Chapter 128 The End of the Journey

"There...are there two 'far travelers'?" When the civilizations of the galaxy received the mysterious communication, they all showed such doubts in unison.

A mysterious communication is broadcast to the entire galaxy from a special galaxy that no one has yet discovered, and the content of the communication is also very exciting:

[Young civilizations of the galaxy, hello]

[We are "far travellers", a group of miserable guys who have survived from ancient times to the present]

[Our history is not worthy of praise, but our memory is driving us to ignite the raging fire of revenge]

[The current "far traveler" is just a group of deceitful people, we will defeat them, and then continue our mission]

[You can be curious, but please don't hinder us, this will be a battle of life and death]

The content of this mysterious communication shocked the civilizations, and a large number of people began to frantically speculate about the situation of this new "far traveler".

"...It turns out that the old enemy of 'Far Traveler' is not the extinct 'Watcher'? It's this inexplicable new 'Far Traveler'..."

"It sounds a little complicated..."The man who deceives the world and steals his name"? How dare you say that..."

"So is this going to be another great battle between lost empires? Does anyone know what this new 'Farstrider' is about?"

All kinds of detection equipment started to detect the source of this communication frantically, but they were covered by some kind of shielding equipment.

The only thing they can know is that the home galaxy of this group of new "far travelers" seems to be a ring world.

This matter seemed useless, but soon some quick-witted people remembered that there was once a civilization specializing in archaeology sharing a clue related to the lost empire.

At that time, they found a completely broken ring world based on clues, but they didn't find much else.

But at that time, some people speculated that this ring world belonged to an ancient civilization, and a civilization capable of building a ring world would certainly not be able to build only one ring world, and there would probably be other ring worlds that had not been discovered.

Now it seems that the new "far traveler" who now controls the ring world is very likely to be related to those damaged ring worlds.

"Then what does the 'far traveler' have to do with them now?" More than one person had such a question.

So these civilizations, who are not too serious about watching the excitement, observe the war between the two "far travelers", while arranging the internal civilization to prepare for the impact.

After all, the last war between "Watcher" and "Farwalker" affected them "fish in the pond", and it seems that this time is also the case.

However, compared with these spectator civilizations, the vassal civilization of the "far traveler" is not so pleasant.

As vassals, they have no choice but to do their best to help their overlord country resist this crisis.

Even though there are civilizations that are loyal to the current "far traveler", most civilizations have different ideas.

Although deterred by the powerful fleet strength of the "far traveler", they dare not make any changes.But if they really had the chance, they would leave this lost empire without hesitation, and they might even add more oil.

And the "Galactic Community", which has not been established for a long time, held an emergency meeting again, and removed the topic "Establishment of the Galactic Council" that was still under discussion, and replaced it with their urgent topic: as an independent civilization, it is forbidden to participate in any A war of lost empires.

"...How do you feel that you have become more and more busy after the establishment of the 'Galaxy Community', either in a meeting or on the way to the meeting, and the rare recess period is always interrupted... Is the galaxy usually so busy?" A civilization representative Such a sigh.

Another civilization representative replied: "Your delusion. In fact, we have discussed the issue of 'whether to formulate a space whale protection law' for no less than ten times. waste time."

"Does it turn out that everyone only sticks together when there's a 'threat'? That's interesting... Or take a look at the Lost Empire in the distance."

Meetings start quickly and end quickly.

The civilizations have reached a consensus, that is, not to participate in the disputes between the lost empires.

The ending of the "Watcher" vassal civilization is still vivid in his mind, and those colonial stars that have been transformed into "virtual planets" have also been included in the warning textbooks by every civilization.

For these interstellar civilizations, getting nothing is much better than the entire civilization disappearing.

So under the watchful eyes of all the civilizations, the two lost empires, both of whom called themselves "far travelers", passed the trial stage and directly broke out into a war.

"——The group of damned robots who abandoned their bodies! Who was responsible for the cleaning back then? How can there still be alive?"

A "far traveler" general stood in the command post, looking at the red dots on the three-dimensional star map, and swearing while dragging the star map.

He knew the origin of that group of enemies—they were their compatriots who backstabbed themselves in ancient times.

At that time, they thought they had wiped out this group of people, but they didn't expect that these guys who had completed "synthetic evolution" had such tenacious vitality that they could return again when they had forgotten about them.

But the other general of the "far traveler" was very calm. He also poked around on the star map, but his tone was much more stable.

"...It's a little doubtful. It can be confirmed that the home planet of those people is a certain section of the ring world on the 'Infinite Lighthouse'."

"But when we left, we removed all the things on it, including the building itself. Even if they could take over, what they found was only a ring world with nothing but a vast land."

"How did they get rich again? I think we need to pay attention to this issue."

The general's words made everyone in the headquarters pause for a moment, and then someone mentioned:
"... Just like they can keep their own fire from us, are they using similar methods to hide some accumulations in places we don't know? I have to admit that their mechanical bodies do have some advantages in terms of survival. Extremely advanced performance…”

"Indeed... just like we can accidentally find the 'treasure' of the 'Apocalypse', they may also have discovered something similar, and then regained their lives..."

"Then is there a possibility, I mean possibility, that a certain civilization may be funding them behind the scenes, such as... 'Guardians'?"

This last person's inadvertent guess made the entire headquarters fall into a brief silence, and they all thought of this civilization that seemed like it shouldn't exist in the galaxy.

The overwhelming war against the "ring" directly and severely frightened them, so that their plan to implement after the old opponent's demise had to be temporarily shelved, and then continued to degenerate as if nothing had happened.

But someone immediately countered this:

"...impossible, absolutely impossible! If the 'Guardian' really wants to do something, then there is no need to use this third-party method, just come to the door directly. Do they need an excuse? Does anyone in the galaxy dare to oppose them? ?”

"What's more, it's an omnic civilization! Why would they help a group of guys with no relatives and no reason? So we—"

"—It really doesn't have to be without relatives or reasons," someone interrupted this passage, and then said quietly:
"...Have you forgotten what happened to the group of 'synthetic evolution' guys? Perhaps apart from not being gestalt conscious, they can also be called a special kind of 'mechanical intelligence'."

Such speculation once again made the headquarters fall into silence. Someone wanted to say something, but they never made a sound.

In the end, it was still the fierce fighting that kept the headquarters busy, filling it with noisy voices again.

Only this time, they had a faint premonition of "coming to the end".

(End of this chapter)

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