I trained my sister to the eighth level of boxing

Chapter 1280 Carrying the Suzaku to Parade

A large group of Nanhai natives were already worshiping Suzaku in the street. Lu Ziqing was shocked to see that the Wutiao brothers and sisters were among them. Although you are worshiping Suzaku, I am standing next to Suzaku, which means you are worshiping me. Ahem... Lu Ziqing stepped aside knowingly before being beaten by the natives.

Zhu Yu was also startled by this grand gesture. When it entered the city yesterday, everyone had not yet reacted. After a night of fermentation, the natives were all excited. The Lord of the South, the Suzaku God, came to Nanhai Town!

Lu Ziqing watched speechlessly as Wu Tiao Wu cheered: "God of the South! Suzaku! Suzaku!" The five wolves, together with a group of grotesque indigenous warriors, howled excitedly and raised their arms around Zhu Yu, praying for blessings. .

Zhu Yu was excited and his vanity was greatly satisfied. It waved its wings and everyone felt the blessing - so hot that they sweated. Zhu Yu saw that something was wrong, and immediately waved his wings again. The fire energy turned into a halo of flame protection. Not only did the indigenous people feel the power of the flames, but they did not feel hot. Instead, they felt cool and comfortable.

"Wow!" The natives discovered with excitement that their weapons were actually engulfed in flames. Although it disappeared only for a short while, it was enough to make their beliefs even more fanatical.

Lu Ziqing was helpless. Is it really appropriate for you to worship my mount like this? I felt that if I rode Zhu Yu in public again, I would be beaten collectively by the natives.

The mercenaries who wanted to invite Suzaku into their gangs were a little frightened when they saw such a scene. Whoever invites Suzaku will certainly have greater appeal, but due to the crazy beliefs of the natives, it may lead to the demise of the gang.

Everyone looked at each other, including Lu Ziqing, who was helpless. Under the current situation, no one could dominate Suzaku, that was for sure.

The natives brought a huge throne, to be precise, a sedan in the shape of a bird's tripod. Zhu Yu jumped up and grabbed the shelf with his paws. It felt very comfortable indeed. Then the natives lifted up their sedan chairs and started the celebration procession with great vigor. Thousands of indigenous people sang and danced. The men crowded around the mikoshi crazily, and the women splashed clean water on the street, scattered flower petals, and danced with joy. Gojo wolves beat the drums, and Gojo Mai, acting as a shrine maiden, announced while dancing: "The southern god Suzaku has arrived——!"

The natives kept cheering: "The Suzaku God has arrived! The Southern God will save the South China Sea!"

Lu Ziqing was dumbfounded. You just carried my mount away like this?

The entire Nanhai Town was in excitement because of this parade. Long Huijun also maintained order and encouraged everyone to participate in the celebration. After all, this is a happy thing. It would definitely not work to stop it by force, the natives would riot.

Suzaku worship belongs to sun worship, which is not only influential in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but also has great influence in all the countries in Southeast Asia.

Since the Dragon King of the South Sea lost his prestige, all the countries in South Sea have been devastated by hurricanes. I don't know how many countries have been submerged. The natives of South Sea no longer worship the dragon clan. It is enough that the Dragon King of the South Sea is not sprayed to death with spittle. Therefore, with the sudden appearance of Suzaku in Nanhai Town, after a night of fermentation, and with the help of the Wutiao brothers and sisters, the original worship of Suzaku among the Nanyang natives finally broke out collectively.

The indigenous people need faith, a protective god, and auspiciousness. After painfully losing their country, they need to improve the cohesion of the ethnic group. All of this suddenly became clear due to the arrival of Suzaku!

Lu Ziqing suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with him, forget it, Zhu Yu wouldn't be in danger anyway, just let him enjoy himself happily. Then he thought about it and walked towards the entrance of the Xiaolong Gang to see what prosthetic problem Luo Qin was talking about.   ————————

The Xiaolong Gang has been in the limelight recently. Due to the establishment of the Sipa Hall, the Xiaolong Gang has almost become the mainstay of the South China Sea Dragon Clan. Nanhai Town lacks the power of parent officials to represent the people, that is, there are no administrative officials such as county magistrates and town mayors, but now there is a strong voice for Hope Lin to serve as county magistrate. With the increase in land reclamation and population, Nanhai Town has actually reached the size of a county town.

"Congratulations!" When Luo Chuan saw Lu Ziqing coming, he immediately congratulated him on finding his fiancée with the help of Long Huijun, "I have met your fiancée, she is really a stunning beauty!"

Luochuan met Xie Wushuang at the Silk Pavilion and was extremely impressed by her: "It turns out that your fiancée is the owner of the Sipa Pavilion in Dazhou. This morning she was invited by Long Huijun to come to our Silk Pavilion. It’s the museum’s guidance work.”

Lu Ziqing knew that this was Xie Wushuang's deliberate arrangement, and the private visit in private was to communicate with the senior officials of the Longhui Army stationed here. With the help of Long Huijun, she achieved the purpose of her private visit incognito by taking the opportunity of accepting the masseur who came to support her.

Luo Chuan told him that Xie Wushuang shocked everyone when he arrived at the Sipa Pavilion. He was so beautiful and had such superb massage skills. Lin Laiwei was very unconvinced at first, feeling that he had been usurped from class and power, so he offered to compete with Xie Wushuang, but naturally he was completely defeated. And it is a complete failure in all aspects and in all senses.

"Lin Poi has always prided herself on her talent and beauty, and this is a huge blow to her." Luo Chuan laughed.

Lu Ziqing could imagine Lin's pitiful and shriveled appearance. He was obviously delicate and fragile, but he still put on a arrogant expression all day long. Now that she was completely crushed by Xie Wushuang from head to chest, she could only draw circles in the corner.

"I came to you urgently. On the one hand, I think you can help give me some advice. On the other hand, the brothers and sisters who were rescued hope to express their gratitude to you in person."

Luo Chuan explained that there were four survivors of the Xiaolong Gang. They were all rescued from Sister Hong's devil's cave and were severely disabled. After Long Huijun gave them simple treatment, he sent them to Zealand Island and asked people from Tiangongmen to install prosthetic limbs for them, so they never came into contact with Lu Ziqing.

"Although the conditions in Zealand are better, they are still willing to come back and stay with us family members, which is conducive to healing their psychological trauma."

Luo Chuan also specially introduced to Lu Ziqing that one of the survivors was his eldest brother Luo Shan and Luo Qin's father. The Luo family is a famous dragon warrior family in the South China Sea, and Luoshan is one of the strongest men in Nanhai Town. As a result, Luoshan disappeared inexplicably for a long time, and was actually captured by Sister Hong.

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