Mystery: My vest is all over the timeline

Chapter 266 How to Design a Holy Emblem

Chapter 266 How to Design a Holy Emblem

Chapter 265 How to Design a Holy Emblem (Mistyped title)
"In this way, I can give it a try, and I don't need to stop teaching those little radish heads about the Eye of Secrets. It's the best to work together. Anyway, I taught them so that they can have tool people that can be used in the future... Well, although judging from the current situation, I want to leave these tool people to the tuba. I don't know how to wait until the year of the monkey."

Lynn complained, and after discovering that he had interfered with the strange time structure of history, Lynn knew that his plan of No. [-] and No. [-] vests to leave some tool people for the queen was probably aborted.

In other words, the tool man can stay, but it is estimated that he will have to wait a long time later, until the day when his No. 1 and No. 2 vests meet the queen.

This is also the reason why Lynn wanted to replace the God of Steam and Machinery, and opened a vest during Roselle's time to incorporate the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery.

The tool man cultivated or dug out by No. 1 and No. 2 vests can’t be counted on for the time being. The Russell period is so close to now, so we can still look forward to it.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that the tool people he cultivated and dug out with No. [-] and No. [-] vests are useless. After all, his two vests also need tool people to work for him. He also had a lot of things he wanted to do in those two eras, so he couldn’t do everything himself.

"However, compared to these, I still hope to see the God of Steam and Machinery as soon as possible. It is difficult for others to dig now, but with the God of Steam and Machinery, maybe I can just fool him into working for me. After all, He actually has no other choice..." Lin En muttered in his heart, looking at his handsome self in the mirror, showing a bright smile.

"I just don't know, if I really tricked the God of Steam and Machinery from the Fourth Era to work for me, how would the God of Steam and Machinery from the Fifth Era react? Accept the reality? Unbelievable? Or want to kill me recklessly?" Thinking of this, Lin En's smile gradually became vicious, and Yan Ran looked like he didn't mind watching the excitement.

Even he himself is a part of this excitement.

A true Lezi person must have the courage to make himself a part of Lezi... No wonder!
Lynn was just prepared to be hostile to the God of Steam and Machinery, and he was also ready to give him a good beating when he met the God of Steam and Machinery.

There is no other reason, but pure hostility to Ouhuang... Ah, bah, just to vent my anger for the fellow, and let the god of steam and machinery recognize the reality, avoid unnecessary troubles, and let Lin En smoothly trick the other party into working for him.

Things like fists may not work all the time, but sometimes they do.

"I always feel that my thinking is not a prying person at all, and I am not a generalist..." Lynn complained to himself. He has always been self-aware in some aspects, and he finally sorted out his image, then went downstairs, went out, and came directly to the opposite door of No. 15 Minx Street.

"Ding Ding Ding-"

Lin En grabbed the rope hanging from the wind chime hanging on the door, shook it vigorously, and at the same time patted the door with the other hand, shouting: "Sherlock, open the door, I know you are at home! You have the ability to accept the commission, and you have the ability to open the door!"

It looks like Aunt Xue possessed her body.

Soon, Lynn, who was having a good time playing tricks, heard hurried footsteps, and then the door opened. Klein, who had also changed into his formal attire and packed himself, appeared at the door with a helpless expression of embarrassment.

"How many memories have you recovered?" Klein couldn't help asking. He found that his Erha friend seems to like playing all kinds of memes recently. Although Klein doesn't have much repulsion about this, he still feels embarrassed when he is occasionally played by memes.

"Not many, most of them are just scattered memories, such as..." Lynn squeezed his chin, looked at Klein in front of him, and said, "Sherlock and Moriarty seem to be old enemies?"

Although Roselle copied a lot of literary works, he really didn't copy "The Collected Cases of Sherlock Holmes". It may be because Roselle always copied books incidentally in the early and mid-term, focusing on various inventions, but in the later period, he began to make up his mind to promote the Dark Emperor.

From this point of view, Roselle actually left a way for his descendants of time travelers to survive.

"They are indeed old enemies." Klein didn't deny it, he looked Lynn up and down, and then said, "You seem to be in a good mood today?"

"Well, probably because of a good dream?" Lin En smiled, he was really in a good mood, after all, he had just reached a deal with Hei Ye, and rounding up to five equals to prostitution of the Enlightenment traits for nothing.

Klein didn't pay attention to what he said, and the two called a trackless carriage and set off for the Harvest Church.

Soon, the carriage arrived at Rose Flower Street where the Harvest Church was located. Klein and Lynn got off the carriage, and then saw the narrow church not far away.

Different from the three major sects of the Church of the Night, the Church of the Storm, and the Church of Steam and Machinery, which belong to the mainstream belief in Loen, the Mother Earth sect in Loen will not be directly labeled as a heresy like the belief of the Eternal Blazing Sun, and will be hunted down. It has the legal right to preach, but it is only a low-level belief. Therefore, there is only such a small church in the entire Backlund. Even on weekends, believers may not be able to fill the hall.

So at this moment, the lights in this golden church with a more eye-catching spire and the holy emblem of life engraved on the outer wall are dim, and there are not even an ordinary believer.

Lynn looked up at the iconic holy emblem of life on the outer wall of the Harvest Church. It was a simple baby surrounded by symbols such as ears of wheat, flowers and spring water. The whole was not complicated, but very exquisite.

Lynn couldn't help recalling the holy emblems of the church, such as the night and the storm, and suddenly felt that he might take some time to design a holy emblem of his own. He just wanted to replace the god of steam and machinery as a perfect person, and accept the church of the other side by the way, but this didn't mean that Lynn had to accept everything from the other side.

For example, the holy emblem and so on must be redesigned.

How about playing a joke?For example, change the logo of a certain umbrella, or some logo that can be seen by the traverser at a glance, such as sickle and hammer...

Lin En pinched his chin, thinking that this was a good idea, and it must be a surprise for the old survivors in the future.

While thinking about how to design the new holy emblem, Lynn and Klein also walked into the Harvest Church.

Different from the sneaking in of the cat in the original book, this time Klein, who was still wearing genuine red gloves, entered the church hall through the main entrance. He then saw rows of seats neatly arranged in the hall, with a huge holy emblem of life on top, and lit candles on both sides. The layout was similar to other churches Klein was familiar with, except that the holy emblem was different.

On a seat in the front row sat a tall man wearing a brown priest's uniform who looked about 50 or [-] years old. This was Father Utravsky.

The pious priest was obviously whispering his daily prayers to the Mother Earth, but suddenly his movements stopped, and he seemed to hear something.

(End of this chapter)

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