Chapter 8 No More Tomatoes
Although Gu Xi took the initiative to avoid it, Wei Heng obviously didn't mind. He chatted with the people in the group in front of Gu Xi.

Although the instinct of planting has long been engraved into the genes of the flower-growing family, Wei Heng is a novice after all. After humbly asking the "old farmers" in the group, he looked up at Gu Xi: "How about, Let's choose sweet potatoes..."

Sweet potatoes have a high yield and are durable to storage. They can be used as a staple food and can be made into many snacks with different flavors. Sweet potato leaves can also be eaten as vegetables. Even sweet potato vines can be used to feed poultry and livestock. After drying, It can also be used as firewood.

"...Moreover, it is said that before the end of the world, there was a saying that eating sweet potato leaves regularly could prevent cancer." Wei Heng propped his chin and asked for Gu Xi's opinion.

Gu Xi has no objection.

Just now Wei Heng chatted with the people in the group by voice, she listened quietly for a while, but got some useful news.

Although she has never planted land and doesn't know about those crops, her use of wood-type abilities can be said to be the pinnacle, unmatched by anyone.

Gu Xi is confident that as long as she is given a living seed, she can grow it no matter what kind it is!

But after planting it, can it be eaten?Gu Xi couldn't guarantee it.

In this era of all-plant variation, plants have also become weird.

Although Gu Xi has some ideas in his mind, whether he can succeed or not has to be tested.

While submitting the materials, Wei Heng asked Gu Xi: "Apart from sweet potatoes, do you have anything else you want to grow? How about cabbage and radishes?"

Although the seeds sent by the base are generally similar, they are all carefully selected seeds with a relatively low coefficient of variation after being screened by professionals.

However, the coefficient of variation of plants is not static and will be affected by the environment at any time.

The longer the growth cycle of crops, the higher the uncontrollability of this variation.

Therefore, Wei Heng, like most people, is more inclined to plant some crops with a shorter growth cycle.

"It's all right." Gu Xi didn't pick anything, but if possible, she wanted to grow some fruits.

Gu Xi learned from the chat between Wei Heng and the pioneers in the group just now that fruit is a very rare item nowadays, and it is impossible to buy it outside.

Ordinary people want to eat some fruit, so they can only go to the wild to try their luck and see if they can find some fruits with a relatively low coefficient of variation...

And Gu Xi has a little-known hobby, that is, he likes to eat fruits.So in the past, the most indispensable thing in her space was all kinds of fruits... and the seeds of the fruits.

But now there is a problem with her abilities, she is pitifully weak, at most at the third level, and even the space opened up before is gone.

If she wanted to open up space again, she would at least have to wait until her ability recovered to level seven or above.

I don't know if the materials she collected before can be retrieved after the space is reopened?

Wei Heng was very considerate, and specially turned the light screen in front of her to let her look carefully before choosing.

But after reading it, Gu Xi regretted that none of the seeds distributed by the base were fruits.

In the end, she reluctantly picked a tomato.


Early the next morning, the helicopters belonging to the central base flew away.

For the next two days, the camp was also peaceful, and there was no more malignant transformation of the alien plant.But Wei Heng told her that the army had already arrived.

The surrounding area has been rigorously screened again and again by the army, and now the danger has basically been ruled out, and the camp will be unsealed soon.

And that night, the supplies from the Nancheng base finally arrived.

Wei Heng sent her personal terminal over immediately, and tried his best to show off his aesthetics: "How is it? I specially picked this for you, doesn't it look good?"

Gu Xi looked at the pink watch full of childishness in front of him, and fell silent: "..."

Wei Heng realized something was wrong after a while. He scratched his head embarrassingly, and said hesitantly, "Gu Xi, you don't like it?" Is it the one with the pink cat head?
"...Thank you." Gu Xi was silent for a while, then said with a dull face, "I like it very much."

Then, Wei Heng was pushed out of the room with a puzzled expression on his face.

Gu Xi closed the door, lowered her head slightly, and after a while, she opened her personal terminal.

She needs to understand the world 30 years later as soon as possible.

Gu Xi fiddled with it for a while and found that this thing looked like that, but in fact, it was not a real brain system.

At least, it is very different from the intelligent brain system proposed by Dr. Qi 30 years ago. Many of the functions originally envisioned have not been realized...

After thinking about it, she clicked on the search bar, but this kind of personal terminal is the basic model specially distributed by the base for the pioneers. Many functions are not authorized, and the information that can be found is very limited, and most of them are related to planting related...

Gu Xi stared at the screen for a while, then decisively exited the search bar, opened the official app that came with the terminal, and clicked on the forum section inside...

At this moment, a small box suddenly popped up at the bottom right of the light screen - it was a message from Wei Heng to add friends on the forum.

Gu Xi frowned slightly, feeling a little strange, she didn't register a forum account, but just logged in as a tourist, so how did Wei Heng find her so accurately?
While quickly browsing the news on the forum, Gu Xi approved Wei Heng's friend application, and asked him this question very sincerely.

Pioneer Xiaowei: Select nearby people to view ID numbers.

Gu Xi is not stupid, she understood it instantly.

The long string of numbers following her tourist status, the first few digits should represent the area, the middle ones are the camp number, and the last long string of numbers is The time when you first logged into the forum.

Their camp has just been established, and there are not many members. She is probably the only one who got a personal terminal today...

No wonder Wei Heng found her as soon as she went online.

After browsing the forum all night, Gu Xi finally had a rough understanding of the world 30 years later.

Early the next morning, as soon as she washed her face with cold water, Wei Heng brought a bowl of dark vegetable paste and excitedly found it: "Gu Xi, the camp will be unsealed tomorrow, you..."

Wei Heng was halfway through, when he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He looked up at Gu Xi seriously, "You don't seem surprised at all..."

Gu Xi raised his hand, and said calmly: "At five o'clock in the morning, the camp announced the unblocking news on the forum..."

Wei Heng frowned slightly, and looked around her up, down, left, and right: "Gu Xi, you haven't slept all night, have you?" I really can't tell, this is still an Internet addicted girl?

Internet addiction girl Gu Xiaoxi: No, I just want to know more about this world.

An hour later, holding the land contract that he had just received, Gu Xi followed Wei Heng to the agricultural technology station in the camp to receive crop seeds and farming machinery.

When they arrived, there were already many people lined up in front of the agricultural technology station.

The two slowly followed the team. Wei Heng, who was walking in front, suddenly thought of something, paused, turned around and said, "Gu Xi, you just came out of the ruins, so there shouldn't be any money in your account, right? We have to Get a loan first..."

Gu Xi frowned: "Aren't those seeds distributed by the base for free?" She saw news about this on the official forum last night.

Wei Heng explained: "Although the seeds are distributed by the base for free, there are regulations on the number and types of free seeds that everyone can receive. Didn't I help you choose a few more that day..."

Gu Xi: "?"

For some reason, she suddenly had a bad feeling.

Wei Heng glanced at her, and said awkwardly: "Originally, I thought the balance in my account should be enough..."

"But this is not the first time I have come out to open up wasteland and farm land. I have no experience, so when I was picking seeds that day, I accidentally picked some more..." Wei Heng's voice became lower and lower.

To be honest, it was also the first time he was worried about money.

When he was in the special service team before, the country provided food and housing, and he had no place to spend money. The allowance was sent to the families of those comrades who had died.

Half a year ago, after that incident, he voluntarily left the special service team, but most of his retirement money was spent on power inhibitors...

So that I am a little cash-strapped now.

Fortunately, the country is now vigorously supporting farming and planting. As long as you have a land contract, you can get a loan.

Moreover, Gu Xi is still a rookie who has just returned to the base from the ruins, and can enjoy a three-year interest-free loan...

Wei Heng comforted her: "Gu Xi, you really don't have to worry about repaying the money. After we grow the food, we can use the food to repay the loan..."

After listening to it, Gu Xi just asked him with a dull face: "So, besides the free seeds distributed by the base, how much money is there?"

Wei Heng whispered a number.

Gu Xi: Destroy it, no more tomatoes!
(End of this chapter)

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