I can see big data

Chapter 185 Harvest

Chapter 185 Harvest
After the opening of Cranberry Food Co., Ltd., Li Han felt a lot more at ease, since it was his own company after all.

As for why he doesn't own 100% of the shares, the first is because he can't do it, and the second is because it is not beneficial to do so.

As for shares, generally everyone will give a small portion of shares to the executives under them, so that everyone will be willing to start a business together and make the company bigger and better from scratch.Moreover, in the future, new shares will be issued in order to go public, and equity replacement will also be carried out when acquiring other companies. These will make it impossible for the company to hold 100% of the shares.

If you want to struggle with 100% of the shares, it will only limit the company's development.

Even if it could be done, it wouldn't do any good.Because one-person holding shares means that one person needs to independently bear all the risks that arise in the company's management process, so even a special company like Laoganma that is not listed and does not raise funds divides the shares in the hands of two brothers. Few companies will have one person Holding 100% of the shares is a very stupid behavior.

Now that the company has been established and its future development has been determined, Li Han feels much more at ease.

After returning home at night, he rested on the bed after eating, while his wife was reading and preparing for the exam, and he himself paid attention to the subsequent development of New York.

Although the money has already been earned, and how much it will rise later has nothing to do with him, he is still curious about how far the New York government will make a move.He was startled by this sight: the price of electricity had risen to two hundred dollars per degree.

"It seems that I still think too highly of the New York government." Li Han said to himself while touching Wang Man's leg.

Wang Man looked at him curiously from the side, then rubbed his foot on his leg: "Honey, are you talking to me?"

"Forget it, talk to yourself." Li Han leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, "Did I disturb your reading?"

"No." Wang Man said with a cheerful smile, "I just missed you a little too."

"You miss me when you sleep on the same bed?" Li Han held her chin and pulled her closer, then tasted her moist lips, "Well, this little mouth is sweeter than Yun Ni .”

"Hey, by the way, husband!" Wang Man patted him excitedly, "I found the video tutorial of 'Night of Falling Stars' on the Internet! It seems quite simple, I plan to try it myself. "

"Okay." Li Han sucked on her mouth one mouthful after another, "But you don't need to be too stressed..."

"I know, I just... want to try it, because... watching it from the video is not... difficult." Wang Man said intermittently, then slapped him on the shoulder and scolded with a smile Said: "You are so annoying! When people are talking, keep kissing and kissing! Keep interrupting me!"

Li Han finally kissed her hard on the mouth, and said with a smile: "I can't help it, kissing is a bit addictive."

"I can't kiss enough every day..." Wang Man said, threw the book aside, leaned on his chest and smiled lazily, "What did you say just now in New York? Has it snowed yet?"

"No." Li Han showed her the news on his laptop, "The price of electricity has risen to two hundred dollars per degree, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it. Now about half of New York State is in a state of power outage. .I still think too highly of the New York City government. If those futures were sold later, they could earn tens of billions now.”

"Oh, it's enough to earn so much." Wang Man rubbed his stomach on his chest and smiled, "Our family doesn't have too much consumption, and the money you earn now is enough for us to use for a lifetime. I want to have a good time with you."

"I know, of course I won't let making money affect our lives, but it is always good to make money. Just like the blizzard during the Chinese New Year, wouldn't this help everyone?" Li Han lifted his finger from her Gently running through her hair.

"Hmm..." Wang Man replied lazily, then poked his stomach and laughed, "I want to make you as round as you were in junior high school. It will definitely be very comfortable to lie on your stomach."

"It's like lying on your little butt." Li Han patted her butt.

Wang Man raised her head and glared at him: "My butt is not small at all..."

After finishing speaking, she sat up and smiled, "Okay, the battery is fully charged, let's continue reading."

Wang Man continued to read, and Li Han continued to pay attention to the affairs in New York.

After thinking about it carefully, Li Han felt that the increase in electricity prices might really have something to do with him.

Although under normal circumstances, the rise and fall of electricity futures is determined by the price of electricity, and the rise and fall of electricity prices will not be affected by futures.

But that's just a normal situation, and there are often human operations in capital.

In order to make money, Li Han increased his position in electricity futures in large quantities, and then sold them off after the electricity price rose. The person who took over his futures contract would of course hope that electricity will continue to rise, after all, it can create huge profits.

So as long as the person who bought his electricity futures contract joins forces with the electricity supplier to raise the electricity price, he can make a lot of money.

Even after buying these futures contracts from Li Han and then starting to drive up electricity prices, he can still earn four or five times.

Thinking about it this way, he did not make a mistake in his decision to sell these futures: even if he continued to hold these futures, I am afraid that the price of electricity would not rise so high. It was precisely because he sold these futures that the price of electricity rose. up.To be precise, it was artificially hyped up.

That's why the results are different from the curve he predicted.

"Forget it, anyway, I earn more." Li Han thought so, and lay down on the bed, "Meimei, go to sleep."

"It's past ten?" Wang Man looked at the time, then said with a smile, "Well, then go to bed."

The next day, after finishing his work at the cake shop as usual, Li Han looked at the situation in New York again.

Only then did he realize that last night while he and Wang Man were sleeping, the New York City government finally took action. The mayor severely condemned these power suppliers, saying that the government would intervene in electricity prices.

After that, the price of electricity did drop a lot, falling back to more than ten dollars all the way.

But this has brought a new problem: the serious shortage of power supply.

After all, the price of electricity has become cheaper and more people can afford it, but there is still only so much electricity available.

Therefore, power suppliers can only deal with power outages in turn. On average, each household only has electricity for three hours a day.

What's interesting, however, is that, for some reason, the affluent areas of New York are not in this "rolling blackout" area.

As a result, a beautiful landscape of "the rich area is brightly lit, but the civilian area is dark" has been formed.

The helpless poor had no choice but to use their own generators to generate electricity. As a result, oil prices began to rise at this time.

Therefore, in a few days, Li Han and the company can also sell the diesel and gasoline futures on hand. Although it is not as profitable as the electricity price, the possibility of the government intervening in this aspect is also very small.

Li Han calculated that gasoline futures would probably make him a few million dollars and the company tens of millions.

The money he earned personally was just used as pocket money, and the tens of millions earned by the company, he planned to use to buy the team.

But Li Han thought about the incident carefully, and found something was wrong: he always felt that the timing of the New York City government's action was a bit subtle.

It gave him the feeling that it seemed that the civilians in New York City were just on the verge of breaking out and chose to shoot.

There is only one possibility, and that is that electricity price gouging is also good for the New York City government.

He then opened the big data APP and checked the buyers of the batch of futures he sold. As he expected, 70% of the goods he sold were eaten by the same company.

This means that it was this company that ate the batch of futures in his hand and then raised the price of electricity.

Li Han reckoned that the other party noticed him when he increased his positions a while ago, but the other party didn't know what his purpose of increasing positions was.As a result, after the blizzard, the other party understood, so they waited in the futures market for him to sell to close the position, and then went to the United Power Supply Company to drive up the electricity price after eating the goods in his hand.

He then checked the recent big transaction data of the futures market again, and sure enough, just yesterday, all these futures had been sold to close their positions, and they were taken over by the receiver.Then today the New York City government intervened to bring the price of electricity back down.

He estimated that the New York City government should have some unspeakable relationship with this matter.

"This hand is so tall..." Li Han muttered while resting his chin.

You must know that the time for electricity prices to rise is actually not long. The time when the electricity price is above [-] US dollars is actually only three days. Nothing major will happen in such a short time. Even if civilians freeze to death, it is only a small number, which is not enough to cause panic.What's more, this capital-oriented country doesn't care about civilians.Therefore, the loss of civilians is very small, at most it is a few thousand dollars in electricity bills.

The real goal of this group of capital is actually the huge profits in the futures market. After the company has completed the harvest in the futures market, the New York City government will intervene to resent the public, and these ordinary people will not make any big troubles. , after all, this country is such a virtue, and everyone has long been used to it.

Therefore, this company perfectly used the batch of futures on hand to make a fortune without anyone noticing, and then retreated. Timing, it would never have occurred to a company to unite power suppliers and the government to start a wave of harvesting of them.

Of course, Li Han couldn't do anything about it beforehand, because if he didn't sell and close the position, the company wouldn't take any action.

The predicted curve was originally accurate, and it was only because of the intervention of this company that there was a deviation.

"I learned it this time." Li Han said to himself, the experience this time is very valuable, and he will have a countermeasure next time.

However, he can't follow this method, after all, it's an illegal act in theory, it's just that it has not been discovered.

"Kangda Company..." Li Han remembered the name of this company in his heart, and he had a premonition that he would have many confrontations with this company in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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