American fame and fortune.

Chapter 186 This Anne Is Not Another Anne

Chapter 186 This Anne Is Not Another Anne

In a restaurant on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.

The waiters delivered the meals one after another and moved away from the booth.

Picking up the wine glass, Julie clinked glasses with Martin: "Louis told me that letting me play the heroine first came from your suggestion."

After drinking, Martin replied with a smile: "I like Lara Croft very much, and I hope to cooperate with you in my dreams, because you are my goddess and idol."

Julie was puzzled. When she heard Martin say this before, she thought it was just a compliment, but now it doesn't sound like it.

Martin took the initiative to clink glasses with her: "To Laura."

Julie drank the remaining wine in the glass and invited Martin to dinner: "You can do whatever you want."

The two ate and chatted, and after talking about some anecdotes in the industry, Julie asked: "It is said that the selfie door came from your suggestion?"

"Other people ask me and I will definitely deny it." Martin deliberately sells it well: "I was the first to put forward the suggestion. I can't actually operate it. I still rely on Warner Bros.."

Julie asked again: "So Paris Hilton in the Wax Museum is also related to you."

Martin said vaguely: "It's mainly on me as a buddy."

Julie looked at Martin with a bit of admiration in her eyes. It's nothing to be good at acting, but it's really powerful to know how to operate.

The former is numerous in Hollywood, and the latter is rare.

"I'd like to hear your opinion on a matter of media public relations and publicity." Julie deliberated a little, and decided to ask directly: "It's not a good thing, it's a scandal, and the relationship between men and women is operated as a wax museum and Geshan Is there a chance that there will be such explosive news that will bring benefits?"

Obviously, Jolie is thinking about how to end Brad Pitt's affair with his wife Aniston behind her back.

Martin and Louise discussed Julie more than once. For their own future, the couple even planned to wait for a period of time before Julie responded, and secretly found someone to kick off the related scandal.

At this moment, Julie came to her, how could Martin let it go: "I heard that Paris Hilton wants to create her own brand, because she has enough popularity and even has a group of supporters."

Julie was lost in thought, and after a while she said, "It's not easy for her to clean up."

Martin needs Julie to get angry, so start the fire: "Actually, Annie and I really broke out a video similar to a video tape, and the effect may be better. The times have changed. The Internet has narrowed the distance between people and made scandals go away. Gossip is further magnified, and it also increases the desire of the general public to pry into the privacy of celebrities. Sometimes a scandal may not be a scandal, but if it works well, it can become a fuel for people to rise."

Julie said this because Martin did something similar. She considered it and said: " and Annie are married, and I like you, it's just a hypothesis! You like me too, we will do what we have to do I have done everything, and I starred in a movie together, will the scandal be over if the movie is exposed?"

Hearing these words, Martin guessed that Julie had some ideas, but she hadn't actually implemented them and lacked enough confidence.

It's rude to refuse a big gift offered to your door. Martin has a polite man: "The coolest man and the coolest woman are born to be together? In the name of true love, nothing else matters. I want to find The reasons and excuses are too simple, pouring dirty water on Annie, saying that she cheated first, didn't want children, wanted a job and didn't have a family, etc."

This Anne is not another Anne.

Not only was Julie listening, but she also took it seriously in her mind. After all, Martin's seemingly bad idea had succeeded several times in succession.

Martin added another fire: "I will admit my mistakes generously, take photos with you and the children and send them to the media to express my love and desire for the children and the family, such as the family life that Martin wants. You can give these, And Annie, who doesn't want children, can't give it."

Julie remembered that Aniston beat a child last year.

"This guy is really a genius, a genius who messes up!" She couldn't help but stare at Martin, thinking to herself, "How many of the news about him are true? [-]%? This kind of person is too suitable for the entertainment industry Already!"

Martin continued: "This is Hollywood. The public has long been used to cheating, divorce and other people. If you think about it carefully, aren't some actresses and actors who cheated during marriage admired by the whole world and enjoy the media's praise? As long as you use true love , family and children packaging, bad things may not be turned into good things."

Julie recalled that precedents could indeed be found, but she was still worried: "I... have some bad rumors."

Martin deliberately showed a very surprised look: "You are doing very well now, why don't you just keep doing what you are doing?"

"Adopt a child?" Julie responded super quickly, because she was already cleaning up: "It's really a good way."

Martin has actually experienced that the American people are always very tolerant of prodigal sons and prodigal daughters, and Julie can be marketed as a virgin.

And Americans especially eat Julie's set.

Julie asked again: "Children alone are not enough?"

For the sake of future and prospects, Martin decided to teach the killer moves and classics: "You can go to Afghanistan or Iraq to condolences to local refugees."

Julie's real evolution didn't start long ago: "As far as I know, those people lost their houses, families, and even parts of their limbs. They saw Americans..."

Martin only said: "Although they have nothing, they are free!"

Julie's eyes lit up, and she found the true meaning of freedom!I couldn't help but excitedly said: "Martin, you shouldn't be a star, you should be a publicist!"

Martin shrugged: "It's not easy to wipe people's ass."

Julie didn't dislike Martin's rude words at all, her burning eyes fell on Martin, as if she saw a confidant.

At this moment, Pete was tasteless, not fragrant at all.

But she is Julie after all, not a little girl who is dazzled by a sudden heartbeat. Martin's status and wealth are too low.

Julie raised her glass: "Martin, I respect you."

During this meal, the guests and the host enjoyed the meal, and Julie raised her glass several times to thank Martin.

During this period, she even suggested that her Cambodian son recognize Martin as the godfather, but Martin politely rejected it.

While chatting, Martin casually mentioned that he was fighting for the second leading role in Martin Scorsese's new play.

Julie's side works best, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't.

Having gained a lot just now, Julie felt that Martin was a good person, so she kept the matter in her heart.

Once she heard Pete mention that Plan B is the second largest investor in Scorsese's new film, and she just needs to find a suitable opportunity to help Martin.

Julie is very good at blowing pillow wind.

The large-scale publicity and marketing of "The Mountain Has Eyes" is basically over, and there is no need for Martin to appear in the rest.

Martin's energy turned to two projects, "Wanted" and "The Departed".

The former Warner Bros. will be involved, but Pacific Pictures is in the lead. The specific planning and shooting can cooperate with Martin to compete for the role of the latter, avoiding conflicts in filming schedules.

Martin's Boston accent class twice a week has been increased to five times a week, and his speech is gradually getting a bit better.

In addition, he specially invited Kate Winslet, who is busy competing for awards, to have dinner.

The accumulated connections and resources must of course be used at critical moments.

Martin and Kate are also old friends, and very tactfully mentioned that they are going to audition for the role in "The Departed Walker".

Kate said directly: "Leo and I have a very good friendship, but we rarely talk about work. I can mention you when I meet him. As for the effect, I can't guarantee it."

Martin said with a smile: "This is already a help beyond imagination."

Kate was not polite to Martin: "In this case, you owe me another favor."

Martin remembered that Kate also helped when he first met Craven, and said without hesitation: "No matter what you do, just say it."

Tens of billions of debts have been paid off, so are you afraid of a favor?
Favors come and go, and the relationship can be deepened.

There is no fool who can get to this point, Kate smiled: "I'll talk about it later."

This is also a kind of human investment. Martin's rising momentum is very strong. He is unable to do anything for Kate at this stage, but it is hard to say in the future.

Martin thought of that too.

Kate turned to something else: "You've been a hit lately."

Martin half-truthfully said: "I can't help it. I'm not well-known enough, so I can only think of some bad ideas. If you use this kind of thing once, you can't use it again."

Kate said: "I have been to some parties, and it is said that some people noticed and wanted to imitate you."

Martin was particularly generous: "I won't charge them tuition fees." He asked with concern: "The Oscars will be coming soon, how sure are you of winning?"

Kate shook her head slowly: "I have been nominated for Best Actress, so don't even think about winning the award. My public relations efforts are not strong enough."

Without much investment in public relations, the chances of winning important awards are basically zero.

The two chatted for a while about the Oscars, and then they broke up.

After leaving the restaurant, Martin rushed to the Hilton Hotel to find Annie.

In the car, Bruce asked, "Have you thought about it?"

Martin said: "Women don't have a job."

"You rotten person, can't you think of a better way?" The two had discussed it before, and Bruce felt that his IQ was insulted: "Did she pass the test?"

Martin said seriously: "What should you do when a sincere love is in front of you?"

Bruce is also a bad guy: "Break it into pieces, and appreciate the crying appearance carefully, I will be very happy."

Martin felt that he was taller: "So, you are a bad person, and I am not."

"It's really not." Bruce's words took a big turn: "You are a scumbag."

Martin disdains: "Scumbags break up with people, but I don't."

The car turned in front of the Hilton Hotel. Martin got out of the car and entered the hotel. He went to the elevator room to tidy up his clothes, took the elevator and went straight to the floor where Anne was.

He knocked on the door of Anne's room and gave him a passionate kiss as soon as he entered.

The two got entangled and quickly entered the state.

This night, true love blooms again.

Martin gave all of his passionate love to Anne.

It was dawn, the sun was rising, and Martin's cell phone vibrated.

He quickly picked up the phone, left the bedroom, and looked back. Annie was still sleeping soundly. He came to the living room and connected the phone.

 I went out to play with my daughter on the weekend. I didn’t finish writing yesterday, and Chapter 2 was just finished.

(End of this chapter)

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