I hold my thighs in the survival game

Chapter 431 Longevity Village (5)

Chapter 431 Longevity Village (5)

Seeing the back of the village head completely disappear into the night, the players gathered together.

"Let's introduce ourselves." The young man suggested, "My name is Mo Cheng, an old player."

"My name is Ai Mengmeng, an old player." Then the woman in the hip-wrapping skirt said with a smile.

The girl with straight hair said: "Su Yaoyao."

The new middle-aged couple, the male is named Liu Dazhuang, and the female is named Jiang Liyuan.

"Shen Yue."

"Fu Jinnian."

After introducing himself, the player finds the room he lives in with the key.

Shen Yue and Fu Jinnian's room was No. 201, upstairs, the two walked up the wooden stairs.

The wooden stairs are exposed to the wind and rain all the year round, and people stepping on them make a "creaking" sound, as if they may collapse at any time.

Fu Jinnian took the key and opened the door. Due to the humidity, the room was filled with an unpleasant musty smell.

Shen Yue took out her mobile phone and turned on the flashlight. There were old-fashioned tungsten filament light bulbs in the room. She went to the bed and stretched out her hand to pull the light cord.

With a "click", the light turned on instantly.

The hazy yellow lights illuminate the room a little dimly, giving people a deep feeling.

Fu Jinnian reached out and touched the quilt on the bed, "It's a bit damp, I'll go downstairs to find some dry materials to toast the quilt."

Shen Yue checked around the room, but the room was cleaned very clean, but there were a few drops of red things splashed on the legs of the wooden table, and she didn't know if it was left on purpose or she didn't notice it.

Shen Yue walked to the window sill and looked at the village through the window.

The night was dark, the screams and cries outside were resounding in silence, the silver-gray moon fell on the ground, and in the entire village, except for their place and the place where the funeral was held, none of the other households turned on the lights.

Fu Jinnian picked up some hay, piled dry wooden sticks in the yard, lit the kindling with a lighter, and Shen Yue hugged the wet quilt down.

Fu Jinnian took the quilt and started baking. Several other players saw him and joined the quilt baking team one after another. By the time they dried the quilt, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening.

Fu Jinnian directly closed and locked the window, and then tied Shen Yue to lie on the bed to rest.

The moon gradually climbed directly over the dome, and the village fell into a dead silence, and everything fell into a deep sleep.

"Heck, heck~"

At about three o'clock in the middle of the night, the sound of chicken feet crowing sounded in the village.

Babbling, the weird tune started to be sung outside again, the sharp male voice was very harsh.

Along with the piercing tune, suona and drums also sounded.

The sleeping player was awakened directly, Shen Yue frowned a little irritably, buried her face in Fu Jinnian's arms, trying to stop the weird tune that kept drilling into her ears.

"Don't these people sleep at night?" Shen Yue couldn't help but muttered complainingly.

Fu Jinnian reached out and patted her on the back lightly, "Go to sleep."

Shen Yue rubbed her head against his chest, closed her eyes with a light hum and continued to sleep.

While she was in a daze of sleep, there was a sound of footsteps in her ears.


At the door, a strange figure hovered outside the door, and it looked in through the gap in the door from time to time.

Immediately afterwards, a sound of climbing was heard from outside the door.

"Clap clap..."

"Clap clap..."

"Brother Jin, open the door, let me in quickly." An eager voice of 'Shen Yue' sounded from outside the room.

The two opened their eyes at the same time and looked towards the door.

"Brother Jin, open the door."

It seems that the things outside at this moment will imitate the people the player is familiar with, and lure the player to open the door to die.

(End of this chapter)

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