I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 319 Attack on Dorians for Dimensionality Reduction

Chapter 319 Attack on Dorians for Dimensionality Reduction

The Thessaly region is located in northern Greece and covers an area of ​​about [-] square kilometers.

Three thousand and 600 years later, because the Great Plain of Thessaly was the most fertile plain in Greece, the Thessaly region became one of the best agricultural areas in Greece, not only rich in wheat and cotton, but also very developed in animal husbandry.

Unfortunately, the fertile Thessaly region is now ruled by the blond and blue-eyed nomadic Dorians.

As the population increased, the Dorians began to frequently invade Central Greece.

The city of Thebes failed to develop into a hegemonic city-state, the main reason being the damage caused by the Dorians.

In the era 500 years later, the Dorians not only occupied the Otis area with iron ore, but also obtained the smelting technology handed down from the Hittite Empire.

So the Dorians used the iron ore in the Otis area to forge advanced iron weapons, and launched a war of conquest against the Greeks in the south.

After Roy left Thebes with [-] Iron Spearmen, he was full of confidence in defeating tens of thousands of Dorians.

After all, in the history of another world, the Dorians used iron weapons to attack the Mycenaeans who used bronze weapons to reduce dimensionality, and they could replace the Mycenaeans as the overlord of the Peloponnese Peninsula.

Now Roy wants to use iron weapons to reduce the dimensionality of the Dorians, and there is no possibility of losing to the Dorians.

Because there were neither copper nor iron mines in Thessaly, the weapons used by the Dorians were either wooden or stone or bone.

Mount Osiris.

This mountain range is the natural dividing line between the Thessaly region and Central Greece.

To the north of Mount Osiris is the region of Thessaly, and to the south is the region of Otis in Central Greece.

Mount Osiris is also the dividing line between the two tribes of the Dorians.

To the east of Mount Osiris is the territory of the Aeolus tribe, and to the west is the territory of the Atamas tribe.

In the mythology of another world, the territory of the Aeolus tribe is ruled by the descendants of Aeolus.

Because the Atamas tribe invaded Central Greece, Atamas was also regarded as the city-state king of the Thebes area [Middle Greece is the Greater Thebes area in a broad sense].

Roy took the Thebes soldiers to the southern foot of Mount Osiris, and found that the wheat fields in this area had been harvested, and the tribal camps in this area were also empty.

Obviously, the food here was robbed by the Dorians, and even the residents here were taken away by the Dorians as slaves.

Because there are many horseshoe prints in this area, this is the proof that Dorian knights have been here.

Leading the Thebes soldiers up Mount Osiris, Roy looked at the endless Thessaly Plain, and began to think about how to eliminate the Dorians.

Roy's [-] soldiers are all iron spearmen using iron weapons.

Although the Dorians were knights on horseback, their weapons were basically made of wood or stone and bone.

In a frontal battle, even if the Dorian knights had a ten-fold numerical advantage, they would not be able to defeat Roy's Iron Spearmen to attack them.

In fact, the combined population of the four major tribes of the Dorians is only 6 to [-] people.

Even if all men over the age of 16 were on horseback, the number of Dorian knights would not exceed 6000.

If Roy defeated each of the four major tribes, each major tribe could only send out [-] Dorian knights at most to fight Roy.

Defeating the Dorians is not difficult, the hard part is how to catch the Dorians.

After all, the Dorian knight couldn't beat Roy's soldiers, so he could take the initiative to stay away from Roy's army. It was impossible for Roy to lead a group of infantry to chase down the Dorian knight.

"Looks like this is the only way."

There is a saying that a monk can't run away from the temple if he can run away.

Although Dorian knights can take the initiative to stay away from Roy's army, their family members cannot move casually.

As long as Roy finds the Dorian tribe's residence, he can attack the old, weak, women and children in the tribe.

With the old and weak women and children of the Dorian tribe as captives, the Dorian knight could only fight head-on with Roy's army in order to save his family.

The Great Plain of Thessaly.

After Roy led the army into the grassland, he began to march towards the Atamas tribe in a straight line.

Roy was able to confirm the location of the Atamas tribe because Roy used the ability of the demigod hero.

When the patrol knights of the Atamas tribe discovered that Roy's target was the Atamas tribe, Roy's army was less than thirty miles away from the Atamas tribe's garrison.

In order to stop Roy's army, the Atamas tribe sent thousands of knights to harass and attack Roy's army.

These Dorian knights could only use wooden arrows and bone arrows from a distance to attack Roy's army with ridiculous power.

Because the Dorian knights were attacking head-on without stirrups and saddles to secure their bodies, Lowe's soldiers could easily make them fall off their horses.

In this era, horses were used in chariot combat rather than cavalry combat because tools such as saddles and stirrups had not yet appeared.

Roy entered the third day of Thessaly with his army.

The garrison where tens of thousands of people lived in the Atamas tribe appeared in front of Roy's army.

Although the Atamas tribe already knew that Roy's army was approaching the station, they did not move.

Because they have neither tens of thousands of horses or oxen, nor carriages or ox carts as vehicles.

If the Atamas tribe chose to leave everything alone, they would starve to death before long.

Even if they went to other tribes for help, other tribes would not have enough food to feed the tens of thousands of people of the Atamas tribe.

Therefore, in order to defend the right to survive, the Atamas tribe could only choose to fight head-on with Roy's army.

Seeing more than 2000 men and women of the Atamas tribe standing in battle with weapons to defend the tribe behind them, Roy gave orders to the soldiers behind them.

"Soldiers! Surround the tribe of Atamas and don't let go of our spoils. I ask you to kill all the men, but you must not harm the women and the horses, for I will distribute the women to the unmarried soldiers among you. After this war is over, all of you will be rewarded with a thousand catties of grain, and unmarried soldiers can use the price of a thousand catties of grain to buy unmarried Doric girls as slaves."

After Roy finished speaking, the soldiers immediately let out thunderous shouts.

"Long live the King of Athens—"

"Long live the King of Athens—"

"Long live the King of Athens—"

The reason why the soldiers reacted so excitedly was because most of these young soldiers were unmarried soldiers.

Even married soldiers are very excited about the reward of a thousand catties of grain.

Seeing that the fighting spirit of the soldiers had already exploded, Roy didn't waste any more time, and directly raised his iron gun and said.

"Everyone rush with me!"

After speaking, Roy took the lead and rushed to the Atamas tribe.

Like a tiger leading a pack of wolves to attack a flock of sheep, Roy led [-] iron gunmen into the Atamas tribe, and a unilateral killing began at this moment.

Atamas, the leader of the Atamas tribe, was completely desperate, and finally rushed out of the encirclement and fled to the east with his family and personal guards on horseback.

(End of this chapter)

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