Chapter 262
Sorry, I thought it was a common cold, but it has become more and more serious these two days, and I can't write many words. Please bear with me, and I will make it up as soon as possible in the next few days.Thanks.

The morning of King Joffrey's name-day was bright and sunny, with occasional breezes.Sansa stood by the tower window, watching the long tail of the great comet, clearly visible through the rushing clouds.At this moment, Ser Alys Oakheart came to escort her to the tourney. "What do you think this comet represents?" she asked.

"It was sent from heaven to honor your betrothed," replied Sir Arys promptly. "You see, it shines brightly across the sky on His Majesty's name day, as if the gods raised a banner for him to show Revered. The common people call it 'King Joffrey's Comet.'"

That was what they must have told Joffrey, but Sansa was not sure. "I heard someone call it 'Dragon Tail Star'."

"Yes, King Joffrey's throne is the former seat of Aegon the Dragon, and his castle was built by Aegon's son," Ser Arys said. "He is the heir to the dragon-and the crimson and It is the color of House Lannister, and it is also a symbol. In my opinion, the comet must have been sent from heaven to announce the enthronement of His Majesty King Joffrey, foretelling that he will eventually defeat his enemies and win the final victory."

Really?She couldn't help thinking to herself, could the gods really be so cruel?Joffrey's enemies now included her own mother, and her brother Robb.Father has died by order of the king, is it Robb and mother's turn next?It’s true that the comet is red, but Joffrey is not only a member of the Lannister family, he is also a descendant of the Baratheon family, and their symbol is a black stag on a gold background. Why didn’t the gods give little Joe one? What about the golden comet?
Sansa closed the window abruptly and turned away from it. "Miss, you are very handsome today," said Sir Arys.

"Thank you, sir." Sansa knew that Joffrey wanted her to attend the tourney to show his congratulations, so she had dressed very carefully.She wore a lavender gown and a moonstone hairnet that Joffrey had given her.The sleeves of the gown were long enough to hide the bruises on her hands, which were also a 'gift' from Joffrey - he sent Ser Boros to beat him when he heard that Robb had made himself King in the North, so he went mad she.

"Shall we go?" Sir Alex held out his hand, she took it, and followed him out of the room.If Sansa had to choose a servant from the Kingsguard, it would be him.Ser Boros had a bad temper, Ser Meryn was ruthless, Sir Mandon's strange dead eyes always made her uncomfortable, and Sir Preston looked like she was a mentally retarded imp.Only Ser Arys Oakheart was polite enough to speak to her sincerely.He had actually protested once Joffrey ordered him to hit her, and he hit her anyway, but with a much lighter hand than Ser Meryn or Ser Boros.He begged for her at least once, and the others would absolutely obey in this situation... Of course, the hound was an exception.But Xiao Qiao always ordered the other five people to beat her, but never called the hound to do it.

Ser Arys had hazel hair and a fair face.Today, his white silk cloak is buckled around his shoulders with a gold leaf, and an oak tree with luxuriant branches is embroidered with shining gold thread on the chest of his coat, which looks very chic. "Who do you think will win today?" Sansa asked as they walked down the stairs arm in arm.

"Of course I am." Sir Alex replied with a smile. "It's a pity that this kind of victory is not worth mentioning. This is just a small scene, a small competition, and there are no more than 40 participants, including squires and freeriders. The little boy There's no honor in beating a horse."

The last tourney was different, Sansa thought.It had been given by King Robert especially for her father, when all the lords and heroes and warriors from all over the land came to compete with each other, and all the people of King's Landing were there to watch.She still remembers the unprecedented splendor: tents lined the riverbank, knights' shields hung from the tent doors, a long row of silk pennants fluttering in the wind, steel swords and gilded spurs gleaming in the sun.During the few days of the martial arts competition, horns blew and horseshoes roared, and after nightfall, there was a feast and singing.That was the most brilliant day of her life, but now it seems like a lifetime away.Robert Baratheon was dead, and her father, considered a traitor, had been beheaded on the pulpit before the Great Sept of Baelor.Now that the three kings of the country are on their own side, the battle is raging on the other side of the Trident River, and the city of King's Landing is full of desperate people from all sides. No wonder they can only hold a tournament for Joffrey in the Red Keep protected by thick walls. .

"Do you think the Queen Mother will be there?" Sansa always felt safer with Cersei present to restrain her son.

"I'm afraid not, Miss. The important ministers are in a meeting, saying that there is an important matter." Sir Alex lowered his voice, "Lord Tywin led the troops to Harrenhal, and he did not want to lead the army here according to the Queen Mother's order. The Queen Mother Furious." He fell silent as a group of Lannister guards passed by in red cloaks and lion-striped helmets.Sir Alex is good at gossiping, but he knows that walls have ears.

Carpenters built stands and arenas in the outer courtyard of the castle, but the scale was indeed pitifully small, and the crowd who came to watch was only half full.Most of the audience were the City Guards in gold robes or the Lannister guards in crimson cloaks. There were very few noble men and women present, only those who remained in the palace: the ashen-faced Gales Rosby The Earl coughed endlessly in a pink silk scarf; the Countess of Tanda was sandwiched between her two daughters, the quiet but slow Loris and the poisonous Faris; the dark-skinned Jalabah Thor was In exile, there was nowhere to go; Miss Amesandre was a little baby, lying on the lap of the nurse.It was said that she would soon marry a cousin of the Queen Mother so that the Lannisters could take over her fiefdoms.

The King sat in the shadows under a crimson canopy, one foot resting carelessly on the arm of a carved wooden chair.Princess Myrcella and Prince Tommen sat behind him, and Sandor Clegane stood guard behind the royal box, hands resting on the hilt of his sword.He wore the snow-white cloak of the Kingsguard, tied at his broad shoulders with a jeweled brooch.His snow-white cloak was out of proportion to his brown dungaree and studded leather vest. "Miss Sansa here," announced the Hound curtly, as soon as he saw her.His voice was as rough as sawing wood, and because half of his face and throat were burned, his mouth kept twisting when he spoke.

Princess Myrcella nodded shyly at Sansa when she heard her name.Tommen, the chubby little prince, jumped up eagerly, "Sansa, have you heard? I'm going to a martial arts competition today!" Tommen was only eight years old, and seeing him reminded her of her little brother Bu orchid.They were the same age, but Bran was at Winterfell now, paralyzed, but fortunately alive.

(End of this chapter)

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