Chapter 1257 Remember my scabbard

At this time, Sister Hong and Lin Mianwei both screamed, sounding like they were frightened by the Bone Transformation Dragon, but Lu Ziqing knew that the Bone Transformation Dragon was here to cut off Sister Hong's queen. The dragons and human mercenaries were screaming and dodging while attacking the Bone Dragon, but the Bone Dragon was chasing after Lu Ziqing.

"Ah——!" Another pitiful scream from Lin came from the darkness on the ground. Lu Ziqing dodged the pursuit of the Bone Dragon and pursued them with his sword. But it was too late. Sister Hong grabbed Lin's poor neck and quickly flew out of Nanhai Town, chasing Long Huijun and Li Tai. Lin is a very good hostage. He has a high status in the dragon clan and can be used for negotiation.

Lu Ziqing didn't have time to say anything more and immediately chased after him with his sword. Behind him, a group of human mercenaries had just escaped from the flying sand and rocks. Bai Zihao was also riding on the back of a low-level dragon in disgrace, chasing after Lu Ziqing.

"Catch up!" Bai Zihao felt that it was so embarrassing that Lu Ziqing could easily break through with so many people on his side. In fact, as a member of the Baijian Sect, he always felt that he was putting his head down when facing the Xiaoyun Sect and felt unconvinced.

Sister Hong grabbed Lin Poi and flew away together. From a distance, it looked like two dragons flying close to each other. Bai Zihao couldn't tell that Lin Poi was being held hostage, and thought they were being chased by Lu Ziqing in a panic.

Bai Zihao was even shocked and said with some admiration: "Super Silver Demon!" In full view of everyone, how dare you take advantage of the chaos to bully two noble dragon girls? Didn’t you see that even I have to abide by the etiquette of a gentleman?

Someone shouted: "Boss Bai, let's help them deal with the Bone Dragon first!"

"That bone-changing dragon can't make a splash. It's important to save's important to save the two noble dragon girls!" Bai Zihao saw the large force of the Xiaolong Gang approaching and besieging the bone-changing dragon, so he decided to continue Fight against this scum Lu Ziqing. Now there is not only Sister Hong, a pregnant woman, but also the other eldest daughter of the Lin family, Lin Poor, who is unmarried and beautiful. As long as she can be saved, she will become rich! From then on, he climbed to the sky and became a son-in-law riding a dragon...

Lu Ziqing chased after her and soon caught up with Sister Hong. Sister Hong roared. She dragged Lin and couldn't fly fast, not to mention she was still a pregnant woman. Sister Hong suddenly spun around in the air and struck Lu Ziqing with a claw. The wind from her claws flashed with blood-red thunder and tore the sky apart.

Lu Ziqing immediately turned back with his sword and quickly dodged the fatal blow from Sister Hong's dragon claw, breaking into a cold sweat.

Lin Meili broke free from the dragon's claws for a moment, and cried to Lu Ziqing: "Save me!"

She never expected that Sister Hong would have such great power. Moreover, Sister Hong is a cousin in her clan. She is from the same clan and we meet often! Originally, Sister Hong had always looked delicate, but now he was squeezing her neck with his claws, and she was unable to resist. And just as she shouted, Sister Hong's claws grabbed her throat like lightning and dragged her away again, making her feel like a hairtail fish.

Bai Zihao caught up with him on a dragon and fought towards Lu Ziqing as if he had been beaten to death: "Miss Lin, I'm here to save you!"

"Fuck!" Lu Ziqing couldn't bear it anymore, put Hai Tianyi sword back into its scabbard, raised the scabbard and faced Bai Zihao.

"So brave!" Bai Zihao was overjoyed. Lu Ziqing finally stopped running away. In a head-to-head confrontation, the Xiaoyun Sect may not have an advantage. "Ten Thousand Swords Chaozong!" Bai Zihao roared and used his special move. The sword pouch behind his back opened, and hundreds of flying swords flew out together. The sword energy turned into thunder in the sky, overwhelming Lu Zi.

Lu Ziqing's figure suddenly turned into a burst of fire, and at a speed much faster than Bai Zihao's sword light, he was in front of Bai Zihao in an instant, and raised the scabbard in his hand towards Bai Zihao. "Huh?" Bai Zihao suddenly realized that all the swords he flew out were invisible. He stood on the back of the dragon and subconsciously turned back, only to find that Lu Ziqing was already standing in front of him, very close to him. His powerful Ten Thousand Swords hit the sect for a while, and then it seemed like... those hundreds of flying swords struck at Sister Hong? He turned his gaze sideways to Lu Ziqing and saw Sister Hong blocking all the sword light with her tail. She was so angry that she turned back and growled ferociously at him.

Bai Zihao was shocked, how could it be possible? Even if he missed Lu Ziqing, Sister Hong could catch his killing sword energy so easily? Use your tail to whip them all away?

Lu Zi said coldly: "Remember this scabbard of mine." The white rhinoceros leather of his scabbard had golden cloud patterns, and a series of identity emblems of the Xiaoyun Sect's immortal master, flashing with brilliance.

"What are you going to do?" Bai Zihao exclaimed, watching the scabbard getting closer and closer to his face.

With a bang, Bai Zihao was whipped and flew out from the dragon's back. The left half of his face was deeply sunken, and at the same time, several back molars spurted out in the air.

"I won't let you bother me again!" Lu Ziqing flew towards another Iron Sword Alliance member with his sword. In a flash of light, he was already in front of this person, swung his scabbard and hit him hard. The opponent was the deputy leader of the Iron Sword Alliance. He was surprised, but he reacted quickly. He picked up his shield and tried to block it. There was a muffled thunder, and the sword energy actually penetrated his arm from the shield, destroying the entire arm. The meridians are useless.

Lu Ziqing raised the scabbard again: "Remember my scabbard!"

With a bang, the deputy leader of the Iron Sword Alliance was knocked down from the sky.

The people who caught up were all frightened. They saw Lu Ziqing's sword flying through the air quickly and hitting their faces with the scabbard one by one. They were all unable to resist.

Lu Ziqing had had enough. As soon as he left Dazhou, this group of people dared not abide by the rules of the world. They even showed no respect for the Xiaoyun Sect. How could this be so? You must slap each one in the face with the scabbard to make them remember!

No matter who rides what kind of mount in the sky, none can compare with the Xiaoyun Sect's sword-wielding skills. A mercenary rode a bat to dodge quickly. Bats are very flexible in the air. However, he was caught up by Lu Ziqing within a few seconds. He was hit hard on the back of the head by the scabbard and fainted. The people of the Iron Sword Alliance dropped from the sky like dumplings, and they were beaten away in the blink of an eye.

Lu Ziqing let out a bad breath. It seemed that no matter where he went, fists were easier to use than reasoning. If the fists were not strong, no one would listen to the reasoning. It didn't take Lu Ziqing much time to clean up the trash, and he chased Sister Hong again.

Bai Zihao fell to the ground and was knocked unconscious. He was finally not disabled, but half of his face was swollen and he couldn't speak clearly.

The people of the Iron Sword Alliance all got up and got together in embarrassment. No wonder that pretty boy was so arrogant, because he was so skilled!

Some people couldn't help laughing at Bai Zihao. They laughed so hard that their whole body hurt, but they really couldn't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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