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and will be eaten by them one by one together with the Romanov Kingdom.

Fortunately, some kingdoms broke the established rules of the game and wanted to snatch a bigger cake!
"I see."

Ma Wei sneered: "It's really a good game of chess."

(End of this chapter)

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