
Chapter 111 Famous General Dong Xi

Chapter 111 Famous General Dong Xi
The biggest advantage of Sun Ce's command is that Jiangdong is full of talented people.

There are like clouds of fierce generals in his army, and they are all very talented.Tai Shici's failure in the first battle did not affect the high fighting spirit of the other generals at all.

After Tai Shici, Zhou Tai, Zhu Huan, Ling Cao and other generals successively led their troops across the river to attack the city.

In particular, Zhou Tai's troops were equipped with excellent armor, and the whole army wore heavy black armor. After a fierce attack for a day, the soldiers were not afraid of arrows and stones, and they just used chisels and long knives to cut a two-foot-long gap in the earth fortress. Killed into the earth fortress.The bravery made the Kuaiji defenders feel timid when they saw it.

At this time of crisis, Yu Fan personally fought hard and led an army to support him, and competed fiercely with Zhou Tai's troops for the city wall.The sky and the earth are darkened, and the sun and the moon fade away.Corpses piled up in all directions filled the gaps in the earthen castle, and blood spread from the city wall, converging into a stream.

The entire north wall of the bunker was smashed into ghosts, a large number of corpses were scattered, the rammed earth became wet, blood soaked every inch of the ground, the color was pure and heavy, both dark and bright red.

The fierce fighting lasted all day and night.It wasn't until Zhou Xin, the mighty Kuaiji tycoon, arrived with reinforcements and launched a fierce attack from the flanks that Zhou Tai's troops, who were flanked, had to withdraw from the battlefield angrily.

And Sun Ce's big treasure, Yu Fan, was almost killed by Zhou Tai's troops on the battlefield.In order to block these majestic soldiers, he took the lead, wore several wounds, and was hit by three arrows. It was only by his will that he persisted until these steel-like soldiers slowly retreated.

Although the soldiers were unsuccessful in several battles, several generals and schools in command had reached a consensus that in order to break through the enemy's tight defense line, they must first capture a fortress, preferably a fortress on the edge of the enemy's army, so that the enemy can Army support is insufficient.

The soldiers fought hard for more than ten days, and Sun Ce was naturally not idle.Winning a fort has become a consensus among the military, and Sun Ce is also trying to find ways to make a breakthrough outside of the military.

The Sun family is a very influential family in Jiangdong. In addition to military conquests, Sun Ce's attack on Kuaiji must use the Sun family's influence in Jiangdong.

Attacking with prestige can be said to be the most effective strategy in the late Han Dynasty.

A vassal born in Jiangdong is able to gain greater influence, so that he can defeat other vassals with the help of the township party and clan.

But it can be said that not long after Sun Ce ordered his troops here, his clan and the township party hurried over.

If the Sun family's development of Jiangdong goes wrong, once it is overthrown, it will be the Sun's clansmen and fellow villagers who will be most implicated.

Every day, Sun Ce had to meet a group of these heroes from Fuchun County who came to help in the camp. After a few days, Sun Ce's uncle Sun Jing brought all these clans and tribes to the camp to help.

Sun Ce actually had a good impression of this uncle.

This is not Zhu Yunqi's fourth uncle, who has no ambition to covet him.

From the beginning of Sun Jian's incident, Sun Jing gathered hundreds of clan relatives and township party members to help him. Many heroes in Fuchun County attached themselves to him.

After Sun Jian's death, he did not covetously seize power and bully Sun Jian's orphans and widows.Instead, he led his troops back to his hometown to take care of the tomb clan.

In history, Sun Ce intended to entrust him with important tasks, but he also declined, begging to stay and guard the clan.

It wasn't until Sun Ce's death that Sun Quan's position was unstable that he became an official to help stabilize Jiangdong.But after the situation stabilized, he still had no ambitions, and finally died in his hometown.

That's why Chen Shou spoke highly of him in "Three Kingdoms".The eldest son, Weicheng, is called by the poet.What's more, these grandsons, whether they praise Xingchu Foundation, or occupy the frontiers, are worthy of their duties, are they not ashamed of their glory!

One advantage Sun Ce has over Liu Bei is that his power is in his hometown, so he can get help from a large number of clan relatives.

Therefore, Sun Ce still attached great importance to Sun Jing's coming to help in the battle. After he entered the barracks, he personally invited him to take a seat and talked with him about the military situation.

And Sun Jing also lived up to Sun Ce's high hopes. Only a few days after learning about the situation on the battlefield, she took the initiative to find Sun Ce and said, "Bo Fu, I have found a place where the army can cross the river smoothly."

Hearing Sun Jing's words suddenly, Sun Ce was actually a little surprised.

It has been more than ten days since the army stopped here. With so many well-known generals and advisers, they have not been able to find a way to break through, so they can only attack with regular soldiers.

My uncle found a way to allow the army to cross the river smoothly in just a few days?
Even if he is a local hero and knows the location, it shouldn't have such a significant effect, right?
In terms of geographical advantage, the army stationed here has long been aware of the geographical situation of dozens of miles nearby.The soldiers knew exactly where the river was suitable for crossing, and where the enemy was heavily guarded.

And Sun Jing has only been here for a few days, so I'm afraid she hasn't understood the situation clearly?
But although Sun Ce was skeptical, he asked patiently, "Where does uncle plan to cross the river?"

Sun Jing said: "The king's burden is blocking the city guard, and it is difficult to pull out. Go south of this place for tens of miles, and there is a Chapu Ferry. You can occupy it from there and detour behind it. You can catch the enemy by surprise and attack the enemy unprepared. "

Pu is a Xingyi character, that is, the estuary where the river flows into the river, which is a waterway where boats can pass.It can facilitate large-scale transportation of troops.

So needless to say, this is a military powerhouse.

Sun Ce said: "The officers and men in our battalion have already noticed the favorable location of this place. This place is tens of miles away from Guling City. If we can pass here smoothly, the enemy will be caught off guard."

Zhang Hong even introduced the allusions here to Sun Ce, when the king of Wu conquered Yue, he came to Chapu.Yueli city to guard the investigation.That is, here in Chapu, there is a larger fort.

Therefore, these important military towns are transparent in the eyes of top strategists, and there is no possibility of them being ignored.

Sun Ce introduced to Sun Jing: "Kuiji is not deserted, and a large number of troops have been deployed here. According to the investigation of our soldiers, the soldiers here are more aggressive than other places. The defense is strict, which is the highest among all bases."

In fact, the defenders of Kuaiji knew the importance of this place very well, so they prevented Sun Ce's army from going around and attacking the hinterland of Kuaiji.

Sun Jing smiled calmly and said: "This place is heavily guarded, I naturally know it. If I can't even detect these, how can I come to make suggestions? Wouldn't it be humiliating for myself? There are 530 seven garrisons, 320 shi of food and grass, more than [-] bows and crossbows, and more than [-] arrows."

Sun Ce's eyes lit up for a moment, and he asked in surprise, "Uncle actually has such a detailed understanding of the situation of the defenders, must he have already contacted the defenders?"

As with any strong fortress, it is easiest to break through from the inside.

The line of defense in Kuaiji County was indeed airtight, and Sun Ce's army could not break through easily.

But no matter how strong it is, it won't be able to withstand someone suddenly opening the line of defense.

But Sun Jing shook her head and said: "I failed to bribe the guard. The general who guards this place is a member of the Zhou clan. He is a feud with us. It is impossible for us to open the line of defense. Kuaiji is also well aware of this. Fang Shou Let him guard this place with a heavy responsibility."

Hearing this, Sun Ce nodded slightly, thinking it made sense.

Everyone knows that this is an important military town, and its status is extremely important.When Kuaiji County arranges a guard, it must arrange a general who cannot be easily bought.

Since ancient times, there have been only a handful of generals willing to surrender on these important lines of defense.Few people are willing to bear this kind of infamy.Mi Fang was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, but she voluntarily surrendered while guarding Jiangling, and was even humiliated by Yu Fan face to face.

So Sun Ce asked curiously: "Since he didn't contact the guard, how did uncle know the situation in Gaoqiantun so well?"

Sun Jing said calmly: "My Sun family is also quite influential in Jiangdong. I am one of the heroes who have served in the imperial court before. I am willing to help Bofu enter the Kuaiji. I can take the head of the guard and welcome the army to Gaoqian Pavilion!"

Sun Ce immediately asked: "Which hero has such prestige, can enter Gaoqian Village, take the head of the guard, and command the entire army?"

"His surname is Dong, his first name is Xi, and his character is Yuandai! He is a hero in Kuaiji County. He has great prestige. He was attached to rangers and youths in the past. Now these ranger youths are enlisted in Gaoqian Village, and only Dong Xi needs to enter the village. In the middle, with a single call, the defenders will be killed and Gaoqiantun will be captured. Such an important place is not an ordinary Wubao. defeat!"

Dong attack!

Sun Ce immediately lifted his spirits.

Sun Ce is very familiar with this famous general, one of the Twelve Tiger Officials in Jiangbiao.Sun Ce remembered that Dong Xi had indeed welcomed the army at Gaoqian Pavilion in history, and Sun Ce was reused as soon as he saw him.But Sun Ce always thought that he led his troops to join him, and then he was taken seriously.Previously, the Gaoqian Pavilion where he was located was not connected with the Gaoqiantun where Sun Jing suggested to break through.

Unexpectedly, Dong Xi turned out to be Sun's old friend.

But when you think about it, it makes perfect sense.

In history, the little overlord was assassinated and died, and Sun Quan was in charge when he was young. Mrs. Wu called Zhang Zhao, Dong Xi and others to ask whether Sun Quan could succeed and whether Jiangdong could be kept.

Dong Xi's status is only a small captain, not to mention compared with Zhang Zhao and Lu Fan, even Cheng Pu or even Huang Gai and Chen Wu are far behind.During this period, Chen Wu was transferred to supervise the fifth school.

As a result, Mrs. Wu asked the minister, and instead of calling other people, she called him and Zhang Zhao.But it was he who boldly said: "The terrain in the east of the Yangtze River is solid with mountains and rivers, but to fight against (Sun Ce) the Ming government, the kindness lies with the people. To fight against the captives (Sun Quan) inherit the foundation, and use life according to size. There is nothing to worry about when this place is favorable to the people.”

If he is a former member of the Sun family, it makes sense.

And in addition to this identity, he himself is also a fierce general who is eight feet long and has extraordinary force.

The eight-foot fierce general is already almost 1.9 meters.He deterred those 1.6-meter and 1.7-meter pawns in Gaoqian Village, standing out from the crowd just like Lu Bu.

Sun Jing was very confident about Dong Xi, and said firmly: "Dong Xi will definitely be able to take Gaoqiantun and welcome the army to enter. Chapu is the main path. When the army enters, they can bypass the enemy's rear, attack the unprepared, and surprise them. I I would like to command all the people to be the front team of the army, and they will surely be broken."

Sun Ce was also full of courage, and said: "It is said that those who follow the people's hearts and win the hearts of the people will win the world. With the help of such heroes, how can mere barriers be my elite army? In this battle, I will personally supervise [-] troops and follow my uncle to cross the river for a decisive battle!"

Five thousand troops occupy this important military town, and after the logistics are worry-free, they can attack and defend against different forces!
The army of Wujun can easily cut off the grain road behind Guling City, and surround the defenders by the river instead.

If this army does not fight decisively in time, it will not even have a chance to retreat.

Seeing Sun Ce's decisiveness, Sun Jing nodded in satisfaction, and said, "The decision has been made. The key is to hide the truth from the enemy, and let the enemy know that our main force has left the camp. "

"This matter is easy!" Sun Ce waved his hand relaxedly and said, "I have mobilized [-] soldiers from the Qiantang army, and the enemy army will not be able to detect the reality of our camp."

Sun Ce's biggest advantage over the little overlords in history is that he is more powerful and can mobilize resources far beyond history.

Five thousand soldiers entered the camp at night three days later, and the defenders on the south bank of the river did not notice any changes in Sun Ce's camp.

And Sun Ce has personally led more than [-] elites wrapped in armor and titled, detoured dozens of miles southwest overnight, and arrived at Chapu.

When Sun Ce's army arrived, they could already see the beacon fire burning in Gaoqiantun on the south bank.

Jiang Qin followed Sun Ce and immediately boosted his morale. He said, "General, Gaoqiantun has fallen into chaos. As long as we work hard, we will be able to take down this important military town. Once Gaoqiantun is down, the garrison will be doomed!"

At this time, the sky had already dawned, and the light of dawn was about to dispel the last darkness on the land of Jiangdong.

Facing the morning light, a tall hero set up a boat from the south bank and arrived in front of Sun Ce's army. He shouted from a distance: "General Sun, Gaoqian Tun has come down! General, please move to the east of Gaoqian Pavilion."

Immediately, several Xuanjia knights rode their horses to the shore, and brought them to Sun Ce.

Seeing the burly and majestic body of this hero, Sun Ce was also amazed and asked, "Who are you?"

The opponent immediately cupped his hands and said, "Dong Xi pays his respects to General Sun."

Sun Ce admired him, he really deserved to be a strong general from Jiangdong, his courage is far away from Meilun and others. "Since Gaoqiantun has been captured, why is it still burning?"

Dong Xi straightened his chest and replied proudly: "After I beheaded the defenders, I specially ordered the beacon to be lit. It gave the Jiangnan defenders the illusion that Gaoqiantun was still fighting. Such a military town, as long as it has not fallen, Kuaiji The defenders must not ignore it, and will quickly send troops to rescue."

"So dare to ask General Sun to move his troops to the road that must be passed, and attack and break it! Just wait for General Sun to break the main force of the defenders when the enemy is caught off guard, so that the defenders on the river bank have no time to retreat, and they will all fall here. Then the east of Yuji , Kuaiji will no longer have officers and soldiers available. One county and fourteen counties can all be passed down."

"Good!" Sun Ce said with the same pride, "Since you have such a grand plan, why don't I dare to fight and swallow the whole Kuaiji?"

"Soldiers, cross the river immediately and head east! Fight hard, and the situation in the east of the river will be completely settled today!"

(End of this chapter)

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