Chapter 104 Potato Head and Potato Brain
Naturally, the small gift for fans cannot only have some jam, Zuo Qiongqiong plans to make some potato chips and French fries.

Those fans have been thinking about the potatoes in their home for a long time, and they will not give away the raw ones. This time, they will give them the finished products.

Wash the potatoes, peel them, and cut them with a knife or a vegetable cutter.

Zuo Qiongqiong felt that the slices cut out by the vegetable cutter were more uniform and faster. She and Wang Huiling cut out a large pot in an hour.

The cut potato skins should be put into the water in time, so as to wash the starch on the surface of the potatoes and prevent oxidation and blackening.

Then put it into the boiling water pot, remove it in time when it is cooked to transparent, and put it into cold water immediately.

Potato chips must not be cooked for a long time, if they are too soft, they will not be fried.

Remove the cooled potato slices to dry the surface moisture, which can prevent oil from splashing when put into the oil pan.

Slowly increase the temperature of the oil pan, you can put a slice in it first, and the potato slices can be added after slight bubbling.

Don't put too much at one time, otherwise the oil temperature will drop, and don't turn it over directly after putting it in the pot. After frying for a while, the surface will become a little harder, and then turn to medium and low heat to turn it over.

Take it out immediately when it is lightly fried, the residual heat can make the potato chips crispy, if it is too late to remove it when it is golden, the potato chips will be bitter.

If the skins of the fried potatoes are soft, it was not fried enough.

If it turns black, it means the oil temperature is too high.

You can only comprehend the technical work by yourself, and the final product is very crispy, and you can't wait to drop the dregs after taking a bite.

There are only a few slices of raw-cut potato chips in a bag in the supermarket, and you can fry a bunch of them with just one potato.

Freshly baked potato skins are sprinkled with pepper, chili powder, cumin powder and salt. If you find it troublesome, you can use barbecue ingredients directly. If you like sweet and sour taste, add cumin powder.

The filled small baskets were first sent to a few people watching TV in the living room, and before they turned around and walked to the door, the baskets were empty.

This is really busy for an hour, and I can eat for 5 minutes.

"Xiao Zuo's hands are so ingenious, he can even make these potato chips." Mei Hongmin praised.

Zuo Qiongqiong said: "There will be French fries in a while. If you like to eat them, you will naturally fill them up."

The method of French fries is similar to that of potato chips, that is, first cut into strips, then wash the two halves with clean water, add a little salt to the boiling water pot, put the potato chips in, cook until they are broken, remove and dry the water.

Put a little cornstarch on it before putting it into the pot, so that every potato strip is covered evenly.

Deep-fry over medium heat until crispy.

Fragrant and crunchy, with a soft texture inside.

This tastes only delicious if it is deep-fried. Zuo Qiongqiong puts the flour-soaked potato sticks in the refrigerator to freeze quickly, and then the fans can fry them by themselves.

Although these two things are not difficult to make, they are extremely time-consuming. She and Wang Huiling only start to clean up after lunch, and don't finish it until seven o'clock in the evening.

We can only start packing tomorrow morning.

I was busy late, so I ate a simple dinner, there was fat beef in the refrigerator, Zuo Qiongqiong was going to make a teriyaki beef rice.

First prepare a teriyaki sauce, two spoonfuls of light soy sauce, one spoonful of oyster sauce, one spoonful of dark soy sauce, one spoonful of sugar, one spoonful of starch, half a bowl of water and stir well.

Add a little cooking wine to the fat beef and blanch it in water, take it out and set aside.

Heat the oil and sauté the onions until fragrant, stir fry for a while, pour in the fat beef just now, and cook together with the sauce. When the soup is thick, it can be out of the pot.

The cooked fat beef is directly covered with rice, then a soft-boiled egg is placed, and a few white sesame seeds are sprinkled on it. Isn't this exactly the same as the one sold in the store?

Vegetables come with celery fried meat, sliced ​​lean pork, add light soy sauce starch and pepper to marinate for a while, heat the oil and put it in the pan to cook.

Set up another oil pan, sauté the onion, ginger, and garlic until fragrant, and fry the sliced ​​celery until it is broken, then pour the sliced ​​meat in, and add a spoonful of light soy sauce to taste.

Home-grown green peppers are scrambled with eggs, and there is another dish of fried tofu.

Cut the tender tofu into thick slices, fry in hot oil, be careful when turning over, and be careful not to puncture the tofu.

After frying until golden on both sides, take it out and set aside, leave the bottom oil in the pan, saute the minced garlic until fragrant, put the fried tofu in and stir fry for a while.

Add two spoonfuls of light soy sauce to minced garlic, add one spoonful of oyster sauce, half a spoonful of sugar, one spoonful of starch and half a bowl of water, stir evenly, and pour in directly.

Stir-fry a few times, simmer for a few minutes, and then collect the juice on high heat, add millet pepper and green onion, and eat out of the pan.

The rice has been soaked with the soup in the fat beef, and a spoonful is stuffed into the mouth directly. The fragrance of the fat beef, the slightly sweet onion, and the delicious soup
Zuo Qiongqiong didn't put too much salt, even if there was more beef on top, it wouldn't feel too salty.

Lu Qingze said: "This is already delicious, there is no need to make so many dishes."

Mei Hongmin echoed: "Yes, Xiao Zuo, you are very tired every day, so you don't need to have such a big meal. When you didn't come here before, we just made a stir-fry and then ate noodles."

"Life is already hard enough, I want to reward myself with something good."

Zuo Qiongqiong picks up a piece of tofu, which is crispy on the outside, full of soup inside, and very tender. This is the best portrayal of crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, right?

Although the current life is busy, it is also much more free. Seeing Mei Hongmin and the others eating happily, Zuo Qiongqiong also felt satisfied.

On the second day, Zuo Qiongqiong woke up early to pack her things. She had a lot to send out this time, so she specially contacted the courier and came to pick up the items this morning.

In this way, it can be sent out in advance and reach the hands of fans one step faster.

When the sky was just slightly bright, Wang Huiling came to help.

Two people packed the small gifts to be sent out in an incubator, and then put them in two ice packs to ensure that they would not deteriorate during transportation on the road.

To avoid disturbing Mei Hongmin and the others who were still asleep, Zuo Qiongqiong moved all his things to the door.

She checked the address with the courier, and Wang Huiling checked to see if there was anything missing.

Zuo Qiongqiong finally heaved a sigh of relief as he watched a car of couriers leave, and sent a photo of the back of the courier car to the app feed.

"My family, your courier has already departed, please sign for it in time~"

[I was a little excited when I was drawn for the first time in the lottery! 】


[I can't wait to taste Fugui's craftsmanship! 】

[Received, five-star praise, the children said it was very comfortable to wear! 】

[Did you go to the wrong channel upstairs? 】

【Fairly hate everyone who wins the lottery.】

After a busy morning, Zuo Qiongqiong put away her phone, and turned her head to see Lu Qingze looking at her at the gate.

"Mr. Lu woke up very early today, did we disturb you?"

Lu Qingze shook his head and stretched out a hand: "Where is my gift?"

 Thank you family for your support!The first order of the previous book was not yet ten, but this time it is much better! (Old Han's legs are so painful that he can't stand it anymore. I will make up another chapter during the day and try to get [-] tomorrow.)
(End of this chapter)

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