Chapter 263
Sorry, I thought it was a common cold, but it has become more and more serious these two days, and I can't write many words. Please bear with me, and I will make it up as soon as possible in the next few days.Thanks.

Sansa would give anything for the chance to be reunited with him. "I fear for your opponent's life," she said solemnly to Tommen.

"His opponent is a scarecrow." Xiao Qiao said and got up.Today, the king is wearing a gold-plated battle armor, with a roaring lion carved on his chest, as if he is expecting to join the flames of war at any time.He turned thirteen today, well-grown, extremely tall, with Lannister blond hair and blue eyes.

"Your Majesty." She bowed.

Sir Alex also bowed, "Your Majesty, please allow me to leave first, I want to dress up and prepare to leave."

Joffrey waved him off abruptly, without taking his eyes off Sansa.He looked her up and down. "I'm so glad you wore the jeweled hairnet I gave you."

It seemed the king was going to play the hero today, and Sansa was relieved. "Thank you for your kindness... and thank you for your praise. Your Majesty, I hope you have a happy name day."

"Sit down," Little Qiao Bibi ordered from the empty seat next to him, "Have you heard? The Beggar King is dead."

"Who?" Sansa was afraid for a moment that he meant Robb.

"Viserys, the last son of Aerys the 'Mad King'. Since I was born, he has been traveling around the Free Cities, claiming to be king. Well, mother said that the Dothraki finally crowned him, but with the Melted gold." He laughed, "Don't you think it's ridiculous? The fire dragon is his family emblem, it's like your traitor brother was killed by a wolf. Maybe after I catch him, he will be killed by a wolf. Really throw him to the wolves. Did I tell you that I was going to fight him face to face?"

"Your Majesty, I would be happy to pay attention." I couldn't ask for more.Sansa kept her tone calm and polite, but Joffrey still squinted his eyes, trying to see if she meant mocking. "Are you going to compete today?" She asked quickly.

The king frowned, "My lord mother said this is inappropriate, because this tournament is held for me to celebrate. But if I really end up, I will definitely win the championship, good dog, don't you think so?"

The corner of the hound's mouth twitched, "Fighting this guy? That's needless to say."

He had won his father's tourney, Sansa had not forgotten that. "My lord, will you participate today?" she asked him.

Clegane's voice was full of disdain. "They don't deserve it. This contest is a fight between mosquitoes and flies."

The king laughed. "Oh, my dog ​​barks like a fright. I think you might as well fight today's champion until you die." Joffrey liked nothing more than to make men fight to the death.

"Then you will lose one knight." The Hound himself never accepted the knight's oath.His brother was a knight, and he hated his brother terribly.

At this time, a trumpet sounded suddenly, and the king sat back in his chair and took Sansa's hand.In the past, this move would have made her heart beat wildly, but after she begged him to forgive her father, he actually ordered his father to be beheaded in public, so now his touch makes her hate, but she knows that she can't show it. Come out, so he forced himself to calm down.

"Ser Meryn Tran of the Kingsguard!" cried the master of ceremonies.

Sir Marlin entered the arena from the west, dressed in bright white gold-thread armor, riding a milky white warhorse with flying gray mane, a long cloak like snow on his back, and a twelve-foot spear in his hand.

"Ser Hope of House Redwyne on Arbor Isle!" the master of ceremonies called.Ser Hobber came in from the east on a black steed clad in burgundy and blue, with strips of the same color on his lance, and the sigil of the Bunch of Grapes on his shield.The Redwyne twins, like Sansa, were forced guests of the queen.She was curious, whose idea it was to let them participate in Joffrey's tourney, it must not be voluntary, she thought.

The ceremony officer gave an order, and the two contestants immediately held their spears flat, kicked their spurs, and rushed forward.Shouts came from the guards onlookers and the noble men and women in the stands, and the two knights fought in the middle of the arena, with sawdust flying and steel clattering.In less than a second, the white gun and the flower gun exploded into pieces one after another.Hobber Redwyne was staggered on the horse's back by the strong impact, but he managed to stay alive.They each turned their horses around at the end of the arena, dropped the broken spears, and took new ones from the attendants.Ser Hopper's twin brother Ser Horace Redwyne applauds his brother.

The two men fought again, but this time Ser Meryn shifted the point of his spear and pierced Ser Hobber in the chest, sending him flying from his horse and crashing to the ground.Ser Horace ran to help his battered brother, cursing endlessly.

"Badly played," said King Joffrey.

"Ser Balon Swann of Stonehelm in Redguard!" the master of ceremonies called again.Ser Balon's helm was decorated with great white wings, and a black and white swan was painted on his shield. "Molos of the Slynt family, heir to Earl Janos of Harrenhal!"

"Look at his donkey!" Little Qiao screamed so loudly that he could hear half of the game.Molos was just a squire, or a squire who had just become a squire, and he had difficulty even holding a gun and holding a shield.Sansa knew that the lance was a knight's weapon, and that the Slynts were of humble birth.Earl Janos was originally only the commander of the city garrison, and he was only recently promoted by Joffrey to be the lord of Harrenhal and a member of the court.

He'd better fall off his horse and lose face in front of everyone, she thought bitterly. I hope Ser Balon kills him.After Joffrey pronounced her father's death sentence and beheaded it, it was Janos Slynt who seized Lord Eddard's head and held it up for public display while Sansa wept and wailed.

Moroth's black armor was inlaid with fine gold scrollwork, and was covered with a black and gold checked cloak.The shield was painted with bloody spears, the family coat of arms his father had chosen.However, he didn't seem to know where to put the shield. He just pushed forward blindly, and Ser Balon inadvertently shot his shield.Moros hurriedly threw away the spear, trying to keep his balance, but unfortunately he still failed.When the boy fell off his horse, one foot got stuck in the stirrup, and he was dragged all the way to the end of the arena by the frenzied horses, with his head constantly hitting the ground.Joffrey laughed loudly at this, but Sansa was terrified, wondering if the gods had heard her prayer for vengeance.At last they unhorsed Moloss Slynt, and found him alive and well, though covered in blood. "We have picked the wrong one for you, Tommen," said the King to his brother. "This fellow is much worse than a Scarecrow."

Ser Horace Redwyne came next, and he outplayed his twin, beating an old knight.The old knight's mount is adorned with a silver griffin's costume, with blue and white stripes as a base.Although full of momentum, his strength is not commensurate with his appearance. "It sucks."

(End of this chapter)

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