
Chapter 286: 1 Qi Juechen, the world suddenly changes

Chapter 286: A sudden change in the world
From the west of Shangcai and Langling, that is, the western boundary of Runan, the Jiangdong army moved up the Ru River from here, and soon joined Zhou Yu's [-]-strong army on the left in the Wuyang and Yanxian areas.

Jiangdong's army did not gather in one place, but launched an offensive stretching for hundreds of miles, advancing in separate directions, attacking Xiangcheng, Yingyin, and Linying counties respectively.

Just by looking at the name of the county, you can tell that this is already the heart of Yingchuan, and the army is only one step away from Cao Cao's Xu County in the northeast of Yingchuan.

At this time, among the civil and military officials and local powerful people in Xu County, a steady stream of people abandoned the city and fled. There were also a large number of people who fled in advance to join Jiangdong in fear of being killed after the city fell.

If it weren't for the desperate persistence of the Cao family and Xun Yu, the entire Xu County might have collapsed!
The current situation is very similar to Gou Jian's three thousand Yue Jia who destroyed Wu.The main force of Cao's army went north to participate in the battle, but Jiangdong's army marched straight in. The partial divisions in the north could not resist it at all, and Cao's army was in danger of falling at any time.

But just when Sun Ce's army marched in, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, a Sun clan member suddenly broke into Sun Ce's camp and was covered in blood!As soon as a horse came from Juechen, a shocking change was heard in the world.

Zhao Yun personally led Sun Yi into Sun Ce's camp with his embroidered guards. This Sun Ce's brother and third brother had lost his former grace and splendor. Three or four arrows, countless hits!
Seeing the miserable condition of his beloved brother, Sun Ce instantly filled his face with anger, slapped the case, and asked, "Shu Bi, what happened? How could you be so badly injured?"

Sun Yi is only 17 years old this year and has not yet reached the age of weakness, but his magnanimity and bravery are most similar to Sun Ce. After hearing this, he had no time to explain the wounds on his body, and immediately said hurriedly: "Brother, the situation has changed! Retreat your troops quickly. The imperial court wishes After attacking Yuan Shao. Once Yuan Shao is defeated and Cao Cao's army goes south, we will rush to join the battle and we may suffer heavy losses!"

After Sun Yi finished speaking, there was a sudden uproar in the tent.

"What? The imperial court intends to interfere in the situation in Guandong?"

"Didn't the imperial court acquiesce to Yuan Jun's march from Henan before?"

"I'm afraid this is a paralyzing strategy of the imperial court. They intend to lure the main force from Hebei and march into Henan. Then the main force of the imperial court will leave Hanoi and cover the rear. In ten months, they can directly penetrate into the city of Ye where Yuan Shao is governing, cut off his retreat, and capture all the family members of Yuan Jun. Wife and daughter.”

"If this is the case, Yuan Shao may be defeated by Cao Cao!"

Sun Ce raised his hand to stop everyone's material discussion, turned to look at Sun Yi, and scolded: "Isn't it the behavior of a general to panic? Don't be anxious and explain in detail, how can the imperial court and how dare it attack Hebei?"

What Sun Yi said was almost a fantasy in Sun Ce's opinion.How could the imperial court make the decision to attack Hebei?

Sun Ning, who acted as Sun Ce's personal guard, also invited a military doctor. While helping Sun Yi treat the arrow wounds and clean the wounds, he comforted him: "Third brother, don't panic. Let's start from the beginning."

Sun Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It is Shangshu Ling Xun You and Zuo General Liu Bei who have been writing to the emperor recently, asking the imperial troops to come out of Hanoi and cover Yuan Jun's rear."

"Xun You admonished the emperor and said: I have observed the domineering princes in Guandong. They all divide their troops to serve the generals and do not concentrate on one person. I am afraid that his power and responsibility will be too heavy and he will take advantage of the opportunity to plot his own death."

"Today, the princes of Guandong are vying for the battlefield and competing in the Central Plains, hoping to determine the situation of the world. If the north and the south are divided to determine the situation of the world, the court will be in danger of being overrun, and the princes will have the tendency to be domineering and arrogant."

"I am thinking that your majesty should show his power in Hanoi. The court should respond quickly and seize the opportunity, so that the princes will be evenly matched and the world will be in balance. Then the princes must use the authority of the court officials to stabilize the military situation. In this way, the court can rule the law and reduce the vassals. From this The imperial court was able to level Hebei, Jianzhongyuan, and restore the two rivers, establish discipline, and revive impressively!"

"The general of the left, Liu Bei, had raised nearly [-] troops. He was leaving Hanoi and could march towards Wei County at any time. Knowing this situation, I ran out at starry night and was hunted down by the imperial guards along the way. I killed several people before breaking into Yingchuan."

After Sun Yi finished speaking, the soldiers in the camp were shocked. If the imperial court could carry out this plan, the world would be in danger!

Some people were so horrified that once Yuan's army was defeated, they pushed deep into Yuzhou, fearing that after Cao Cao returned to support, their situation would be in danger.

Just when everyone was panicking, Sun Ce spoke up and said generously: "Why panic! I predict that the imperial court will not dare to initiate this trend. The more critical the situation, the more decisive the decision! The three armies continue to move forward and supervise the battle alone. , we will defeat Xu County in one battle and destroy Cao's thieves in this dynasty."

Regarding the situation Sun Yi mentioned, Sun Ce thought it would never happen.

Perhaps Xun You and Liu Bei did indeed advise the emperor to take advantage of the situation and intervene in the situation in Guandong.

This prevents Cao Cao from being defeated by Yuan Shao and Sun Ce, lest Yuan Shao and Sun Ce become the dominant force and become domineering from now on.

If the imperial court helps Cao Cao defeat Yuan Shao and relieve Cao Cao's danger, Yuan Shao's power will decline, and both Cao and Sun families will suffer heavy losses. No one will be able to dominate the world. The situation will inevitably favor Guanxi, and the imperial court can slowly plan for it.

But this situation only exists in imagination. If Liu Xie had no luck, or was not transported through time, Sun Ce would not believe that he would dare to make such a decision!

In this world, hesitation and indecisiveness are the norm.

If Liu Xie had this courage, let alone the emperor, he would be able to revive the Han Dynasty even if there was only one bowl at the beginning.

He, Liu Xie, was not Emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty, and he did not have the ambition to "return all military and state cardinals to the prime minister, be able to use loyal advice, and not confuse the opinions of the masses." If he appointed Liu Bei and Xun You as prime ministers and delegated everything to them, perhaps ZTE would indeed be possible.

However, Liu Xie now fears that powerful ministers are better than the princes, and it is impossible for Liu Bei to have an overview of the government affairs.

Therefore, it may be true that Liu Bei stationed [-] troops in Hanoi, and it is also true that Liu Xie was hesitant.Liu Bei was able to exert his best efforts to threaten Cao Cao under Liu Biao in history.

Under this situation, how the Kanto princes make decisions will directly affect the court's response.

Most of the Gong Gong princes in the imperial court are old and clumsy people. It is difficult for them to pass such ambitious resolutions in time. If they delay for a moment and look forward and backward, they will become the imperial army ready to move in Hanoi, but they have never been able to do so. Action, seeing that the situation was overturned, he was frightened and returned to Kansai.

This kind of regret of being timid and missing good opportunities has been the norm since ancient times!
The reason why it can be lamented by future generations is precisely because if further decisive action can be taken, there seems to be unlimited possibilities.

But in fact, even if he makes a desperate move, he may not be able to affect the situation.It may even accelerate the overthrow of the world.

At this moment, Sun Ce actually hoped that the imperial court would send troops out of Hanoi. If Yuan Shao was defeated by Cao Cao and died and his forces were divided, Cao Cao would lose Xu County and have no successors. He would rush back and be defeated by the Jiangdong army.

Then all the stubborn enemies of Sun Ce's unification of the world will be wiped out in this battle!

The most fundamental reason why Sun Ce dared to advance was that he had never been afraid of Cao Cao despite his majestic formation.He has gathered [-] elite soldiers, and has a large number of rebels and bandits to follow him. In Yingchuan County, he has an army of [-]. Even if Cao Cao rushes back for reinforcements, he is confident that he can defeat them!
Seeing that Sun Ce was so calm and energetic, the generals in the camp immediately felt at ease.The general is the courage of the three armies. If the general is like this and has the heroic spirit to defeat the enemy in a single battle, the generals and commanders will naturally have the desire to work hard and make achievements.

With Sun Ce personally supervising the battle, all the generals worked bravely. Ling Cao, the general from Jiangdong, personally entered the formation at the foot of Linying City and led his powerful soldiers. He acted as a target and attacked one side and destroyed it in time. The generals took advantage of the victory and defeated it!

Xun Yu's strategic deployment ability is undoubtedly far superior to Cao Hong's.

Although Linying City, a small city in the south of Xu County, did not have a high strategic position, more than a thousand defenders held on for several days, which still bought a lot of time for Xu County's defense deployment and military consolidation.

More importantly, Cao Ren's and Man Chong's armies on the Pingyu front line in the south also gathered with Xiahou Dun. The main force slowly returned from the southern front and was returning along the Jishui River.

The Wei River is a tributary of the water system where it meets the Ying River at Zheqiu City. The Jiangdong army has now conquered Linying, which is on the line of the Ying River. Cao Ren, Man Chong, Xiahou Dun and others meandered back, and they took the line of the Wei River. From here The first line can return to Xu County from the north via Xinji County.

But how easy is it to return to Xu County under the eyes of more than [-] people in Jiangdong?
After the rangers detected the return of reinforcements from Cao Ren and other tribesmen, Sun Ce immediately punched the map in front of him, looked around at the generals and said: "Xiahou Dun's troops are not good enough, but Cao Ren and Man Chong still have thousands of elite troops. If it successfully withdraws to Xu County, our attack on the city will inevitably be delayed for a long time. Gu decided to send elite soldiers and generals to rush to the northeast and defeat Cao's army at the line of Jishui River!"

The generals immediately requested orders one after another, saying: "The last general is willing to lead his army to defeat it!"

"General, let me go, I will defeat this thief."

Sun Ce looked around and finally shouted: "Xu Huang!"

Xu Huang immediately stepped forward and said, "The general is here!"

"You lead the Chinese army with [-] elite infantry and cavalry to defeat Cao Ren! Zhao Yun and Chen Wu personally command the elite cavalry to help you defeat the enemy!"

Xu Huang immediately raised his hand and said, "I must take Cao Ren's head to restore the army!"

Sun Ce nodded and ordered several generals to dispatch immediately.

This is also the reason why he sent Zhao Yun to fight in person.

Zhao Yun is not only loyal and brave, but also brave and strategic. He is a good general with almost no shortcomings. He takes the lead and leads the army with [-] cavalry. He will be invincible and destroy the enemy's army.

Sun Ce hoped that the three of them could work together, with great force and well-planned strategies, to find the main force of Cao's army and destroy it in one battle.

This is also related to the current situation. A hundred thousand troops are dispatched, but they are not gathered in one place, stretching for hundreds of miles. Zhou Yu is attacking Xiangcheng and Yangzhai, and Lu Meng is attacking Yingyin and Changshe, spreading the flank of the Jiangdong army. , thus completely cutting off the reinforcements and logistics around Xu County, turning it into an isolated city, and encircling it from the northwest.

This can not only cut off foreign aid from Xu County, but also prevent the main force of Cao's army from suddenly returning for aid and catching Jiangdong by surprise.

Therefore, the size of Sun Ce's troops was not enough to defeat all the tens of thousands of Cao Ren's men. He could only fight for one battle and lose all his elite troops.In a battle involving tens of thousands of people, killing thousands of them was already an extremely brilliant victory. It was not very possible to kill them all.

Then Xu Huang's troops can surround Xu County's right wing from the southeast, connect with the main force of Sun Ce's army, and besiege Xu County heavily.

After receiving the order, Xu Huang's troops immediately pulled out of the camp. Jiangdong's army was able to gather tens of thousands of troops on the front line. This was due to the well-trained and swiftness of Jiangdong's army.

The remaining tens of thousands of righteous followers, meandering for hundreds of miles, are still marching.It is normal for an army of [-] to set off and mobilize troops. The front line is already engaged and the rear army has not yet left the city.

And there are countless famous generals in Jiangdong who are like this, and tens of thousands of Cao's troops are even more disorganized and blocking the road.

Cao Jun's tens of thousands of people are really in name only.

Since many garrison soldiers were hastily gathered and the number of garrison troops varied, even the generals did not know exactly how many men they had under their command. In addition, many generals had escaped. Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun, who had reached the top, even predicted the size of the troops. It's impossible to predict.

Fortunately, Cao Ren and Man Chong had a general understanding of the number of elite troops available. Cao Jun's well-trained and well-organized elite troops numbered about 5000. This was all the guards that could be gathered from the Ru and Ying areas.

Therefore, Cao Ren personally took command and marched to Xinji County first, intending to station here to intimidate the Jiangdong army and provide support from the center.

If Jiangdong's army attacks Cao's army, Cao Ren will lead his elite troops out of the city to cover their flanks.

Xinji County, a small town that did not receive much attention from the world in the past, has become the focus of competition between Cao and Sun's armies at this moment, and will even affect the direction of the entire world!
Xu Huang, Zhao Yun and other generals left the camp with more than [-] infantry and cavalry. Zhao Yun said to Xu Huang: "Xinji City has no deep ditches and high fortresses, and no long-term storage of grain. In the past, it was neither a battleground for military strategists nor a strategic pass. It is located on a plain and is subject to conquest by both armies due to the situation. At this time, we should rush towards it to cover up its surprise."

"Yun is willing to deploy five hundred fine cavalry, double the advance along the way, and defeat the enemy in one battle. He will chase the enemy with light cavalry without waiting for the infantry. He will pass through the city and seize the opportunity for our army to take the lead in this battle."

Zhao Yun is the commander-in-chief of Sun Ce's personal army. He was sent out with the intention of making achievements. Xu Huang naturally could not refuse his request. Moreover, Xu Huang was also the commander-in-chief of the Jiefan Army. He and Zhao Yun were both generals of the Forbidden Army. They had lived together for a long time and knew well that His talent.

After hearing Zhao Yun's words, Xu Huang thought for a moment and said: "Yes. Zilong's words coincide with mine. Now is the time to win, and Cao's army must be elite. If Zilong can defeat the enemy, Then the victory rate will be greatly increased.”

For the current situation in Jiangdong, even a draw is a big victory.

Zhao Yun's five hundred elite cavalry broke through the formation. As long as the entire army was not wiped out, but the enemy was severely injured and delayed, the goal was achieved.

Naturally, Xu Huang would not refuse this arrangement of winning and losing.

After receiving Xu Huang's approval, Zhao Yun immediately led [-] fine cavalry to separate from the three armies, and marched towards Xinji County at full speed without saving any power.

Zhao Yun firmly believed that Cao Ren was also one of the top generals in Cao's camp, and he would definitely be able to recognize Xing Ji's position and lead his elite troops to seize it.

The target of the five hundred cavalry is Cao Jun's elite soldiers!
In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of this cavalry, Zhao Yun obtained an additional [-] war horses from the army. Each of them had three horses and traveled hundreds of miles in one day to reach Xinji!
(End of this chapter)

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