Evolution of the heavens

Chapter 106 Dharma Shakes!The gods are furious!

Chapter 106 Dharma Shakes!The gods are furious!
"You really almost destroyed the world."

Hear this.

Zhao Weihua, who is obese, couldn't help but tremble, and looked at Lu Ya, a little at a loss: "Why did the celestial master say that?"

Lu Ya only looked at him.

"A USB flash drive full of more than a hundred ghosts, you actually want to control and use it. You really don't know how to live or die. If you are careless, if a hundred ghosts in this USB flash drive come out, let alone Dagan Kingdom, I'm afraid The world will be destroyed by you."

"A hundred, a hundred?"

Zhao Weihua looked at Lu Ya in disbelief, not daring to take a breath:
"What is the celestial master talking about? How can there be as many as a hundred ghosts in this small USB flash drive?"

Lu Ya said: "From what you said about the ghost stories in the flash drive, anyone who hears, sees, or even imitates its action culture will die, so it is not difficult to speculate that it is definitely more than a ghost that triggers the killing Conditions, and only a ghost story that contains a hundred conditions for killing can obliterate people in various ways."

Zhao Weihua's heart trembled.

If someone else said it, he might still be suspicious, but the person in front of him doesn't seem to have any reason to lie to him.

Looking at the golden pagoda in Lu Ya's hand again, the faint light on it dissipated, and it returned to the essence of the simple golden pagoda again.

"Then, these one hundred ghosts are already..."

Lu Ya went to the golden pagoda and said: "I have been suppressed in the tower, take me to collect the other two ghosts, and tell me, what is the escaped ghost?"

When Zhao Weihua saw the pagoda hidden by Lu Ya, he was shocked and frightened. This forbidden sealed item that suppressed the ghosts all over the world, shouldn't anyone be able to hold it? Even back then, only Li Yitang could use it.

But now it seems that this celestial master can also be fully used, and can easily pass through this thing to suppress the ghost.

After Zhao Weihua was briefly shocked, an unprecedented hope rose in his heart, and he looked at Lu Ya, as if he saw the hope of human beings.

"Okay, okay, since you can use this sealed item, Heavenly Master, it is indeed good to seal all the ghosts."

After Zhao Weihua found out that Lu Ya could actually use the golden pagoda, his attitude took a 180-degree turn, and immediately began to introduce the information of the remaining two ghosts:
"The No. [-] equipment is a ghost suitcase. Its killing ability is very strange. It just appeared on the street at the beginning, like a leather bag discarded by someone. If someone wants to pick it up, then that person will It will be instantly swallowed by the leather bag, and then discharged from another place, turning into a human skin doll whose internal organs have been dissected."

"Fortunately, it only responds to the touch of flesh and blood, so as long as you don't touch it with your hands and wear gloves, you can use it to deal with some of the company's enemies."

"Now, the company's four security guards are holding it and going to contain the ghost that has been numbered four and code-named Shy Ghost."

"The number four shy ghost's killing ability will kill everyone who sees its face, any form of 'seeing' is counted. Originally, it was already in the sky when you subdued Naga a few months ago, She was taken in by the company once."

"Actually, it is very easy to contain it, because this shy ghost, most of the time, will face the corner of the wall and weep softly. Only in the whole world, someone has seen its Face, it will go into a frenzy, and then leave the corner in an instant, break through all containment measures, and appear behind the creature that saw its face, and kill that person."

"After the company discovered this killing pattern, it contained it, and began to erase all images and photos about the 'shy ghost' that might be spread across the country, completely cutting off the possibility of others seeing its face. Possibly, but..."

"It still broke free of containment three times, all because his face was seen in some other place through certain photos and images."

"But this time, it broke free again. According to the display on the satellite map, each short teleportation of it will not exceed three kilometers, but now, it is in the direction of a straight line distance, from the secret containment base, toward The northeast region of our country is approaching the goal.”

"It is not yet known who in the Northeast saw its face through what means. The only thing that is certain is that it will return to calm and be contained by us only after killing that person."

After listening to the materials that Zhao Weihua said.

Lu Ya said:


Step out.

"Where is the celestial master going?"

"Of course it's saving lives."

Zhao Weihua was shocked when he heard this.

Save people!

This means...

Could it be that the celestial master can save the life of the person locked by the shy ghost?

To know……

Since the Gengzi year in 1840, people have been able to avoid being killed only by finding loopholes in the ghost's killing rules.

On the contrary, anyone who conforms to the ghost's law of killing will be killed!

That's a rule-level obliteration!

So far, no one has ever been able to survive under the law of killing ghosts.

This heavenly master.

Can it really save people from the hands of the shy ghost?

Zhao Weihua looked at the figure of the celestial master and disappeared into the air instantly.

at this time.

A few people walked out of the hall, smiled at Zhao Weihua and said:

"Zhao Dong, the Patriarch has gone to save people, and we have to follow you to do what we should do."

Zhao Weihua turned his head and looked over.

It was Zhang Xiaoguo who spoke, and behind him were Zhao Ji, Yu Qing, Mao Xiaoyuan, and Yu Fanan.

"It's Zhang Xiaotian." Zhao Weihua said with a smile, "Why don't you see Yunni and Grandmaster Sun?"

Zhang Xiaoguo said: "Several seniors are responsible for carrying out another decree of the patriarch, and were sent to invite the world's masters to participate in the world's number one conference. On the company's side, I, Mr. Yu, and a few juniors will come Take over."

Zhao Weihua's heart skipped a beat.

The news of tomorrow's No. [-] conference has already spread, but they still have to send three masters, Yunni, Zhou Qi, and Sun Zhongxuan, to go door-to-door to invite them.

This is not an invitation, it is clearly to search the world.

The world is so big.

Experts are like clouds.

How many hidden characters are there?How many strange people are there?There are too many powerful and powerful people.

These three people are probably going to investigate how many hidden masters there are in the world, and then they can pull these people out of the mud, no matter Jianglong Hu Jiao, all 'invite' to the world's number one conference.

As for Zhao Weihua and the company, even though they had expected the No. [-] conference in the world that Lu Ya would hold in a hundred days from the beginning, the movement would not be small, but they still did not expect it, and underestimated the scale.

If this time, all the masters in the world, whether in front of the stage or behind the scenes, in the open or in the dark, are really dug out, and then recorded one by one, wouldn't it be true that they have truly achieved the level of complete control of the world.

Zhao Weihua was once again shocked by the magnanimity of the celestial master.

After all, once people have power, they will become uncontrollable. This is the reason why the company came into being. It is to prevent the mages of the law world from messing around. But even so, there are still too many things and people. , is beyond the control of the company.

If Zhang Tianshi can really control everything in his hands.


In this world, I am afraid that there will be an unprecedented change in the pattern.

Zhao Weihua sighed in his heart.

Then looked at Zhang Xiaoguo:
"Since the company now fully obeys the will of the celestial master, everyone staying in the company represents the celestial master. I don't know how the little celestial master Zhang is going to carry out the will of the celestial master."

"First send out the will of the patriarch."

Zhang Xiaoguo said:
"This is equivalent to that we have told some people of the major legal teachings and folks openly and honestly that from today on, it is 'not allowed to worship other gods in vain'. If it is an obscene temple or evil sacrifice that knows what is good or bad, it should immediately follow the law and come to the crane. Mingshan subdue the law, so that I Zhengyi will give them a chance to rectify their evil and return to righteousness, and they will clean up their cultivation in the future, so they may not be able to get a seat of "God of Righteousness"."

Zhao Weihua said: "The meaning of the little heavenly master is to give ghosts and gods from all walks of life a chance to come to Heming Mountain to surrender themselves."

Zhao Ji said softly at the side: "The little celestial master is still too kind. There is no need to be so tolerant to these obscene temples and evil gods among the people, the god of hair and evil gods. In Qingcheng City, I once saw a five-handed god possessed everywhere. The human body not only damages the human spirit, but also uses the human body to commit adultery. It can be said that it is full of evil, but because he really has some magic power, he has blessed many people in Qingcheng City and even the whole country, and they have made a fortune. Many wealthy businessmen built temples and shaped golden bodies for the Wutong God, and now the Wutong Temple is as prosperous as the Monk Temple in Qingcheng."

Zhang Xiaoguo looked calm and said, "Let's see the reaction of the French Open first."

The reason why he chose to look at the reaction first was because he wanted to give Lin Linglong a chance to the three goddesses of the Lushan School behind her junior sister.

It was almost when Zhao Weihua, Zhang Xiaoguo and others were discussing on Heming Mountain.

The company has also formally distributed the document with Lu Ya's decree face-to-face through branches all over the country to all legal altars that can be contacted.

At the same time, a statement was published on the French Open.

"Joint communiqué on the company and Zhengyi: From now on, all folk evil gods will be destroyed. All gods that are not worshiped in Taoist ceremonies are evil worshipers. Now there is a disciple of Zhengyi who is walking with the company, holding the decree of the heavenly master, and punishing evil. Hypocrisy, temples are slaughtered to kill gods, living beings are wiped out, the universe is clear and upright, and the sky is full of heaven and earth for three to five weeks, and there will be no more obscene sacrifices...》

The moment this communiqué and the provisions distributed to various schools and sects appeared in front of the altars of two or three hundred religious teachings and thousands of folk temples across the country.

The entire Dharma teaching and the temple blessings in the major temples were all shaken!

All over the country, there were more than one temples in the sky, instantly covered with black clouds, as if the gods were angry, which attracted the people of various cities to be in awe and fear.

A god opened his eyes directly from the golden body in the temple, and his angry voice was like thunder, shaking the sky:
"A small company with a bunch of savages just wants to cut down mountains and ruin temples, and ruin the incense of the god. The ants and rats are really brave!"

On top of temples and Buddhist shrines one after another.

The gods appeared one after another, conveying their anger.

"What a veteran of Heming Mountain, he really thinks he is Zhang Daoling!"

"Even if the real Zhang Daoling came down to earth, he wouldn't dare to tear down my temple!"

"If you want to cut down mountains and destroy temples, you won't be afraid of breaking your own teeth!"

(End of this chapter)

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