Chapter 7 Friends, Friends

Ye Nan dejectedly withdrew her ability, and looked down at her slightly trembling hands.

No, still no.

Over the years, she has tried countless times, and tens of thousands of xenograft samples have been passed through her hands!
But every time, it ended in failure.

She can't purify those violent and weird energies at all!
Ye Nan closed his eyes weakly.

Thinking of the way her mother looked at her, thinking of the expectations of those people in the base... Ye Nan felt very tired, and felt a little bit of grievance inexplicably.

She raised her head and subconsciously looked for the figure of that person.

"Brother Junhan."

She got up and walked to him, looked out the window, and asked suspiciously, "What were you looking at just now?"

"It's nothing." Ye Junhan had already withdrawn his gaze, glanced at his teammates who were arranging equipment from the corner of his eye, and didn't ask her about the result of this attempt.

Because of the results, it's obvious.

Ye Junhan was not surprised either.

Ye Nan glanced out of the window again, then turned on her watch, clicked on the personal terminal a few times, and then looked up at Ye Junhan: "Brother Junhan, my mother has returned the message."

After a pause, she frowned and added: "She asked us to bring the specimen of today's malignant mutation and rush back to the central base as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Ye Junhan glanced at the camp leaders with his long and narrow eyes, and then his eyes fell on a person, then he retracted them in an instant, and then clicked on his personal terminal.

The supernatural special service team he was in belonged to the military, and it was only a cooperative relationship with the supernatural research institute at the central base.

In other words, the people of the Ability Research Institute are not his leaders, nor do they have the right to issue orders to him.Even if that person is Vice President Ye of the research institute.

And Ye Junhan led the team to the Nancheng Base this time because he was ordered to inspect the wilderness and abandoned areas here, and solve all the crises found, so as to prepare for the government's upcoming plan to open up wasteland and recover lost land.

During the mission, without the order from above, it would be impossible for him to lead the team back to the central base halfway.

After checking the message from the personal terminal, Ye Junhan raised his head and looked at the girl beside him: "I will lead a team to inspect the neighborhood again in the afternoon, and if there are no other problems, we will leave here tomorrow morning and return to the central base. "


At the same time, Gu Xi had already signed the confidentiality agreement and walked out of the government hall slowly.

After separating from Wei Heng, she pretended to be curious and wandered around the camp.

Sure enough, the entire camp had been sealed off.

The cameras around the high wall have all been turned on, and several drones have risen from the camp...

Obviously, even though the energy in the camp is running out now, after the xenoplantation event, the entire camp has entered the highest level of alert, and all the monitoring equipment that can be used has been used.

With her current physical condition, although it was difficult to sneak out of the camp quietly, it was not impossible.

But Gu Xi thought about it and gave up.

For one thing, she had just woken up, and she was blind to the outside situation; staying here would be more conducive to her understanding of the current situation.

Secondly, a strong person with supernatural abilities came to the camp right now. She is now weak and has some problems with her supernatural abilities, so she has to be more cautious.

From the current point of view, it is the best choice to stay in this camp for the time being and quietly receive news from the outside world.

From the corner of the eye, he swept in the direction of the government affairs hall again, and Gu Xi turned around slowly and walked towards the temporary resettlement place in the northeast of the camp.

When she entered, Wei Heng was lowering his head, looking nostalgicly at a Shura mask in his hand.

Gu Xi was slightly taken aback, but soon returned to normal.

She walked over calmly, glanced at the mask in his hand, and raised her eyebrows: "I can't tell, you still like this?"

She used to have a similar mask too.

Ten years after the end of the world, because the materials before the end of the world have basically been consumed, and human beings are temporarily unable to reorganize and resume production; the increasing shortage of materials has caused the living people to gradually fall into an abnormally depressed state.

Even in the central base, the faces of the survivors gradually lost their vitality, and the brilliance in their eyes also disappeared, leaving only the emptiness, numbness and despair that could not be seen after suffering.

Everyone is struggling in the last days...

It is said that a hopeful nation cannot live without heroes.

Therefore, when Gu Xi was 14 years old and her ability broke through level ten, the base decided to make her a hero of the end times in order to stabilize people's hearts and boost morale.

As the number one master of human beings and the only god-level power user whose power has broken through the tenth level, Gu Xi's force value is naturally no problem.

But at that time, she was still young, and her face was white and tender, and she had no intimidating or convincing power, so Li Ming found a scarlet Shura-style mask for her from somewhere.

Very intimidating and mysterious.

Later, Gu Xi wore that mask all year round and never took it off in front of outsiders.

Unexpectedly, now I saw a similar one in Wei Heng's hand.

"...a gift from a friend." The nostalgic look in Wei Heng's eyes flashed, and he said softly.

friend?Gu Xi raised her eyebrows slightly, a figure of a man flashed inexplicably in her mind
Wei Heng had already put away the Asura mask, stood up and said to her, "I'm relieved to see you come back. You rest for a while, and I'll get you something to eat."

After Wei Heng left, Gu Xi slowly lay back on the bed and closed her eyes slowly.

This time, Gu Xi didn't know how long she had slept, she was woken up by the roar of the helicopter.

Gu Xi opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

Then she got out of bed and walked slowly to the window. As soon as she opened the window, she saw Wei Heng turned around and walked towards her not far away: "Are you awake?"

"Just woke up, it's a little noisy outside." Gu Xi looked up at the helicopter that was going away in the sky, and finally his eyes fell on his hand.

"Here, eat quickly." Wei Heng gave him the compressed biscuit in his hand, and pointed to where she was standing.

"Thank you." Gu Xi stared at the thing in his hand, was stunned for a moment, then took two steps back, and saw Wei Heng propped up his hands, and turned in from the window.

The action is quite chic and neat.

"You're welcome." Wei Heng waved his hand and said, "I just went to inquire again. Three days later, a batch of supplies happened to be delivered to the camp. At that time, some seeds of crops with a relatively low coefficient of variation will be shipped..."

With that said, Wei Heng tapped his watch, and a light blue light screen suddenly appeared.

After he enlarged the screen, he put it in front of Gu Xi: "Look, is there anything you want to plant on it?"

Gu Xi's eyes fell on his wristwatch. 30 years ago, someone in the research institute proposed to develop a smart brain system that integrates information analysis and collection, communication, real-time monitoring, network services and combat... …

Wei Heng saw her staring at his watch all the time, thoughtful.

Then he smiled and said: "This is the personal terminal distributed to the pioneers by the base. I have already applied for it for you, but there is no spare in the camp. After the supplies arrive in a few days, you can go directly to register and get one... ..."

"Thank you." After Gu Xi thanked calmly, he looked at the content displayed on the screen projection: sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn...

Gu Xi had never planted land before, and was not familiar with these crops, so he didn't know what to choose for a while.

At this moment, a logo flashed at the bottom right of the screen, and a dialog box popped up.

9527 South City Pioneer Alliance?
After only one glance, Gu Xi looked away. She has no interest in prying into other people's privacy.

Moreover, she is not sure, will this be another temptation by Wei Heng?
Although, she has never sensed the slightest malice from this man, but Gu Xi, who has lived in the darkest period of the last days for more than 20 years, has already integrated caution into his bones...

But even so, she finally fell on a glass of wine.

Thinking of the glass of wine and the person who handed it to her, Gu Xi lowered her eyes slightly, and unconsciously pressed the phalanges with her left hand.

 A hopeful nation cannot live without heroes.When watching the TV series "Meritorious Service", I came across this sentence by chance and liked it very much.So it was quoted in this story, just to express respect for the heroes of the predecessors.

(End of this chapter)

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