Super League

Chapter 396 The Warrior Wearing a Helmet

Chapter 396 The Warrior Wearing a Helmet

Song Zitao heard his teammates say this, and hit him: "I think you have to run after the fight, because you might be stuck on the wall by his punch."

After Song Zitao finished speaking, everyone in the team couldn't help laughing. It is true that the foreign teachers on the football field are all big and round, and their arm muscles are as thick as their heads.

Conley added: "I'm afraid I can't even run. You didn't see that these foreigners are not slow at all."

After speaking, everyone laughed again.And this smile attracted the attention of the surroundings, and everyone found that it was the basketball team who immediately became agitated.

After all, everyone in the cuba school team is the star of Dali.In the words of Dali's science and engineering man, the female star's concert is not as attractive as the school team's in-team training.

What's interesting is that Dayuan University has recently introduced new regulations, prohibiting students from asking for signatures on campus, nominally preventing school team players from being idolized, and helping players guard against arrogance and rashness.In fact, one purpose of this policy is to protect the players. It was discovered that many students asked the school team for their signatures and then sold them for profit. The status of basketball is too high, causing students to waste their studies, although the actual effect of this policy is not much.

On the contrary, Cuba's players are more popular.

Many students slowly approached, and everyone in the rugby team also noticed this situation, including foreign teachers.

"Hey! What's going on over there?" the receiver coach asked curiously.

Chris, an ncaa basketball and rugby amphibious foreign teacher, explained: "Hey! Don't forget, what is this school famous for? This is a famous Cuba school. They were the Cuba champions last year. The basketball team is like a star in this school! "

"I didn't expect you to know Cuba?"

Chris waved his hand, "No way, it's too difficult for Huaxia to understand the situation in the United States. You know, I love campus sports. I don't like the NBA broadcast by Huaxia."

"So you watched Cuba?"

"Yes, this is China's NCAA. The famous superstars in the NBA and even the CBA come from the campus. What's more, the place where I work is a wealthy family! Well, look! He is a future star." Chris also pointed Conley, Conley also found Chris.

The two waved to each other, and after the wave, the foreign teachers started the next work.


The defensive players' one-on-one strength confrontation training was watched with gusto.This kind of muscle collision can inspire the inner wildness of tough guys.

"It's really good, and I really look forward to the development of football." Conley praised.Only by experiencing the fun of rugby on the spot can part of the prejudice against this sport be eliminated.

But Kotaro Sato shook his head, "I like baseball more." He has been trying his best to give everyone in the team Amway baseball, but several members of the team have not yet figured out the tactics of baseball. The final conclusion is that Kotaro Sato's Amway failed.

Baseball doesn't work in China.

Looking at the rugby training in the distance, Song Zitao said with emotion: "I have a cousin, I think I can let him practice rugby, anyway, he is not good at reading, and he is not good at basketball."

Song Zitao is from Jin Province, and his mother is from Yu Province.

"My cousin's name is Wu Haoqi. He is a high school student now. He is a little fat guy. He wants to play basketball all day long, but he doesn't give up the happy water. He didn't give up when I got angry several times. I really don't know how he will play basketball in the future. , which university accepts him?"

Speaking of his cousin, Song Zitao had a headache.

The captain joked, "What position does your brother want to play?"

Song Zitao said: "He is quite tall. He was an insider who went to the youth training for a period of time, but he retired later. He should be two meters now? It feels like he is only a little shorter than me."

"There is nothing impossible, you are too absolute! Maybe one day your brother will be the number one center in the CBA."

Song Zitao laughed after hearing this.

"Just him? He wants the No. [-] center in the CBA, and I will kowtow to him during the Chinese New Year."

Everyone in Cuba watched it for a while and then left.


The quarterback's throwing practice continued, and at this time one player caught the attention of the team.

I saw a player who felt that he was wearing a jersey larger than himself entered the field.Some thin body makes it impossible to associate him with the sport of rugby.

Chen Wei, a native of Huizhou Province, a cultural student who passed the college entrance examination of Dayuan Engineering, is only 1.8 meters tall, but weighs only 65 kilograms. It is not an exaggeration to call him a thin bamboo pole.

Because of this, he appeared in the team and suffered a lot of sarcasm behind his back.Sometimes some people even showed it directly in front of him.

"Chen, it's your turn." The foreign teacher's tone was as flat as ever. Instead of laughing behind his back like other students, he insisted on teaching without discrimination, and treated every student who loves rugby with the utmost equality.

Although Chen Wei is thin and weak, his firm eyes can always leave a deep impression on others. For some reason, the foreign teacher Anderson fell in love with this young man who is a few years younger than himself. He thinks that this young man may not be a rugby player. passerby.

"3! 2! 1! Start!" After speaking, the coach randomly pointed to a wide receiver on the field, and the wide receiver who received the order immediately made a catch action.

In an instant, Chen Wei started to move, he quickly threw the football, and the football was hoisted into the receiver's hand with a very beautiful arc.

"Hey! Really good!" The foreign teacher admired Chen Wei's throwing technique.

But this beautiful pass did not reach the wide receiver.To outsiders, it looked like a failed pass.

"Boy, just now I thought he had a lot of ability. Forget it, it's better for him to quit. I feel so ashamed for him."

Some people nearby who had opinions on Chen Wei whispered in private.

But at this time, the receiver named He Huachao raised his hand to signal, "Coach! This ball is my problem, I didn't catch it well."

The foreign teacher looked at He Huachao in surprise, and nodded after a while to let Chen Wei continue.

The foreign teacher pointed at a receiver at random again. Chen Wei looked at the direction the coach was pointing and threw another beautiful pass.

But this time it shocked the attention of the people around him, Chen Wei really cast a beautiful arc to the receiver.

"He can stay in the future." The head coach looked at everything in front of him, and silently ticked the thin player.

For the next wide receiver training, everyone will focus on it.It's just because He Huachao, the butter hand just now, is about to start performing.

He Huachao, a basketball student, has good physical talent, but he doesn't have basketball talent, so he failed to get extra points from a prestigious school in the end.You can only enter Dayuan Engineering through the college entrance examination.

He saw the recruiting of the rugby team and felt that he had an opportunity in his life, so he signed up decisively.

Living up to expectations, He Huachao became the most handsome boy in the next rugby training, and he was called the No. [-] wide receiver of Dayuan Engineering.

"Coach, I want Chen Wei to pass the ball." He Huachao's request shocked the coach, but he nodded in agreement.

Chen Wei looked at He Huachao in shock, He Huachao glanced at him and came to the starting point.

Chen Wei didn't say anything and took the football.

"3! 2! 1! Start!"

He Huachao started to get rid of the foreign teacher in an instant, and broke out with all his strength, which made the foreign teacher feel experienced. He felt that He Huachao had gone the wrong way before.

Chen Wei threw the football again, and the ball was still beautiful.Although he didn't completely get rid of foreign teachers, He Huachao still saw rugby.

After a quick stop and a quick start, he shook the coach a little bit and jumped up decisively, and the foreign teacher also jumped up and intercepted.

The next shocking scene was born.

He Huachao caught the football!
"Good shot, young man!" The foreign teacher looked excited, and he changed his previous ridicule. He Huachao thought he had a chance to become a professional.

But He Huachao was not excited, but looked at Chen Wei who threw the pass.

The two looked at each other.


Sioux Province
It is a province with a large economy, a large population, and a large sports province.

This is rare in China, and it is a province with very strong comprehensive strength.

It is also because of this that the first thought of many policies of the Basketball Association is to conduct experiments in Jiangsu Province.

One of them is small basketball.

As the promoter of the small basketball project, Zhao Daoyuan of the Basketball Association has achieved good results in some provinces after working for nearly two years.

Among them, Suzhou Province is the most typical. According to Zhao Daoyuan's report, Suzhou Province is the province where the promotion of small basketball is the deepest, and it has basically spread all over the city.

It is also because of Suzhou Province that Huaxia's small basketball can be spread more perfectly.

Chen Xinglian was also very curious about the development of Suzhou Province, so he accepted Zhao Daoyuan's invitation and came to Suzhou Province.

First, they joined forces in Xuzhou to investigate the development of small basketball.Chen Xinglian felt that going to a big city like Jinling was meaningless.

In Xuzhou, Chen Xinglian saw the hope star elementary school basketball game being held in the local city.

Chen Xinglian specially found a game and watched the whole process. Chen Xinglian was dressed very low-key and was not recognized at all.What he wants to see is the real usefulness of the little basketball, not the superficial excitement.

During the game, a group of children imitated CBA stars and performed various celebratory actions after scoring a basketball in style.

One of the elementary school students who was playing point guard shot the basketball directly after halftime, and he was so angry that he slapped himself on the thigh because of the anger of the child's father.

"Blind cast!"

A three-pointer is scored.

The parents' smiles burst into bloom immediately, and they shouted to the surrounding parents: "My son! My son!"

And the child who threw the three-pointer was there imitating Zhu Zhun's dance, and Chen Xinglian couldn't help laughing when he thought of that elementary school student.

"President Chen, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, I remembered something happy."

The game was over quickly.The score of the two teams was 22:15, and the little Curry's team won.

And Chen Xinglian saw a lot of what he wanted to see.For example, although the children's skills in this game are very immature, or even not.However, Chen Xinglian has seen that the basic skills and tactics are carefully implemented in the children's competition, and they are not throwing blindly for the sake of excitement.

Looking at the parents around, Chen Xinglian believes that the current way out of basketball has become the choice of parents in some areas, not just the whole country. (Nonsense, if you type it out, you will have an annual salary of tens of millions, directly across class!)

In Chen Xinglian's eyes, some of the children's basketball training classes in the original time and space existed for the vanity of the parents.

However, it is not without shortcomings.

"The cost of the training class is too expensive. We have to find a way to lower the price. Let more children from poor families have access to basketball."

This is what Chen Xinglian said before he left.


After Chen Xinglian visited Xuzhou, he went to Jinling and Suzhou to visit the local CBA teams.

Looking at the lively football market, coupled with the fact that there is a certain possibility that the Taiwanese provincial team will move back to Taiwan Island in the future. (alternate history)

Chen Xinglian felt that a CBA team in a province as big as Jiangsu was too wasteful.

"No, there must be a new team here!"

"Mr. Chen, the boss of Tongxi Group in Jinling would like to meet with you. Do you want to agree?"


Here’s a digression, why did I write about rugby, because I said at the beginning that I hope that the Chinese people in the novel can become tougher, and rugby, an old American sport that can inspire the people the most, can be transplanted to my own country in the novel. A movement that encloses itself. (In fact, the author has no creativity, and I can't make up this kind of sport by myself. I use rugby instead.)
Do we need to follow the international mainstream movement when we engage in sports in China?Hence the idea of ​​football.


I have never forgotten that this is a basketball novel, and I have been writing about basketball, and I have not rewritten every chapter of football.Up to now, basketball has always been the focus, and I have never deviated from the topic!
Today's digression is to see if you like the novel and continue to write rugby. I read the feedback. If you don't like it, I won't mention it in the future. Just treat these chapters as my intentional word count.

(End of this chapter)

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