I trained my sister to the eighth level of boxing

Chapter 1279 New Ambergris Egg Tart

Zhu Yu had a look of enjoyment being touched by Luo Qin. This guy's hobbies were completely human, and he loved delicious food and beautiful women. Lu Ziqing believed that if a female vulture appeared in front of Zhu Yu, she would definitely be kicked away by her. Zhu Yu no longer looked down on her former kind.

Lu Ziqing took out some prepared egg tarts from his treasure bag and asked Luo Qin to bake them for him. Since this thing requires a large amount of eggs, it currently seems extremely luxurious in the South China Sea and cannot be promoted in the short term.

"How to bake?" Luo Qin found it very novel and could learn a new cooking skill, so she naturally did not refuse, so she followed Lu Ziqing's instructions and sprayed a small puff of flame into his small oven. This little bit of dragon's breath was enough. Warm the oven. But it was a patient job, and Luo Qin had to spray into the small hole in the stove door from time to time.

"Why not use a stove?" Luo Qin felt that doing this still requires a lot of patience. It would be more convenient to put it directly on the stove.

Of course Lu Ziqing couldn't say it clearly, I want to taste your saliva.

"Because the stove roasts too slowly." Lu Ziqing said swornly. He was not sure whether the popular Dragon Girl barbecue really had the taste of ambergris or was just a psychological effect, but he was having fun with the beautiful Dragon Girl. Time is always pleasant.

"Oh?" Luo Qin chuckled, not caring about Lu Ziqing's little thoughts. Human men are the same, so she just silently contributed her saliva.

Many onlookers quickly gathered around, some were attracted by the Suzaku, and some were attracted by the gradually spreading fragrance. Although many people were curious about what was roasting in the oven, when they saw Luo Qin concentrating on cooking, they wisely kept their mouths shut to avoid being driven away.

Soon the egg tarts came out of the oven. Lu Ziqing, Luo Qin and Zhu Yu shared the Ambergris egg tart. When the crisp sound of biting the pastry sounded, there was a sound of swallowing all around. Lu Ziqing was surprised to find that, as everyone had touted, there was a mysterious aroma inside.

Zhu Yu made a happy sound and covered the bird's head with one wing. Luo Qin did the same thing, covering his cheeks with one hand, closing his eyes and looking happy. Really, so delicious! This was the first time she felt so happy since the disaster in the South China Sea.

"Miss Luo Qin..."

"Boss lady!"

There were cries of hunger all around.

Luo Qin opened his eyes and immediately chased people away: "What are you doing here? If you don't want to stay in the store, just leave!" When did there come so many people? Don't come to snatch my egg tarts!

A violent aura frightened the onlookers and fled. Lu Ziqing seemed to see the female tyrannosaurus defending the treasure... However, the rage only lasted for a moment, and Luo Qin returned to his usual gentleness and quietness.

"By the way, do you have time to go to the gang?" Luo Qin reminded.

"Are we going to carry out the next strategy?" The last large-scale operation of the Xiaolong Gang was to gather the strength of the entire gang to besiege the large pond of the Demon Demon. It was truly a great fight and something very rewarding for everyone involved.

"No." Luo Qin shook his head, "The Longhui Army rescued some survivors from various demon caves and sent them over. The Sipa Hall has taken on the important mission of taking care of them."     This is a big deal for the Xiaolong Gang and the Lin family. It is a matter of duty. And after what happened with Sister Hong, everyone already has experience in this area.

"It's too miserable, really." Luo Qin sighed sadly, but her sadness was quickly diluted by the happiness brought by the egg tart. Luo Qin took the last bite of egg tart and suggested, "Maybe this delicious food can make them feel better?"

"Not necessarily!" Lu Ziqing shook his head.

Egg tarts are a luxury product in the Nanhai Continent because there are no chickens or eggs here, and everything needs to be shipped from Zealand. There is a shortage of food in the South China Sea mainland and there is no condition for raising chickens. If the survivors eat egg tarts, they may not feel happy at all, but start to feel jealous. Why are they suffering in the Demon Cave while others can eat such delicious food in Nanhai Town? On the contrary, it will lead to their psychological distortion.

Luo Qin nodded, as Lu Ziqing said, maybe good intentions lead to bad things.

Zhu Yu yelled softly, why didn't the Nanhai Dragon Clan just abandon this place?

Luo Qin explained to it that this is a complex issue. Over the past ten thousand years, this place has been the home of the South China Sea dragon clan, especially the lower dragon clan. Their attachment to this place has become instinctive like the migration of fish. Even if the sea turns into land, the South China Sea Dragon Clan is not willing to leave their hometown, but hopes to save their home. On the other hand, the Dragon Gods are worried that the dragon soul pollution in the South China Sea will spread to the entire Dragon Clan, so the refugees from the Dragon Clan in the South China Sea cannot run around casually.

Now the Xiaolong Gang is actively cooperating with the Longhui Army to build Nanhai Town, but with so many survivors sent over, everyone is still a little overwhelmed.

A problem that was not expected before is that the mechanical arm made by Tiangongmen will make the survivors feel ashamed. Those dragons equipped with mechanical arms were a little depressed and unwilling to go out. Several of the survivors are members of the Xiaolong Gang and are currently receiving care at the Xiaolong Gang's halls, but their conditions are extremely worrying.

"Is the Dragon Clan so fragile?" Lu Ziqing didn't quite understand. Could it be that Tiangongmen's mechanical arm is ugly?

"I can't say, I don't know how to describe it. You'd better go and see for yourself." Luo Qin hesitated, but finally said, "Also, congratulations on finding your fiancée. I heard that she is very Beautiful, you are living in Sister Hong’s house now.”

As the most well-informed innkeeper in the entire Nanhai Town, Luo Qin knew as soon as Lu Ziqing and Xie Wushuang entered Nanhai Town. Although he knew that this day would always come, Luo Qin was still a little disappointed and could only offer his blessings to Lu Ziqing.

Lu Ziqing nodded: "The house has not been tidied up yet. I wanted to wait for us to tidy up and invite everyone to come for dinner, but I don't know if everyone will have a shadow of that place!"

"That's true." Luo Qin said that he was still a little dissatisfied and complained. I heard that you had a relationship with Long Huijun and insisted on living in that house. Is that house that good? Even if you no longer want to live in my hotel, will the Xiaolong Gang still not have a house for you to stay in?

Lu Ziqing fled, claiming that he would immediately go to the Xiaolong Gang to find Luo Chuan to solve the psychological problems of the survivors, and Luo Qin let him go.

Lu Ziqing and Suzaku escaped from the hotel. Several people had gathered outside, waiting for Suzaku to come out.

"Suzaku, it's really Suzaku!"

Suddenly there was a warm cheer, auspiciousness descended from the sky, the South China Sea was saved!

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