
Chapter 112 1 Battle Sets Kuaiji

Chapter 112
After Gaoqiantun ignited a raging fire, the reaction of the Kuaiji defenders can be said to be almost exactly as Dong Xi expected.

Zhou Xin arrived at Guling City anxiously, and remonstrated to Wang Lang: "My lord, if Gaoqiantun is lost, we will have no place for remains! Please save him quickly. Please don't hesitate to send out all the troops to regain this important town."

Yu Fan was injured, and the most knowledgeable person Wang Lang could rely on was Zhou Xin.

Although he is only a strong man in Kuaiji County, he had previously served as the prefect of Danyang, and the commanding army had confronted Wu Jing.

Of course, the Zhou family and the Sun family are feuds.

Since Sun Jian served as governor of Yuzhou, Zhou Xin's younger brother Zhou Yu also served as governor of Yuzhou under Yuan Shao's recommendation.When Sun Jian defeated Luoyang and continued to attack Dong Zhuo westward, he captured Yangcheng, where Sun Jian stationed troops, and cut off Sun Jian's food and grass.An angry Sun Jian sighed with emotion: "Together with the righteous soldiers, we will save the country. The rebels are defeated and everyone is like this, who should I fight for!"

Another brother of Zhou Xin, Zhou Ang, was the prefect of Jiujiang. When Yuan Shu attacked him, he fought fiercely with Sun Ce.Zhou Yu went to help him, but his army was defeated. On the way back home, he was killed by Xu Gong.

Zhou Xin, the eldest of the three brothers, is the most famous. He traveled to the capital when he was a teenager, worshiped the Taifu Chen Fan as his teacher, and was requisitioned by the Taiwei Gongfu and made him a high-ranking man!
And the Taiwei of this Taiwei Mansion is Cao Cao's grandfather Cao Teng.So Cao Cao raised his troops, and Zhou Xin directly sent Zhou Yu with two thousand troops to help him.More than [-] elite soldiers from Danyang were sent to assist Cao Cao in the battle.

It can be said that the Zhou camp was born on the opposite side of Sun Ce.

This kind of public clan, where three brothers from one family all serve as governor and prefect, not only has a blood feud with the Sun family, but also has always opposed Sun Ce with all its strength.

There is no doubt that as long as Sun Ce's army captures Kuaiji, their Zhou family will definitely face liquidation.

So Zhou Xin was more anxious than everyone else, and more determined than everyone else.

Facing Zhou Xin, Wang Lang himself had to respect him. This is not a remote country tyrant, but a Gongqing who once served as a high-ranking official of two thousand shi.Zhou's support is an important reason why he can stand firm in Kuaiji.

So Wang Lang replied politely: "I will send someone to ask Yu Gongcao what he wants."

Zhou Xin said angrily: "Why do you ask? Yu Gongcao is wearing several wounds and is sick on the bed. He can't see things. After the questioning is over, the war will be delayed! Could it be that without Yu Gongcao, the king's family can't make a decision? gone?"

Wang Lang has talent, but it is not in the military field.As a master of Confucian classics, let him explain the scriptures, govern the local area, and subdue the people under him with a refined spirit, and he can do his best in governance.But it would be too difficult for him to fight Sun Ce on the battlefield and decide between the two battles.

In a hurry, in the face of Zhou Xin's toughness, he could only evade, saying: "Gaoqiantun really can't afford to lose, and you will command all the reinforcements to rescue."

In this battle, Wang Lang and Zhou Xin also put all their eggs in one basket. Not only did the more than [-] defenders in Guling City come out, Zhou Xin also gathered more than [-] powerful troops in Wubao along the river, and the combined army totaled more than [-]. People rushed to Gaoqian Pavilion for support.

But no matter how anxious they were, Gaoqiantun was tens of miles away. They started to support in the early morning, and they did not arrive in Gaoqianting until the afternoon.

At this time, Sun Ce's army had already had a full meal and had finished recharging their batteries.

Sun Ce personally motivated the whole army and prepared for the decisive battle.In this battle, Wu Jun's army will not have time to set up camp in the future, and it will be a last stand.In case of defeat, all soldiers will be driven into the river, and the whole army will be overthrown.

However, Sun Ce was still fighting fiercely.A strong army is to have the courage to dare to fight decisively, and believe that you can defeat the enemy in the field.

After noon, Jiang Qin blushed excitedly and ran up to Sun Ce who was resting in the shade of a tree, and said excitedly, "General, the Kuaiji defenders are really here! It looks like there are no less than 5000 people."

Sun Ce waved his hand calmly and said, "Then order Zhou Tai to lead his troops to meet the enemy."

Here in Chapu, Sun Ce's army is actually not large, only more than [-] people.The main reason is that there are not many boats in Chapu, and the troops are transported by dozens of boats and bamboo rafts. The number of people who can be transported across the river in the morning is extremely limited.

But even this scale is enough for Sun Ce!
Why can't the professional warriors under the recruiting system win more with less, and realize that one is against ten, or even one is against a hundred?

Li Shimin boldly said that if I have a thousand soldiers, I can attack tens of thousands of Hu cavalry.

Sun Ce also wants to realize this kind of mind now!

As the flags fluttered one after another, the vermilion flags formed a continuous line, and the neat army array below quickly lined up, and slowly marched towards the predetermined battlefield.

Sun Ce dropped the straw in his hand, clapped his hands, got up from the rock he was sitting on, walked to the side hill, and took Dong Xi to watch the battlefield a few miles away.

The terrain of Kuaiji County is far less flat than that of Wu County, which is famous for its undulating hills.This battlefield is mountainous in the southeast, while the terrain near the Qiantang River in the northwest is relatively flat.

Therefore, the scouts in the Kuaiji army who were in charge of exploring the terrain quickly discovered the enemy troops approaching head-on.

Infantry combat, its Xu Rulin, can't make a surprise attack at all.So after seeing Zhou Tai's troops, the Kuaiji defenders immediately formed their formation.

On the river bank, two armies lined up, one in red robes and black armor, with red flags fluttering, and the square formation was majestic.One side is mottled and chaotic, full of people.

Before the battle started, Dong Xi was very confident and said excitedly: "The situation on the battlefield shows how strict General Sun is in running the army! Even if you are outnumbered and you are outnumbered, you will still have the upper hand."

Sun Ce looked at the elite army that he spent countless efforts to build on the battlefield, and laughed and said: "The many may not win against the few, but the strong will definitely win over the weak!"

Compared with Sun Ce's calmness, Zhou Xin, who was in command of the county soldiers, felt extremely heavy.

The enemy army has already appeared on the way to Gaoqiantun. Could it be that Gaoqiantun has fallen?Then the situation is critical.

But no matter what, he had to defeat the enemy in front of him, go to take back the fort, and re-stabilize the defense line along the river.

So he rode his horse in front of the whole army and encouraged him: "The enemy's army will come suddenly, and they will be few and unorganized. As long as we work hard, we will be able to defeat them in one battle! All generals, go forward bravely!"

The small number of enemy troops is the last belief that motivates all soldiers to maintain their fighting spirit.

During this period of time, all the generals and soldiers of Kuaiji County have seen the fierceness of Wu County's tiger and wolf division.On the same scale, the Jiangnan defenders are simply vulnerable.If it weren't for the favorable location, the Kuaiji defenders would have been defeated countless times.

Only when their own side has the numerical advantage can they dare to move forward reluctantly.

However, they soon discovered desperately that this advantage in numbers had no effect at all.

When the two armies intersected, the phalanx of the Kuaiji army was shattered. On the long front, it was completely disintegrated, and the phalanx banners were invincible one after another.Zhou Tai's troops are in full swing.

After fighting for so long, this is the first time that Wang Lang's army and Sun Ce's army have fought in a dignified formation.The Kuaiji defenders thought that they might be at a disadvantage, but they never thought that they would be beaten so terribly, with no power to fight back!
The gap is even comparable to that of the elite soldiers of the Han Dynasty sweeping the mob of the Yellow Turbans.

So much so that after Zhou Tai quickly defeated the enemy's front line, he hesitated a little.The enemy's defeat so easily, wouldn't it be a trick to lure the enemy?
But the situation of the battle really does not allow him to think too much. After defeating the enemy's front line, the soldiers of Santun under his command chased the defeated army and stormed the enemy's middle army, causing more than a dozen enemy squares to collapse directly. The broken soldiers turned around and fled in front of the sharp edges of their own soldiers, and the densely packed broken soldiers fled in front of the red robe and black armor like a wave.

From a distance, Sun Ce could see much more clearly than Zhou Tai. The enemy's morale had collapsed after being beaten, and it was not a tactic to lure the enemy at all.Because the phalanx behind the army formation is still in strict formation, they are trying their best to prevent the rout and rebuild the morale of the army.

If it is a trick to lure the enemy, even if it is a retreat, the phalanx behind will retreat first.

So Sun Ce immediately got on his horse and yelled, "Beat the drums! The whole army goes out!"

The majestic drums sounded, and the ambush soldiers hidden behind the hills rushed out immediately.

Sun Ce even personally brought a dragon sparrow to ride as a sharpshooter for the whole army.

The troops that can be transported across the river are limited, so Sun Ce naturally gave priority to transporting the elite.

The plain on the bank of the river is just right for dragon sparrows to charge forward.Dozens of elite knights are tall and majestic, and their charge is simply unstoppable.

The Kuaiji garrison, whose morale had already nearly collapsed, suddenly saw so many knights rushing towards them. Without waiting for Zhou Xin's order, the Kuaiji garrison was completely terrified and turned around and fled.

On such a vast battlefield, military orders were not issued in time, and marginal soldiers faced iron cavalry, and fleeing was an instinctive reaction.

Sun Ce directly pierced through the enemy's formation with a dragon and sparrow cavalry in armor, and killed them under the banner of the Chinese army.

This magnificent and arrogant demeanor made Zhou Xin recognize at a glance that the person in front of him was the one he both hated and feared.

Now the enemy is right in front of him, but he is in danger of defeat and may become a prisoner at any time.

Zhou Xin's eyes were red with anger, and he didn't even want to run away, so he roared angrily, and rushed up to meet the cavalry with his gun: "Sun Ce, die!"

The next moment a long spear pierced his throat, and Chen Wu directly picked him off the horse.

Sun Ce cut off the main banner with a single knife, then turned to look at Jiang Qin beside him, and asked, "I seem to have heard someone calling my name just now?"

Jiang Qin asked in surprise: "Is there any? I didn't hear this man's neighing at all."

Chen Wu had already thrown off Zhou Xin's corpse, but he had no idea that the one he killed just now was the enemy general, and he was still guarding Sun Ce, saying, "Did you hear wrong, general? In this chaos, who can shout out?" General's name?"

Sun Ce clicked his tongue, well, it makes sense.This is a battlefield, not a street, and there can't be a Huaichun girl chasing and calling Sun Lang's name all the time.

Di Zhouxin's body was still convulsing, spitting blood, staring at the three shameless people.Damn you!Damn you all!
Sun Ce's relaxed mood is a reflection of the situation on the battlefield at this time and even the situation in Wu County as a whole.

As the big flag was cut down, the enemy army completely collapsed, and the rout soldiers fled all over the mountains and plains, and dense numbers of surrendered soldiers knelt down all over the riverside plain.

And more importantly, with the collapse of the enemy's main force, no force in the entire Kuaiji County can resist Sun Ce's conquest!

Even the nominally largest resistance force in Kuaiji County, the prefect Wang Lang, has only a few dozen people left under his subordinates at this time.

After he heard the news of the defeat, he boarded a ship from Guling City immediately and fled by sea.

He is also benevolent and righteous. Before boarding the ship, he told all the officials and soldiers that those who are willing to follow can go to sea together.

Those who don't want to don't force it, they can wait in the city to surrender to Sun Lang to take care of his family and wife.Sun Lang has the name of benevolence and righteousness. If the guests are obedient, he will not do harm.

There are only a dozen officials who are willing to follow him.

But among the dozen or so people, Yu Fan was included!

Because Wang Lang was traumatized, he wanted to stay in Guling City to recuperate, but Yu Fan offered to follow Yinghu.

When Sun Ce led his cavalry into Guling City, Wang Lang's boat had just set off.

The two sides happened to be able to look at each other from a distance on the shore, and one side of the cavalry lined up beside the shore, with the red flag fluttering in high spirits.One side fled in the sea, perplexed and hesitant.

At this time, on the bow of the ship, Yu Fan supported his injured body and looked at Sun Ce's army behind him with the red flag flying on the bank with Wang Lang.

Wang Lang looked melancholy and said, "Sun Lang should be among this line of cavalry."

Yu Fan looked at the banners and armor on the shore, and the shining dragon and sparrow cavalry, he was also quite touched, and said: "Sun Lang is talented, and he is indeed a gold and iron horse, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger."

"Fujun, the land of Jiangdong is already owned by Sun Lang, and it is difficult for us to compete with him. Yangzhou can no longer stay. I will send Fujun to Guangling."

In Yangzhou, it was obvious that Wang Lang could not stay any longer. When Sun Lang entered the county government and acted as prefect, the whole Kuaiji would decide.The chief officials from all over the country would probably avoid the old Kuaiji prefect and would not allow him to enter the city behind closed doors.

So Yu Fan's meaning is very clear, don't think about the matter of Jiangdong's competition, let's go back to Xuzhou's hometown, and still survive in the princes.

But Wang Lang frowned, and said: "Going to Xuzhou? This is not appropriate. I have heard a lot of prophecies in Kuaiji, so come to invite me quickly, and Nanyue asks for help."

"Now it seems that the prophecy is true. If I fight with Sun Lang, I will indeed encounter difficulties. But as long as I go south, I will definitely get Nanyue's help! The rebels will defeat Sun Ce."

Come quickly to invite me, and Nanyue begs.Of course, Yu Fan had heard of this prophecy.It comes from "Wang Fangping Ji", which is a famous book of prophecy.

Wang Fangping is also an old friend of Wang Lang, both from Donghai County.

The idiom "Chang Hai Chang Tian" refers to Wang Fangping.

In today's world, governing with prophecy is by no means an empty talk.

So after Wang Lang finished speaking, Yu Fanning frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "If it is as the prophecy said, the one who can raise up soldiers for the prince can only be in Dongye."

Dongye is the southernmost county of Kuaiji County.After leaving Dongye, we will go to Jiaozhou. Who would rise up against Sun Lang for Wang Lang?
Wang Lang immediately said firmly, "Then I'll go to Dongye right away. Kuaiji County is powerful and domineering, and the mountains are criss-crossing. I have ruled the county for three years and it can't be leveled. How can there be no rebels when Sun Lang enters Kuaiji?"

(End of this chapter)

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