Chapter 192 Don't ask, it's bad luck! (plus more)

There are also many food bloggers in Zhuang Wei's company, each with its own characteristics.

Regularly posting videos once a week, live broadcasting, looks like an assembly line assignment.

But Zuo Qiongqiong looks different from them. She really likes these foods, even when the car is overturned, she is trying to save them, unlike other people who regard making bad things as a joke to please the audience.

The oil in the oil pan was still boiling, and the sesame pumpkin balls slowly floated up, Zuo Qiongqiong kept pressing them with chopsticks.

"Isn't it okay to let it keep frying? Why keep pressing?" Zhuang Wei asked.

He knows about filming, but he doesn't know anything about cooking.

Zuo Qiongqiong spotted a deep-fried golden one, took it out, and carefully separated it with chopsticks: "Pressing is for exhausting air. You see, after pressing, the inside of the sesame ball will become hollow."

Zhuang Wei took a closer look, and it was true.

But after a while, the sesame balls were fished out to control the oil, and the plate was full, which looked appetizing.

[Don't worry, we are already collecting evidence, and comparing their videos with ours one by one, it will be clear at a glance who plagiarized and who borrowed ideas. 】

Several of them have already indicated Zuo Qiongqiong's originality and even apologized.

[Speechless, if you want to find a good-looking man to shoot a video, do you need to spend more money? 】

It takes a lot of skill to make this cake, otherwise the dough is easy to burn itself when it is drawn in the pan.

Zuo Qiongqiong unmoulded the coagulated milk block, cut it into small pieces or strips, dipped it in a layer of egg liquid, then wrapped it in a layer of bread crumbs, and put it into the air fryer.

The fried fresh milk produced in this way is full of fragrance, and several small heads are surrounded before it comes out of the pan.

At this moment, the dough is already very gluten, so let it rest for a while, and it will not break easily when you tear it apart with your hands.

450 grams of high-gluten flour, [-] grams of salt, [-] grams of water, stir well.

In the afternoon, Zuo Qiongqiong packed up her things and prepared to pick up Zuo Fan from school.

Spray a little oil on the surface, 180 degrees for twelve minutes, turn over once in the middle.

There is already an oil pan, Zuo Qiongqiong plans to make another fried spring roll, one with bean paste filling and one with leek filling.

The fan base exploded immediately, they were all thinking about how to attack the plagiarists on the opposite side.

The cast iron pan is relatively thick, so it needs to be heated first, and the pancakes start after the temperature is even.

[Respect originality!I finally found the fairy treasure of Fugui, but I didn't expect it to be copied so quickly by others, Fugui!We want to defend our rights! 】

"Xiao Ling and I will go together, and she will take me with you. Mr. Zhuang, you still have something to do. You can rest at home after you're done. You're welcome, just be your own home!"

The content inside is similar, and they are all suitable for cooking videos taught by Zuo Qiongqiong.

When Lu Qingze was here before, the first cooked meatball must have been his.

Every time I pass by the school gate on Friday, there are always many parents waiting at the gate.

Put eggs and shallots in the minced meat. It is best to put a little ginger to remove the fishy smell, but Zuo Qiongqiong doesn't want to eat ginger when eating such a beautiful thing as fried food, so he directly uses cooking wine instead.

Season with salt, light soy sauce, and oyster sauce. If the meat filling is too thin, you can add a little flour, stir well, and then add leeks.

The red bean paste from last time has not been eaten yet, so put it on the spring roll wrapper, wrap it tightly, and put a little water in the sealed place to make it stick better.

Several of them contain the words 'teach my husband to cook' and 'teach my boyfriend to cook'.There are also gender-swapped, 'teach girlfriend', 'teach wife to cook'.

[It's just a video, why can you shoot it, can't we? 】

Zuo Qiongqiong put down the phone, not wanting to be affected by such things.

[Looking at the homepage, it looks like someone digging potatoes in the mountains, what good ideas can you come up with?It must have been copied from others.]

This is relatively thin in the dough, it is best to stir with chopsticks, otherwise it will stick everywhere.

Zuo Qiongqiong made more, so he can wait for vegetable pancakes tomorrow morning, and today he made fried spring rolls.

"Your feet are not well yet, do you need me to go with you?"

【Not only is this man's hands not as good-looking as ours, but his figure is also loose. At first glance, he looks like a gangster who came out of somewhere.】

Let’s make the spring roll wrapper first.

When she was driven to the gate of Zuo Fan's school, she looked at the videos of several other bloggers again.

[As long as you can shoot teaching videos, others can't, right? 】

【Our family took pictures of you, are you jealous? 】

"It smells so good, I want to eat five of them in a while!" Zuo Guang rubbed his stomach, drooling while looking at the things in the air fryer.

[Whoever copied it knows in his heart that the character of the blogger he likes is not very good, and so is the character of the fans. 】

The same wrapping method as before, put the filling on the lower half of the pie crust, the bottom half of the pie crust first covers the filling, and then roll it slowly at night, in the last circle, wrap the pie crust on both sides, and finally fixed.

[Laughing and making me rich, there are still people who beat me up, hahaha. 】

The big tree attracts the wind, it's only been a few days, and someone plagiarized his video immediately, and it's not just one person.

Put it in the pan and fry it slowly over low heat to cook the meat stuffing inside, then increase the oil temperature to fry the skin crispy.

250 grams of fresh milk, 25 grams of sugar, and [-] grams of starch, stir evenly, heat on low heat, slowly boil until thick, then put it into the mold, refrigerate for half an hour and it will almost solidify.

But unexpectedly, there are still several bloggers and fans of bloggers who have no intention of repentance, and even refuse to admit it, and even dare to go to Zuo Qiongqiong's video to shout.

This was within Zuo Qiongqiong's expectation. Since they dared to copy, they would definitely keep their eyes on their own "fat meat", and they could see what they sent out.

Zuo Qiongqiong was amazed at the speed of her fans. Before she could figure out how to deal with these messy things, the fans had already stepped forward.

It is still very difficult to make spring roll wrappers, Zuo Qiongqiong thinks that he must remind the kitchen Xiaobai in the video to buy the ones made in the supermarket.

Zuo Qiongqiong saw a fried fresh milk before. The children in the next door love it, and it is also very suitable for the elderly with bad teeth.

Zuo Qiongqiong passed the plate over.

You can also adjust the ratio appropriately and use yogurt to make it taste more distinctive.

Do not pour out the oil left over from frying. You can put it in a small pot first and use it when cooking.

Bean paste stuffing is already cooked, and it is faster.

Pack whatever fillings you like.

Finally, scoop out a layer of starch on the surface.

Then use the air fryer to make another fried fresh milk.

Zuo Qiongqiong nodded: "There is still a child at home, and I will pick her up after school today."

But when Wang Huiling looked at her mobile phone, she found that she had been copied by someone else.

Although I haven't experienced picking up children from school before, I haven't eaten pork, haven't I seen a pig run?

Zhuang Wei was dealing with his company's affairs in the living room when he saw her come out of the room.

After she finished speaking, she jumped and led Zuo Guang out, and Wang Huiling had already driven the tricycle over.

Casual clothes, tall and straight.

Seeing her coming, Wang Huiling immediately handed her the phone, with a look of unhappiness written all over her face, "Sister Qiongqiong, look quickly! They all copied our videos!"

Ask: "Do you want to go out?"

Zuo Qiongqiong put away his thoughts and picked one up. The freshly baked sesame pumpkin balls are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Be careful, otherwise you will be scalded by the sweet and waxy pumpkin.

Both of these dishes are made in a frying pan, and the fried food cannot be so greasy, otherwise the stomach will not be able to bear it.

Zuo Qiongqiong prepared meat stuffed with leeks again. In fact, leeks and eggs are also available.

Wake up the noodles for 15 minutes, wet your hands with water, keep pulling and folding, about [-] times, wake up again, and repeat the steps just now.

Although it was still some time before school ended, she still wanted to go to the door and wait.

She smiled, and just wanted to say that this is a form of video, and it is enough for them to put their names on it when they release it.

"Try it?"

Get a pan ready, non-stick pans are not allowed. Zuo Qiongqiong bought a cast iron pan before and will use it to make pancakes today.

Since the last time Xiao Yangmei's fans came out, Zuo Qiongqiong thought that she was accused of plagiarism by the opponent's fans again.

If there is too much oil residue in the pot, heat the oil first, pour half a bowl of starch water into it, the water will evaporate at the oil temperature, and the starch will absorb the oil residue.

Adhering to the principle of friendly coexistence, Zuo Qiongqiong first posted a post: "It's okay to learn from the video, but it's your fault if I copy the exact same copy."

The cooking teaching video I filmed with Lu Qingze last time was very popular, and it occupied the first place in Suifa app for three days.

The fried fresh milk is crispy on the outside, and very smooth and tender on the inside, not greasy at all. One person can eat a pot.

Hold a ball of dough with your right hand, fix the pan with your left hand, draw a circle in the pan with your right hand, and leave a thin layer of dough evenly on the bottom of the pan. In about 30 seconds, a piece of cake can come out of the pan.

Zuo Qiongqiong is going to occupy a good position first, and grasp the first-line consultation in the hands of parents!When Zuo Fan came out of school after school, he could see her at first sight.

It would be more convenient for the other party to have a car, but Zuo Qiongqiong still refused.

But the smile froze in the next second, and he saw a person who not only made the same video as himself, but even the person who taught him to cook was dressed similarly to Lu Qingze.

The baked pie crust is placed neatly and can be covered with a pot lid, which will make the pie crust softer and more chewy.

There is less than an hour left for Zuo Fan to finish school, Zuo Qiongqiong plans to finish this problem within half an hour.

She first posted on her Weibo and retweeted a video not long ago calling on video creators to respect originality.

Then write a paragraph 'everyone has the ability to create independently, don't copy others.If so, please sign me or let me know in advance'

In the end, Zuo Qiongqiong once again warned those plagiarists that if they do not delete the video or issue an apology statement, they will immediately receive a lawyer's letter.

 There has been no arrangement for the addition of rewards and monthly tickets. Xiao Zhang has been working hard to make up for it in the past two days!
(End of this chapter)

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