I trained my sister to the eighth level of boxing

Chapter 1258 Iron Sword Alliance Aerial Conspiracy

Chapter 1258 Iron Sword Alliance Aerial Conspiracy

"Beast!" Bai Zihao took out a small mirror and took a look. He saw that his face was crooked because half of his back molars were gone. Now half of his face was swollen and his eyes were squeezed into slits.

The surrounding members of the Iron Sword Alliance were sweating violently. Bai Zihao had a rough and tough face. He should be a very mature man in his early thirties, but he always took a small mirror with him wherever he went to reflect on his tough guy persona. Very concerned. According to his own statement, he represents the image of the Iron Sword Alliance...

So as expected, everyone heard Bai Zihao's roar: "I'll fight with you -!"

"Boss, you can't beat him!" Everyone warned him one after another, not to mention that they all felt that there was something hidden behind the truth, and they really couldn't beat Lu Ziqing of the Xiaoyun Sect. As soon as Bai Zihao said that he was working hard, the drawn sword scabbard appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The series of sword marks on it were getting closer and closer, and they couldn't help but shudder.

"That person must be a core disciple of the Xiaoyun Sect. Although I have never heard of his name before, the scabbard he holds is not the scabbard that ordinary Xiaoyun Sect members can have."

"Yes, yes, yes, I have heard that there are rumors in the world that the Xiaoyun Sect's identity symbol when traveling in the world is the sword scabbard, which has the sword seal of the master. The more sword seals, the more masters have endorsed him."

"Although we can't understand those sword seals, the scabbard is white. I heard that only the best disciples of Xiaoyun Sect can hold white or red scabbards."

"We are all ordinary sects, and we cannot compare with the master disciples of the immortal sect. Unless we are at the level of a grandmaster, we can still compete with each other. Otherwise, the only thing left is plotting."

Bai Zihao looked at the mirror and roared: "Then plot against him!"

Anyway, the image of a tough guy from labor and management has been ruined, why do you still care so much? This is the South China Sea, thousands of miles away from the Great Zhou Dynasty. What happened to the Xiaoyun Sect? Lu Ziqing is alone, and this is the territory of our Iron Sword Alliance!

Bai Zihao became furious and ordered his men to open up wasteland in a secret realm. A group of us plotted against him! There are also ways to deal with the Xiaoyun Sect, set up more spell traps! Weave a sword net! Put poison!

"Boss, if you really want to confront people from the Xiaoyun Sect, you must not be in the sky, but in a narrow room!" The deputy gang leader is still relatively calm, so now is really inappropriate. Let's go back and find an opportunity. Everyone is in the room They surrounded him and beat him, and the Xiaoyun Sect was also defeated. But using a flying mount to fight Xiaoyun's disciples in the sky is really a bit suicidal.

The deputy gang leader glanced at the sword light fighting with Sister Hong in the distance, and saw that he was flying not only fast, but also gracefully.

Moreover, Sister Hong really has a problem. Everyone had just seen that Sister Hong could casually take over Bai Zihao's all-out attack to kill Wan Jian Chaozong. It seemed unreal to be bullied. Take a closer look, it seems that Lin Miao has been being grabbed by the neck by Sister Hong? Like being choked?

"I don't care, who let him ruin my handsome face! I'm going to fight him back now!" Bai Zihao's heart was bleeding. His face in the mirror was crooked like this, swollen so high, and his image of a tough guy was completely ruined. Even if If you save the beautiful dragon girl, your favorability will be halved. Before the Xiaolong Gang could catch up, Lu Ziqing was now alone, and he wanted to take action immediately!

"Then let's wait for an opportunity to plot and use thunderbolt cannons." The mercenaries all know that they will definitely not be able to defeat the opponent in the sky. Now they can only bite the bullet and use big weapons.

When everyone chased after them, Bai Zihao took out the Iron Sword Alliance's equipment from the bottom of the box, four consecutive cannons, found the four largest dragons, and put the cannon bases on the dragon's back. This is a hand-cranked repeating ballistae that fires thunderbolts. Not only is the crossbow very expensive, the ammunition is even more valuable. Each thunderbolt bullet is a carefully crafted rune bullet and has the same magic effect as a black fire talisman. . Combined with the exploding shrapnel, it can be said to be a great weapon for clearing up wasteland and fighting monsters. After arriving in the South China Sea, the Iron Sword Alliance modified the Thunderbolt Cannon so that it could be installed on the back of a dragon, and its combat power suddenly exploded. However, Lu Ziqing and Sister Hong were fighting, and Bai Zihao and the others suddenly felt overwhelmed. If they surrounded and bombarded them like this, they might not be able to hit Lu Ziqing, but they would definitely be able to hit Sister Hong and Lin Peng.

Sister Hong was ready to fight now, and found that she couldn't get rid of Lu Ziqing, so she threatened her fiercely: "If you chase her again, I will strangle her to death!"

Her dragon claws dug deeply into Lin's poor neck, and Lu Ziqing was immediately helpless and had no choice but to step back.

Lu Ziqing watched Sister Hong leave. The Long Hui Army in the distance seemed to be in trouble as well. Pu Jing and his men originally wanted to stay away from Nanhai Town, but they didn't fly far enough and were attacked by a group of transformed people who appeared out of nowhere. The bone dragon was blocked. How to quickly deal with Li Tai now is a big problem.

When Lu Ziqing turned around, he found that he was surrounded by four dragons. The four large dragons all carried a crossbow with a rotating base on their backs. The top of the crossbow had a tall magazine and a hand-cranked device. . This looks more sophisticated than the Zhuge Liannu and is heavy-duty.

Then Lu Ziqing suffered a tragedy, and Bai Zihao shouted in surprise and joy: "Hit!"

In an instant, dense machine sounds were heard. The mercenaries poured all their energy into the magazine and activated the thunderbolt bullets inside. The machine expander fired projectiles one after another along with the joystick, and in an instant each crossbow machine fired dozens of rounds!

"F*ck!" Lu Ziqing was shocked by the intensity of the firepower, and immediately dodged with his sword. Several crossbowmen tried their best to block his sword route, causing thunderbolts to burst into the sky, forming a tyrannical chain blast zone. However, Lu Ziqing was as fast as a swimming fish, and he kept using his sword to resist. Such dense thunderbolts could not kill Lu Ziqing.

The mercenaries were having a hard time, but Lu Ziqing was already angry and struck out with his sword: "The earthworm shakes the sun!"

There was a sudden shock in the air, and all the thunderbolt bullets froze. The deputy leader who was shooting wildly at Lu Ziqing suddenly saw a strange scene. I don't know if it was his imagination, but the thunderbolt bullets flew back to the crossbow. machine!

With a bang, a continuous crossbow exploded under Lu Ziqing's sword light. All the thunderbolt bombs exploded, almost blowing the dragon into two pieces, and it fell to the ground with its skin and flesh torn apart. The deputy leader tried his best to protect his face, but his whole body was blackened.

"Made!" Bai Zihao was so anxious that he saw Lu Ziqing coming towards him. The sword this man just made could turn back time and space? Bai Zihao was so frightened that he pissed himself. He released Wanjian Chaozong again, flew out all the swords in the sword bag, and hit Lu Ziqing desperately, just to protect himself!

(End of this chapter)

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