Evolution of the heavens

Chapter 107 It is your temple that was demolished!

Chapter 107 It is your temple that was demolished!
An official document of the company can be said to have directly set off an unprecedented epic earthquake in the teachings of the past and present.

Cut down mountains and destroy temples!

This word itself is old enough, and it is a deed that has already been covered with dust in the history books.

It is impossible for modern people to imagine that in this era, there will still be things like cutting down mountains and destroying temples.

Especially, after knowing...

The initiator of cutting down mountains and destroying temples is actually the government, the imperial court...

as well as.

The Heavenly Master of Heming Mountain who has faintly spread the name of a god!

It's just half a day's work.

If the voices of the various mages on the French Internet can be concretized, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that the sky is full of excitement!


"Cut it down, let's see if he cuts it or not!"

"It's not been a day or two since our Fuluan Qi Qi lineage has been passed down through the ages. What about the company's court? From a historical point of view, which dynasty has not banned our sacrifices, and what happened in the end..."

"Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang banned evil spirits when he founded the country. What happened later? It was the Ming Dynasty that perished, not our Fuluan Dharma Line!"

"What's wrong with Zhang Tianshi, I really think I'm a god!"

"Even if you are a god, what is enshrined in our family altar is not a god!?"

"I let the word out, I respect the king and teach everyone to wait for his company and some shit Zhengyi disciples to come to the door, and come and kill us if they have the ability, be careful not to die!!"

among companies.

Zhang Xiaoguo and his six disciples watched the remarks on the French Internet on the company's big screen.

Zhao Weihua and other company veterans have become people waiting for orders at this time, looking at Zhang Xiaoguo and the others.

"What kind of religion is this Zunwangjiao?" Zhang Xiaoguo asked.

"The materials have already been prepared." A female clerk from the company stepped forward and switched the information on the big screen to Zunwangjiao's information.

Several disciples of Zhang Xiaoguo looked up.

"Zunwangjiao is a school of Buddhism in the southern region. It can be regarded as one of the Fuluan Dharma. In the hall, there is a "White Horse Zunwang God". This god was born in the Han Dynasty. According to legend, it is a white horse The god is regarded as the King of the White Horse by the local people, and the main temple is in Daming City. The disciples of this school, mainly Fuluan, can invite the power of the King of the White Horse. According to the IP address investigation, it is his son, Wang Jiu, who sent the message on the French Internet.”

Zhang Xiaoguo looked at the information on the screen and said:

"This information seems to have collected a lot of information about the evil temples and evil spirits enshrined all over the country, and let's take a look at them one by one."

"Okay, Little Heavenly Master Zhang."

After the female clerk made some operations, Zhang Xiaoguo and other disciples saw the information of the evil spirits enshrined in the evil temples and worshipers one after another.

"Zigu Sect, the altar enshrines 'Zigu', also known as toilet girl, and is regarded as the god of toilets in the south of the Yangtze River. Zigu Sect can feel with this god, gain its divine power, and have the ability to destroy the filth of other sects' spells... ..."

"Wutong God, the main temple in Daqing City, was co-created by local wealthy businessmen, but according to the company's investigation, the disappearance of young girls in Daqing City every year is related to this god."

"Prince Molong is a god invited by the shaman Li Shaokang in the temple fair of Taixuan Palace in Damiao City. The main temple is in Taixuan Palace."

"Zhaozhou Temple is a temple built because of Zhaozhou Bridge. It is in charge of repairing bridges and building roads. It is worshiped by some construction companies. The company has investigated that this god is related to some evil sacrifices of "living piles". Put living people in concrete piles and sacrifice to the God of Zhaozhou."

"Iron Boat Sect, the Dharma teaching in the area of ​​the Yellow River, enshrines the Water Boss of the Yellow River. He Bo is suspected to be a giant turtle. In the Yellow River, the boat people sacrifice blood and eat for a living..."

"White Crane Dharma Teaching, the altar enshrines Master Bai Crane, and it is rumored that a white crane became an immortal..."

"Langgen teachings, teachings in the southwest area, believe in the wolf god..."

"Golden Lion Cult, there is a golden lion in the altar, and there is Buddhism..."

"The Sect of the Corpse God, the Dharma teaching of the Xiangxi Exorcist Sect, enshrines the generals and the ancestors of the Exorcist..."

"Snake Cult, there is a snake spirit in the altar..."

"The Prince of West Qin, also known as the King of Qin, is the main god of the Xipi Sect. In the opera world, Luantan and Xiqin Opera are all enshrining this god. In the north, the "Fulu Sect" enshrines the "West Qin Prince", and in the north, the "Xipi Sect" enshrines the god." Another god "Marshal Tiandu"."

"General Blue Snake, one of the folk gods of Nuo Sect."

"Grandpa Hu, the main temple is in Beishan City. The Lord Hu sect worships it as the main god, and is considered by the locals to be the god of Paoshan."

"Master Rabbit, it is said that he is an official named Hu Tianbao. He likes the beauty of the censor who comes to inspect the censor. Whenever the censor goes to the toilet, he will peep at the censor's buttocks. After being found, he will be sentenced to death. Later, Yushi Tuomeng said: "It is really because of the beauty of adults that I can't forget it in my heart, so I did such a rude thing." , offering incense to it, and now the main temple is in Dashu City, and the incense is strong."

"Master Pei..." "Gu Mi..." "Madame Linshui..." "Grandma Houshan" "Butterfly Treasure..." "Ms. Zhusheng..." "Alizu..."

"Devil God Boy..." "Black Water Buddha Mother..."

Zhang Xiaoguo and other Zhengyi disciples looked at the various gods enshrined in the obscene temples and worships all over the country provided by the company, as well as the various main gods enshrined in various folk altars.

I have to admire, as expected of an official company, these materials can be taken out as soon as they are said.

If a few of their disciples go to the whole country to inspect, I don't know when and what month it will be.


Zhang Xiaoguo and the others were also amazed by it.

"I really didn't expect that there are so many of these hair gods and wild gods enshrined in various places."

Looking at it one by one, it can be said that among the two or three hundred Dharma teachings, there are more than 130 folk altars of the Dharma teachings, enshrining various gods.

At the same time, in each city, there are also many temples of obscenity, enshrining all kinds of messy and varied gods.

As the oldest and most experienced Taoist priest present, Yu Fanan explained:
"Actually, before 1945, there were not so many hairy gods. It was mainly because the beliefs of the major religions declined that they gave way to the hairy gods, and they grew up like mushrooms after a spring rain."

"In some temples, it is not even a hairy god born from faith, but a kind of pig, snake, cow and dog that practiced hundreds of years ago has become a spirit, occupying the temple and stealing incense from the people."

Zhang Xiaoguo looked at the "God of the Third Wife" among them, wondering what happened to Lin Linglong when she returned home.

Zhao Weihua saw that Zhang Xiaoguo and the others had finished reading the materials, so he asked: "Master Zhang, you have read all the materials of the gods of the temples and the altars of the Dharma teachings. Next, where do you plan to start scanning?"

Zhang Xiaoguo's eyes flashed, and he said: "Starting from that king's religion, Zhao Ji will come with me, and take him first!"

Zhao Weihua said: "Okay, the company has seven divisions, Zunwangjiao is in the southwest division, and all employees will help you now, and will be sent by you."

Say it.

He raised his head and sighed: "Speaking of which, the original intention of the company was to restrain all the spirits of folk altars and gods from the very beginning, but it was only after it was implemented that we realized how difficult it was. God, which one has not been practiced for more than a hundred years, even the lowest type of god, possessing the body of an ordinary mage, has the strength comparable to a top-level master."

"This is not to mention those gods who have been worshiped by incense for thousands of years. Those gods, even the eight elders of the Dharma Realm, have to stay low in front of them."

"Especially some realm master gods, even within a region, have a natural realm like a kingdom of gods. Back then, the company only had such an idea, but was persuaded by the cruel reality."

"So, although we are called a company, we can only restrain mages, and we can't control those gods."

"If the celestial master can really unify the two worlds of gods and ghosts this time, it can be regarded as a great deed for the country and the people."

After all, what some evil gods do is really harmful, but even the most powerful mages can't do anything about it. This is also a malpractice of the times when there are no masters in the traditional teachings, and only mages exist.

At this time, the clerk who sorted out the materials said:

"It seems that the King's Church is preparing for the annual White Horse Prince's Birthday. It will be held for three days, and today is the second day."

"That's fine."


Daming City.

Today, on Nanfang Street in Daming City, the whole street is full of flames, with lanterns, candles, and memorial archways. As far as the eye can see, there is a parade of birthday parties.

Zhang Xiaoguo only brought Zhao Ji, and the two of them came here.

Looking at the end of the road, there is the White Horse Prince Temple.

And among the sacrificial team in the middle, there were impressively carrying bloody pig's heads, sheep's heads, and bull's heads.

Zhao Ji laughed when he saw this sacrifice: "It's true that three animals are used as sacrifices to worship ancestors, but they are usually cooked. There is no sacrifice that is eaten with raw blood. The sacrifices were all burning incense candles, so it seems that the Prince Charming is not only not a god, but also a mountain wild hair spirit, pretending to be a golden body, senior brother, look at my tricks."

Said, with a point between the eyebrows:
"It's just a good time to try the 'Five Thunders Seal' passed on to me by the patriarch."

A word out.

A faint outline of the 'Tianshi Yangping Zhidu Gongyin' flashed between his eyebrows, and then Zhao Ji was seen drawing in the air: "Five thunders!"

One pointed at the head of the bloody pig that was sent to the White Horse Prince's Temple.

Zhang Xiaoguo couldn't help sighing when he saw that Zhao Ji was able to display the most profound "thunder method" in Zhengtian master's way within two or three days after he obtained the patriarchal seal.

Within a day or two, one can master the thunder method. This kind of talent and morality, I am afraid that even if you find it in the past history, it can be regarded as a rare generation.


He just watched the pig's head that had been lit with five thunders and was sent to the temple of Baima Zun.

The Baimazun Temple is extremely vast.

inside the temple.

Wang Jiu, the young leader of Zunshen Sect, is still working hard on the French Open:
"It's been a day, why haven't I seen anyone coming to cut down the mountain and destroy the temple? Don't you dare to come? What about the company security guard who blows so much? Where's the awesome Zhengyi disciple? Why don't you come to my Zunwangjiao?" Let's fight face to face!"

Just as he was outputting, his head was slapped hard, and a middle-aged man shouted angrily: "I don't know how to practice every day, and even at King Charming's Christmas, I was still playing on my phone. What are you going to do in the future? Inheriting my mantle, how can King Charming be satisfied with you?"

Wang Jiu covered his head and turned around, saying indifferently: "Father, you also know that even if I don't practice hard as your son, King Charming will still like me. Our family's law is not obtained by hard work, as long as King Charming likes me. As a person like me, I don't practice hard, but I can still invite the power of King Charming to hang and beat those so-called Dafa disciples."

"Besides, I'm also doing business. Isn't this helping King Charming to scold that shit company and shit Zhengyi disciple?"

Holding his mobile phone, he said carelessly:
"What kind of shit is Zhengyi, what kind of shit company, what kind of cutting down mountains and destroying temples, I have scolded them for a long time, but I haven't seen them come..."

Just as he was talking, he saw the pig's head being carried into the temple.


A thunderbolt as thick as a bucket shot down from the sky in an instant, blasting through the roof of the White Horse Great King Temple.

Boom! !
The White Horse Temple was instantly destroyed.

The thunder and lightning came without any warning. Wang Jiu felt a flash of white light before his eyes, and the temple exploded. Then his mind went blank for an instant, and the phone fell from his hand naturally.

The words he typed were still stuck in the chat box of the mobile phone.

And when Wang Jiu was shocked and frightened.


A huge divine power instantly seeped out from the statue of the god riding the white horse.

His father Wang Chaohu's eyes almost instantly turned into a blank without eyes, and then, veins burst out from around the eyes, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a roar:

"Hey! Who! Who dares to demolish the temple of this deity!"

"Bai, the White Horse God..." Wang Jiu lost his voice.

It was immediately obvious that Lord Charming had fucked his father.

At this time.

From outside the temple came the voices of two young men:
"Zhengyi's disciples, Zhang Xiaoguo and Zhao Ji, have come to demolish your temple under the decree of the Heavenly Master."

"So brave!!"

The White Horse God attached to Wang Chaohu let out a roar:
"You really dare to come!"

His white pupils fixedly stared at the two young Taoist priests who came here from the street.

"Why don't you dare to come?"

Zhao Ji stepped forward and said:

"It's your temple that's being demolished!"


Hands up.

"The power of Zhengyi alliance, the decree of the celestial master, punish evil and counterfeit, and punish evil gods!"

Dark clouds appeared above the sky of the whole street, and in an instant, all the local people who participated in the White Horse Christmas on this street looked in shock at the young Taoist priest with the lightning in his hand.


Under the thunder light, the white horse god possessed by Wang Chaohu instantly felt an unprecedented sense of terror.

"Lei Fa, Zheng Yi Lei Fa!"

How can this be? !
The aura of heaven and earth no longer exists, so how can there be any human beings who can display the thunder method, which is a natural way to restrain the evil spirits of elves and evil spirits, and the Taoist Xuanzong Zhengfa of the Yin God!
(End of this chapter)

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