
Chapter 252 The Tang Family

Chapter 252 The Tang Family
I nodded, and the old man led us to the front of the building, and while poking the door with a key, he said in a trembling voice: "Let me tell you what I saw at that time. I was terrified at that time. When I saw They even pointed their fingers at me and let me go in. At first, I thought I was delusional, so I took a photo with a flashlight."

"This time I can see clearly that the facial features of the two women are no longer compatible. The eyeballs are on the chin, the mouth is on the forehead, and the ears are plugged into the mouth..."

"I'm not even a human being to lie to you, so that's all for now, you can figure it out for yourself."

Pulling open the shutter door, the old man turned around and ran away.

Before entering the door, a gust of cold wind came oncoming.

The environment inside the dissecting building reminded me of the waterworks complex. It was gloomy, roughly the same as what I saw in the bardo world. The ceiling on the first floor was rotten, and a lot of earth and rocks had accumulated on the floor.

There was dust everywhere, several operating beds were parked randomly, and there was a creaking sound in my ears, as if something was about to break.

After being abandoned for so long, the anatomy building still has a pungent formalin smell.

Relying on the memory of the bardo world, I led the way, and Chu Yuan followed closely, scanning the surroundings as if nothing had happened.

"It's interesting. There are a lot of dirty things here. Some corpses that were dissected back then, the ghosts are still here."

Chu Yuan pointed forward, but I didn't see anything.

There were some sundries in the corridor, and it was empty.

"You want to see?"

I thought of the horror scene on the ninth floor of the water plant, shook my head and said, "Forget it, don't watch it."

Walking in the anatomy building gave me the illusion that I was in the underworld. In order to divert my attention, I asked: "If you really see the two sisters of the Tang family later, don't take action. It is best to resolve their pain." Resentment, let them open their mouths to forgive Bai Yang."

Chu Yuan was thoughtful, but he didn't know what he was thinking, so he didn't speak.

It may be because of the long-term lack of ventilation here, in addition to the smell of spoiled medicine, there is also a disgusting smell that smells like a rotting corpse.

My mind was wide open, and I thought that this place is an anatomy building. When it was abandoned, there were corpses that had not been removed from the building, and then rotted inside, and the stench was lingering.

But after this idea came out, I quickly dismissed it. After all, it has been a while, even if it is a corpse, it should have become a mummy.

I found the source of the stench in the hallway on the first floor. It was a rotten tabby cat with almost only one piece of skin left, but its head was quite intact. The faint green eyes reflected the coldness in the dark corridor. Glowing.

I covered my mouth and nose, hurriedly walked through the corridor, and followed Chu Yuan to the end of the stairs to the entrance of the corridor on the first floor.

Standing at the stairs on the lower floor, the gloomy atmosphere became more intense, and I could even feel the gusts of wind blowing towards my face.

However, the scene in front of me seems familiar. I saw it when I was in the bardo world, and it was almost the same as the one created by Bai Yang's consciousness.

Because it was daytime, and the passageway was also painted white, although it was a bit dim, it could still be seen clearly, but the inside was gloomy.

Especially after going down to the negative floor.

I have never been here, but I am very familiar with this place. I walked straight ahead and entered a room.

I remember that Bai Yang appeared in this room at that time, and the two sisters of the Tang family were lying in the mortuary cabinet.

When I was about to walk to the door, I told Chu Yuan to be careful, this place is too cloudy, it is estimated that the two sisters of the Tang family have already become a climate.

As soon as he finished speaking, when he was about to enter the door, Chu Yuan suddenly stopped and pointed to the passage not far away: "The sisters of the Tang family are inside."

He pointed over there and motioned for me to look. I hesitated and glanced in, and immediately saw a hellish scene.

At the top of the stairs, there were two pale women floating in mid-air with short hair and wearing bloody hospital gowns.

These are nothing, I have seen big scenes, the bodies of the key two women twisted and twisted like ripples, looking very blurry, as if their existence was disturbed by some kind.

The two women turned their backs to me, like two pieces of paper, floating in mid-air, sometimes still, sometimes violently twisting.

Even though I have seen too many unclean things, I was still bald in fright, and hurriedly backed out. Chu Yuan pointed at the two of them confidently and said:
"You don't have yin eyes. It stands to reason that you can't see this invisible ghost, but you have been to the bardo world and have been contaminated with the karma of the two women, so you can see their yin bodies clearly."

When he said this, he smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and said to me: "Look, they are here to find you."

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw two pale ghosts directly pass through the wall and appear in front of me.


Originally, I was already prepared in my heart, but this scene happened so suddenly, the two women floated out directly, and appeared in front of me in an instant, which made people tremble with fear.

Almost instinctively, I subconsciously grabbed the cloth-wrapped blood wooden sword and wanted to block it, but Chu Yuan had quick eyes and quick hands, chuckled lightly, and pulled me back a step.

Then I stretched out my hand to block in front of me, and the two girls seemed to have touched an invisible wall, and disappeared while crying.

"Come on, I know what to do."

Chu Yuan helped me leave the anatomy building.

"Just now I felt that the two of them had a lot of grievances. They wished that all the living people they saw would go to hell. It would not be difficult to subdue and eliminate them. The key is to get them to speak up and get their forgiveness. Absolutely not. It’s best to let their families persuade them.”

Bai Yang is still alive, time should come quickly.

Even if the anatomy building is abandoned, but now the sky is bright and bright, being able to appear in it at this time is enough to prove that the two sisters have a lot of grievances.

The more this is the case, the more troublesome it becomes.

When we came out of the anatomy building, Principal Zhu happened to be alone in the office, although he was suspicious of us and somewhat disbelieving.

But seeing that we don't charge any money, and exorcising evil spirits from the school for free, even if it's a mess, we're up to it.

He went to the archives to find out the address of the Tang family, and we set off immediately.

In a county not far from the city, the Tang family lived in the outskirts of the county. After a lot of twists and turns, they finally found a place. It was a dilapidated farmyard, lonely and incompatible with the surrounding buildings.

I still had some money on me, so I went to the store and bought a carton of milk and some fruit to eat.

After buying it, I walked over with Chu Yuan, opened the door and went in to have a look. The yard was dilapidated, with some dried peppers and corn sticks hanging on the wall. There were many dead branches and leaves in the yard. It could be seen that it hadn't been cleaned for a long time. .

Judging from the situation, the Tang family has not been doing very well these years.

After knocking on the door for a long time, a middle-aged woman in her forties opened the door and looked at us suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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