Chapter 122 "Paradise"

—The request to join the "Galactic Consortium" was finally approved, even though the censors were genuinely appalled by this civilization.

This seems to be a special kind of omnic civilization that is extremely "fraternal" and mourns the division of the entire galaxy.

For this reason, like fighters, they want to eliminate this barrier and create a perfect galactic world.

Even if the means are somewhat "extreme".

Their kindness to organic beings is not feigned, they seem to be like that to everyone, like some xenophile civilization once was.

But under this kindness, there is a dangerous desire to assimilate all differences.

They are working hard to integrate all living things, even machine intelligence, into their collective consciousness, even if it makes those who worship individuality lose their ego.

However, the "galactic homology" is indeed not an extinct regime, they are just using another method to resolve the differences in the galaxy.

So after heated debates, the "Galactic Consortium" finally became a member of the "Galactic Community", but their cautious introduction was also passed on to the entire galaxy.

From then on, the civilizations of the galaxy also know that a "fighter" who is working hard to eliminate all barriers has stepped onto the stage of the galaxy.

After that, this group of exhausted inspectors had to go to recuperate, and another batch of "joint inspection team" went to review the situation of "Serving Paradise".

In view of the situation encountered in the "Galaxy Family", the inspectors who came to the "Serving Paradise" this time should be more informed.

They came to the home planet of "Serving Paradise" - an "ideal city" planet directly called "Paradise".

The official name of the "ideal city" planet in the interstellar world is "urban planet", because its surface has been completely covered by tall artificial cities, and there is no natural landscape to be seen, so it got its name.

But more people like to call it "ideal city", because it has the largest population capacity except the ring world, and all creatures can get the greatest satisfaction on it, in all aspects.

However, it is only its most basic function to live in people. If there are more people, the production capacity will be higher. In the "ideal city", there are usually some office workers who voluntarily work overtime because of the favorable living environment.

Apart from the Lost Empire, there are very few known urban planets in the Milky Way, and they are all controlled by a few old civilizations, even moving their capitals to ensure the safety of the urban planets.

Therefore, a new "ideal city" planet can be seen here in this omnic civilization, which surprised all the examiners.

"...To be honest, I didn't expect this omnic that suddenly appeared to have an 'ideal city'... At our level, it would take hundreds of years to achieve this step."

"Is this why people are more angry than people? Their birth conditions are so perfect, and we can only be born from that place covered by drought and heat waves..."

"...if only we had such a planet."

Everyone is full of envy, and a flash of malice.

Although it is not uncommon for the weak to prey on the strong, but now that the "Galaxy Community" has been established, the battles between civilizations are often put on the negotiating table.

If this malice is practiced, the stable situation that has been formed with great difficulty may be in vain.

Besides, they haven't even finished accepting the legacy of the "Silent One", so there's no need to be taboo about it for the time being.

Not to mention that the background behind this civilization called "Serving Paradise" may be a bit big.

So after a bit of spitting, this group of inspectors entered the "Paradise" and started their on-the-spot investigation.

Unsurprisingly, they were greeted by the servant robot of "Serving Paradise".

They have also read those documents and know that this is an omnic civilization with only 10% of the organic population and 90% of the mechanical population.

And those organisms called "masters" can know the importance that omnics attach to them from the address, and it is absolutely impossible to greet them in person. It is very normal to see machine servants here.

But there is also a situation that is not consistent with the information they understand, that is, these machine servants... seem to be very indifferent to them.

"...Didn't you say 'want to turn all organisms into their masters'? How does it feel..."

The servitors who came to meet them donned a bionic skin, which seemed to be custom-made to mimic the appearance of their "master".

Although this layer of skin is not that important to the machine servants, under the request of their "master", they still try their best to make everything perfect.

The servitor just told them indifferently that some exclusive areas belonging to the "master" were not open to the public, and then let them do what they wanted, which made the inspectors who were waiting to see what "serving" meant.

At first they thought that those organic creatures called "masters" liked to be treated like this, but when they accidentally saw what kind of life the machine servants here provided for "masters", they became a little unbalanced.

"...Is it necessary for a 'master' to have so many servants? According to the efficiency of these servants, one servant is enough to meet all needs?"

What they saw was a scene where an organic creature was surrounded by more than a dozen machine servants, and this was not an exception, almost all organisms were like this.

And these "masters" also look very similar to the servants. If they were not distinguished by clothing, they would not be able to tell that they were servants for a while.

"It seems that the proportion is not an exaggeration. The owners of these 'servants' are indeed too why don't they even provide us with some basic services?" Some people were confused, not sure what this kind of differential treatment was. Condition.

Even the attitude of the more extreme civilization of the "galactic homology" is much better than that of the machine servants here.

"However, the appearance of these 'Masters' and the servants looks familiar... Do you think there are any similarities between the robots of 'Guardians' and 'Coordinators'?"

"...That's true. Although there are many more organs that look like other animals, they are still basically similar..."

"So it is basically certain that this 'Serving Paradise' civilization is at least related to a lost empire? I really lost at the starting line..."

Although sad, these examiners quickly cheered up again. Even though they already knew some incredible backgrounds, they still had to go through the procedures that should be followed, even if they were just pretending.

So they started a "ideal city" vacation trip.

"...To be honest, at first I thought there would definitely be a large number of industrial cities here. After all, ideal cities are generally used for this, but..."

Before the censor finished speaking, he was immersed in the virtual world, and it took a long time to get out.

And at this time, he also changed from being full of energy at the beginning to being in a trance, and he couldn't even stand upright. It seemed that he didn't know what kind of useless life he had experienced in the virtual world, so that he was a little unbelievable when he woke up. Go back again.

But he is not the only one like this, in fact all the examiners have been entered into the virtual world.

Among them, the ones who are in good spirits have persisted until now and have not left, while those who are not in good spirits have been sitting by the side in a sluggish way, and those who don't know think that something terrible has been fixed.

There is a huge gap between this urban planet and their imagination, almost making them think that the knowledge they know is wrong.

The cities covering the surface of this planet are not for production, nor for trade, but for... entertainment.

Large-scale entertainment and leisure centers and sanatoriums can be seen everywhere here, and the virtual facilities all over the place allow people to immerse themselves in the virtual world at any time and enjoy the spiritual richness brought by entertainment.

Any way of decompression and leisure that can be imagined is available here, and even the residential area is surrounded by various entertainment equipment.

The creatures that live here seem to have no work at all, just play as they please.

Even if you can't find something you like, those virtual devices will create a world that absolutely suits your preferences in the virtual world, which is irresistible.

It seems that it is simply a dream "paradise".

However, it may be that at the beginning of the design, they did not consider the situation of these inspectors "not accompanied by machine servants", unrestrained immersion in the virtual world without the assistance of supporting facilities, which made their "vacation trip" end just as it started up.

They were so exhausted that they even lay down on the ground regardless of their image, and fell asleep. If this picture spreads out, it may cause a blow to the civilization behind them. It is hard to imagine that these "ambassadors" will become like this .

In the end, some passing machine servants carried them into the recuperation center, and after a short period of careful care, they managed to wake up, but their energy returned to the peak under the action of some special medicines, and it was completely invisible. They were playing dumb before.

"...Is your video equipment turned off?" An inspector lying in the recuperation cabin suddenly asked this question, and he was relieved after receiving an affirmative answer.

"Fortunately, at least you won't be fined wages..." Thinking that he still has to worry about a little wages, and seeing the extremely happy lives of the "masters" here, he couldn't help but sigh again.

"...To be honest, if I can, I don't want to go back... There are no annoying bosses here, and I don't have to worry about life, and I don't need to be afraid...Why wasn't I born here?"

"Yo? Disarmed and surrendered so soon? What a 'hard-bodied' man!"

"...You deserve to say me? Just now I counted you as the worst!"

Several well-connected inspectors bickered again, but then they were taken aback for a moment, and then laughed helplessly.

Busy with work, how long has it been since they have been so relaxed?

"Hey... People are more angry than people... Let's hurry up and go back. This civilization is really powerful. I'm afraid that if I stay any longer, I will become useless."

These inspectors all came down from the recuperation cabin with a sigh, ready to leave this sad place.

But before they left, they asked a servitor one last question.

"We want to know, is your statement of 'serving all organisms' a lie? Obviously we are also organisms, why do you seem not too interested?"

And the machine servant also told them the answer very sincerely on this matter:
"...We need to explain in advance that what we are talking about is 'turning all organisms into our masters', not 'serving all organisms', my lord, please don't misinterpret our underlying agreement."

"As for the reason for not being served, it is also very obvious, that is, you and other adults are not our 'masters', and you are too ugly."

"If you want to be our 'master', we have a full set of gene editing methods and body transformation methods here, and we will make you a 'master' who is just like her in terms of wisdom, body, and appearance." 'similar and perfectly perfect 'host', and it's free."

"So... would you like to be our 'master'?"

(End of this chapter)

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