Rebirth 1984: Starting from the development of Hanka

Chapter 258 The hope of the future lies in Galaxy Technology Corporation

Chapter 258 The hope of the future lies in Galaxy Technology Corporation
"Well, very good, it seems that after 2000, we will soon be able to use our own country's positioning and navigation system!!!" Zhao Ye nodded with a smile, quite satisfied.

"Yes!" Chu Peng laughed.

"How much does it cost to launch a satellite?" Zhao Ye asked.

"The Beidou navigation system consists of 5 GEO satellites, 3 IGSO satellites, and 27 MEO satellites, a mixed navigation constellation composed of three orbital satellites. The cost of different satellites is not the same, ranging from 2.5 million yuan to as many as Then 7 million yuan, plus the rocket launch cost, on average, the cost of launching a satellite is about 5 million yuan!" Chu Peng introduced.

"It's still a bit expensive...By the way, how is the development of rocket launch recovery technology? Rocket launch costs are very high. If it can be recycled and reused, it can save a lot of rocket launch costs!" Zhao Ye asked. road.

Chu Peng shook his head and said, "Currently, the rocket launch and recovery technology is not mature enough, and we dare not do experiments. If we screw up, we will lose hundreds of millions of RMB."

Zhao Ye frowned and said, "As the saying goes, 'failure is the mother of success'. After everything is prepared, we should boldly conduct rocket tests. How can we collect data, sum up experience and lessons without bombing several times!"

In the previous life, the rockets of SpaceX often exploded, and as they exploded, the technology improved.

Chu Peng smiled wryly and nodded. Although what Zhao Ye said was very reasonable, the preparations and cares that should be made must be in place. It is necessary to ensure that the rocket test will not go wrong, otherwise, the loss will be great.

"By the way, Mr. Chu, how is Motorola's Iridium project going?" Zhao Ye asked. He remembered that Motorola chose Yinhe Technology to cooperate because the launch cost of Yinhe Technology's rocket was relatively low.

The Iridium Project is a global satellite mobile communication system consisting of 12 satellites, which took 50 years and cost more than 66 billion US dollars to build.

The investment in the Iridium project far exceeds that of the Beidou navigation system.

"From the information we have collected, Motorola plans to start test launches in 1996 and plans to put it into operation in 1998!" Chu Peng replied.

"No, the Iridium Project will launch 66 satellites, which means that Motorola will launch more than 20 satellites per year on average..." Zhao Ye knew about the Iridium Project in his previous life, but he did not notice that Motorola was launched in 1996. Test launches began in the year.

Zhao Ye thought that the Beidou navigation system invested by Yinhe Technology Co., Ltd. was a relatively big step, but compared with Motorola's Iridium project, it was nothing.

Zhao Ye couldn't help wondering whether the launch plan of the Beidou navigation system was too conservative.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Zhao Ye still felt that it should be done step by step.


After lunch at noon, Chu Peng took Zhao Ye to inspect the work of various departments of Yinhe Technology Company.

Zhao Ye deliberately went to the aero-engine and airliner R&D department to learn about the development progress.

But unfortunately, although the research and development progress is very fast, it will take some time to manufacture a large passenger aircraft, but it is coming soon. Yinhe Technology has spent more than five years developing a large passenger aircraft code-named "Kunpeng".

The aerospace technology of the Soviet Union even surpassed that of the United States in many aspects. Yinhe Technology inherited the aerospace technology of the Soviet Union, and then digested and innovated it to develop a large passenger plane that could surpass Boeing and Airbus.

In fact, if Yinhe Technology Company directly produces large civil aviation airliners, it can do it from the beginning.


Of course, if Galaxy Technology Corporation does this, Russia may be in trouble with Galaxy Technology Corporation.

Therefore, Zhao Ye insisted on absorbing and assimilating these technologies and blueprints, and then innovated by himself to develop more advanced civil aviation airliners.

Furthermore, these large passenger aircraft are now somewhat outdated, and their competitiveness is not comparable to that of Boeing and Airbus.


The annual research and development investment of Yinhe Technology Company is no less than 125 billion US dollars! In 1994, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) spent US$145.5 billion. Even NASA’s investment was not much more than that of Yinhe Technology. You must know that the expenditures of the United States are higher than those of China, and the actual use value of US$145.5 billion Not as good as China's $125 billion.

After years of research, Galaxy Technology Company has produced many cutting-edge basic technologies, involving mechanics, thermodynamics, materials science, medicine, electronic technology, photoelectric technology, automatic control, jet propulsion, computers, vacuum technology, cryogenic technology, semiconductor technology, manufacturing Technology and many other fields have greatly promoted the progress of domestic science and technology.

Today, the number of researchers of Galaxy Technology Company has exceeded 7.1, which can be called the number one high-end talent in the world!

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA has only more than 2 employees in the United States.Of course, there are still many companies in the United States serving NASA, including Boeing, Raytheon and other companies.

Galaxy Technology Company is a combination of them, so the scale is naturally relatively large.Moreover, Galaxy Technology Company, as a private company, also wants to make a profit.

Galaxy Technology mainly relies on the sale of satellites and rockets, which can make a lot of money.In addition, many aerospace technologies can be converted to civilian use, including wireless communication systems, power systems, control systems, remote control systems, chips, software, etc. Up to now, more than 750 technologies have been converted to civilian use, creating great value.

After a day of inspection, Zhao Ye has gained a deeper understanding of Yinhe Technology Company.

Zhao Ye believes that China's hope must be pinned on Galaxy Technology Corporation! ! !

Look up at the starry sky, walk out of the earth, and fight for space hegemony for the descendants of Yan and Huang, the Galaxy Technology Company, who else is better than me!

"Mr. Zhao, are you satisfied with the development of Galaxy Technology Company?!" Chu Peng took the prepared meals from the cafeteria to the table in front of Zhao Ye and sat down, then asked with a smile.

Zhao Ye nodded and said with a smile, "Well, it's pretty good, but we need to keep working hard!"

Chu Peng nodded, and then suggested: "Mr. Zhao, Yinhe Technology Company invests too much in research and development. It is not a good thing to always rely on Wujiang Group for blood transfusion. I think Yinhe Technology Company should be self-reliant and turn the research results into economic benefits." ! One step at a time, no need to ask for everything!"

"Well, what you said makes sense, please continue!" Zhao Ye ate his food, then nodded to Chu Peng, indicating to continue.

Chu Peng said: "There are many types of aero engines, and Yinhe Technology is doing research. The mechanical structure of the engines of modern airliners and helicopters is almost the same. Helicopters use turboshaft engines, and airliners use turbofan engines.

Yinhe Technology Company has developed a relatively advanced aviation turboshaft engine, which can be widely used in medium and large helicopters. "

"That is to say, Yinhe Technology Company can use the aviation turboshaft engine developed by itself to develop helicopters!"

"Helicopters are for both military and civilian purposes. Foreign business leaders, many of them have private helicopters, or even private jets!"

"I think that in the next decade or so, the market size of the helicopter industry will continue to grow rapidly."

"If you can take orders from the military, you will definitely make a lot of money!"

After Chu Peng finished speaking, Zhao Ye's eyes lit up.

The development of helicopters may be an opportunity to enter the military industry.

In addition, taking a helicopter to go to work by myself seems to be more pretentious.

Zhao Ye immediately expressed his support for this plan.

"Okay, then let Galaxy Technology Company develop the helicopter!!"

"Okay, Mr. Zhao. By the way, Mr. Zhao, I think we can also enter the small airliner industry. In fact, we have almost completed the accumulation of technology in this area. We can manufacture a short-range regional airliner with twin-engine turboprops. .Our country has a vast territory, a large population, and a huge economic scale. The domestic small passenger aircraft market, or the regional airliner market, actually has huge potential!"

The technical content of small airliners is naturally lower than that of large airliners.

Galaxy Technology Company has been rushing to large passenger aircraft, but the research and development time is long, and it is difficult to produce results. On the contrary, it is a small passenger aircraft, but it has enough technology accumulation.

Galaxy Technology Company has been losing money year after year. As the CEO of Galaxy Technology Company, Chu Peng has been thinking of ways to turn around the profit and loss.

Zhao Ye may not be interested in the small market of helicopters, but Chu Peng feels that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

The potential of regional airliners is not lower than that of large airliners.

If Galaxy Technology Company can occupy a place in the regional airliner market, it can greatly reduce the company's financial deficit.

Hearing this, Zhao Ye couldn't help but lament his own negligence. He only paid attention to large airliners, but ignored the value of regional airliners.

However, Zhao Ye knew that his mistakes could be corrected, and immediately said: "President Chu, your suggestion is very good, I will do as you said, and develop the regional airliner as soon as possible!"

"Okay, Director Zhao!"

"By the way, Mr. Chu, if you have any good suggestions, please bring them up to me in time, and I will definitely support them!" Zhao Ye felt that he was not a god, and would have his own secrets.

Managing the company and making decisions requires a lot of research and brainstorming.

"Okay, I see." Chu Peng smiled and nodded.

Zhao Ye took a bite of his meal and asked casually, "Mr. Chu, do you estimate how long it will take for the development of helicopters and regional airliners?"

Chu Peng thought for a moment and replied, "The fastest is four months, and the slowest is about a year."

"Good! The time is still fast!" Zhao Ye praised.

Chu Peng smiled wryly, can you be unhappy? Yinhe Technology Co., Ltd. started the research and development of passenger aircraft in 1990, and it is now 1995.Galaxy Technology Company inherited the aerospace technology of the Soviet Union, which is not comparable to ordinary companies.At present, there is no company or institution in China that can produce civil aircraft.

Galaxy Technology Company is unique in the country.

However, Galaxy Technology Company has burned more than 20 billion US dollars on the airliner project alone, and if there is no result, he will be ashamed to sit in the position of CEO.

In Wujiang Group, probably only Yinhe Technology Company is the most prodigal. Every time he attends the group's annual meeting, Chu Peng feels extremely embarrassed.Seeing that all the brother companies are starting to make money, can Chu Peng not be in a hurry!

Even Tiangong Technology Co., Ltd. has risen secretly. It was originally agreed that they would work as errands together. After all, the two companies have a large deficit in research and development, and they are at the bottom of the entire group. They are brothers and sisters.However, Tiangong Science and Technology Company is now awesome. Not only are low-end CNC machine tools selling well all over the world, but also in the past year, famous horse series motorcycles, war horse series motorcycles and "Hongguang S1" vans have been sold on sale, earning a lot of money Yi, but Chu Peng envied him to death.

Fortunately, Chu Peng also knew in his heart that only by enduring loneliness can he hold on to prosperity.

In the future, the glory of Yinhe Technology will come when major breakthroughs are made in aerospace technology.


Been busy for a few days.

It was rare for Zhao Ye to steal half a day of leisure, so he went shopping and watched movies with Li Aojun.

Holding hands, making booing, getting on the couch, all done.

The content is not good-looking, so I won’t describe it.

The families on both sides are urging the marriage to be urgent, and Zhao Ye plans to get married before the end of this year.

Li Aojun, tall and graceful, with a heroic but charming appearance, a pair of sky-defying long legs, plump, white and elastic, which makes Zhao Ye linger and forget to return, endless aftertaste.

Probably "Leg Playing Year" refers to this kind of legs, it is really ecstasy!
On June 1995, 2, it rained heavily.

Shanghai Moller Villa, on the balcony on the second floor, Zhao Ye is leaning on a recliner, listening to the rain, watching the scenery, full of leisure.

Washed by the heavy rain, the sky seemed to have been washed away, and the sky was azure blue.

At this time, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

jingle bell~
At this time, Li Aojun picked up the phone from the bedside, then walked towards Zhao Ye, and brought a blanket over.

"Tang Letong called, it should be about the second round of financing of Wujiang Portal." Li Aojun handed the phone to Zhao Ye, and then put a blanket on his body, "The weather is a bit cold, put on a blanket, don't catch a cold."

"Yeah." Zhao Ye nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.Then he took the phone and pressed the connect button.Some time ago, Tang Letong reported to him about his work. The first round of financing for the Wujiang Portal was almost spent, and the website would soon face a shortage of funds.

"Hello, Mr. Tang?"

Tang Letong responded: "It's me, Director Zhao. I want to discuss with you the second round of financing for Wujiang Portal. You see, it's convenient for you now."

"It's convenient for me now, tell me."

"That's right, Director Zhao, the four major shareholders of Wujiang Portal expressed serious dissatisfaction with us for burning through 90 billion US dollars so quickly, so none of their four major investment companies were very active in the second round of financing..."

Hearing this, Zhao Ye frowned slightly. If you are not active, how can I rob you of your money? If you don't rob your money, you won't put in all your effort to promote Wujiang Portal's listing on NASDAQ in the United States.

Moreover, Wujiang Portal has always wanted to enter the US market, but until now, it has not been successful.Goldman Sachs, Sequoia Capital, Morgan Stanley and Barclays are all weak!
Is the United States so afraid of my Wujiang Group?
At this time, Zhao Ye thought for a while and said, "Let the Wujiang Portal immediately open the Wujiang network disk business, and launch the enterprise version and personal version of the network disk!"

"Okay, Director Zhao!" Tang Letong nodded and said, now he can only hope that Wujiang Netdisk can impress the investment company and continue to invest in Wujiang Portal.

In fact, the effect of this business is indeed unexpected.

Especially the enterprise version of the network disk business, in the current era when the Internet bubble is starting to rise, it is definitely a strong medicine! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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