Father Mavie

Chapter 209 Words of Punishment

Chapter 209 Words of Punishment (Please Subscribe!!!)
"Sister, you are 23 years old this year. There is no princess in any country who refuses to marry like you."

Paul I patiently comforted him: "Crown Prince Ivan wrote you many letters expressing love, but you never read them. Now King Ivan XIV of Bourbon wrote to me personally, wanting to marry. A great opportunity, why don't you agree?"

As he said that, Paul I snapped his fingers, and the maids immediately brought the prepared portraits and placed them neatly facing the sun.

The portraits are all young and handsome men, wearing formal gowns, standing in the palace, and their tall and tall figures were recorded by the court painter, either rich or noble.

"Sister, take a look. These are nobles who have admired you for a long time. Their families have great influence in their respective kingdoms. As long as you nod, I am willing to write a letter to build a bridge for you."

"I am the Grand Duke of Mosk, not a princess." Katerina tasted the spicy ouzo and said lightly: "This is the title my father granted me before his death. I don't need to marry, and no one ordered me to marry you." power, including you, Your Majesty."

Your Majesty?
Hearing this title, Paul I frowned, waved to the maids to put away the portrait, and said softly, "You are angry."

"You understand my temper, don't let yourself down."

After finishing speaking, Katerina smiled slightly at the dumbfounded nobles around her: "Everyone, are you full?"



"If you're full, I think it's time for a military meeting."

Except for Junia who was eating pastry, no one touched a knife and fork at the banquet, and they were all disturbed by the tense atmosphere of Paul I and Katerina.

The marriage of members of the royal family is an internal matter of the royal family, and the nobles cannot intervene, otherwise it will be rude.

Besides, no one wants to mess with Katerina, especially if she's angry.

"Let's get down to business then."

Paul I clapped his hands, and the maids immediately removed the plates and dishes. Only Junia held the half piece of cream cake on her plate and hid behind Ma Wei.

In the blink of an eye, the long dining table was cleared and covered with brand new white tablecloths. At the same time, a huge map was pushed into the meeting hall, and the battle meeting officially began.

"According to the report from the front-line scouts, the enemy's first army's supply and troop transport routes have been cut off." Duke Ivanovich stood up, holding a long stick, and introduced the situation of Tyumen City to the king and other commanders. : "The first group army has not yet assembled, and the number of enemy troops outside the city is much smaller than what we estimated before, about 25, while the strength in our hands is 60, which is twice as much as the enemy."

"Not only that, Her Royal Highness Katerina led the 15th and 19th Cavalry Regiments to destroy the command post of the Second Army. Although they failed to capture the commander, Marquis James, their command system could not be restored in a short time."

Prince Ivanovich pointed to the station of the Second Army on the map and said: "In short, the Second Army is now a piece of sand. Everyone, I think it's time for a counterattack."

Paul I stared at the map without saying a word. He knew that his military talent was not as good as that of the nobles sitting here, let alone his own sister, so he just watched from the sidelines and let the generals play freely.

"The enemy will use magic. Even if we have an advantage in numbers, we still have no certainty of victory."

Gregory spoke. As the Grand Duke of Livonia, he controlled an army of 3 people and merged into the 3rd Army of the Romanov Kingdom: "The priest who can use magic is our primary enemy. They are here, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Windsor are a group of immortal warriors, even if their heads are cut off, they can grow back in a short time, no different from monsters!"

"Katerina, when you raided Harsha Village, you should have seen the priests of the Church of the Three Goddesses of Fate. Since you can return safely, it means that the priest Mawei of the Church of Truth has a way to suppress them." Paul I looked at Ma Wei standing behind the crowd and said, "In this case, why not let him continue to participate in the counterattack?"

The nobles all cast their eyes on Ma Wei. They all knew that the Church of Truth was Katerina's reinforcements. Although it was only a small church, it was able to help Katerina successfully destroy the second The command post of the group army shows that it is indeed superior.

If this kind of person can go to the front line, it will definitely be of great help.

Katerina saw Paul I's intentions, and said with a sneer, "Your Majesty, Father Mawei has been running around with me all night, and he is already very tired. He needs to rest."

"I know, but I want to ask Father Marvie what he means."

Paul I stared at Mawei intently, and said slowly: "Father Mawei, are you willing to fight for the Kingdom of Romanov?"

Katerina winked indiscriminately, signaling to Mavie not to agree, this is a trap, as long as Mavie nods, then Paul I will take advantage of the opportunity to let Mavie continue to fight for the Kingdom of Romanov, and in the future can also use the same reason to hold him hostage.

If you do not agree.
Then Paul I would bring up the fact that Mavie Enders had served in the Royal Navy, and accuse him of being a spy sent by the Kingdom of Windsor, thus launching an attack.


Faced with countless aggressive gazes, Ma Wei shrugged and said frankly: "Your Majesty, before answering your question, I would like to ask you one thing in front of so many nobles."

"what's up?"

"Are you willing to fight for the Kingdom of Romanov?"

"Presumptuous! How dare you question our great majesty"


Paul I raised his hand to signal the angry nobles to be calm, then crossed his fingers and said with great interest: "As the king of the entire Romanov Kingdom, I have the obligation and responsibility to fight for the kingdom, this is my mission. But as king, I need to sit in the rear, so as to stabilize the morale of the army."

"But your father, the previous King Peter, didn't do this." Ma Wei said: "He fought for half his life, made great contributions to the Romanov Kingdom, created a legacy that will last forever, swept the world, and it is difficult to find an opponent. He is crowned by the world with the title of Great Emperor."

"Such a great king can make the world surrender, relying not only on his resourcefulness, but also on his bravery and mind that ordinary people can't match. He has been fighting for the kingdom all his life. He is our role model."

"Your Majesty Paul, at such a critical time, I think the people under your rule hope to see the shadow of Peter the Great from you. After all, you are his only son. Standing in the same position and taking the lead, how can others be convinced to fight for the Romanov Kingdom?"

Katerina's eyes lit up, but Paul I's face suddenly darkened, let him go to the front line?
What a joke.
He has no eyes for swords and guns, and he doesn't even understand the enemy's methods. Once he goes to the battlefield, he may become the main target of the enemy army in an instant. Who will protect him?
Archbishop Henry is of course willing to take on this important responsibility, but don't forget that among the front-line soldiers, there is another person-Mavi Enders!

If Mavi makes some small moves and plots to assassinate him secretly, can Archbishop Henry handle it?
Maybe, but Paul I dared not gamble.

Ma Wei's answer undoubtedly tied himself to the same rope as Paul I. His meaning was very simple. If Paul I was unwilling to go to the front line, what right did he have to ask his own people to go to the front line? ?

Of course, with the power of the king, Paul I can force any of his subjects to face the enemy, but what are the consequences of doing so?
The hearts of the people have been lost, the hearts of the people are divided, and they are labeled as tyrants.

At that time, more kingdoms will send troops to attack under the banner of liberating the Romanov kingdom, and they will wait for Paul I to make mistakes.

And Paul I, who made a mistake, can still get the support of the nobles?
Those weeds.
I'm afraid he sold him early.

Ma Wei's words are punishing Paul I's heart!

The light sound of the door latch opening broke the dead silence in the conference hall. An old man wearing a blue archbishop's robe and a slender white beard like Gandalf walked in. He had been eavesdropping in the dark room for a long time. Lost control and had to come forward.

"His Majesty."

Archbishop Henry said with a smile: "You don't need to go to the battlefield, including this Father Mawei. In order to deal with the Church of the Three Goddesses of Fate, the Church of Wisdom has sent a large number of priests, which can help you launch a counterattack and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop." .”

(End of this chapter)

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