Time travel to become the guardian AI of a lost civilization

Chapter 127 The "Far Traveler" Battle

Chapter 127 The "Far Traveler" Battle

The servitors transformed the natives of the Eugene galaxy into "perfect" masters.

However, this matter has not attracted the attention of others for the time being. Only an interstellar civilization that is keen to help the natives thought of this humble native in the Eugene galaxy.

"... Guess how far they have researched the blueprints we 'accidentally' left behind last time?"

A scientist from the Tinder Alliance checked their "Indigenous Relief Index" for this year as usual, and asked another scientist beside him.

The "Indigenous Relief Index" is an indicator they set for themselves every year, and one of the important metrics is the "indigenous heavenly rate".

However, getting the aborigines to go to heaven cannot be accomplished overnight. In fact, under the influence of the Tinder Alliance, the "indigenous go to heaven rate" has remained at 1% or 2% for decades.

The kind of indigenous people who can go to the sky with just one kick is very rare in the entire galaxy. Most of the indigenous people are scattered in groups. The entire indigenous civilization is fighting among themselves, and it is still far away from the nominal "planetary unity". Hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years.

Although the Tinder Alliance intends to help the indigenous civilization go to heaven, it is almost impossible to go to heaven in a short period of time because of the cultural, belief, race, class and other barriers within the indigenous civilization.

Even if it is forcibly pulled up to the sky, this "quick interstellar civilization" will quickly collapse due to its own internal conflicts, and it will fall back to a level that is still behind before.

Therefore, the Tinder Alliance knows how to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Some indigenous civilizations with ideal social forms will personally send "indigenous educators" to help them progress, and even directly help the indigenous people to build some interstellar era buildings.

And for some civilizations that are impossible to go to heaven in the future that can be seen by the naked eye, they will secretly send some technologies that are useful to the indigenous people to those indigenous people.

The indigenous civilization in the Eugene galaxy belongs to the second type, and the Tinder Alliance at that time left technologies related to nuclear energy.

They found that Eugene's natives were in the mechanical age, and had already used machinery in production on a large scale, and their science had begun to penetrate to the atomic level.

So the Tinder Alliance left behind the most basic technology for interstellar civilization—nuclear energy, which helped the natives here enter the atomic age.

However, the Tinder Alliance did not have much hope for the natives in Eugene. They found that the social structure of the natives there was really terrible. starry sky.

So they only gave the aborigines the minimum help here, and soon focused on other "motivated" aborigines.

Today, the scientist of the Tinder Alliance finally remembered this indigenous civilization when he was making statistics.

"…Honestly, the society there is so deformed that the most likely scenario for 'big progress' would be a whim by someone at the top, who would launch a 'unification war' against all the other countries, and act like a chosen The people who want to destroy all the enemies will do everything they can.”

"But it is basically impossible. It is better to count on the indigenous people than to count on those high-level indigenous people. Unfortunately, those indigenous people have no chance to stand up. The complex network of interests colludes, and each class will not give up its own rights. The most important military Power is always firmly in the hands of the top."

Another scientist on the side is not optimistic about the prospects of the Eugene aborigines. If they have an evaluation of "heavenly aptitude" for the aborigines they have encountered all the time, he is willing to give the Eugene aborigines the lowest score.

This kind of civilization that has been developed for a while, but the social structure is not good, is not even as good as those aboriginals in the Stone Age for them.

After all, these primitive people can be easily educated, and they don't have too complicated thoughts. Apart from survival, they are one of the indigenous types that the Tinder Alliance likes to educate.

But the scientist in charge of statistics is still a little curious about the current situation of Eugene's aborigines, because he left a little trick there before, and he thinks that the aborigines there may give them a "surprise"?

So he took his students to the Eugene galaxy, ready to test the aptitude of the indigenous civilization here.

The first thing that caught their eyes was a half-built star base, and each of them was very clear about this kind of building that swore the sovereignty of the galaxy.

As a result, a bad premonition followed.

"...If I remember correctly, the natives here in Eugene seem to be closer to the 'Serving Paradise'...?" A student said with some uncertainty, and soon got a positive answer:

"You remember correctly, judging from the style of this star base, this is the building of the 'Serving Paradise', and it won't be long before this place will become the territory of those robots."

"...So it's still a good time for us to come. If we come a little later, this place will become the site of the 'Serving Paradise'. At that time, we have no choice but to come. After all, I heard that they don't welcome other people."

The leader of the group, on the other hand, looked at the planet where the indigenous people existed, with a bad expression on his face.

He saw countless spaceships coming in and out there, and it was obviously impossible for these natives to complete it during this period of time.

"...This is really a 'surprise'..."

With a rescue in mind, his spaceship approached this indigenous planet, and was quickly stopped by the guards here.

"—This is one of the residences of the 'Masters'. No entry is allowed without permission, and violators will be severely punished. Please forgive me."

The scientist of the Tinder Alliance received a letter from the servants and urged them not to stay, otherwise they would be "expelled" after the construction of the star base was completed.

But he was obviously very reconciled to this. He couldn't believe that these natives who were alive and well decades ago became such "masters".

So he strongly condemned the persecution of the servants who ignored the wishes of the natives, and asked them to release the imprisoned natives.

He obviously didn't know what the servitors did to these natives.

Although the servants didn't want to pay attention to these impolite outsiders, one of their "masters" here knew about it and asked them to connect to the communication with the Tinder Alliance scientist.

So, he saw a picture of a "beast mother" appear on his screen.

"...I know the image of you creatures. You are the 'master' served by these machine servants, right? I don't know what method you used to force these natives, but I advise you to stop as soon as possible, otherwise we will' See you at the Galactic Community!"

However, this "beast mother" was stunned when she heard this sentence, and then said with a funny expression:

"Teacher, are you sure you want to do this? I don't think you can win the case this time?"

"Whose teacher are you talking about? You..." The scientists of the Tinder Alliance froze for a moment, and then said with a livid face: "...you were transformed by them? I thought you could lead the natives here to give me a different life." result!"

"Don't say that... Look, haven't the natives here succeeded in 'going to heaven'?" The beast girl said, and released a large section of the picture.

Gone are the hierarchical, futureless societies of the past, replaced by a world of interstellar color.

A large number of holographic projections are all over the surface of the planet, and the original natives have completely disappeared, only a group of enthusiastic and friendly "masters".

"Teacher, I have worked hard here for decades, but I have gained nothing, but when these machine servants come, you can see that these natives have become part of the 'interstellar civilization'."

"Don't think I've been fooled, my memory is very well preserved, and I'm not indulging in pleasure, but still moving forward."

"According to my observation, although the species of the natives here has changed, they want to live a better life without encountering alien threats. If they want to, they can also become part of the interstellar society."

"This is much faster than our previous efforts. Do you think how many natives who have just ascended to heaven have been destroyed in just a few decades because of lack of protection?"

"These machine servants are protecting the natives from the bottom of their hearts. This is determined by their procedures. Even if they need to pay some less important price, the 'masters' don't think it's a 'price'."

"Since they all recognize it, do you still think it's a bad thing?"

A series of questions from this beast girl made the scientists of the Tinder Alliance stop for a while, but how could he be so easily persuaded who was deeply influenced by the culture of the Tinder Alliance?

He firmly believes that these robots in "Serving Paradise" have carried out atrocious acts on the same level as genocide, and the real Eugene natives were already extinct when they were invaded by machine servants.

So he reported the incident back to his home planet, which soon attracted strong condemnation of the "Serving Paradise" by the Fire Alliance.

However, other civilizations are more concerned about the situation of "Serving Paradise". They are different from the Tinder Alliance. An unknown native will perish, not to mention that this is not "perish" in the strict sense.

The interest transaction between interstellar civilizations is the most important thing. They want to know the true strength of "Serving Paradise", and they wish that the Pyro Alliance would fight this strange omnic civilization.

So these guys who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal began to add fuel and vinegar to the "Galaxy Community". It seemed that both sides were standing in line, but they were actually fighting each other, hoping to cause some small-scale friction.

However, the machine servants basically don't participate in the "Galaxy Community". Although they join, it's just a name. They prefer to take care of the "master" rather than take care of these trivial matters.

And the Tinder Alliance is also very sober, always "strongly condemning" and never really taking action.

So this "indigenous extinction case" was left alone, and soon faded out of the vision of various civilizations, and was attracted by another more influential thing:
——"Far Traveler" moved again.

This extremely materialistic civilization that fought against the "Watcher" once degenerated after the war ended.

But recently, I don't know what caught their attention, and it quickly had a chain reaction.

The territory that should have been stagnant began to expand again, and their spaceships also began to leap in the galaxy in large numbers.

It looked like they were the same as the "Guardian", as if they were looking for something.

And a series of "mechanical riots" are taking place in the territory of the "Far Traveler", the person who witnessed the incident.

Those robots who have no mechanical intelligence and are purely used as servants unexpectedly rebelled.

This completely unexpected event caused the "far traveler" to be extremely traumatized.

Except for the mother star "source of knowledge" and the "archive" planet full of mysterious data, all the rest of the colony planets were controlled by the sudden explosion of robots and lost contact with the "far traveler".

Although with the fleet they could keep the robots on the planet, they didn't dare to bomb the planet to weaken the robots significantly.

The reason is also very simple. Even the buildings on the planet don't know how to build them. If they are destroyed, they will be really destroyed.Many of them are also the kind of production buildings that are very important to "far traveler".

And these robots also deliberately avoided buildings during the rebellion, as if they knew that keeping the buildings intact would make the "Farstrider" stalk the mouse.

The chaotic "far traveler" tried to use their own pitiful "prosthetic body army" to deal with the rebel robots, and at the same time began to frantically search for the culprit that caused all this-a strange signal.

It was this inexplicable signal that affected their robots, turning these dumb tin cans into weapons of mass destruction.

Then as the influence deepened, they gradually realized one thing, that is, this signal was somewhat familiar, and it seemed to be the signal used by some "omninic rebels" they eliminated long, long ago.

As a result, those spaceships that were constantly flying in the galaxy began to retract unexpectedly, just like the "far traveler" entered the defensive position.

But many of their unimportant "expendable ships" have begun to invest in a special galaxy that they have long forgotten-the Infinity Beacon.

There used to be their mother world, but it was destroyed in a disaster, so they had to come to these "ordinary planets" to live.

The long and extravagant life made them gradually forget their own origins, but this time the "omnic crisis" made them recall the past stories after a long absence.

"—Are you really determined to do this?" When Li Wenyuan received news from a group of special people, he asked them this question again.

In fact, that group of special people had already prepared to do this not long ago, but considering that some key points had not been deployed, they did not show their fangs for the time being.

But after they successfully triggered the mechanical riot of the "far traveler", they finally decided to truly resolve this grievance that has lasted since ancient times at this moment.

"Yes, Master 'Guardian'. I know that you have an extraordinary relationship with 'Apocalypse', and maybe you don't want to see us killing each other."

"But this is our lifelong wish. Even if the steel body will rust in the air, this wish will never be dimmed."

"We will be true 'far travelers' and strive to follow in the footsteps of the 'Apocalypse' until the end of time."

This group of "Ancient Far Travelers" who completed "synthetic evolution" in ancient times, after a long period of dormancy, finally decided to challenge their ancient friends and enemies - the current "Far Travelers" Total War.

 Sorry everyone, the fever is too uncomfortable, and I just finished coding this point in a daze.I am also a young man, why do I have these symptoms?When I recover from the illness, I will make up for what I owe...

(End of this chapter)

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