American fame and fortune.

Chapter 187 Happy Breakup

Chapter 187 Happy Breakup
When the phone vibrated, Annie woke up in a daze, but she was too tired last night, and she didn't even want to move a finger.

When Martin went out, she subconsciously wanted to reach out, but she raised it and put it down again.

Martin answered the phone from outside.

"What? There is a problem with the investment in Atlanta and Asia?" The matter seemed to be serious, and the people outside were quite surprised, and their voices were somewhat high: "Old Bu, where are you? It's just outside the door, just wait a moment."

The door opened and closed, and Bruce's voice sounded in the living room: "I just received a call from Atlanta. The IRS and the FBI are investigating the accounts of investors, and their funds can't come through."

Martin was annoyed: "Damn! How could this be?"

"Uh..." Bruce suddenly forgot his words, gestured to Martin, took out a simple script from his pocket, stood in front of the camera he brought, and said according to the script: "Asian investors don't know how to get After hearing this news, we will also withdraw our capital.”

"Fake!" Martin slammed his fist on the sofa, but with the other hand he quietly pointed out his middle finger at Old Bubi, despising his straddle, and said at the same time: "Are we going to finish both projects?"

Bruce simply looked at the script and said, "You have to make up your accounts over there quickly. Once they check it, it will be very troublesome."

Martin seemed to be going crazy: "I don't have any money, how can I pay over there? What else can we mortgage? The car? The gems?"

Bruce kept up with Martin's rhythm: "It's not enough."

There was panic in Martin's voice: "We're going to go bankrupt and become paupers!"

Bruce suggested: "Let your agent take on a few commercials, take on a few more roles, there is no other way..."

In the bedroom, Annie opened her eyes, but remained motionless, for fear of making a sound that would disturb the people outside.

She was flustered, but her head was extraordinarily clear, and she controlled her body to lie flat.

Martin's voice came in again: "Old Bu, don't say anything and don't say goodbye to others. We can handle it well. It's just a crisis. As long as we get through it, we will take off."

Bruce put away the script, turned off the camera and walked away: "I'll wait for you below."

With the sound of footsteps, the door opened and closed again.

Annie's head turned into a mess, and she couldn't think for a while.

Martin's footsteps came closer and closer, and soon came in from outside.

Annie still closed her eyes, as if she was sleeping soundly, knowing nothing.

After changing his clothes, Martin walked over quickly, bent down and kissed Anne's fair face, and said softly, "Honey..."

Anne's eyelids moved, and she opened them with difficulty, with a dazed look: "Good morning, Martin."

Martin kissed her forehead again: "I have something to deal with temporarily, you go on sleeping, and I'll call you later."

Annie was in a mess and needed time to sort out her thoughts. She nodded and said, "Go and do your work."

Martin hurried out of the room.

Annie couldn't lie down anymore, turned over and sat up, grasping the sheet with both hands, as if to vent her depression.

"Why did it become like this?" She came out of the bedroom in a daze, suddenly lost control of her emotions, squatted down and screamed.

After venting her emotions a little, her confused mind finally cleared up a bit. Annie's first thought was: What should I do?
There is no doubt that Martin has encountered great difficulties, and it is about funds. He is very likely to go bankrupt, and even attract the IRS and FBI.

Anne heard Martin say those words with her own ears!
Martin had no prospects or money.

Thinking of this, Annie remembered more things that she ignored because of Martin's handsome face and the so-called investment.

Martin came from the slums of Atlanta. He drove an ordinary Volkswagen car and rented an ordinary small apartment of more than 80 square meters. Except for the gemstone, the gifts he gave her depended on added value. Are those added values ​​true or false?
Except for the broken rock, there are no luxury cars, no diamonds, and no luxury houses.

Annie's head came to her senses, and Martin Davis had nothing but an illusory future!

Without the support of investors, he is just a poor boy from the slums!
This pauper may have legal problems, and if he fails, he will implicate the princess.

Anne couldn't help but be thankful that she didn't invest her own money in Martin, and that she didn't have any financial entanglements with him.

What's next?

Anne thought of the most important point, which is also a matter of course: it is natural for Cinderella to marry a prince, but how can a princess suffer and suffer with a poor man?
A young Disney princess has made a decision.

Annie took out her mobile phone and called Laura: "Come here quickly."

Soon, Laura came to Annie's room, saw Annie's pale face, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I want to break up with Martin." Anne's voice was cold, but firm: "Help me find the gift from Martin, and I will return it to him."

Laura was shocked: "For...why?"

Of course, Annie would not say the specific reason: "I have an irreconcilable conflict with him, that's it. If you don't need to ask more questions, go and help me find something."

Laura wanted to speak, but she was only an assistant after all, and could only find the presents Martin had given Anne.

Annie picked up the phone, pressed her finger on a number key, and when she pressed it, she would dial Martin's number with one touch.

Would you like to break up today?

Annie suddenly thought of a neighbor in middle school who was in pain after being targeted by the IRS. Even those who had financial disputes with him were exhausted.

The speed must be fast!

At this moment, Laura came out of the room carrying a box and placed it on the coffee table in front of the sofa. There were not many gifts in the box.

In fact, there are only three copies in total, the horn carving and the tusk pendant, the star map roster, and the emerald.

Annie picked them up next to each other and looked at them, scolding herself for being stupid, how can a man give such a little thing to a woman after they have been in a relationship for two months?

It doesn't matter if you are poor, you are still a miser!

Pauper and miser?
Annie randomly found a handbag, and threw the horn carvings, tusk pendant, and star chart book into it.

Picking up the mahogany gift box containing the jade brand, she opened it and looked at it, the color was bright...

Annie put it away and said, "I accidentally lost this."

Laura was speechless, feeling inappropriate, but couldn't say anything.

Annie gave the bag to Laura: "You go to Warner Studios in the afternoon and return these things to Martin or Bruce."

Laura couldn't understand why Annie was so unfeeling, and asked tentatively, "Is it irreparable?"

Annie shook her head slowly but firmly: "This relationship has become a thing of the past."

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, Laura stopped talking.

Annie inserted her fingers into her hair, hugged her head, and closed her eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, she suddenly opened her eyes, picked up the phone on the sofa, pressed her finger on the button again, and dialed with one touch.


Warner Studios, in a small office on a soundstage.

Bruce turned on the camera, connected it to the computer, copied the video taken by the hotel, and clicked to play it.

After watching it for a while, he asked Martin next to him, "My acting skills are not bad either."

Martin dismissed it: "I can't even remember the lines. At that time, I really wanted to kick you out."

Bruce muttered: "It's normal to forget the words. When you watch those NG shots, many of them are caused by the actors forgetting the words. At least I have the script with me, so I can read it now."

"Are you going to read 1234567 on the spot, and then I will find you a voiceover?" Martin mocked directly: "What about the professionalism you are proud of?"

Bruce was helpless: "I thought it was very simple, but it turned out..." He knew he was wrong, and changed the subject: "Annie hasn't called you all this time, it seems that you proposed marriage."

Martin didn't answer, and reminded: "Save the video well, don't forget the scene we set up, I'm going to participate in an audition today, you go to the hotel to find me to play with me temporarily, to help me familiarize myself with the lines and scenes .”

Bruce said, "You're completely out of character."

Martin said: "Just in case, as long as she doesn't come forward and attack me, the video will never show up."

Bruce was quite emotional: "True love is so great!"

Martin's cell phone rang, showing Anne's number.

Bruce took a data cable and plugged it into Martin's phone.

"Hi, Annie." Martin connected, and before he could say a second sentence, Annie over there said, "Martin, after thinking about it, I don't think we're suitable, let's break up."

Martin was shocked: "Break up?"

"Yes, I'm going back to New York, and I'm at the airport now."

"Why, Annie? When I left I was fine!"

"Don't say any more, Martin, let's do it like this, so we can get together and go away."

"Why?" Martin continued to ask, like a silly man who fell in love and couldn't extricate himself: "Why exactly? Why do you want to do this?"

Annie suddenly raised her voice: "Are you blaming me? Okay, let me tell you why!"

She is full of grievances and has no place to complain: "Because you are a poor man who is about to go bankrupt!"

Martin said hurriedly, "Listen to me..."

The phone was hung up, and the call was busy again.

Martin unplugged the data cable, looked at Bruce, helplessly: "Poverty is an incurable disease."

Bruce saved the video and recording into the same USB flash drive, unplugged the USB flash drive and threw it to Martin: "You and Annie should be together forever, a perfect match."

"Yeah." Martin retorted: "At least I haven't coveted Annie's sister."

Bruce was speechless when he was refuted, and then his cell phone rang, but it was Anne's assistant Laura who called.

"Anne is not bad, I returned all the gifts you gave me." Bruce went out to get things, and quickly brought back a handbag and handed it to Martin.

Martin took out the contents and put them on the desk.

Bruce glanced and said strangely, "One thing is missing."

Martin put it away again and put it aside: "It doesn't matter."

Because Martin sent few things, Bruce remembered after a while: "The most valuable gemstone is missing."

He patted his forehead: "I take back what I just said, she is as good as you!"

(End of this chapter)

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