Chapter 109


As soon as Shi Qinghuan took the buns out of the steamer, she heard a knock on the door, so she immediately put the packaged dried tofu and fried tofu balls into the space.

Then she put half of the tofu buns into the space, and she took the remaining half directly to the kitchen cabinet for storage.

"Huanhuan, are you at home?" Wang Ailan saw that no one opened the door for a long time, so she asked.

"Here, I'll open the door right away." After Shi Qinghuan finished speaking, she quickly walked to the door of the room and opened the door.

When she opened the door, she saw Wang Ailan standing in front of her house holding Guan Xiaofu, so she said to Wang Ailan, "Aunt Wang is here, come in quickly."

After Wang Ailan heard Shi Qinghuan's words, she took Guan Xiaofu and walked into the house. When she entered the house, she put the oiled paper bag in her hand on the table.

Then she opened her mouth and said to Shi Qinghuan: "Huanhuan, I'm really sorry to come to your house to disturb you at this time."

"Do you want to disturb me or not? Besides, my house is not a very powerful place. There is no need to pick a time, so you can come whenever you want."

After hearing Shi Qinghuan's words, Wang Ailan finally dissipated some of her suppressed emotions, then she opened the oil paper bag, took out a few steamed tofu balls from inside and handed it to Guan Xiaofu, then said to Guan Xiaofu, "Go play in the corridor, Mother has something to tell your sister Huanhuan."

After hearing Wang Ailan's words, Guan Xiaofu nodded obediently, then he reached out to take the tofu balls that Wang Ailan handed him, and walked out of the house.

After Guan Xiaofu left the house, Wang Ailan pushed the tofu balls towards Shi Qinghuan, and then said to Shi Qinghuan: "This is the tofu balls I just steamed, try it and see if it tastes good. "

After Shi Qinghuan heard what Wang Ailan said, she picked up a tofu ball and ate it. After she finished eating the tofu ball, she said to Wang Ailan: "It's delicious, but the taste is a little bland. If you dip it in some sauce, it will be more delicious." delicious."

"It's true that these tofu balls taste better with sauce, but unfortunately I came out in a hurry and didn't bring miso."

"My family has it. I haven't finished the miso you gave me last time, so I'll go get it now."

"No, I don't have much appetite to eat right now."

After Shi Qinghuan heard Wang Ailan's words, she knew what Wang Ailan was doing at her house, so she followed Wang Ailan's wishes and asked Wang Ailan: "Aunt Wang, what's wrong with you? Bar?"

Wang Ailan froze for a moment when she heard Shi Qinghuan's words, then she patted Shi Qinghuan's arm angrily, and then said: "What are you talking about, I am already very old, how could I still be pregnant. "

"Why are you so old? You are only in your 30s now. Pregnancy is nothing more than normal."

"Hey~ It would be great if I got pregnant, but unfortunately I don't have that blessing."

"Then what's wrong with you? Why don't you lose your appetite when you're fine?"

After hearing Shi Qinghuan's words, Wang Ailan glanced outside the house, saw that Guan Xiaofu was not at the door, and then slowly said: "The reason why I have no appetite is because of my sister-in-law, she came to my house to play the autumn wind again."

"Does she often come to your house to play the autumn breeze?"

"Yeah, basically I come here once a month. Although there are not many things along the way every time, it is very responsive, so I brought Xiaofu to your house directly when she came today. "

(End of this chapter)

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