Miss, you are my future wife

Chapter 297 End Line

*This chapter is also called "I am her boyfriend's wife!" "

Shen Jie woke up leisurely, she was still dazed for a while, but after a while, the pupils of her eyes were correctly focused, and she recognized Xiao Yao who was full of anxiety.

The latter was looking for the big bag in her thick hair, but found nothing.

"Ah, you're awake," Xiao Yao said in surprise, "It doesn't look like there's any trauma—how did you faint?"

Shen Jie sat up, rubbed her head and thought for a long time: "I can't remember—where is the person who knocked on the door?"

"I was sent away." Xiao Yao told Shen Jie.

"Then I have to leave quickly," Shen Jie supported Xiao Yao and tried to stand up: "Hey, where are my shoes?"

"Hey, where are your shoes?" Xiao Yao said.

"Oh! I remembered!" Shen Jie said, "Throw the shoes into the mirror."

Taking this as an opportunity, the girl slowly recovered her memory.It turned out that after she entered the bathroom with her shoes, she casually stuffed the shoes in her hand into the mirror, and then she burrowed into it.

"What's in the mirror, do you remember?" Xiao Yao asked anxiously.

"I didn't see anything." Shen Jie told Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao: "?"

"Yes, there is only darkness in front of my eyes."

According to Shen Jie's description and recollection, the other side of the mirror was a void of darkness—a boundless darkness, where nothing could be touched, not even the ground, and she was floating.

"I felt dizzy and confused before I was completely inside," Shen Jie told Xiao Yao, "I quickly retreated outside the mirror, but the front half of my body was not supported by the ground, so I couldn't exert any strength at all, so I could only use my feet to move forward desperately. Tick ​​it, and then you don’t know anything.”

Xiao Yao was afraid for a while: "Go and let Doctor Yang check it out for you, the one in the logistics team."

"Farewell," Shen Jie shook her head and said, "What should I tell others? By the way, you can call Boge—forget it, let me call, I'm afraid you won't be able to tell."

"I think so too." Xiao Yao nodded.

Shen Jie was depressed for a while. On the first day of the summer camp, she lost a pair of bras and a pair of pantyhose. Today, she even lost her shoes.
She didn't want to run outside barefoot like Yu Luying before.

Fortunately, there are extra disposable slippers in the room, which solved the urgent need.

At this moment, Lucia was sitting at the table in the dining room, holding a copy of "Our Lady's Little Office" with a blue cover in his hand, his lips moving silently.

The Holy Mother's Lesson is recited at seven o'clock every day, which are Shenzheng Sutra, Evening Sutra, Evening Sutra, Praise Sutra, Morning Sutra, Chenshi Sutra, Noon Sutra and Shenchu ​​Sutra. At that time, Lucia used to chant after meals.

Just like her mother.

At this time, most of the people had finished their meals and left, and there were not many students left in the dining room.

Those who stayed in the dining room generally fell into four categories: those who came late to eat, those who were not full, those who were distracted after eating, and those who did not leave after eating.Lucia finished reading the scriptures and did not see Xu Qingwei coming back, so she prepared to go back to her room for a lunch break.

This little girl fell into the toilet?
This man has always been eccentric in every way.

However, it's better not to pry too much into other people's lives, especially if they don't like it.

Lucia dumped all the garbage on the plate, picked up the stack of empty plates in front of him, and was about to stand up.

Of course, there are waiters in the hotel who will collect it, but Lucia is used to taking the dishes to the recycling place or something.

At this time, she heard the discussions of the girls next to her.

"Hey, that little girl is so pretty."

"Are you talking about people, or clothes?"

"It's all."

Lucia glanced at the direction where the voice came from. They were chatting with a fat girl and a thin-faced girl. Their gazes were on a person wearing an apricot top... that Japanese-style school uniform?beautiful schoolgirl.

Lucia recognized that this was Father Yu's niece?Niece or something.

Father Yu also has another niece, who is both beautiful and pious, and has a good relationship with him--this one is not very familiar, but Lucia instinctively dislikes people who like to wear this kind of "outlandish clothes".

It just gives people a very "pretentious" feeling.

This is secondary, mainly her boyfriend.

She obviously has a girlfriend, but she has been pestering Xu Qingwei all the time, and she just sits idly by it?How can you bear it?
I don't understand it, I don't understand it at all.

Of course, Xu Qingwei may not be telling the truth, at least she is hiding many things from herself.

The diamond ring on Xu Qingwei’s left ring finger—maybe it’s glass, is it really just for fun as she said?

If that's the case, it's a little too careless.

She's only 17 years old, so it doesn't mean she was forced to get engaged by her family, right?Lucia guessed wildly.

She could see that Xu Qingwei had something on her mind, and she wanted to help her, but she couldn't force it.

Just mind your own business, Lucia told herself.

"She has a big appetite," said the fat girl.

"Is there anyone else who eats more than you?" the thin-faced girl said.

"Get out!" said the fat girl, "Didn't you notice that this is her fourth dish, and she ate at least three catties of meat."

In fact, it wasn't three catties, but at noon today, Yu Luying did eat twice as much as usual in order to make up for Xiao Yao's skipped meals.

"How is that possible?" said the thin-faced girl, "You see she is so thin, even thinner than me."

"That's why it's very strange," said the fat girl, "I want to ask her the secret to eating like this and not getting fat."

"It's useless to ask for advice. There's no secret. It's just a matter of personal physique. Go ahead and envy yourself." The skinny girl said, "But she eats like this, so it's no wonder she has diarrhea—she's not halfway through class in the morning. Did you run out clutching your belly, still with her boyfriend?"

"Ah, I didn't notice," the fat girl said, "You still have to go to the bathroom with your boyfriend?"

The two girls looked at each other and let out a giggle.

Lucia frowned in displeasure.

"Hey, did you know that I heard that there is another kind of person who suddenly eats a lot."



"You're too bad, aren't you?"

Then there was another burst of laughing.

Although Lucia's first impression of Yu Luying was very ordinary, she couldn't tolerate this kind of behavior: "Girls, gossip behind others' backs and arrange others is not what Christians do."

The two women looked at each other, stuck out their tongues, and gave Lucia a look of "who are you sending it to?"

Lucia took the plate and left, vaguely hearing words such as "old nun" coming from behind.

She almost exploded on the spot, but she held back and left.

Pray for them.

--split line--

This afternoon, Xiao Yao, who was full of sleep, took the history class of Group D seriously and lively.

When he was in school, he especially liked history class and was a member of the history club-he especially liked listening to the part about war.

The teacher's name is Li Teng, a Doctor of Philosophy (Medieval Studies) from the University of Liverpool, an associate researcher in the Department of World History of the School of Humanities, Shanghai Normal University, and concurrently the deputy head of the Department of World History. His humorous teaching style is deeply loved by Xiao Yao. favorite.

The content of today’s lecture is the history of the ancient church. The main content is how it was bloody persecuted for 400 years under the rule of the Roman Empire, as well as the lives and works of the early church fathers. The army's eastward march caused a burst of gentle laughter.

"That student asked a good question," Teacher Li said cheerfully, "I assure you, I can't wait to get to that part soon—we'll get to it."

Beating someone is better than being beaten, Xiao Yao thought.

Interest is the best teacher. Although we can't talk about the 11th century today, the afternoon is still short and pleasant.Xiao Yao listened carefully to the class, but it was still hard not to worry about whether Shen Jie would have any sequelae.

There is also the world in the mirror, a darkness, complete nothingness, and gas that can cause people to faint (Xiao Yao understands it in this way), so what is it?

Yu Bo replied that he would come back to the summer camp in a few days, and told himself and Shen Jie not to act rashly again, it seems that it will happen soon, but it is unthinkable.

Before going to class, I covered the bathroom mirror with paper, and I didn't know how to explain it to Gao Sijun at night.

There are three classes in one afternoon, and then it's dinner time.

At dinner, everyone sat in groups by default and by convention, so Xiao Yao had to sit with the green T-shirts, secretly feeling a little annoyed.

This is such a broken habit, it's not even convenient to sit and eat with Yu Luying.

Yu Luying was wearing a pink T-shirt, Xiao Yao looked at her from a distance, and asked which group the hairtail pink was.

"It's "ABC of Love." Zhao Xiaomei interjected and replied, "Father Zuo opened it to teach people how to fall in love."

"What, there is still a lesson to learn this?" Xiao Yao was stunned.

"It must be that you treat people badly," Zhao Xiaomei teased, "They have to learn how to get along with you."

The members of Group D laughed together with Li Teng, and the dinner table was filled with joy.

"Yes, it makes sense." Xiao Yao said with a dry smile.

After dinner, there was a period of free time to rest. Yu Luying wanted to go for a walk on the beach with Xiao Yao, but Xiao Yao took Yu Luying to "accompany the Eucharist" in order to strengthen his personality as a good child.

Yu Luying felt that Xiao Yao was trusting too much, she had mixed feelings of joy and sorrow, but she still went with him.

The sacrament room is next to Taize's room yesterday, and the floor is covered with soft carpets, and you have to take off your shoes when entering.

There were already about a dozen people sitting in the room, Xiao Yao just found a vacant seat when Shen Jie sent a text message: "My roommate went to accompany Holy Body, should we sneak out and take a walk by the seaside in Shanghai."

Xiao Yao had no choice but to reply, I saw your roommate, and I was sitting in the direction of her right rear - sitting far away.

Shen Jie replied with a "."

After a while, she came rushing in, gave Xiao Yao a complicated look, put on her white lace veil, and sat next to Lucia.

Just like that, the three of them sat "together" for over an hour, and it was time for group activities in the evening.

In the evening, there are still group discussions. Today's theme is "My Story". The content is in the form of personal speeches and storytelling. Each person takes 20 minutes to talk about "facing yourself, reconciling with yourself, finding God, finding the value of life and Orientation" story, followed by a collective silence and collective vespers.

After all the tossing around was over, and Xiao Yao returned to 1503 with Gao Sijun, it was already past ten o'clock.

The young man was so tired that his body felt like it was falling apart, he wished he could fall asleep and take a shower under the supervision of Gao Sijun and Yu Luying (Chang Yuan).

As soon as he went to bed and lay down, a text message came from Shen Jie, asking him to meet him at the "old place" after the lights were turned off.

Xiao Yao replied and declined, the reason is that he is really sleepy and needs to catch up on sleep tonight.

Although Shen Jie was unhappy, she also expressed her understanding.

Of course, the underlying reason for Xiao Yao's refusal was that if he sneaked out every night, he would definitely be noticed by the Fourth Army.

He considered whether he should tell Shen Jie the truth about the conversation with Yu Bo that day, the "observation" of the Patriarch of Yu's family, etc., so that the latter would think that he had changed his mind and think about it—but when he thought of Shen Jie coming at noon When I was in front of my own face, I felt that Yu Luying expressed those malice and dissatisfaction, and felt that if I said it, it was for Yu Luying's affairs to do this, and it might not be of any benefit.

"Old Gao, let's study evening class together—er, night class?" Xiao Yao took out a "Blue Book".

Xiao Yao mentioned it to Shen Jie before, and asked Lucia for him to get a copy of "Our Lady's Little Lesson", but Shen Jie secretly threw it to him during group activities at night.

"You read it, I'll turn around and pray by myself." Gao Sijun said while taking out his "Blue Book" - GBA.

The next day was Friday and there was no meat in the cafeteria.

Seafood is available, but Xiao Yao suffers from "gastroenteritis" and cannot recover so quickly, so he can only bear to eat white steamed buns, swallow white eggs, and drink white porridge—it is completely torture.

Fortunately, from Yu Luying's food, she could still taste some delicious seafood, but she refused to add any more food, only willing to eat her own portion, which made Xiao Yao confused.

The days went by like this day by day, mass in the morning, chicken soup class in the morning, small class in groups in the afternoon, Xiao Yao, Yu Luying, and Shen Jie would have a "three-person date" in the sacristy room after dinner, without talking, At night, there are various group activities, and finally go back to the room, turn off the lights and go to sleep.

On Fridays and Saturdays, Shen Jie asked Xiao Yao to get together after the lights were turned off, but the latter tried every means to make excuses, and on Sundays he simply refused.Seeing that Shen Jie stopped looking for him, Xiao Yao knew that she was angry, so he took the initiative to ask her to meet in the corridor.Shen Jie originally wanted to put on a show, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it and went to the appointment on time, but Xiao Yao hurried up after only sitting for 20 minutes.

On Monday, no one asked anyone out, just chatting intermittently with text messages on the mobile phone as before.

On Tuesday, Zhang Weijian came to the camp, accompanied by Bishop Jin from the Diocese of Modu.Zhang Weijian gave a speech on the theme of how faith helped and changed him in his life, and encouraged the students with this.

After the speech, many students came to Zhang Weijian to talk, take photos and sign autographs.

Shen Jie has no interest in celebrities, so she took advantage of the absence of class this morning (thanks to Zhang Weijian), and went out alone.

She walked out of the Holy Love Hotel, grabbed the hem of her red T-shirt with both hands, kicked the sand on the ground carelessly, and walked towards the seaside without caring that the toe of the socks in her sandals was stained.

Today is a cloudy day, and the outdoors are still comfortable. The girl with a melancholy face slowly stopped in her tracks.

"Mimimi, what~" Shen Jie supported her waist and practiced her voice according to the method taught by the teacher.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~"

"If I can sing a song in its entirety, it will be my thanks and praise to Him~"

No, it's still out of tune.

Take it easy and take your time.

The girl's mind was thinking whether to go to the beach to ride the waves, or to find a place to borrow equipment for diving (she had seen such advertisements), or to drive a motorboat or take a paraglider.

Don't know if the time is too late?

While shaking hands and thinking, suddenly, a slim girl in a pink T-shirt came out from the main entrance of Shengai Hotel, dangling her white arms, looking left and right as she walked.

Is it her?Isn't it her?It should be her.

Although the girl looked left and right, she couldn't see Shen Jie.

Shen Jie went up to meet her, wanting to have a few words with Yu Luying.

Yu Luying still didn't see her, and walked straight in one direction.

Her legs were very long, and she walked very fast. Shen Jie walked slowly for a long time, and the distance between the two of them actually shortened a little.

Shen Jie wanted to call out Yu Luying's name loudly, but just as she uttered the word "Yu", the next two words were swallowed back.

She originally wanted to ask Yu Luying, did she feel that Xiao Yao was not normal these days, as if someone had taken her home.

But I was also worried that Yu Luying would say "he is normal, but he is not normal to you".

That would really be to send face to the countryside and bring shame on oneself.

While hesitating, he followed for a while.

I don't know if it's out of curiosity or something else, Shen Jie finally decides by accident, why not follow to the end, to see where this little hoof is going and what is it going to do?
Although the high probability is to buy something, or go for a walk alone.

After another half a mile, Shen Jie couldn't figure out what she was doing more and more, and scolded herself for being stupid all the way, doing out of tune things here.

Yu Luying twisted and turned, looking for someone to ask the way along the way, but she didn't look back.

Shen Jie followed her past the gate of a Dragon King Avalokitesvara Temple, saw Yu Luying stopped and watched, and then continued to move forward.

I thought you were going to change doors, you big-eyed bastard.

Shen Jie continued to follow Yu Luying for almost a kilometer, and just when she was about to turn around and give up, the target stopped again.

After looking around, the girl crossed the road, turned and walked towards a splendid building.

"Dongqi Hotel?" Shen Jie murmured to herself, "What is she doing there?"

The hotel... Could it be...?
Of course, how is it possible.

If you don't do anything and keep going, you've reached this point. If you don't see it clearly, there is absolutely no reason to go back home.

Shen Jie entered the lobby of Dongqi Hotel, and quietly found a sofa in a corner to sit down. She didn't see Yu Luying, and thought she had lost track of her. After searching for a long time, she finally looked at another inconspicuous corner. To Yu Luying.

She just stood there.

Looks weak and helpless.

Shen Jie quickly dodged and hid behind another big pillar, observing secretly.

Yu Luying just stood there, looking left and right from time to time, but she didn't take out her phone to look.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, suddenly, a well-dressed and handsome middle-aged man walked up to her and said a few words to Yu Luying.

Yu Luying nodded repeatedly.

The two chatted.

Shen Jie's heart was pounding.

What should you do at this time?
Take a picture with your phone first?
Or just rush over, give her a slap, and say: "Okay, how dare you steal people outside!"

That's when the panic-stricken man asks himself who he is.

He replied confidently, "I am her boyfriend's wife!"

The girl was amused by the funny play in her mind, and then looked at the two people intently.

After the two chatted for a few more words, the man took out something from his pocket and handed it to Yu Luying.

Yu Luying took the thing, bowed to the man, said something, the man just waved his hand, then turned and left.

Yu Luying who put away her mobile phone also turned and walked towards the gate of Dongqi Hotel.

What did they secretly trade?
If you directly interrogate Yu Luying, not only will you expose the insignificant facts about your behavior, but you may not be able to find out the truth.

Then start with that man and check his background! (end of this chapter)

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