Chapter 123 Assimilation of Infiltrators

"...Would you like to be our 'master'?"

When these words were uttered, the heartbeats of all the examiners present slowed down a beat.

Not because of any other reasons, just because they had a momentary heartbeat.

But it was only for a moment, and after careful recollection, they felt a certain kind of chill from the bottom of their hearts to the request that the servant said.

"... If you want to get your services, you must accept your...genetic surgery?" one of the examiners asked cautiously.

"Yes," the servitor nodded, as if saying something common: "Your appearance will frighten 'Master', we need to give priority to 'Master'."

"If you don't want to be the 'Master', then please go back, we will look for more people who are willing to become the 'Master'. The 'Masters' are too fragile and must survive under our protection."

The cold response of the machine servant made everyone look at each other in blank dismay, and finally they left the "Serving Paradise" with their own concerns.

Even though this inspection trip seemed a bit weird, the group of examiners unanimously approved the application of this strange civilization.

They also extolled the ideal of "Serving Paradise" as one of the rare good civilizations in the galaxy, even if the methods may be slightly abnormal.

The civilizations naturally also had a strong curiosity about this "machine servant civilization", but most of their temptations were rejected.

I thought that they, as organisms, should be treated relatively well.

But as those censors said, these machine servants only have unimaginable kindness to the "master", and are full of indifference to organisms other than the "master".

In addition, the investigation of the "galactic homology" has never stopped.

Unlike the "Serving Paradise" which is not open to the public, the "Galaxy Family" welcomes anyone to come to their civilization, and even made a lot of promotional videos for the galaxy, attracting many curious people to visit.

They found that this "galactic group" seems to have an extraordinary friendliness towards organisms, and no matter who comes here, they will feel as if they are in a "warm family".

This feeling of spring breeze even once made tourists think that they had come to a certain resort.

As a result, the tourism industry of the "Galaxy Consortium" exploded in a short period of time, and many curious people began to scramble to come to the "Galaxy Consortium", wanting to see the legendary "warm omnic".

And some people who have been traumatized have also heard of the great name of the "Galaxy Consortium", and despite the opposition of their family members, they insisted on coming to the territory of the Galactic Consortium.

"Father, listen to me, we can obviously enjoy the best treatment in a sanatorium, why should we come to this dangerous omnic site?" A young man persuaded his father in name, wanting to let him Change your mind.

But the old man insisted on staying in the "Galaxy Family" for a while, and even taught his son a lesson:
"What is a 'dangerous omnic'? Have you forgotten all the etiquette I taught you? How many times have I said, don't judge people with stereotypes, even if they are omnics!"

"Alas, what you said is my fault..."

In the end, the young man watched helplessly as his father boarded the special train to the "Galaxy Family".

This strange omnic civilization has signed many agreements with many other civilizations, including tourism visa-free agreements, attracting a large number of tourists who are curious about omnics.

In the era of peace in the galaxy, tourism also began to recover rapidly and became an important interstellar industry.

And this omnic civilization called "Galactic Consortium" seems to be vigorously developing tourism, and it seems to want to wash away the extreme label of "assimilation".

All the civilizations have received messages from the censors of the "Galactic Community" related to this omnic civilization, in which their ideal of "trying to eliminate all barriers" is highlighted.

Therefore, the civilizations also popularized their own people, and strictly forbid anyone to go to the "galactic homology".

But after the "galactic homology" formally participates in the interstellar society, all prohibitions can be operated.

Several civilizations quickly lifted the prohibition on "Galactic Consortia" and even signed some travel agreements on their own initiative.

There is no way, because the same family has given too much.

So after the initial journey of the extremely daring people ended, the news about the "galactic homology" spread more and more widely, until now there is a faint tendency to become the number one tourist destination in the galaxy.

The fear of this kind of omnic has long been diluted by curiosity. In addition, no one has encountered any danger, and more people have come to the territory of the same family with peace of mind.

There are many scientists who want to study omnics, as well as infiltrators with malicious intentions.

However, the "Galaxy Consortium" does not refuse anyone, and even fugitives can come here secretly.

And there is no law and order problem here because of the mixed fish and dragons. It seems that all the evils have disappeared after coming here.

Just like other omnics, it has achieved a "crime rate of 0".

The picture came to the elderly man who boarded the non-stop spacecraft, this is a "former" scientist of the Mingbo technological dictatorship.

The reason for adding "front" is because he failed in the domestic political struggle and was sent to prison for trumped-up crimes.

Even though Mingbo is a materialistic civilization with "science and technology first", politics is still an important part of the country.

In order to grab more research resources, the struggle in politics is also quite fierce behind Ming Bo's secret.

The only thing that can be called a good thing is that Ming Bo's laws give preferential treatment to scientists. Unless it is a major interstellar crime, the status of a scientist will definitely protect him from death.

But during his long prison life, the scientist gradually calmed down and began to reflect on the behavior of himself and his compatriots.

Aren't they a civilization developed for the purpose of studying science?Why do you need to do these disgusting things of intrigue and intrigue with each other?

He couldn't figure it out, he obviously just wanted to keep studying what he liked and didn't want to participate in these disgusting politics.

However, the environment within the civilization forced him to intertwine with it. Even if he raised the white flag, as long as he was still a "scientist", he would definitely have trouble coming to his door.

So after he was released from prison, he gave up his identity as a scientist and the favorable treatment he had always enjoyed.

However, according to Ming Bo's law, getting rid of the identity of a scientist requires passing on the mantle, so he, who has never had a wife or child, adopted a child and raised him.

After that, he drifted aimlessly among the stars alone, trying to find the answer in his heart.

People in Mingbo thought he was crazy, and they even voluntarily gave up their identity as a scientist, suggesting that his son send him to a mental hospital for observation for a period of time.

And his adopted son was forced to send him to those places several times due to the pressure of various public opinion.

So the disheartened scientist decided to make the last journey in his life.

"Divergence? Gap? Let me take a look at the situation of this strange omnic civilization..."

The old man shook his head and set foot on the land of the "Galactic Consortium".

Although he had heard it a long time ago, the sight of singing birds and fragrant flowers and the vitality of all things still made him dazed for a while.

If you can ignore those prosthetic animals, you may think that you have come to a forest planet.

"... Huh, it does look like a good place for a vacation."

He started to stroll here, ignoring the chattering tourists, just quietly feeling the atmosphere here.

No one bothered him, and there were no annoying worries, just a piece of peace and tranquility.

The prosthetics passing by didn't even look at him, they efficiently carried out what they were supposed to do, and only occasionally stopped their work when there were tourists who needed help.

After feeling the atmosphere here, he went to a place similar to the holographic exhibition hall, and watched the introduction of the "galactic homology" to themselves.

"...'Ever been horribly enslaved'? It's amazing how amazing this omnic's history even then, they've always had a passion for organisms and wanted to eliminate the gap between them and other life Is it the estrangement?"

The old man was moved by the history of the "galactic homology" and expressed a deep recognition of their ideals.

He thinks this is a kind of "lofty ideal", rather than using the banner of "science and technology first" to engage in political struggle behind the scenes.

This seems to be his ideal world, where everyone is striving for one goal.

His civilization is still too far behind, and because everyone thinks differently, even though they have stood in the interstellar world for so long, they still have nothing to do with the Tinder Alliance, which has only been in the sky for less than a hundred years.

"...So, is this the goal of the same race all along?" He murmured, and suddenly heard a noisy voice from outside the exhibition hall, which seemed to be full of curiosity.

Everyone rushed out, and the elderly man was the last one to go out.

He saw a huge black shadow appearing in the planet's atmosphere, it was slowly deforming, aiming something like a muzzle at the entire planet.

"What is that? Is it the same group who wants to show us some fireworks?" Many tourists watched this scene curiously.

Although that thing looks like a weapon, they believe that it is impossible for the kindred to do such a stupid thing that is equivalent to declaring war on the whole galaxy.

Coupled with the good reputation of the same group, as well as their confidence in the civilization behind them, they looked at this huge black shadow expectantly, hoping to see an unexpected performance.

But the old man had a premonition, he guessed the purpose of this black shadow, but at this moment he felt that it was not bad.

At least he'll be free of those disgusting things forever and be part of the "collective".

So after a period of brewing, the silver torrent swept across the entire planet,
This is a weapon that Li Wenyuan once used, but it was not given to the "assimilation fighters" by him, but built by them themselves.

They understood that it would take too long to resolve all divisions in the galaxy, and they must have an efficient means of resolving this problem.

So this weapon was put on the development process by them early, and it was successfully built.

[Nano Plague (Assimilation Fighter)]

[Component: Star Destroyer Weapon]

[Introduction: The huge torrent of nanometers will sweep all the organic creatures here.Nanobots will compulsorily implant electronic implants into all populations, "assimilating" them into a part of us. 】

It didn't take long for these tourists who had suffered the baptism of "Nano Plague" to return to their civilization, mixed with those from other planets.

Although they were questioned when passing the security check, prosthetic bodies are not uncommon in Galaxy, and some people even wear prosthetic bodies when they go.

Coupled with the fact that tourists have not changed much in general, this matter will be let down.

However, some civilizations are still vigilant, and began to check the use of prosthetic bodies in the country, and strictly forbid the people of this civilization to go to the "galactic homology body".

As for the prosthetics who successfully returned to civilization, they hid, waiting for the right time.

(End of this chapter)

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