
Chapter 287 Completely Defeat Cao Ren

Chapter 287 Completely Defeat Cao Ren
When Zhao Yun's five hundred cavalry arrived at Xinji, the main elite force of Cao's army was also advancing rapidly towards Xinji.

There may still be a gap between Cao Ren and the real heroes in the world, but his military skills and vision are much better than Xiahou Dun's.

This strategy of marching from Mishui and withdrawing to Xu County was planned by him, so he was naturally very aware of the importance of Xinji County.

When he learned that such an important city was only garrisoned by two thousand hastily gathered men and women, he immediately led more than a thousand elite troops to rush into the place.

The two sides rushed in, smoke and dust rose, and about twenty miles away from the city, they discovered each other's whereabouts.

The Yingru area is located in the heart of the world. The terrain is flat, and there is really no room for concealment.

More than twenty miles is the size of a battlefield. Zhao Yun didn't wait to rush into the city and immediately shouted to his subordinates: "Soldiers, follow me to defeat the thieves!"

Five hundred cavalry immediately rose up and put on heavy armor, followed Zhao Yun, and headed straight for Cao Ren's army.

Cao Ren's troops were also panicked when they suddenly encountered Jiangdong's cavalry!
Cao's and Sun's armies have fought so many times, and Cao's army has a very clear understanding of the combat power of Jiangdong's army.

In a battle involving only men, Cao's army fought fiercely and had a good chance of winning. At least in a battle involving more than a thousand men, the two sides were evenly matched.

But in terms of fine cavalry charging into the formation, Cao Jun was really inferior to Jiangdong Xuanjia cavalry.The opponent's armor is not only excellent, but also easy to ride and shoot. He is also the best in the world in his sudden formation.

When two cavalry forces clashed, Cao Cao's cavalry was often defeated.

After Cao Jun suffered several losses, he had already begun to study the secrets of Jiangdong cavalry training.

There are boats in the south and horses in the north. No matter what, the cavalry power in the south should not be stronger than that in the north.

Therefore, Cao Jun once ambushed several Jiangdong knights and compared their secrets one by one. He found that the biggest difference was in the saddle horse. The saddle shape was completely different from the current one, and the horseshoes were inlaid with horseshoes.

Cao Jun also wanted to follow this example and increase cavalry training.

However, in this chaotic situation, Cao Jun could not organize a large number of craftsmen and iron officers to build a steady stream of weapons.

How much fine gold and fine iron would be consumed for just that many stirrups and horseshoes?Without the thousands of iron officers who spent months and months building it, even if Cao Ren knew the secrets, he would only be disappointed.

This makes Cao Cao's cavalry fear Jiangdong's cavalry as much as tigers. It is often said among Cao's troops that Jiangdong's iron cavalry is unstoppable!

When Cao Ren saw that his own cavalry was patrolling and did not dare to come forward, he roared: "Those who are afraid of war will die! Block the enemy's army until the disciples form an array."

It is normal for two armies to use cavalry to block the enemy's surprise attack. The cavalry does not need to be in a strict formation like the infantry, but only needs to advance bravely.

But it is precisely courage that Cao Jun lacks most today.

Under the shadow of consecutive defeats, Cao's cavalry was already afraid of Jiangdong's cavalry and did not dare to fight with them in the field.

When an army loses the confidence to fight with the opponent in the field, defeat is the inevitable result.

Under Cao Ren's force, more than a hundred cavalry rushed up to meet Jiangdong's cavalry.But Zhao Yun roared angrily, his horse advanced forward, killing three people instantly, and then clashed in all directions, invincible from both sides.The courage of Cao Jun was immediately shattered!

Cao Jun's cavalry once again witnessed this scene that was more terrifying than the rumors. The opponent's cavalry was simply invincible and unstoppable.

The cavalrymen of Cao's army who were killed at this moment suffered heavy casualties and fell off their horses one after another. I can't imagine how tragic it would be if the opponent's whole army rushed over.

The remaining cavalry of Cao's army fled without waiting for a fight.

Cao Ren's eyes were almost split when he saw this scene!What he saw in his eyes was not the terror seen in the eyes of the cavalry. In the eyes of him and all Cao Jun behind him, the hundreds of cavalry in front of him completely ignored military discipline and were hundreds of elites!However, they only fought with a few of the opponent's knights, and ran away before they could fight hard.Simply cunning and deadly!

The rapid defeat of these more than a hundred fine cavalry resulted in the main force of Cao's army having no time to form their formation.

After Zhao Yun jumped on his horse and drew his gun, killing the enemy's cavalry in one fell swoop, he was also keenly aware of the low morale of Cao's army, and immediately shouted to the black-armored cavalry behind him: "The enemy's army has been in decline for a long time, their morale is exhausted, and their morale is low. Don't leave anything behind." The enemy can take advantage of this opportunity, follow my cavalry to break through the formation, and crush the enemy's army in one fell swoop!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

The cavalry behind him immediately raised their arms and shouted. Obviously under the current situation, the Jiangdong cavalry was exactly the opposite of Cao Jun. The morale of the three armies was like a rainbow and their morale was high.

Before Cao Jun could continue to form the formation, the five hundred cavalry galloped wildly, and Yun Che swept over them.

Some of the chaotic formations of Cao's army were still defending, while others had simply collapsed.

Zhao Yun immediately led his elite soldiers to sweep in from where the enemy army collapsed. The fierce and majestic cavalry took advantage of the chaos and swept the enemy array in an instant. Hundreds of rebel troops were killed by the array, and the soldiers who were holding on saw collapse left and right. , the enemy's elite cavalry came from behind to cover up the enemy, but they could not hold their ground and collapsed one after another.

The morale of Cao's army has indeed fallen to a low point.

If Cao's army did not win a big victory to turn the tide, and Cao's army was afraid of Jiangdong like a tiger, there was a high probability that Cao's army would still collapse at the first touch when the two armies faced off.

After defeating Cao Jun's forward, Zhao Yun immediately ordered: "The whole army continues to advance towards Xinji and seize its important territory."

Zhao Yun's personal guards were all surprised and asked: "General, our army has begun to fight in the field to defeat the bandits, but their troops are still defending the city. I have no attacking equipment, but I am chasing with light cavalry, without waiting for infantry, and the path is thin below the city. How can I defeat them?"

Zhao Yun said calmly: "This is to use power to force it, so that it will have no time to make plans, and to defeat it with force."

"Cao's army relied on its victory in previous years and reorganized its strength over time. Seeing that our soldiers were few, they wanted to show contempt for each other. Now that the soldiers have come to fight, although they were defeated, Gai Shao was captured and killed."

"If we don't rush and wait for the three armies to surrender to the city, and the generals are there to appease them, we will not be able to capture them."

"And all his soldiers are in panic and don't know where they will end up. Once defeated, they will retreat without having time to look back, and they will scatter to the outside. Their power will be weakened. Our army will follow them, so they will surrender in fear. All you gentlemen, please follow me and fight with all your strength. , the city must be destroyed now."

And the situation was exactly as Zhao Yun said. He led more than a hundred cavalry to chase the city below, chasing people to the north, and made a lot of gains. The men and women on the city were all shocked.

Later, Xu Huang's army followed and surrounded him on all sides.

The men and women in the city were frightened and did not know where to rely, so they all asked to surrender.

Xinji County became the first city to surrender without a fight since Jiangdong's army entered Yingchuan.

There are more than [-] stones of grain and grass in the city, which were originally provided for Cao's army, but all of them were gained by Jiangdong.Greatly alleviate the frontline supply pressure of Jiangdong Army.

When Xu Huang's army entered Xinji, they immediately began to prepare for a battle with Cao Ren.

This battle is imminent and must be launched.

Cao's army was blocked south of Yingchuan and could only camp along the Jishui River. However, they had insufficient food and grass and could not survive, so they had to fight quickly.The Jiangdong army could not be delayed. Strategically, Sun Ce needed Xu Huang, Zhao Yun and other troops to quickly defeat Cao's reinforcements and encircle Xuchang from the right wing.

The situation in Hebei may be turbulent at any time, and the Jiangdong army must capture Xuchang as soon as possible to determine the final outcome of the war.

Therefore, after Cao Ren reunited his scattered troops and led the main force to challenge, Xu Huang immediately arranged his troops in formation and took the initiative to fight against the enemy.

In a battle involving tens of thousands of people, even if both sides fought bravely, it would still be indecisive for days.

This battle is almost considered one of the largest in the world since the end of the Han Dynasty. It is extremely rare for both sides to gather more than [-] elites to confront each other in the wild.

Even on the Hebei front line, Yuan and Cao each raised nearly [-] troops, and there were rarely scenes of more than [-] people fighting on one battlefield.

In the Battle of Xiangfan, the decisive battle between Xu Huang and Guan Yu, Guan Yu only dispatched five thousand soldiers.

However, Sun and Cao's armies fought together since the beginning of the day. They attacked each other for dozens of times, and the winner was still undecided until night.

The huge size of the army meant that even if Cao's army was at a disadvantage, it would not be completely defeated in one day.

After two consecutive days of fighting and heavy casualties, the morale of Cao's army became increasingly low.

After collecting the troops and returning to the camp, Cao Jun's generals began to patrol the camp one after another to comfort the wounded soldiers.

Amidst the wailing, General Yin, the commander of Cao's army, stood in the corner of the camp with a gloomy look. It was midsummer now, and the blood of the wounded soldiers mixed with the stench of the camp made him feel particularly gloomy.

Another lieutenant, Zhu Gai, covered the hastily bandaged wound on his left arm and walked over with a pale face.

Both of their Zhonglang generals were appointed in times of crisis. In the past, they were not even captains in Cao's army. At this time of crisis, Cao Ren suddenly became generous and made each of them Zhonglang generals.

It's just that this kind of official position is worth one's life. If you don't have time to enjoy it, you may lose your head at any time, so what's the value?
A soldier who was wailing in pain on the ground grabbed Zhu Gai's right leg hysterically. He struggled to break the injured soldier's fingers and break free.

This fierce struggle pulled at the wound on his left arm, causing a burst of cold sweat to break out on his forehead.

Seeing that Yin Shu had no response, he just stood aside and watched coldly. Zhu Gai was furious and shouted at him: "You are waiting for death, why don't you help?"

Yin Shu said coldly: "Sooner or later, you will die here suddenly. Does it matter who hands you die?"

Zhu Gai glared at him and asked, "What are you talking about? If you want to die and I won't stop you, I haven't lived enough yet."

Director Yin glanced at the piles of wounded soldiers. There were at least 300 wounded soldiers here. There was no cure at all and they could only be left to fend for themselves.

200 people piled up!It was simply a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Even if they didn't bleed to death, the abscesses caused by the intense summer heat and the subsequent plague would be enough to kill and injure all the troops.

So Yin Shu pointed at this place and asked: "How to live? After the war, there will be a plague. Even if we defeat the Jiangdong army, so what? When the Jiangdong army withdraws to the south of the Yangtze River, our countrymen, wives and daughters will also suffer from the plague. Go to [-]. Can even you and I be guaranteed to survive the plague?"

"And this is a good life! If your life is not good, you will die on the battlefield tomorrow. Do you know how many arrows Jiangdong's army shot today, and how many times the cavalry flew?"

Zhu Gai was scolded by him and was a little stunned for a moment. He asked dully: "How much is the number?"

"There are no less than [-] arrows. From what I have seen, their cavalry struck more than twenty times! How many times can you fend off the enemy's cavalry tomorrow?"

Zhu Gai felt his whole body stiffen as Yin Shu's roar reached his ears. He once again recalled the terror of facing the majestic Jiangdong cavalry during the day, and the cold feeling when the long blade penetrated his flesh.

Today, he was lucky and had to fight to the death to block his opponent's long spear with his left arm. The blood-red murderous intent in the opponent's knight's eyes still made him shudder to this day.

He had been injured today, and he was really not sure about facing a majestic Jiangdong cavalry tomorrow.

Zhu Gai was dumbfounded for a moment, and finally reacted belatedly. The hairs all over his body stood up. He looked at the Yin Department in horror and asked, "Do you want to lead the army to rebel?"

Cruel to the extreme, sometimes it is also authoritative.

Cao Cao's cruelty made the generals in Cao's camp fear him to the bone!
Thinking of the terrible consequences of rebellion, Zhu Gai trembled all over and asked, "Aren't you afraid of being sentenced to death if you lose something?"

Yin Shu snorted coldly: "If you don't make a desperate move, you will die sooner or later. It is better to risk your life and fight for a future."

"And if you help me, I'm [-]% sure."

Zhu Gai was so frightened that he didn't know what to do and retreated continuously. He felt completely lost in making such a decision in a hurry.

Director Yin put his hand on the hilt of his sword, stepped forward to press him, stared at him, and said: "Now we are advancing and retreating, waiting for death, why not survive in death? If you don't do it, don't blame me for ignoring the past feelings to prevent leaks."

Zhu Gai's left arm was now injured and he was unable to resist at all, so he could only ask tremblingly: "What do you want?"

Yin Bureau then elaborated: "According to my opinion, even if we don't rebel, if Cao Ren holds on for three days, his defeat will be over [-]% tomorrow, and he will definitely be unable to deal with us."

"And if we can rebel behind the formation and attack Jiangdong's army in a flanking attack, we will surely lose a lot of our soldiers and casualties! And you and I can also become rich and noble under the command of Marquis Wu because of our merits."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Gai's complexion kept changing, sometimes livid, sometimes flushed.

He struggled fiercely in his heart for a long time, and then he spoke loudly and said: "Cao Ren's defeat is certain, we must survive in the danger, and you and I will rebel tomorrow!"

Cao Ren's ability to soothe his subordinates was indeed inferior to that of famous generals in the world, which led to frequent rebellions among his subordinates.

In the next day's battle, the Jiangdong Army's offensive became more fierce. Today is the third day of the battle. If Cao Ren's troops cannot be defeated for three consecutive days, even Xu Huang will be under great pressure.

Regardless of the size of Cao's army, its main force has been lost and most of it is a mob. This is the consensus of Jiangdong's army!
If this is the case, Xu Huang is still unable to attack for three days, causing the war to be delayed. Even if Xu Huang finally wins, he may still have to bear the responsibility.

Therefore, Xu Huang personally supervised the formation, severely punished the three armies, and fought against the enemy both internally and externally.

By midday, Cao's army's formation finally relaxed and chaos emerged.

After all, the main force of Cao's army was only 5000 to [-] elite men. The casualties in the three days of bloody battle were extremely serious. Among them were rebel generals such as Yin Shu and Zhu Gai who were plotting to rebel. It was already difficult for the main force to support the precarious front.

So Yin Shu and Zhu Gai, who were resting behind the formation, rebelled and attacked Cao Jun's powerful crossbowmen, causing Cao Jun's infantry and cavalry to lose coordination. There was no longer any communication between the crossbows and the front line, and they cooperated with Jiangdong Army to attack Cao Jun's rear. mob.

Cao Jun's rebellion originally caused chaos in the army, and the collapse of a large number of mobs made the chaos expand rapidly. Looking from the front, all the flags in the rear were in chaos, and the formation collapsed. It seemed that the entire army in the rear was rebelling!
But Xu Huang keenly seized the opportunity to fight, and the three armies came out together, attacking on foot and cavalry, and destroyed Cao Ren's army in one battle!
Cao Ren, Xiahou Dun and others escaped with only a few dozen cavalry. Man Chong was captured alive by Jiangdong's army. Thousands of Cao's main forces were beheaded.

(End of this chapter)

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