Mystery: My vest is all over the timeline

Chapter 265 Lynn Thinks It's Not OK

Chapter 265 Lynn Thinks It's Not OK
"Or do you need the characteristics of the Emperor of Knowledge more?"

"That's not necessary." Lynn shook his head without much hesitation. His plan for the No. [-] vest is only for the perfect person. As for becoming a hermit, that is a matter for the No. [-] vest. To accommodate the two paths of the perfect person and the hermit, becoming the old days is the goal that the body should accomplish.

It’s not that vests can’t help each other, it’s just that it’s too stupid to collect the characteristics of the knowledge emperor in the fourth era, because when Lin En’s vest becomes a hermit in the second era, this knowledge emperor characteristic will most likely disappear directly.

By the way, does this count as a white ticket?
Lynn thought for three seconds and felt that this should not be counted.

And even if it counted, it was voted in vain by the Evernight Goddess, so it had nothing to do with him, Lynn.

Lin En thought confidently, looked at Amanisis, and said with a smile: "Although I really want to tell you that I can bring your family back immediately, it's a pity that I can't do it yet."

"Perhaps you don't mind accepting something else as compensation?" Lynn said unhurriedly, "For example, some information about the fallen mother goddess, some of her abilities, authority, and weaknesses, or are you more interested in fish balls and cassava?"

The information about the Fallen Goddess comes from the glance of the main body, and as the Outer God that Lynn hammered in the open state, Fishball Cassava naturally has no shortage of information about her.

Since the other party has already paid the deposit, if he cannot provide the goods, he must provide some valuable gifts, so as to ensure the success of the subsequent transaction.

Anyway... these two outer gods Lynn will be hammered sooner or later.

The Goddess of the Night stared at the words, then she nodded slightly and said, "I am very happy to get this compensation."

Intelligence is very important in battles in the mysterious world. Sometimes knowing the enemy's intelligence and abilities is half the battle, even in the battle of gods.

So for Amanisis, the information about the Outer Gods, no matter which Outer God it is, is very precious-under normal circumstances, it is very difficult for ordinary Sequence 0 roots to obtain such information, because the gap in strength between them and the Outer Gods is too great.

"It's such a pleasant cooperation!" Lynn was naturally not surprised by this, and raised his glass with a smile.

"Happy cooperation!" Amanisis also raised her teacup.


"Sure enough, it is a wise choice to reach a cooperation with the Goddess of the Night, which is much faster than my own painstaking collection."

In the fifth era, Lin En stood in front of the glass mirror, and while adjusting his clothes, he murmured in his heart, "When I get the enlightener traits paid by the night, and I digest the potion of the knowledge teacher, I can arrange the ceremony and try to be promoted..."

"Is it reasonable for me to digest the Sequence 2 potion as a born mythical creature?" Lynn suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but complain.

Of course, there is a reason why Lynn complained so much, because Lynn suddenly discovered that as a natural mythical creature, the Medici of the second era did not need to digest the potion of the weather warlock.

It is true that Medici still needs to gradually become proficient and master his abilities like a normal Extraordinary in order to become a qualified Sequence 2, but in theory, if Medici is given a bottle of Conqueror potion, and then helps him complete the corresponding ceremony, He can take the medicine on the spot and be promoted to Conqueror.

And it's not just Medici, but other angel mythical creatures as well. They still need to digest higher-sequence potions, but they don't need to digest the sequence that comes with them at birth.

Lynn: ...

Yes, the original book seems to have this setting.

When Lynn discovered this fact, he naturally recalled some plots in the original book. For example, Moon Emlyn White didn't need to digest vampire potions, but it was precisely because of this that Lynn wanted to complain.

Theoretically speaking, his two vests are also born mythical creatures, so why do they need to digest the corresponding sequence of potions?
Is this reasonable?

Lynn thinks it's unreasonable, but there's no way around it. This is the flaw of his vest. After all, it's not a real mythical creature, but a shell made by direct fusion of characteristics, so Lynn can only continue to digest the Sequence 2 potion honestly while complaining.

Fortunately, he is not in a hurry, he has plenty of time to do this.

"But then again, the knowledge instructor of the No. 2 vest has already digested it a little bit. Is it because I created the Eye of Secrets in the [-]nd Era to teach those little radish heads?"

Lynn perceived the potion digestion progress of the next few vests. Although they are in different time and space, there is no doubt that his several vests will affect each other in terms of potion digestion. The digestion progress of the large one that melts in the mouth is the best proof.

And after he formally established the Eye of Secrets, began to teach the first batch of students of the Eye of Secrets, and prepared to take over the heavy responsibility of the education of the Kingdom of God, Lin En's sage potion did show signs of digestion, but in comparison, Lynn found that the potion digestion progress of his knowledge teacher seemed to be a little bit more.

"Since the sage potion is being digested, it means that there is at least no major mistake in the direction of the acting. Is it because my reputation is not enough, I have not yet led the entire educational field of the Kingdom of God, and I have not become a highly respected leader, so the digestion is not obvious?" Lin En pinched his chin and thought.

"Or, the general direction is correct, but there is a problem with the focus. For example, the path of the secret explorer is more inclined to the mysterious side. I play the role of a sage, and the knowledge taught to students should also be more inclined to this aspect?"

"Or, from the role of the knowledge emperor, the sage's role is more focused on commanding knowledge? I should learn, absorb more knowledge, and conquer that knowledge in the information field, rather than simply commanding the knowledge system of the real scene. In other words, spreading knowledge, teaching students, and developing technology at the real level is what a knowledge mentor should do?"

Lin En pinched his chin and felt that he had some ideas. For a sage who can be called an information life, the world itself is composed of strands of information and groups of knowledge. Perhaps if you want to play a good sage, you must not only become a sage in reality, but also absorb enough information flow and conquer enough knowledge.

In a sense, this is also in line with the characteristics of potion playing - when playing a certain sequence, the corresponding ability of the sequence is almost always used.

This is not a difficult task for Lin En. When other sages become information creatures, they may encounter danger, and may accidentally get lost in the huge information flow.

But for Lynn, the various information flows that make up this world are more friendly and lovely than the knowledge transmitted to him by his unknown body.It's just that Lynn is used to cheating when encountering true gods and angels, and uses the ability of the time domain to solve problems, but he doesn't need to informatize himself when facing low sequences, so he ignores this ability.

——That's right, although he hasn't prayed for knowledge from the main body yet, Lynn has this feeling, as if he was bombed for this kind of thing many years ago.

Or maybe it's not an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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