Miss, you are my future wife

Chapter 298 "The Girl of Huaichun" Shen Jie

Chapter 298 "The Girl of Huaichun" Shen Jie

*This chapter is also called "Which Girl Doesn't Have Spring? "

Shen Jie followed the man for a while. He seemed to have received a debt collection call. After begging for forgiveness, he impatiently reprimanded another caller—he didn't look as personable as he looked.The people in the hotel lobby and the nearby fishermen inquired about it. They only knew that he was a foreigner who had just arrived here. The locals knew very little about his name and identity. Naturally, the hotel could not disclose it due to the principle of confidentiality. Finally, Only got some superficial information.

Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, the girl walked back along the way she came from based on her memory.

When passing by the Dragon King Temple, I wanted to relieve myself, but seeing that the temple didn’t charge tickets, I went in to find a public toilet to solve the problem.

He walked out shaking the water droplets on his hand, seeing that there was still time, he walked around in and out.

Behind the Diamond Hall is the Dragon King Hall, which enshrines the four Dragon Kings from east, west, north, south... The unlucky one who was taken away by Monkey King should be Donghai, right?
Walking through the temples all the way to the deepest part, I found that there is no Daxiong Hall of Tathagata here. The main hall enshrines a giant male Avalokitesvara, so I feel a little strange—it seems that male Avalokitesvara was only popular in temples before the Tang Dynasty Like, it is common in the central region and the Hexi Corridor area, but I didn't expect it to exist here too.

The girl took a few pictures.

After boarding the Wanghai Pavilion and lingering for a while, looking at the windmills and the sea level not far away, the girl was a little stunned for a while, and then began to think about "who am I", "why am I here", "what the hell am I doing?" This kind of question.

In the past 17 years, this is the first time that Shen Jie has been emotionally affected by something about a man of the same age.

In the past, she didn't really care about these things.

Since when did the fulfillment of obligations gradually become like love?Is this the so-called getting too deep into the drama?
Of course, it is definitely not a bad thing to fall in love with someone who is also going to live a lifetime.

If it wasn't for being treated coldly by the other party.

From the annoyance of being rejected on a recent date to the joy of catching Yu Luying's trick, I, Shen Jie, are clearly not such a shallow person.

For the first time since I met that person, I experienced this feeling of being out of control-whether it was his out-of-control or her own out-of-control, this feeling amplified her anxiety about leaving home.

As mentioned earlier - this is not Shen Jie: Shen Jie is annoyed by such herself.

Pinning one's sense of security and daily mood on another natural person has never been "Shen Jie"'s behavior style.

If I had known this, I might as well go to the summer camp with Xiao Yao, let the two of them have fun, and stay and plan the details of the future with Meiyu.

Forget it, otherwise, wouldn't it be even more ridiculous to just hang around and worry about why the man didn't answer the phone or reply to the message every day.

Otherwise, just overturn the table and take back the privilege that allowed the two of them to have a relationship. If Xiao Yao dares to refuse, he can go home and admit his mistake with peace of mind.

Go home and admit your mistake? …Shen Jie was taken aback by this flashing thought of her own.

In other words, whether in the "Sacrament Chamber" or strolling here, my mood has always been difficult to be at peace.

Shen Jie actually liked the atmosphere of the sacrament.

A small side room, with about twenty small chairs, soft carpet, soft lighting, and the hum of the air conditioner.

The temperature there is always very low, and people always speak softly, afraid to breathe loudly or make noise when they touch something.Some people are reading, some are silently chanting scriptures, some are dozing off (Xiao Yao often looks drowsy), and some are meditating. The atmosphere is a bit like the library of the Seventh Girls Middle School in the city, but Not quite the same.

There is a long electronic candle on the left and right sides of the small altar in front, and a vessel made of precious metal in the center. In the center of the vessel is placed a large piece of pure round, white, unfermented wheat flour bread, separated by A small piece of glass is for people to admire.

According to the priests, this means—no, this is the flesh of the gods.

Shen Jie is not so good at imagining such a thing, after all, that piece of bread is just like a piece of bread. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that "the strength of the five senses is not enough, and it should be supplemented by faith". I'm sure if she really understands, but at least, for the first time in her life, she calmed herself down, looking for the gods, herself, and inner peace in an empty space.


She hasn't found it yet.

Not found in the sacristy, still less in the clay statues of the temple.

Shen Jie got off Wanghai Pavilion, ready to leave here.Although the temple covers a large area, it is very dilapidated. There are few pilgrims, and there are no monks. I only saw a young novice dozing off in the main hall of Guanyin, and a small sign was erected in front of him, "Registration for Marriage" ".

Marriage... huh?
When they reached the gate of the temple, a short, fat, middle-aged man walked towards him. The two passed each other, then stopped at the same time and turned their heads.

"Oh My God!"

"It's you!" "It's really you!"

The person who came was Master Shi Hui in casual clothes.

"Aren't you in Shanghai?" Shen Jie asked strangely.

"Come here to do something," Shi Hui said, laughing, "Help them with...the accounting and audit work. Why are you here, little girl?"

Shen Jie briefly told Shi Hui about the summer camp, and both of them were amazed, saying, "What a coincidence".

"However, it is said in the Lotus Sutra that all relationships in the world are like this." Shi Hui said, "There is no need to be too surprised."

Shi Hui invited Shen Jie to worship three sticks of incense in the Guanyin Hall again, and then drew a lottery, patting his chest and saying that it would be free if he was there.

Shen Jie politely declined Shi Hui's kindness.

If there is a hammer to the east and a stick to the west, God and Guanyin will frown when they see me, the girl thought a little teasingly.

After bidding farewell to Shi Hui and returning to Sheng'ai Hotel, Shen Jie saw a small group holding signs arguing with a few security guards.

After Shen Jie inquired, she found out that these were local Zhang Weijian fans, who got the news from somewhere, and ran over to meet the idol, but the security guards wouldn't let them in, so they pushed and shoved.

Most of these people are local fans of Dongqi, and some of them came from nearby areas, and they were very emotional.

Shen Jie shrugged her shoulders, walked around them without any concern, and was about to go to the restaurant to eat those cheap seafood, but just happened to see Xiao Yao walking towards them.

When she saw the tall figure in the green T-shirt approaching, Shen Jie reluctantly turned away and turned her head away.

Just before she turned her head away, she saw Xiao Yao subconsciously smiled at her.

After turning his head back again, Xiao Yao had already walked among those security guards and fans.

Meddling again?Shen Jie thought.

After asking what happened, Xiao Yao turned to the person who seemed to be the head of security and asked, "Master Security, are you a church member?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" It should be that few people ask the security manager such a question, so the uncle was stunned for a moment.

"Look at these people, there are not many people, and it's not easy to come here from a long distance," Xiao Yao persuaded, "Shouldn't the door of the church be opened to everyone?"

"This is not a church," the security master Baba said authentically: "It's an internal group activity, we have regulations..."

"These people," Xiao Yao took a step closer, and said in a low voice, "Even if there is only one of these people, because they saw their idols, that or something, right, the brilliance of faith, and thus infected, you are also a meritorious deed." Is it infinite?"

The head of the security guard was taken aback by what was said, wondering if this person is the person in charge of the camp or the activity?Between five fans and three rooms, those fans had already swarmed in, and the security guards did not stop them.

Shen Jie shook her head secretly in her heart. Generally, venue activities with clear ownership need to be communicated in advance. For many venue providers, this is one of their daily sources of income.Letting people in so recklessly, not to mention the unexpected risks that may be caused by lack of organizational planning, the relevant person in charge of the church may have some criticisms against him.

Could it be that Xiao Yao is the one I like?

how is this possible.

Without talking to Xiao Yao, Shen Jie continued to walk towards the dining room, but accidentally caught a glimpse of a thin but vigorous old man standing in an inconspicuous corner, looking thoughtfully at the direction Xiao Yao stood.

Hey, this old gentleman looks familiar, is it the old gentleman who gave a speech at the opening ceremony of the summer camp...?
He hasn't left yet, I thought he had already left.



This afternoon, in his beloved history class, Xiao Yao was harassed by text messages and phone calls from Shen Jie.

This day finally came to the era of the Crusades. Xiao Yao listened with enthusiasm, and Li Teng also spoke with great vigor, his volume was higher than usual.

He talked about the rise of the Seljuk Turks, how the Seljuks expelled the moderate faction of the Fatimid dynasty, took control of Jerusalem, and then persecuted and plundered the pilgrims going to Jerusalem. It tells how the Byzantine Empire was so severely threatened that its emperor had to turn to the West and ask the Pope for help.

Xiao Yao was listening with great interest, and the phone in his trouser pocket vibrated every now and then.I wanted to ignore it, but after a while, the call came in.

Xiao Yao had no choice but to press the phone and secretly pressed the keypad of the phone under the table.

Shen Jie: "What are you doing?"

Shen Jie: "The dog talks."

Shen Jie: "I bit you!"

Xiao Yao: "?"

Xiao Yao: "It's class, sir."

Xiao Yao: "Everyone is watching me."

Shen Jie: "I don't want to practice my voice anymore. Let's skip class together today. I'll take you to dive."

Xiao Yao: "No, Mr. Li is talking about the Crusades today, I want to listen carefully."

Shen Jie: "Do you miss me?"

Xiao Yao: "I think about it day and night, and I can't sleep at night."

Shen Jie: "Why didn't you choose a class with your Yu Luying?"

Xiao Yao: "I'll choose a fart. If I choose a class with her, I might as well choose a class with you, so that I can see you every afternoon."

Shen Jie: "You will say, so you change groups now? I asked Zhang Huan, it can be changed. What kind of broken summer camp is this, and people can't make friends."

I won't change it, Xiao Yao thought.

By the way, what's wrong with this girl today, you don't want me to listen to the class, right?

Alas, I must be unable to hold back.

Shen Jie was left out in the cold these days, and to be fair, Xiao Yao himself felt very sorry.

Moreover, he also wanted to date Shen Jie.

Out of sheer desperation.

When he thought that Shen Jie was inexplicably neglected by him and couldn't hold it back, his reaction in the future would be neither angry quarrel nor cold war confrontation, but continued to post and have fun, Xiao Yao felt guilty again.

Why not take the risk and arrange an underground tryst today.

The ten-day summer camp, including today, is only the seventh day.

Make an appointment once, comfort her well, and persist for three more days, and this period of time will probably pass.

Xiao Yao: "No change. But I can find a way to sneak out to accompany you tonight. Anyway, tonight's group activity is at the beach."

Shen Jie: "You don't even ask me if I have any arrangements? It looks like you are aloof and decide the arrangements without authorization."

Xiao Yao: "Goddess, can I have a date tonight?"

Shen Jie: "What else can I ask you to accompany me?"

Shen Jie: "Hmph, let's see when the time comes."

Xiao Yao: "...Okay, then I'm in class."

Shen Jie: "Are you tired of Yu Luying too?"

Xiao Yao: "How is that possible?"

Xiao Yao: "No, what is it called?"

Shen Jie: "You neither came to see me nor accompany my sister, did you fall in love with another little girl?"

Why, now it's "my sister" again, not "Little Hoof"?

Xiao Yao: "No, I can't even pass this class. Who do I have my eyes on? In this whole summer camp, who can be better than the two of you?"

After thinking about it, I deleted the word "two" and sent it out.

Shen Jie: "Nonsense, now that there are so many beauties gathered here, there's no one you'd like?"

Xiao Yao: "Now I want to go to my master with all my heart, and I don't have that kind of worldly desire."

Shen Jie: "Really?"

Xiao Yao: "Besides, these are all college students, you know I don't like those who are older than me."

As soon as this text message was sent, Xiao Yao realized that something was wrong, and complained repeatedly, cursing himself secretly, but it's a pity that there is no 2-minute undo function for sending text messages in this era.

Xiao Yao: "I mean, I don't like people who are more than two years older than me."

Shen Jie: "Don't explain, I know I have wronged you."

Xiao Yao: "..."

Xiao Yao: "Please let me go to class, let's talk tonight."

Shen Jie: "Besides, isn't your old friend Zhao Xiaomei also in your group? I saw her wearing a green camp uniform."

Xiao Yao: "People have lost interest in me long ago, and they didn't harass me at all this time."

Xiao Yao: "She's the kind of person who's hot for a while, and changes targets when she finds it boring. Ouyang is also like this."

Shen Jie: "Are you lost?"

Xiao Yao: "Ah, yes, yes, but I'm lost."

Shen Jie: "Anyway, it's not that you didn't think about it, but you didn't find a suitable target. I know."

Xiao Yao: "Sister, I was wrong. If I continue to post like this, my phone will shut down again."

Shen Jie: "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense with you, let's talk about something serious. When you're away from home, dragons and snakes are mixed up, and Bo Ge is not here, so you have to help him keep an eye on Yu Luying."

Xiao Yao: "What are you looking at? Look, she's not a child. The people in this summer camp all know the basics, and the whole activity is hosted by her family. She is considered a big lady here."

Shen Jie: "I know the root and the bottom, how did I change my name and surname to get in here?"

Xiao Yao: "Then you left because of my relationship? If there is a bad guy here, it has to be me."

Shen Jie: "So you still know that you are a bad person."

Xiao Yao: "."

Shen Jie: "I told you to keep an eye on it and you just keep an eye on it. Why is there so much nonsense. Who is her roommate?"

Xiao Yao: "I don't know, I didn't ask, why should I ask this?"

Shen Jie: "Don't you know who my roommate is?"

Xiao Yao: "Oh! I don't know, but she pointed at my nose and scolded me."

Shen Jie: "Then you still don't care enough about the person Yu Luying. At this time, if someone is fanning the fire by the side, people's hearts will easily move."

Xiao Yao: "Aren't you talking about Yu Luying, are you implying yourself?"

Shen Jie: "If you think so, I have no objection."

Xiao Yao: "That old nun told you something bad about me again?"

Failed to send.

Sure enough, it shut down again.

Xiao Yao raised his head. It was already 1099, when the Crusaders captured Jerusalem for the first time.

What a joy.

After class in the afternoon, Xiao Yao went to the dining room to have dinner, but after looking around a few times, he couldn't find a place to charge his phone.

According to the record on the class schedule, tonight's group activity is to watch a movie in an open-air cinema by the sea. Xiao Yao likes this arrangement quite a bit.

Open-air cinema... I was born in this era, and I have never experienced it.

It seemed disrespectful to wear slippers to attend mass and class, so Xiao Yao wore sneakers and socks. Since he was going to the beach at night, it was better to change into a pair of comfortable and breathable slippers.

Xiao Yao went back to 1503 to change his slippers. As soon as he entered the door, he heard Gao Sijun inside saying: "Old Xiao, you are back."

"Ah." Xiao Yao didn't untie his shoelaces, and directly took off his sneakers with his feet.

"There are a pair of girls' leather shoes in the bathroom, do you know what's going on?" Gao Sijun said.

"What... leather shoes?" Xiao Yao's heart sank.

He walked into the bathroom, and saw two small black leather shoes with Dior's golden bee logo on them.

Looking at the position of the shoes and the angle of lying down, it looks a bit like being thrown out of a mirror.

In other words, no matter how you look at it, it was thrown out of the mirror by "people", right?

Xiao Yao's back felt cold for a while, and he turned around suddenly to look at the mirror.

There is nothing in the mirror.

Not even Xiao Yao himself.

Xiao Yao calmly kicked the bathroom door, locked it behind him, then picked up a toilet prong, and smashed the hard end on the mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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