hunter world

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

There are several theories about the looting.

Or it is called robbing the rich and helping the poor, or it is called a hero, or it is called a hero.Anyway, from ancient times to the present, the matter of looting has been enhanced and beautified by art, not to mention the four classics, just watch the current TV dramas and movies, the bandits who rob are basically the protagonists... Well, then What, it's a bit far away.

However, without exception, such things as looting were carried out at night.Even Chu Liuxiang, known as the handsome thief and thief, must have pretended to be B and said: "I will come on the moon tonight", but I have never heard of someone being a thief in broad daylight.Therefore, it can be seen that being a thief, no matter how well-beautified it is, is also a shameful thing.

In the same way, Ye Ci, who was preparing to do the same thing, naturally chose midnight.

The weather in Destiny is not constant, it will have wind, rain, thunder and lightning, white snow, and there will be a bright moon and a few stars or a clear sky. Everything here is [-]% simulated, and the four seasons have become its most basic. a feature.

And tonight is really a good day.

The fate of 02:30 in the middle of the night happened to be late at night. According to the default time in the game, it was a late autumn night.There is no light in the dark night, not to mention the moon, even the stars are invisible.The slightly chilly autumn wind is picking up. Most of the players have gone offline to sleep. Occasionally, a few who don't want to sleep are doing some boring things.Maybe they were fishing, maybe they were leveling, in short, there were very few people in the guild's residence.

This kind of weather and this kind of late night is really a good time for you to go out to work empty-handed.

In fact, Ye Ci has done many times in his last life about the small matter of looting.But at that time, she always fought in groups, and never did it alone.Therefore, acting alone this time is somewhat new to Ye Ci.

Back in the day, group combat was good, everyone worked together, everyone had different tasks, as long as we focused on the target, we would proceed in an orderly manner.Some people are responsible for wind protection, some are responsible for opening warehouses, and some are responsible for disturbing the line of sight. Such a one-stop process not only takes less time, but also has a high success rate. It's a pity that such things happen in the third stage of the Destiny Open Server. years later.

After several years of running-in, the large-scale fighting between the two camps has completely kicked off, so the major guilds on the same continent are also a little tired of fighting in the nest.After all, this kind of guild war between colleagues is really a waste of time and money, and it is not flattering.Therefore, they chose another even more hateful way of venting - looting the other party's guild warehouse.

Where there is a need, there is a market.At that time, squads like ransacking warehouses sprang up like mushrooms after rain. As long as they paid a certain fee, they would be responsible for ransacking the guild warehouses designated by the other party.And this kind of organization is generally hidden very deeply, even the buyer does not know the details of the other party, let alone the ransacked guild.

Flick off your clothes when it's over, and hide your merit and fame deeply.That's who they are.

Although this setting was also proposed by players because of too much loss, the official did not make any changes. They believed that this would increase the entertainment of the game.Even in reality, there are bank robbers, why is the guild warehouse not allowed to be looted?This was the official answer back then. This kind of answer made many guilds below level 5 feel unlucky if they were ransacked.Then desperately think of ways to improve the guild level, and minimize the success rate of the guild being ransacked.

Of course, of course, this is three years later.And now the various guilds don't even know that the guild warehouse can be looted.It's not their fault, it's an official problem, they have very brief explanations about all the facilities in the game, and they never say anything about the places that should be warned, but they keep talking about some well-known trivial matters.It was never officially mentioned that the guild warehouse could be robbed, and even the explanation in the guild resident never mentioned this.

As for the safety of the fifth-level guild, Ye Ci, a reborn person, spoiled it in advance based on the memories of his previous life.

She hadn't mentioned this to anyone, and of course no one would know.

Now all players think that the guild warehouse is the safest place, even safer than the personal warehouse in the game.Man is a kind of inertial animal, and it is easy to be blinded by inertia. It is like a man dressed in rags and carrying a snakeskin pocket on an ordinary hard-seat train. No one will think of him, even if he There are tens of millions in his snakeskin pocket, and it is estimated that everyone will only think that there are some tatters in it.If a well-dressed and well-dressed person is carrying a lockbox, I am afraid everyone will think that this person is a rich man, even if his lockbox contains some disposable washing utensils.

This is human inertia.

Human inertia is terrible.

Before Destiny, all game guild warehouses were invulnerable to looting.Therefore, everyone preconceived that the guild warehouse in Destiny cannot be looted.


Although it had been a long time since he had done this, Ye Ci still followed the original order and began to prepare.First of all, she came to the XC district of Red Lake City. There are usually mysterious shops in the slums of every big city. This kind of shop has no signboard and is inconspicuous. It is difficult to find without skills.

Walking through the streets and alleys, under the cover of the dark night, Ye Ci quickly reached the edge of the slum area, where there was a little beggar, inconspicuous, without even a name, but she walked up , and threw a gold coin into the bowl in front of him.After the gold coin and the bowl collided, there was a crisp sound, which echoed in the lightless night.

The crisp sound woke up the little beggar. He opened his eyes and saw the yellow-orange gold coin in the bowl. Laugh: "Thank you sir, thank you sir."

Then he fell asleep again.After he closed his eyes, Ye Ci threw another gold coin into his bowl, the little beggar woke up again, and gave the same response as before.After he fell asleep, Ye Ci lost another gold coin.

In the same way, after throwing 10 gold coins all the time, the little beggar finally sat up straight and no longer crooked there. He looked at Ye Ci: "You are such a strange person."

Yes, this is a hidden mission.A hidden quest that is required to start looting the warehouse.In the slums of every big city, there will be such an inconspicuous little beggar. As long as you can keep throwing a gold coin into his bowl within 10 minutes, you can’t get more or less, as long as you Throw a gold coin ten times in a row, and he will tell you a secret.However, after the secret was finished, the little beggar who started the hidden mission in this city disappeared.

In fact, this is also an effective measure by the government to limit such things as looting. If everyone can do this task, wouldn't everyone be a thief?

"I have a secret to tell you, would you like to hear it?" The little beggar said to Ye Ci mysteriously, Ye Ci smiled, and this time she took out a pocket with a hundred coins in it. The gold coin was handed to the little beggar: "Here you are."

The little beggar reached out to take the bag, shook it in his hand, the gold coins struck each other and made a clear and moving sound, he narrowed his eyes in satisfaction: "You are a very discerning person." After speaking, the little beggar stood After getting up, he smiled at Ye Ci: "Come with me, don't get lost."

After speaking, he ran quickly.

There are very few NPCs that can run so fast. If Ye Ci is not a hunter, he will probably be thrown off by him after a few turns.Soon the little beggar stopped, stopped in front of a row of low and smelly houses, and walked towards one of the inconspicuous houses.

Ye Ci also walked in. The room was filled with dilapidated furniture and three-legged chairs, all covered with thick grease, and a stench that had been lingering for an unknown amount of time permeated the room.In the deepest corner of the room was an almost crumbling table, and sitting beside the table were three shabby and dirty old men, who were playing cards.The dim light cast a terrifying look on their faces.

"Business is here." The little beggar said so, and walked to the side of the three people. They raised their heads and looked at Ye Ci with a strange smile.

Don't be afraid, this is not Sun Erniang's human meat bun shop.This is just a shop selling special products, and this shop only accepts customers brought in by little beggars, while other people walk in and see nothing but three old beggars playing cards.

"Guest, what do you want?" Old beggar A showed his scorched teeth and rubbed his fingers: "I sell good clothes here, and there is always one you can use."

Three people sold clothes, one sold tools, and one sold special medicines, including all the things used in the looting.

Nothing is cheap at all, and that's called an upfront investment.It is precisely because of this that in the last life, the prices for people who do this kind of business to pick up business have remained high.

2000 gold for a night suit that lasts for half an hour, 500 gold for a mask that completely hides your face and name for half an hour, 1000 gold for a wall-climbing fine gold flying claw, and 3000 gold for the master key that opens the guild warehouses from level 30 to level 300 , [-] gold per portion of drug that makes people fall asleep for [-] minutes.

Ye Ci took out 11 gold to purchase the outfits for this operation, including clothes, masks, flying claws, keys and [-] drugs.

(End of this chapter)

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