hunter world

Chapter 111

Chapter 111
The night was as thick as ink, deeply hiding everything in the entire land.Ye Ci turned the camouflage brooch, disguising himself as a dwarf thief in dark clothes.With such a body shape and such clothes, no one will notice at all when walking through the dark night.

Her footsteps were extremely fast, passing through the streets and alleys like a shadow, and disappeared in a flash.Before leaving Red Lake City, Ye Ci went to the warehouse and dumped all her belongings into the warehouse, and also took out four 24-slot bags, which she picked up in the dungeon. If you plan to sell it, you can only exchange one for a thousand gold, but that is money, right?But now Ye Ci didn't plan to sell it for money, she directly recruited the fourth child, and fixed all the bags on it.

Because hunters have to carry a quiver, they carry one less bag than all other professions. Therefore, in the game, only hunter pets can carry bags, and each pet can carry up to four bags.Moreover, unlike the package on the player, the package placed on the pet has a load. If the total weight of the package exceeds the pet's load, the pet cannot run and cannot be recalled at all.Not only that, pets can't pick up things by themselves and put them in the package. Only the owner can transfer the things on his body to the package on his body.

To put it bluntly, pet carrying things is actually a gimmick, nothing special, everything has to be operated manually.

Ye Ci originally wanted to choose the third child. After all, the loyalty of the third child is already full. Even if he is hungry, he will not strike. However, the burden of the third child is definitely not as high as that of the fourth child. In comparison, Ye Ci still chose the fourth child. , because she didn't know what was in the Jagged War Guild.In case they are all serious ones, it would be too much of a disadvantage to use the third one.

After making her own preparations, Ye Ci took back the fourth child, and ran towards the boat at the gate of Red Lake City in a dwarf manner. After paying a certain amount of money, she successfully arrived at Qingshi, the city where the Jagged Battle Guild was stationed. city.Now she is not a person who fights with blood and blood. There is no way to directly transfer to the guild resident through NPC like before. She can only teleport to the guild city first, and then find the guild number from the NPC to enter the guild resident.

Ye Ci has always had a good memory.She remembered that the guild residence of Jagged War was No. 491.

"Excuse me, what is the resident number of the guild you want to teleport into?"


"Are you sure?"


After paying 50 gold, Ye Ci's figure appeared outside a guild's resident. From a distance, the not-so-high city wall and some rough arrow towers all indicated that the guild's resident would not more than three levels.

And through the not-too-high city gate, Ye Ci saw a meeting flag. She was familiar with the banner on it. If it wasn't Iron Blood Battle, which guild was it?

Although it is a second-level guild residence, there are quite a few NPCs patrolling.After the battle between Tiantianxiangxiang and 24 Qiao Mingyueye, most of the guilds knew that Tiantianxiang suffered a loss from the few patrol soldiers, so without exception, they bought a lot of patrol soldiers on the garrison to prevent just in case.Ye Ci hid in the corner of the garrison map, she looked towards the west wall of the garrison, there seemed to be fewer guards patrolling there.

After determining the direction, Ye Ci began to sneak closer to the west wall.

The warning distance of the patrolling soldiers in the station is 5 yards, that is to say, as long as they are within 5 yards of them, they will attack. Although they are moving, it is not difficult for Ye Ci. After bypassing a dozen wandering patrol soldiers, they came to the bottom of the city wall.

Putting on the night clothes and mask, Ye Ci took out his flying claws, and disappeared into the vast night.The clothes and masks are all disposable items, which are not cheap. Ye Ci swung the flying claw vigorously, and only heard a "ding", and the flying claw was firmly hooked to the edge of the city wall.

The sound was actually not loud, but it still caused a few patrolling soldiers on the city wall to look sideways. They looked over here, and turned their heads back when they found nothing.Climbing up to the top of the wall, Ye Ci slowly retracted her flying claws. Her movements were very gentle, for fear of disturbing the patrol soldiers next to her.

Flying claws can be used twice, that is, once in and out, which is really expensive.Ye Ci put Fei Claw away, then took out the drug, picked the two patrol soldiers closest to him and threw it over, they immediately fainted on the spot.

In fact, Ye Ci didn't want to waste these two medicines, but she found that the two patrol soldiers were actually archers, so they used the medicine immediately.When stealing things, the most afraid of encountering is this kind of long-range patrolling soldiers. If they are discovered, they will definitely not be able to run away, so this medicine must be released.

After the archer fainted, she climbed over the wall and jumped down the city wall with agility.The city wall of the second-level guild's residence is not high, and Ye Ci can easily jump off it without causing any harm.After falling on the ground as silently as a cat, Ye Ci was not in a hurry, but carefully observed the distribution of patrols around, and found a path with the fewest obstacles and the fewest patrols. The drug is limited, it is impossible to meet gods and kill gods, and ghosts and ghosts.

This is really thanks to the fact that in her previous life, she was specialized in venting and interference, so she has a wealth of experience in finding routes. She found the ideal route in less than 3 minutes, and then she immediately started heading towards the guild warehouse along this route. near.

Except for the necessary patrol soldiers along the way, Ye Ci basically didn't waste drugs, and just went around.Soon, she reached the door of the guild warehouse where the Iron Blood War fought.There are 2 golden armored guards at the entrance of the guild warehouse. These two guards are the highest-level and most aggressive NPCs among all patrolling NPCs except the guardian at the entrance of the guild hall. If there is no drug, Ye Ci will definitely not be able to deal with them anyone.

However, with drugs, throwing these two guys over is like playing games.Ye Ci used an eagle eye spell before fainting the Golden Armored Guards, and observed all the surrounding situations by herself. After confirming that there were no wandering players in the entire station, and no players approached the guild warehouse, she used lightning speed to hide Er Zhishi knocked out the two gold-armored soldiers.Then she rushed to the warehouse door, took out the master key and inserted it into the lock.


The system prompts, but there is no sound, only a row of golden displays above the keyhole can be seen, showing the progress of opening.The success rate of opening the guild warehouse lock of the second-level guild with this master key is 80%, that is, there is a 20% failure rate.A master key has three chances to use it, if it fails three times, then Ye Ci will be in vain today.

"Failed to open."

It failed the first time.This made Ye Ci feel a little nervous. Although she followed people to rob many guilds in her previous life, she was always doing peripheral work. This stealing is really a big girl's first experience in a sedan chair.Fortunately, although she has never eaten pork, she has always seen the owner run away. Even if she has not stolen it herself, she still understands the general process.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Ci began to insert the key into the keyhole again.When the opening was 40% in progress, Ye Ci found a patrolling soldier walking towards him, and the distance was getting closer and closer. If he gave up at this time, the unlocking would definitely fail. If he didn’t give up at this time, he would definitely find himself ...

After thinking about it quickly, Ye Ci gave up on unlocking this time.He rolled on the ground and flashed into the shadows behind the warehouse.

It took less than three seconds to get out of the way, and the NPC had already walked within 5 yards of Ye Ci's position just now. If Ye Ci was there just now, he would have been discovered [-]% of the time.After a slight pause for two seconds, the NPC went back the same way and left, without noticing that the two golden armored guards had fallen into a coma.

According to past experience, Ye Ci made a rough estimate. When the patrolling soldier returns again, it will take about 8 minutes. Excluding the 8 seconds it takes to unlock the lock in these 30 minutes, she only has 7 and a half minutes to clear all the locks. After the things are finished, there should be plenty of time.

The patrolling soldiers walked a little farther, and Ye Ci ran out from the shadow again, took a deep breath, tried her best to calm down, and inserted the master key into the lock hole again.There is only this chance, so you must not fail.



"Successfully opened."

The lock of the Jagged Fighting Guild fell silently, Ye Ci stretched out his hand, caught the falling lock, and then gently hung it on the buckle.She slowly opened the door of the warehouse, walked in, and closed the door gently.

From the outside, except for the two golden armored guards who seemed to be dozing off dejectedly, there was nothing suspicious about the whole scene.

At this time, entering the guild warehouse is actually equivalent to entering one's own house, without any danger.The only thing to pay attention to is that the patrol soldiers come again after the 7 minute time limit, or there are players coming to the guild warehouse at this time.No matter which one of these two situations occurs, all previous efforts will be wasted. Therefore, this moment is not the time to go shopping, but the time to pursue time.

Although Jagged War is not an old-fashioned guild, it can be regarded as a rare dark horse among the new guilds. The consortium behind them is powerful, so their guild warehouse will definitely not be poor. This point, before Ye Ci entered the warehouse It was already decided, but after entering the guild warehouse, she was still stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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