I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 320 You Don't Need To Be Trustworthy To Slaves

Chapter 320 You Don't Need To Be Trustworthy To Slaves
Noon in the hot sun.

After the men of the Atamas tribe and the Dorian women who dared to resist were killed, Roy began to observe the Atamas tribe carefully.

As a nomadic civilization, the Dorians built neither walls nor houses.

They live in tents made of cowhide, so there are thousands of tents densely distributed among the Atamas tribe.

When Roy's soldiers drove the captured Dorian women together, Roy was even more surprised to see that although thousands of Dorian women were killed because of their resistance, the number of captured Dorian women still exceeded five thousand.

Among them, there are more than 2000 Dorian girls who look like unmarried girls.

"Women who take up arms and fight... there are more women than men... Am I coming to the tribe of the Amazons?"

Although the Piraski people are a group of goddess worshipers, their culture requires women to obey their husbands, and women's daily work is to weave at home.

Roy will safely hand over his power to Procne, Philomela, and Harmonia, because they are Pilarski girls who obey their husbands, and it is almost impossible for them to betray Roy.

Although the Dorians worshiped the male god Heron, not only did they require men to receive military training from an early age, but even Dorian women also had to receive certain military training.

That was why thousands of Dorian women would take up arms and fight Roy's men.

Looking at the Dorian women with strong bodies and fighting spirit in their eyes, Roy had to suspect that in the myth of another world, one of the prototypes of the Amazon female warriors was the Dorian woman.

Because the Dorian woman is really in line with the image of the Amazon female warrior.

Among the Dorian tribes, whenever a child was born, the boy was subjected to two tests of life.

The first test a Dorian boy receives after birth comes from a tribal priest.

If the priest thought he was unhealthy, he would be thrown into a baby dump in the wilderness.

The second test a Dorian boy receives at birth comes from his mother.

The boy's mother would bathe the boy in strong wine, and if he had convulsions or lost consciousness, it was a sign of weak constitution, and the mother would let him die, for he could not grow into a good fighter.

Because these two life tests reduce the number of Dorian men, Dorian tribes are usually a daughter country with more women than men.

In this situation where there are more women than men, the Dorian culture not only has no restrictions on women, but even actively promotes the culture of sharing wives.

That is to say, when a Dorian man is old, he must agree to his young wife having children with other men, and to raise the children born to his wife with other men.

There will be more than 2000 unmarried girls in the Atamas tribe, not only because the Dorian tribe has more women than men, but also because the Dorians stipulate that men can only marry at the age of 30.

This is also the reason why old couples and young wives will appear in Dorian tribes, and the system of sharing wives must be implemented.

Women are female warriors who receive military training, and the ethnic group is a country of daughters with more women than men, and there is no culture in which women are loyal to their husbands——

The images of the Dorian woman and the Amazon female warrior cannot be said to be 100% similar, only to the extent of complete consistency.

At this moment, hundreds of slave men and women in tattered clothes ran up to Roy and knelt down.

These people were the Pilaski people captured by the Dorians. If there was no rescue from Roy, perhaps they would be the slaves of the Dorians until their death.

Roy accepted their thanks frankly, and then said to them.

"Unfortunate people! From now on, you are no longer the slaves of the Dorians. I know that the slavery of the Dorians has caused unimaginable harm to you, so I will use the property of the Dorians to compensate you .”

Hearing Roy's words, many slaves couldn't help crying.

Because they really didn't expect that Roy not only saved them, but also compensated them with Dorian's property.

A white-faced and beardless slave man who was obviously turned into a eunuch mustered up his courage and said to Roy.

"Great King of Athens! The Dorians have ruined us slave men in order to prevent us slave men from having children with Dorian women. I am willing to give up compensation, and please allow me to kill a Dorian in revenge. "


Roy said without hesitation.

"There are more than 5000 Dorian women here, you slave men who are hurt, you can all kill a married Dorian woman for revenge."

With Roy's permission, the slave man immediately rushed to a married Dorian woman and strangled her to death.

With this slave man taking the lead, other slave men followed suit.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of married Doric women were turned into corpses.

When the remaining Dorian women were trembling in horror, a Dorian girl with a noble dress and a beautiful face rushed to Roy and complained.

"You have clearly said that you will not be killed if you surrender, why are you even killing us women who have surrendered?"

Looking at this beautiful blonde girl, Roy asked curiously.

"who are you?"

"I am Heller, the daughter of the leader Atamas! The people you killed are not only my own people, but also my people."

Knowing the girl's identity, Roy looked at the gleaming bronze belt around her waist and said.

"You are indeed the daughter of Atamas, the leader of the Atamas tribe. Although we did say that you would surrender and not kill, those who were degraded by you as slaves want to take revenge on you. It is not wrong for your tribe to die Bar!"

Heller said unconvinced.

"Just like it's a matter of course for wolves to eat sheep, it's also a matter of course for these people to be captured and turned into slaves by us. What qualifications do they have for revenge?"

Roy wasn't surprised by Heller's misconceptions.

Because that's what the Dorian culture taught them.

"Heller, let me ask you a question, do you Dorians trust slaves?"

"of course not!"

Heller replied without hesitation.

"In order to motivate the slaves to complete the work we have arranged, we will even promise to set the slaves back to freedom. But after the slaves have actually finished their work, even if we kill the slaves, we will not actually set the slaves back to freedom."

In the history of another world, the Dorians [Spartans] once defeated Athens with two thousand black slaves.

To motivate these black labor slaves, the Dorians [Spartans] promised them freedom.

But after the war, these black labor slaves who made great contributions to the Dorians [Spartans] defeating Athens not only did not get the freedom they wanted, but were also collectively killed by the Dorians.

After listening to Heller's answer, Roy said with a playful smile.

"Heller! Since you Dorians feel that you don't need to keep your promises to slaves, then you can just think that I am not trustworthy to you Dorian slaves! If you are dissatisfied——what if you are dissatisfied?"

(End of this chapter)

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