Qin Shizhi's Confucian junior master

Chapter 173, can't title

Chapter 173, can't title
"I really didn't diagnose anything abnormal, I'll go back and ask Mr. Nian Duan to come here." Ziyou said he was about to run, but as soon as he took his legs out, his legs softened and he sat down on the ground.

Zhao Ji looked at Ziyou who was struggling to get up, and the smile on her face became stronger. She had worked so hard for Ziyou. Ziyou looked at the censer in the hall, and the white smoke rising from the censer made Ziyou a little bit In a daze, Zhao Ji's gaze also moved to the incense burner. This incense is not ordinary incense. It was prepared by King Qin Zhaoxiang to bestow death on Bai Qi. Even a great master like Bai Qi couldn't resist it. Don't talk about Ziyou anymore.

"It seems that what Mr. said is true, Aijia is caused by the hot weather. I wonder if Mr. would like to clear away the heat and detoxify Aijia?" Zhao Ji rode on Ziyou's bed without waiting for Ziyou to speak. body.

The white jade hand rested on Ziyou's shoulder, and pushed Ziyou to the ground. The other hand had already untied Ziyou's belt, and flung it aside, quickly took off Ziyou's coat, revealing Looking at Ziyou's strong body, slender fingers were sliding on Ziyou's upper body.
Ziyou felt a surge of energy and blood, and his heart began to beat wildly.

Zhao Ji leaned over and listened to Ziyou's strong heartbeat and said

"Sir, why don't you dare to open your eyes to look at me? If you are really like Liu Xiahui back then, wouldn't you dare to open your eyes to look at me?"

Listening to Zhao Ji's words, Ziyou felt mmp in his heart, nonsense, if I'm really such a sage, why would I be riding on you?Suddenly there was a pain in his shoulder, Ziyou opened his eyes, Zhao Ji, who was lying on his body, bit his shoulder with silver teeth, scarlet blood flowed out, but Zhao Ji felt the bloody smell in his mouth, But enjoying it very much, Zhao Ji raised her head from Ziyou's shoulder, and her blood-stained lips were printed on Ziyou's mouth.

As the emotions deepened, Zhao Ji's breathing also became quicker, her phoenix eyes, which were painted with red eye shadow, were as charming as silk, and her voice was even softer and charming, captivating people's hearts and souls.

A gust of wind blew open the windows of the main hall, Zhao Ji unbuttoned her dress, and the white gauze skirt was blown by the cold wind and floated aside.

Ziyou's eyes widened and he looked at Zhao Ji incredulously. He originally thought that Zhao Ji was just playing around. After all, it was not the time when she was in power, but he didn't expect it to be true.

The Qin army had horses and three treasures to assist the cavalry, but the Wuling iron cavalry, the pinnacle of the cavalry of the Seven Kingdoms, relied on Zhao's extraordinary riding skills. Zhao's riding skills seemed to be engraved in his bones. Nature also has this gene.

Riding a horse is not easy, especially the bumps on the horse's back are not something ordinary people can bear.

A good rider usually clamps his legs around the horse's body, and his body rises and falls with the bumps of the horse. This will not only reduce the discomfort on the horse's back, but also prevent the horse from feeling the pain when exerting force. The oppression of heavy objects allows the horses to charge and gallop more advantageously. Only by relying on excellent riding skills can Zhao people cultivate Wuling cavalry.

Thunder suddenly exploded in the dark cloudy sky, and heavy rain fell. The sweltering weather gradually faded under the heavy rain, and was replaced by a burst of coolness, which made the people who were restless because of the weather gradually subside because of the heavy rain. When I came down, water drops dripped from the eaves of Tranquility, leaving only water stains all over the floor.

Zhao Ji sat on Ziyou's body in satisfaction, Ziyou is a little confused now, Zhao Ji is worthy of being a veteran, both in terms of experience and skills are far superior to Ziyou's, making Ziyou a little overwhelmed for a while, otherwise she wouldn't be like this as confused.

Looking at Ziyou's tired face and blurred eyes, the love and satisfaction in Zhao Ji's eyes could no longer be hidden.

Ziyou has given her a sense of security and needs both mentally and physically. Now how much she wants Ziyou to be by her side forever, stroking Ziyou's strong body, Zhao Ji can't put it down. Tossing from noon until dusk, fearing that Ziyou's body would not be able to bear it, she now wished she could ride a horse again.

Think about it, both Yiren and Lu Buwei regard her as a plaything, only Ziyou treats her like a person, this kind of spiritual recognition gradually makes her fascinated by Ziyou, wanting to get Ziyou, in Ganquan Palace She also sent people to inquire about Ziyou's deeds, and every time she heard about her, she would feel extremely excited.

This backlog of emotions made Zhao Ji want to get Ziyou more and more. Thinking about the appearance of this man who holds great power and manipulated the world in his hands on his pomegranate skirt, Zhao Ji became more and more impatient when he thought of this. , Conquering Ziyou has become a nightmare in her heart, and after conquest, Zhao Ji said, it really is very cool! !

Zhao Ji stretched out her hand to caress Ziyou's face, the love in her eyes could no longer be concealed, she finally got this man who treated her like a human being, although it was only for three short hours this afternoon.

"Queen Mother, I have to leave," Ziyou said.

"Stay with Aijia again, this Oasis Palace is very big and very cold."

Zhao Ji hugged Ziyou into her arms, and Ziyou's breathing suddenly became short of breath, not because of anything else, but because Zhao Ji's chest was so broad that Ziyou couldn't breathe even if she buried her in it.

Feeling Ziyou's breath, Zhao Ji slowly let go, so that Ziyou could not be completely suffocated to death. At this time, it was already very late outside.

Zhao Ji picked up the white gauze skirt with her feet and put on the dress again, turned around and lay down on the bed again, her brows were full of satisfaction.

Ziyou and Zhao Ji were able to put on their clothes, and Ziyou straightened his waist. Fortunately, he is a martial arts practitioner, and he didn't mess around with Yan Lingji and Concubine Yan during this period of time. You must be able to walk out of the gate of Ganquan Palace.

Ziyou looked at Zhao Ji with complicated eyes.

"Mr.'s medical skills are really superb. Ai's body feels much better. Please forgive me for delaying Mr.'s affairs." Zhao Ji said to her son as if she was okay.

"The empress dowager is polite, I will leave if I have nothing else to do." Zi Xun saluted and was about to walk outside.

"Sir, walk slowly. If Aijia's body still has problems, I will definitely ask Mr. to come for acupuncture again." Zhao Ji said that the acupuncture was very heavy.

Ziyou stopped, thinking in his heart, it's not time for you to be surprised, he turned around and saluted Zhao Ji and said
"Take care, Queen Mother."

Zhao Ji looked at Ziyou's back, her heart fluttered slightly, Ziyou's back was getting farther and farther away from her, Zhao Ji also had a strange feeling in her heart, but she knew that she could no longer treat Ziyou as herself like before. Moreover, Ziyou would not want to, the relationship is better now, everyone is equal and treats each other as normal people.

 Everyone understands that there is no title

(End of this chapter)

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