I hold my thighs in the survival game

Chapter 432 Longevity Village (6)

Chapter 432 Longevity Village (6)

The two of them sat on the bed and stared at the door quietly. Seeing something outside knocking on the door for a long time, the door was not opened. The two of them lay down and continued to rest.

'Shen Yue' at the door yelled outside for a long time, but seeing that the people in the room were indifferent, she left unwillingly.


As the rooster crowed again, the sky turned bright outside in about half an hour.

With the sound of cock crowing, the village, which was still lifeless at night, seemed to wake up after a long sleep.

In the sky, groups of birds chirping and flying over the village.

The sound of insects sounded from the house, and even the roofs of the peasant households in the village sold cooking smoke.

The aroma of a meal is in the air, and everything is so real.

When Shen Yue got up from the bed, she saw Brother Jin walking in with washbasins, towels, small buckets and other items.

"Where did you buy these things?"

Fu Jinnian gave Shen Yue one of the sets of pink and tender toiletries, "The village chief's family runs a canteen."

Shen Yue nodded knowingly, her eyes fell on the small plastic bucket he bought, and there was a new rope tied to it.

"What's the use of buying this small bucket? Is it to fetch water?"

Fu Jinnian hummed, "If we want to wash up, we have to fetch water from the well at the entrance of the village."

Shen Yue nodded, after all this is a rural area, there is no running water installed in the house, so if you want to use water, you have to do it yourself.

"I will go with you."

The two of them took the toiletries and the small bucket out the door, stepped on the "creaking" wooden stairs downstairs, and walked out of the yard.

The quaint village has a rustic and simple atmosphere. The morning sun shines on the ground, and the busy villagers can be seen in the fields.

When the villagers saw Shen Yue and Fu Jinnian, they still had a smile on their faces. They were already used to a group of strangers appearing in the village for various reasons every few days.

The two continued to walk towards the well at the entrance of the village. When they passed by the place where the funeral was reported last night, Shen Yue found that the white funeral banners that were still hanging high had disappeared, and even the red coffin placed in the middle of the village road had disappeared. disappeared.

It's as if everything they saw last night was a hallucination.

Beside the well at the entrance of the village, three or two women walked home with buckets filled with water.

Shen Yue put the washbasin on the ground, took out the toothpaste, and squeezed toothpaste on the two toothbrushes.

Fu Jinnian threw the bucket into the well, and soon pulled up a bucket of clear water.

The two of them squatted together and began to wash their faces and mouths. Fortunately, although it was early winter here, the well water was not too cold to use with non-freezing hands.

The two walked back after washing, passing by the Hall of Longevity where they worshiped last night.


After the iron porcelain basin fell to the ground with the sound of water being sprinkled, the sound made Shen Yue and Fu Jinnian stop, and looked towards the place of the sound.

"It's not good, it's not good." A middle-aged man in a scar patch with stitches ran out of the temple in a panic.

"The temple is dead, and the big thing is not good."

While running towards the village, the man yelled over and over again, he didn't even notice when Shen Yue and Fu Jinnian appeared in front of the gate of the Hall of Eternal Life.

"It's Liu Dazhuang." Shen Yue looked at Liu Dazhuang who had turned into a corpse. He had a ferocious face at the moment, his eyes were staring at the benevolent Buddha statue with eyes as big as copper bells, and his godless eyes were full of fear, despair and fear. .

He must have seen something terrible before he died.

Fu Jinnian said, "Let's go in and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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