
Chapter 251 Anatomy Building

"I feel it! I had a nightmare recently, which made me dizzy and blurry. Now I feel very energetic! My eyesight is also clear, and I feel very good."

The dwarf old lady smiled and said: "Of course, I soaked the talisman paper with Chinese medicinal materials in advance. It can not only exorcise evil spirits, but also refresh the mind."

At this time, Chu Yuan was impatient, stood up and walked out the door.

I was getting impatient with the wait, "Principal Zhu, we are entrusted by the Tang family to enter the anatomy building and save the souls of those two girls. This is also a good thing for your school."

Principal Zhu was in a good mood, and he waved his hand generously: "Go, tell Uncle Xing, who is watching the gate, that I agree to let you enter the anatomy building."

I glanced at the dwarf old lady, and found that the old lady glanced at me with a bit of sinister eyes, and she seemed to be smiling slyly.

Exiting the office, Chu Yuan was waiting for me in the corridor, I said, "That dwarf old lady doesn't make me feel like a good person."

Chu Yuan sneered: "The surname Zhu will die within seven days."

"What?" Hearing him say this, I felt terrified in my heart.

"Fengshui nourishes people, and it can also kill people. First of all, the man surnamed Chen didn't have any good intentions when he sent the iron coffin. It was a dead coffin. Principal Zhu was raised as a little ghost! Can he not be unlucky and have nightmares? After he dies , the soul will go to the coffin!"

I got goosebumps when I heard it: "Raising ghosts?"

"The Feng Shui in his office has also been tampered with. Did you see the two potted plants under the window?"

I nodded, those are two pots of fortune trees, implying a wealth of wealth.

"The soil in the potted plants is grave soil three meters deep underground, and it may have been mixed with corpse oil. The leaves of the two potted trees are thick and fat, and they are so green that they are scary green. There are only graves rich in nutrients. Only when there is no soil, can such a fat tree grow, and when the grave tree blooms in two days, he will definitely die."

I just said, just now when I was in the office, I kept smelling a faint stench, which turned out to be the smell of graveyard.

"Just these two potted trees can kill Principal Zhu. Anyone with a discerning eye can understand this kind of feng shui pattern of raising ghosts."

"As for that old woman, she has already seen it. Not only did she not break it, but she added fuel to the flames. She sent a lifeline to the surname Zhu. The red brocade was soaked in baby's blood. Ghost weight, it's hard for someone surnamed Zhu to survive!"

"In addition, the triangular talisman paper is used to stimulate death. The surname Zhu took the talisman paper and felt refreshed. That is actually a flashback before death!"

I didn't expect that there were so many turbulent murderous intentions hidden in it.

We went downstairs with Chu Yuan, and we walked towards the security room. As we walked, I asked, "Just now you could tell at a glance that the dwarf old lady was deliberately deceiving Principal Zhu, why didn't you say a word to remind me? "

Hearing what I said, a sneer appeared on Chu Yuan's handsome face: "Do you think he will listen to what we say?"

Thinking about it, I think what he said was right. At that time, Principal Zhu had already obeyed what the dwarf old lady said, and he believed it completely.

Moreover, after seeing us, they may feel that we are young. Although we have not shown it, we can still see the extreme distrust of us from some subtle points, and even reveal a kind of ridicule.

In this case, in fact, what we say will not help.

That being the case, Chu Yuan's character was originally unwilling to talk nonsense, so he just ignored it, and then simply stood up and went out. This approach was in line with his character.

Chu Yuan continued: "Besides, what the old Taoist said is right, as long as you follow the method he said, it is also a way to survive, but it's hard to persuade the damn ghost!"

"The method Zhang Xianren said is really saving his life?" I widened my eyes with disbelief.

Chu Yuan nodded: "The idea he came up with just now sounds like nonsense, but it involves a deep sense of Zen. In fact, the Feng Shui situation of raising little ghosts has already become a dead end. Throw away all the weights and potted plants , It doesn’t help the matter, the method he gave is actually very clever, first of all, donate all the deposits to the Buddhist sect, it is to pray for the protection of the Buddha and Bodhisattva.”

"Regular Buddhist temples generally don't accept money, but if President Zhu has the heart to donate deposits in the name of repairing the temple, it is tantamount to sending out Bodhicitta, which means repenting for crimes and returning to Buddhism. Buddhism regards all beings as equal, even if No matter how vicious a person is, as long as he sincerely arouses Bodhicitta and puts down the butcher knife, the Buddhist family will naturally accept him and give him shelter."

"It's not enough just to do this. His sins are too heavy, and coupled with the damage done by the Ghost Raising Bureau. If he wants to survive, returning to Buddhism is only the first step. The next step is to wear a shroud and go to the crematorium. It is equivalent to cutting off the world of mortals and turning around in the gate of hell, which means that you will no longer miss the wealth and honor in the world, and many eminent monks have done this before they become monks."

"Next, as long as President Zhu only practices Buddhism for the rest of his life, and doesn't care about personnel affairs, the dead breath in his body will naturally be resolved."

After I listened to it, I remained silent. In fact, after a person has experienced a death, his eyes will indeed see many things clearly.

But for most normal people in the world, especially Principal Zhu, who are greedy and selfish, they have already been swayed by interests.

Of course he can't make this kind of person let go of what he has already acquired.

I know that Zhang Xianren knows something, but he always gives me a feeling of being unreliable.

After so much experience and no chance to show his strength, I didn't expect him to be really a master.

No wonder after he finished speaking, when Principal Zhu gave the order to evict the guests, he took the money and left without hesitation.

He knew that Principal Zhu would not listen to what he said, so he didn't want to make more fearless explanations.

I sighed and said: "The Buddha said that there is nothing in the first place, and he understands where the dust comes from. There are a few things that can be done. Principal Zhu is too stupid. It seems that even the Buddha can't save him."

At this time, we had already reached the door of the security room, and the old man who was squinting and dozing inside saw us and greeted us both with a smile.

However, when the two of us said that we were going to the old anatomy building, our expressions changed, and we glanced at the dilapidated old building separated by the iron fence, and said in a trembling tone: "The old building is deserted, you go What are you doing inside?"

I didn't say much, just said that I had made it clear to Principal Zhu, and he agreed to let us in. If you don't believe me, call and ask.

In the end, the old man really didn't believe it. Hei Zhu, who was fumbling around, made a phone call. When he put down the phone, his face turned a little green.

"Let me tell you, there is nothing in the anatomy building, and it's quite evil. One day when I was on duty at night, I passed by the anatomy building. I shone a flashlight through the window. Guess what? I saw two women's faces. The ones were stuck on the glass like a piece of paper, staring at me blankly..."

Even though he said this, the old man still took out the key reluctantly, and seeing that we were determined, he said to us: "Come with me, but we have an ugly word first, if you go in, what happens, you can't Blame me."

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